This is critical. A push for Anglo Racial Awareness

Based Brits opposed globalism, and now the eye of Sauron is turning towards noble Albion.

This North American Solidarity event put on by the hippie, the ape, and the spic is a blatant threat from the Obama administration towards Britian.

Let's do some memetic judo and use their momentum to raise awareness of the historically English character of the States, and meme the US and Trump towards allying strongly with the Brits against world Jewry.

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Bump for the return of Anglo self-determination

I don't know if I'm resentful or relieved. This is what being a vanguard feels like.

Trump's election is equally important for Brits and white Americans. I can guarantee that if he backs them up during the negotiations with Brussels, the UK will get everything they want and then some. Otherwise, the EU will do everything they can to fuck up the British economy.


Englishman here hoping Trump succeeds. Revive the Anglosphere!

Yes I've tried to get it across in the past but it really matters now after Brexit, and like I said, the enemy is creating this public conversation by threatening Britian, so we have this chance to beat them in front of everybody

Trump has so many things going for him right now, Brexit demonstrating how open borders completely disenfranchise the working white voter, elitist temper tantrums in the EU, Obama going full-nig and blatantly pushing a NWO agenda, and Hillary being the weakest candidate in a VERY long time. If he fails, it truly may be time for RWDS.

Bumping for Canada; better late than never!

Americans are not anglos why don't you fuck off back to britian faggot

Bumping for Canada; better late than never!

Anglos are worthless faggots fuck them and fuck you cuck

Yes we are faggot. At least the real americans who are descended from the founding fathers.

Real americans are fucking anglos you dumb fuck.

Yeah go fuck yourself anglos are a race created from mixing europeans if you have one none Anglo ancestor you are not an Anglo. We don't have room for worthless faggots with loyalties to foreign people.

Anglosphere and everyone pushing for it needs to die what foreigners do is their buisness helping the anglokikes in the 2 world wars is what destroyed our nation.

I'm a pure anglo-american whose last name is written on the declaration, twice. British-americans are the only true americans. Scotch-irish get some credit for settling the Appalachia. America was birthed because of the english tradition of consititutionalism and Lockean liberalism which goes back to the Magna Carta.

I wouldn't mind if America and Britain united to rule the world. The founding fathers were fucking english you inferior piece of shit.

Your not an american your a hyfanted american cosmopolitan faggot with mixed loyalties to a foreign nation. You want to be british? Fuck off back to England scum.

I quite like dropping this old bombshell whenever I catch cucks carrying on about how Britain has no common ancestry, and it's therefore morally acceptable to import millions of Muslims to replace them:

The studies of Stephen Oppenheimer have proven that three quarters of Briton's common ancestry originates with the Basques, who resided in the British Isles between 15000 and 7500 years ago.

Pretending that the people of this nation don't have a shared ancestry forms the justification for importing more people than have ever invaded the island in it's entire history.

So your not an american ? Your a brit. I'll crush your fucking skull if you try to conglomerate with any foreign nation Mexico Canada or the britcucks.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

America was founded by the English because we were too damn English to be ruled from far away.

That would be you're, my non-English speaking friend.

2/1 on you being a low-iq paddy, 9/2 on you being French Canadian.




So your suggesting we return to foreign rule because you have no concept of national loyalty? Got it. I'm not the traitor you are. Brits can fuck off with thier problems.

No, I'm saying the real Americans are british-Americans. Everyone else isn't even America in my eyes. I see British people as my people.

Cucking for someone thousands of miles away to rule the US and destroy our culture. Your worthless faggots and failures. We are not anglos

So your loyalty is to the British. You are not an american.

Well, not all of them. One was Welsh IIRC.

Your ancestors fought in the Revolutionary war? No? Then you aren't even really American faggot.

I'm pretty sure one has to have acquired the skill of being able to speak English to be considered American. Fuck off Johnny foreigner.

My loyalty is first and foremost to British-Americans, the real Americans who settled this country. But as British-Americans we share a kinship with the Brits across the pond first and foremost. Wops, krauts, and taigs second-class citizens are far as I'm concerned.


They did. We have been on this continent before the US was a country. The US doesn't have room for mixed loyalties or traitorous cucks like you. We are not an extension of England. We are our own nation I'm loyal to that nation, you are not because you are a traitorous cocksucker.


Fuck off back to England. The American race crushed the weak anglos ages ago.

So you speak for every American?

>US at 60% white, the majority not British

Nice try, shlomo.

Who is we? What's your ethnicity? If you aren't a British-American you aren't even really American at all.

Has more to do with the Rothschild/Jewish banking cartels running both the UK and US that we seem to get dragged into each other's wars.

International Jews need to be exiled out of both countries and we can stop being "blood brothers" for Jew wars.

Dismantle MI6 and the CIA becuase they both have been weaponized against it's citizenry.

Then our countries can be just trade partners with friendly relations.

No exporting poisonous Jew culture to each other's lands. No more Beatlemania, Boy George etc.

There's no such thing as the American race. The founding fathers were fucking brits rebelling against brits.

Honestly non-British Americans should be deported. More lebensraum that way.

ITT frogs pretend they matter

I don't think the Native Americans crushed anybody, Pierre.

Half english half scot but My ethnicity is american. I'm not the one beholden to foreign people and trying to drive a wedge between me and the main bulk of Americans. Mostly anglo Americans are probably 9% of whites pure anglos are probably 1%. This small group is not all Americans.

Perfidious as always, Canada.

If there is such a thing as an Anglo race from saxons and angles mixing then there is an american race from Irish german anglos Scots and scandanavian mixing.

American isn't an ethnicity you dumb fuck. You're a british-American and you should be ashamed to hide it. Who are you to call other people cucks when you're too ashamed of being a british-American.


My white american ancestors surpassed and suppressed the British isles around 70 years ago now.

I'm an american not a brit. Fuck off back to the British isles if that where your loyalty lies.

Your ancestors are from the British isles you dumb fuck.

My ancestors are from America. Fuck the brits.

Was that 60 years before you were born?

You're either a british-American or you aren't American at all.

You just said you're half-english half-scottish though, so you're lying to me and to yourself you pathetic cuck.

Fam you're going in circles here

No your either an american or not an american at all. There are no german/americans french/americans english/Americans. There are just Americans. You can fuck right off if you think otherwise.


So you think that niggers are Americans, or the syrians being sent here can be Americans? You disgust me.

Kek, welcome to Anglosphere threads 101

Also, this thread is ridiculous. The vast majority of (white)Americans have some kind of Anglo-Celtic-Nordic mix.

Larping as ethnic Anglos is fucking stupid. Go join the Mayflower society. There are groups out there for you if you'd like to waste your time alienating yourself from your fellow white countrymen.

Half Dutch and half french Americans are my people pure Anglo saxons front the UK are not. The anglosphere can get fucked.

No none europeans are not Americans

You just said you're half-english and half-scottish so no, they aren't your people, any more than frogs who just got off the boat or the fucking papist taigs and wops. America is also protestant country. We aren't fucking catholic frogs you fuck.


Evidence shows that most racial groups within the US stayed largely homogenous until very recently.

Oh so that's where you draw the line? No, fuck you papists aren't fucking Americans.

This is a COINTELPRO wedge driving thread
recognize the participants for what they are and observe their techniques

First generation burger here (Anglo/German mongrel). I fully support this. From the country with the largest white population in the world, we have to awaken. God bless George Washington!

Current year…

Also, are you defining race as differant western/European ethnicities?

What is your definition of "recent"?

I'm talking Irish/Polack/British/Italian etc.

As recent as the 70's when globalism really started to kick in, communities would largely stick together.

Probaly is. Or just trolling.

Probaly Italians and Polish. It took them a little longer to assimilate becuase of language. Also they came over in the late 19th and early 20th century. Much later than the Irish and Germans. I can see them being homogenous untill the 60's and 70's.

Actually it is. Just took a look at the catalog.

They are trying to get Brits, Americans and Euros to fight. Might be afraid of some kind of combined energy/meme magic that the two groups mustered during Brexit and the Trump nomination.

Also they could be phishing for details about the ethnic breakdown of Americans on here.

I honestly think they saw me drunk post on a thread the other night when i was talking shit to britpol(not in a seriousness way but could have been interpreted that way by weird kikes and kike-bots)

I know you will think I'm insane but these weird kikes shadow me. Have been for years. Choose to believe me or not. I'm sure I'm not the only one that they "study". I know this for a fact.

I'm just getting this on the record.

the shills are very afraid

This isn't about division. This is about Americans recognizing the British character of our nation and promoting this to support Britian in the coming months when they WILL be threatened to go back on Brexit.

In your opinion.
Haha they got in there from the beginning. Bad luck for you heretics.



Don't bump with your O/T posts.

Shills are freaking out. After Trump is elected they'll start consuming each-other like HuffingtonPost Feminists.

Oh it must burn.

T.B.H., we're only getting started, if my side is lucky

the culture is the same

Ah, Irish. Only a potato-nigger could be so salty over the manifestly British origins of the American nation.



Wew don't breed.

Micks and wops make Holla Forums borderline unreadable

Your founding fathers would like to have a word with you.




So The English weren't instrumental in the formation of the Americas? English blood runs through here.


As does our law

Jokes aside. It's the German age with Trump coming in.

Anglos had their ride, they managed to get to the moon (if you believe that)… But with Trump, we'll be colonizing the solar system.

Hillary is the last stand of implicit Anglo-American identity and well, that says it all.

wew man, I hope this is bait

Trump is half scottish tho

Maybe he's a symbol of ending the petty brother wars between European peoples.

Well this thread got DnC'd

Long live white people

This time the anglos know what is up though.

If war happens, first we'll depose leaders.

You niggers better respect us, we're PC proof.

Great bait, actually.


…I'm Norwegian and Italian. Am I not a real american?

Anglo-Australian here.

Daily reminder that the Antipodes and North America (including Mexico) is right-full Anglo-clay and all potato-nigger, italians, krauts, swedecucks etc need to get the fuck out.

That is an outdated and incorrect theory.

Based Anglosphere

Picts were celts.
Also, Germanics and Celts are partly cousins with their shared Indo-European ancestry.

Anglos are far from being out of the woods. They've only slowed down their acceleration towards the cliff, not stopped entirely.

America did not receive very many Scots immigrants from the Highlands. Our Scots were most of the Ulster variety(Scots Irish), and those were Protestant Lowlanders who had just moved over to Northern Ireland. My family name originated in Galloway and they migrated over to NI at the behest of the King.

The Lowlanders are a Germanic people. That's why they don't speak Gaelic like the Highlanders do. They speak Scots, and Scots is much more similar to English combined with some Scandinavian influence than it is similar to Gaelic. The old Kingdom of Northumbria contained a significant section of the Lowlands, and it shows in their genetics. They are not a Celtic people, and if they do contain some genes from the Celtic Highlanders, it's only because they intermixed.

The only mass immigration of real Celts that America had was the Irish, and we all know how well that went in the beginning. Every wave of mass immigration that America had prior to 1965 was Germanic, besides 2. The Italians and the Irish. Both of which were a pain in the ass when they first got here.

No, you're just visiting.


Lowland Scots speak English (kinda) because of the Germanic invasion, but one of the main natural resources the Germans were invading for was red-headed teenagers. Still largely Celtic blood.

Partly, but a/distantly, more distant even than Celts and Romans, b/over a time period way too long to matter much for politically-relevant traits, and c/with a little twist of semitic blood added in… apparently what the Celts wanted for their tin was Carthaginian slave-girls.

Incorrect. Red hair is not solely Celtic. Thor's beard was red. Odin's moustache was red. Red hair is common among Germanic people(specifically Nords), but the dark orange looking hair that people associate with gingers is a Celtic trait. The lighter/blonder variation of red hair is a Nordic/Germanic trait. The pic related shows the occurrence of red hair. As you can see, it is very much present on the shores of Northern Germany, Denmark, and Norway. All Germanic.

If you look at the chart in the link above, you'll see that the I1 y-DNA haplogroup(Nordic) is strongest in Southern and Eastern Scotland(The Lowlands) and is weakest in the West(The Highlands). In fact, it is a higher percentage in Southern Scotland than it is in every other part of Albion besides East Anglia.

Scots, the language, is very close to English compared to other languages, yes, but only because the population of Northumbria, the seed of modern Scotland, was a nation comprised of AngloSaxons(English). Combine that with intermixing with the Scandinavians and you've got yourself a Germanic population. There has been some intermixing between Highlanders and Lowlanders over the ages, but not enough to declassify them as a Germanic people.

The blue map is a collection of multiple y-DNA haplogroups that coincide with Germanic ancestry. As you can see, Scotland is very much Germanic. More so than Eastern Austria and much of Germany's former territories. Keep in mind, when I say Scotland is more Germanic, I say so because the vast majority of Scots are Lowlanders and the vast majority of those Lowlanders live around Edinburgh, which is well within the "50-60%" shade of blue on the map.

Highlanders are very much Celtic. That is undisputable. Highlanders don't even like Lowlanders in Scotland. But the Lowlanders are in fact Germanic. More specifically, they are AngloSaxon, just like the English.

As for their language, Scots is a strange mix of dialect and different language, mainly because they've picked up so much more Norse than the Southerners did. You can see this clearly in "Kinrick". Kinrick means Kingdom in Scots. What do Germans call an kingdom? Königreich. What do Swedes call a kingdom? A rike. What do Danes call a Kingdom? A Kongerige.

The Scots language is English+Scandinavian+lazy ass pronunciation, but make no mistake, it is indeed a language.


The only Anglos worth a damn in the US are from the South.


We cannot forget, however, that, in this country, we are separated only by imaginary lines, and that we are a people one in blood, race, religion, and aspirations. It is impossible for any man born in or belonging to one colony to pass to the other and to feel that he has gone to a foreign country. It is because of the intense closeness of the tie which unites us that we notice the line of Customs-houses along our borders, which remind us that we have created a difference where no difference need exist. The honourable gentleman seems to imply that there would always be the same separateness existing between the residents of the Australian Colonies as there may be between the residents of adjoining but differing nationalities. We have, however, to recollect that we have sprung from one stock and are one people, and whatever the barriers between us may be they are of our own creation. That which we have created we are surely strong enough to remove.
]- Alfred Deakin, in the Official Record of the Proceedings and Debates of the Australian Federation Conference, Melbourne 1890

topical article of course: as our election was held today.

Your evidence seems to show that red hair is in fact more a Celtic trait than a Germanic one, lad.


Anglos needs to remove Jews from our society.

Anglo supremacism FTW

Long-term racial preservation FTW

Dont piss away your ancient heritage

Anti-anglo posters are kikes


idea: dump all the muftis in canada?

but seriously: backstabbing aside…
it truly seems the best good we could do as the new world nations is to sacrifice ourselves to be the designated shitting street of multiculturalism: by forcing everyone to accept europeans are actually abbos, and therefore rightful custodians and inhabitants of europe.
there is still hope for building up strong white communities here: but as it stands, for europe to survive, it already needs to deport many. if we offer up ourselves as sacrifice on the altar of globalism: not only will the invaders have no choice but to leave the eurabbos alone, but also the traitors and degenerates too.

of course this logic is based on a deal with the unwashed masses: wherein europe would be left for whites, and of course the entitlement of national states for all ethnic groups worldwide. the new world countries would be the only places allowed for lifestyles contrary to that of one's ethno-state (cosmopolitanism, faggotry, marxism, miscegenation, etc.)
if such a deal could well save europe, i would of course take it - even at the devastating loss of the new world; it would be all the worthwhile just to see europe stand. for i remind you that we are past identity issues and that we must focus our concern on survival.

what i suggest isn't defeatism: its cutting our losses.
it is very easy to win ideological ground for multicultural/globalism in new world, settled nations. however, i believe our winning chance is if we cut our losses at the foot of europe's door, and aim only to secure the right of exclusive habitation of european land for the european people.
i do indeed suggest giving up the fight for a pure and unified new world: but only if such a phenomenal sacrifice would secure the inheritance of europe to her rightful descendants.

as i explained, our enemies will push for globalism even in europe: despite it making no sense; as of course europeans posses as much custodial right to the land as noongas.
but if this incongruity were to be exposed to the public in the full light of logic: it would be clear that it's not applicable to europeans without also being so for browns.
hence, with the normies seeing the fate of such a course; this would lay the logical grounds required to approach the deal i suggest ( :ethno-nationalism worldwide; at the sacrifice of anglosphere)

but if such a deal were not possible: it would be up to complete purging of both europe and the new world: which would require winning of so much ground in the mind/spirit of our people it is nigh impossible.
i truly believe our best and possibly only chance at preserving the ethnic character of europe is to cede the settled nations to the impure hordes…or like i initially stated:
maybe just canada ;^)

Read it again.

Ever heard of a strawberry blonde? Red hair is not solely Celtic, and the only reason it diminishes in the Scandinavian nations is due to it being light enough to be considered blonde and not explicitly red. Hence my bringing up the darker orange variation of red hair(gingers), the purely Celtic variation.

not to derail the thread, though…
here are some talking points for the counter strategy of fighting for a white newworld:

>winning back british/french cultural artifacts lost in the 60s - possible stepping stone for imperial feels

'Strawberry blonde' is a tongue-in-cheek term to refer to gingers, you won't find anyone with light blonde hair actually being labelled that.

Although at this point I suspect you're just an arsehurt Celt looking for a way out.

stop arguing over trivial shit you faggots
especially squabbling over internal racial discriminations.
just as much of a waste of time as and pondering the various breed of negroes; just with the added bonus of d&c!

You don't know what you're talking about. Strawberry blonde(pic related) is to blonde+red just as auburn(other pic related) is to brown+red.

The names describe the undertones of the hair color. My hair looks brown when no light is shining on it, but when light hits it, it looks like it has a reddish tint to it. Not as extreme as the auburn hair in the pic, but it's still there.

Gingers have souls!

i guess the real, core meme needed to win such a mighty fight of re-kindling the fires of the angsax / gaelic / frankish spirit of our settled lands would be so:
like i said in previous posts itt: this is much harder to do for descendants of settlers vs native europeans. hence my reasoning in previous posts that it is far easier to leave the colonies to the mutts, in order to preserve the integrity of europe for her coming generations.
it is possible, but then you must address two main issues:
nobody else conquered it until we did: we were the champions and shining example of equality compared to all others in history.
possible justification could be argued in that if all non-abo australians were to leave, then the land would surely be conquered by (despite the fact they didn't touch the place for all of history, all while it was at their feet) china, indonesia, or any number of other regional powers already eager to swarm the land. aboriginals wishing to continue existing there would either be conquered if they stuck to embracing their traditional lifestyle, or they would have to scede their traditional lifestyle and adapt to modern (western) culture / technology in order to defend themselves.
hence, our role therefore as custodians of the land would serve in the interests of the natives: in that not only are they protected by us, but there is literally not one more capable or caring as us. you think chinkscomrades would give a shit about noongas?
not just to the issue of the survival of their blood: but we are the only ones who would not only defend them: but do so while allowing / encouring them to live their traditional lifestyle (see: arrnhem land) which is of course in completely antithetical to, and can never exist as part of western civillisation.
this is the only way i can think to close the gap from being a cuck to having a justified sense of self-worth and right to existence.
oh wait i've been silly…the answer is obvious:
south america!
of course these countries are all just as european in their foundation and just as occidental in their aspiration, but because of the mediteranian origin, plus mixture with natives: it is not viewed in the same light as the other new world nations [exploit this to our advantage].. and of course these countries are just as - no - more against enrichment as us.
its possible though…we would just have to play the bad guy; trick them into thinking they are the heroes by taking those whom the white man left for dead.



I'm looking at a baby picture and it's exactly like that one on the left.

Us-Uk-Russo alliance soon

But that actually saturated the country in wealth and warbux, which significantly raised the living standards of the middle and lower classes. Check your autism, and back to >>>/leaddit/ with you, shill.

can someone photoshop that so they white of the American, britisher, and aussi are brown?


eyes are for images