From: Leah Rowe
Subject: [Libreboot] libreboot is not GNU Libreboot anymore
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 01:34:02 +0100
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The Free Software Foundation recently fired a transgendered employee of
the FSF, just for being trans, because some transphobic cissexist people
wrote negativly about her. The FSF fired her because they thougdt she,
rather than the assholes bullying her, was causing the FSF potential
damage. As a result, she was fired from the FSF.

As a trans person myself, I find this disgusting.

I'm declaring here and now to the whole world that Libreboot is no
longer part of the GNU project. I do not believe that the FSF or the GNU
project deserve to exist.

Please remove libreboot from the GNU mailing list infrastracture, and
GNU Savannah admins please delete the "lr" account. I own
and I have the ability to create my own mailing lists for the libreboot
project. I do not wish to use the GNU/nonGNU mailing lists anymore.

Libreboot is not part of GNU or FSF anymore. I hereby denounce both GNU
and FSF.

Long live the LGBT community, and long live the free software movement.
Meanwhile, FSF and GNU can both go fuck themselves.

Leah Rowe

Libreboot developer

Use free software. Free as in freedom.

Use a free operating system, GNU/Linux.

Use a free BIOS.

Support freedom. Join the Free Software Foundation.

Minifree Ltd, trading as Ministry of Freedom | Registered in England,
No. 9361826 | VAT No. GB202190462
Registered Office: 19 Hilton Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 9QA, UK |

Other urls found in this thread:[19:16]!msg/comp.arch/GUA7AtDPy84/U4y8Squ7gScJ

what happened was there was a transpizza who didnt know how to code but got hired to write CoC's but started pushing mandatory hormone therapy on all white cis males at GNU and they told xir to fuck off and he went and bitched to libreboot and then blue haired landwhale did knee-jerk reaction and left gnu

9/11 best meme 2016

Why are so many trans freaks in open source?

no fuccs given here

Physically remove.


How do we bully it to suicide?


T 1473991026 19▕━▶ 19Now talking on #libreboot

T 1473991027 29❨✽❩ 29Topic for #libreboot 29is: libre BIOS/UEFI firmware implementation | | Read the FAQ before asking questions: | Documentation is at | *Please* back the TALOS workstation crowd funding campaign:

T 1473991027 29❨✽❩ 29Topic for #libreboot 29set by [email protected]/* *//member/vimuser 29at Thu Sep 1 12:15:07 2016

T 1473991028

T 1473991031 “[Libreboot] libreboot is not GNU Libreboot anymore”

T 1473991032 whats all this about

T 1473991036 22✽ 2228notadrop reads

T 1473991036 Yeah, that doesn't sound like them.

T 1473991038 This probably deserves a [citation needed] tag.

T 1473991066 Thanks, good people!

T 1473991067 jxself: +1

T 1473991077 ^

T 1473991144 Seems like a knee-jerk reaction to a one-sided story

T 1473991160 People can be fired for many reasons, I doubt sex/race/whatever had anything to do with it

T 1473991169 maybe we shouldn't condemn all the FSF people. as for GNU, GNU devs are not at fault, but FSF leadership. most of them are good people who care about free software.

T 1473991178 If someone is shit at their job, they're fired regardless of snowflake status

T 1473991185 who knows

T 1473991192 21GILFHound69: shh, you're harming the narrative.

T 1473991194 i think this isn't a good time

T 1473991207 23◀━━ Quits: Colloguy ([email protected]/* */) (Remote host closed the connection)

T 1473991211 Yeah, seems like a short-sighted knee-jerk reaction

T 1473991217 21GILFHound69: you're not being very helpful here. I think it's best to not make these assumptions.

T 1473991222 It's only going to hurt both parties

T 1473991239 davexunit: I'm not making assumptions, I'm going off what the mailing list says

T 1473991248 errrggghhhh there's loads of sexism etc in the software industry, so i wouldn't be surprised if it was true. but let's hear boths sides of the story eh

T 1473991256 19━━▶ Joins: elizzza ([email protected]/* */)

T 1473991256 25❮▲❯ 26ChanServ gives channel operator status to26 elizzza

T 1473991266 GNU and the FSF both have strong policies against sexism/harrassment/etc

T 1473991276 and they've never done anything like this before

T 1473991280 because one person was fired from an organization, now the entire organization is bad

T 1473991284 typical SJW logic

T 1473991289 it doesn't mean it isn't there underneath.

T 1473991294 19━━▶ Joins: nully ([email protected]/* *//staff/nully)

T 1473991294 25❮▲❯ 26ChanServ gives channel operator status to26 nully

T 1473991297 notadrop: hit the nail on the head there.

T 1473991299 leads me to believe this person was fired for another reason and blaming it on the fact that they're some brand of minority

T 1473991304 this escalates

T 1473991312 20❮▲❯ 26elizzza21 sets ban on [email protected]/* *//member/GILFHound69

T 1473991312 23◂20✘23▸ You have been kicked from #libreboot by elizzza (GILFHound69)

lmao fam tbh


I don't fucking believe you, you mentally ill cunt.

[19:11] == quaker [[email protected]/* *//web/freenode/ip.] has joined #libreboot[19:12] Hahahaha[19:12] really?[19:12] also since when does this leah person represent all of libreboot users/developers[19:12] the most dangerous prejudice is the implicit stuff[19:12] being butthurt of GNU?[19:12] notadrop, she created the project[19:12] oh. well then.[19:12] notadrop: leah is lead[19:12] lol[19:12] lol[19:12] ehhh[19:12] this is bad[19:12] Just because some people aren't willing to support mental illness doesn't mean you should cry and moan.[19:13] all I will say is this: if you got fired from your job, would you feel better knowing that a bunch of people on the internet are speculating and jumping to conclusions about what happened? I would feel pretty shitty.[19:13] == arielenter [~[email protected]/* */] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds][19:13] quaker, agreed[19:13] quaker: what the fuck[19:13] quaker: that attitude is fucking horrible[19:13] Why?[19:13] It is not natural[19:13] because it's untrue[19:13] == mode/#libreboot [+o alyssa] by ChanServ[19:13] the body was designed to handle one sex it was generated from[19:13] incoming ban[19:13] it#s bullshit[19:13] alyssa: kick them[19:14] quaker, implying trans = mental illness?[19:14] If you ban me you are against freedom[19:14] okay then[19:14] quaker, uh, I guess we should move away from this topic[19:14] alyssa: kick quaker[19:14] quaker: the body was not designed[19:14] lol[19:14] quaker, risky move[19:14] notadrop: you're on shaky ground too[19:14] quaker couldn't be more wrong[19:14] But this kick him attitude is lazy[19:14] ok[19:14] show me[19:14] quaker, can I pm you[19:14] Why am I wrong[19:14] yes[19:14] email?[19:14] k thx[19:14] it's prejudice that's why quaker should be kicked[19:15] why is it prejudice, its fact[19:15] -alprazolam- nice meme man, just got the whole channel against you they dont want to argue, you're just gonna get kickedbanned[19:15] quaker: your opinions are not facts[19:15] believing that you were born in the wrong sex is by defintion mental illness[19:15] == mode/#libreboot [+o jxself] by ChanServ[19:15] quaker: you don't get to make up your own definitions[19:16][19:16] “Gender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”[19:16] this is some light reading you guys might be interested in :-)[19:16] Technically it's a bit of a development fuckup in the brain. HOWEVER I personally wouldn't consider it a "mental illness" in the same way depression or schizophrenia.[19:16] ^[19:16] Well you see, it isn't evolutionarily benefitial to be born in the wrong sex[19:16] iownall555: oh come on, how's it development fuck up... gender is a human construct[19:17] Time is a social construct[19:17] gender? that made up word by John (((Money)))?[19:17] == mode/#libreboot [+b alprazolam!*@*] by leah[19:17] == halosghost [~[email protected]/* */] has joined #libreboot[19:17] == mode/#libreboot [+b yulax!*@*] by leah[19:17] sex is defined by biology[19:17] == alprazolam was kicked from #libreboot by leah [alprazolam][19:17] == yulax was kicked from #libreboot by leah [yulax][19:17] two chromosomes either Y or X[19:17] also nice banning leah[19:18] hi[19:18] iirc, I read a little while back that some work had gone into fixing the t400 issue with higher-res screens in grub/firmware[19:18] did that land?[19:18] against free speech?[19:18] Well I had that partially typed out but w/e

All right, who's forking Libreboot to make GNUboot? I'd love to feast on that salt.


Follow you fellow faggots already and off yourself.

maximum ebin
quaker was kicked from #libreboot by leah [quaker]

He contradicts himself in the same sentence of the accusation. It's like a work of art.

That's what I don't understand. It would only take like 2mins to fork this shit.

This is some bullshit. I've previously defended Libreboot on this very
site when the fact that the developer is tranny has been brought up. My
stance has always been that or long as they're contributing to Free Software
in any helpful way their sexual preferences don't matter.
I have no doubt that his story about the FSF firing someone for being a tranny is raw bullshit.
This knee-jerk power-trip does no good for either Free Software as a whole
or for the trust of users who had previously given the benefit of the doubt.
Unfortunately, it's going to be hard to feel secure when the mentally-ill
are involved with projects now, even if they are very competent programmers who could otherwise do a lot of good.

Timely reminder that got taken over by one of these types last year and is being used to push a cuck agenda

if you made an account on it back when it was a good site, delete it now

I do not believe that mentally ill trannies or their flavor of neo-liberal collectivism deserve to exist.

This might be a good time to email Richard Stallman about this and try to convince him of our point of view before they get to him first.

actually, that's an easy one.

Trans people are insecure, and they don't go out in public and act proud of themselves. They know people are disgusted of them, and they don't want to change.

Another minority that's in coding is crippled people, because you don't have to leave your house to do it.

hint: it's none of the cuties

a community who's biological and technological distinctiveness has not yet been added to the SJWs' own and made to adapt to service them.

The one with the blue hairs ?
Also the one with the black dress is cute.

Cripples rarely fuck everything up like trannies.

i was worried when the founder came out as a tranny but this just goes to show their ill


if anything, just in name. that'd piss em off so much

How's this for whistleblowing?

She looks fat.

protip: the two on the right are men

No she doesn't, her arms are normal and she doesn't have sausage fingers.


AppleFag, BSD/MIT bro here.

This shit is hilarious.

I fucking hate GNU and RWS, but SJWs are ruining software and software organizations of all kinds, everywhere.

So in the spirit of solidarity, I say godspeed GNUbros.

Greetings from Holla Forums.

back to your containment board

Literally the only board that matters. We are changing the world.

Godspeed though.

│12:55:45 @leah: btw │12:55:47 @leah: just to be clear │12:56:22 @leah: 04:26:34 -- | [#libreboot] johnsu01!*@* banned by leah │(~[email protected]/* *//member/vimuser) on Fri, 16 Sep 2016 00:39:23 │12:56:36 ericcc_ wha │12:56:44 @leah johnsu01 is the IRC nick of the person who runs the FSF, and the boss of the │person who was fired │12:56:56 orly_owl who was fired? o0 │12:56:57 Pingula jxself, plz explain │12:57:05 @leah he's not welcome in this channel

kek, he throws a tantrum and yet still wants to have zero accountability.

Just sit and wait.

jeez this really isn't a drill

ehem... gentlement

Wait for GNUboot and reflash

There's always the option of forking libreboot, but I'm not sure that's the right move to make here, it would probably just confuse matters further and political forks don't tend to go far. Even if LB is mostly just a repackaging/librification of Coreboot, it still involves a lot of domain knowledge which I doubt many people here have.
Maybe the option is best left in the case that things get really salty and Libreboot ceases development or something.

by being grounded and rational and just waiting for the inevitable suicide of xir

I'm serious, acting like a Holla Forumslack only gives them ammunition and makes them push back suicidal thoughts for a while

doesn't a lot of the development rely on leah?

i'd say just leave it unless they start purposely making it incompatible with gnu standards

fork it and name it after "her" original, male name

Sow the seeds of doubt. Obviously this isn't true and the GNU project knows it. Call it out wherever you see it. Be respectful and don't jump to conclusions.
Don't do what did and behave like a screaming retard or they will circle the wagons around both of them.

Too late, the damage has been done. Now you will be worm food.


I just want to say:
Fuck GNU
Fuck the Free Software Foundation
From now on, Libreboot is going to, wherever possible, live without either of them.

Eat a dick.
Linbreboot/Coreboot are fucking placebo anyway. Anyone who has heard of side-channel attacks knows this.
Enjoy your mostly empty echo chamber bitch.

You're gonna have to elaborate

No. You're gonna have to do some learnin'.

Searched it up. All systems are compromised when physical access is gained. Libreboot disables the botnet shit in the hardware that can be accessed remotely, it does not offer perfect physical perfection.

But no, it's not a placebo. Unless you have your computer in a cement box underground that's filled with thermite, every type of security would be a placebo by your logic.

Libreboot is one of the most important GNU projects, at least potentially.

Ask the NSA


They like open-source because they want to change the source code of their DNA.

I tried.

Well then you're welcome to go back there and stay there.

Because programming attracts introverted weird people and alot of trans people are that (I mean, they already have one by virtue of being trans)

When are we going to go back to the times when trannies would keep their mouths shut and at least try to act like normal, sane people

When we start beating them and other faggots on sight instead of letting them parade their sickness around like it is something of value in faggot pride parades

The one in the black dress is real cute. Who said there weren't freedom loving qt programmers?

Beating transexuals is a bit excesssive, considering they're the least bad form of degeneracy.

There are at least 3 remote side-channel attacks I can think of off the top of my head which don't require the attacker to be in the same building as the the target computer. Try harder. They have nothing to do with the BIOS or the software stack. Or the network for that matter.

It's the NSA's trick to destroying open source.

Unleash the mad house and then suicide bomb like described in OP

OK, new policy.

No trannies/women on projects. No exceptions.


Dropped. Time to fork.

just enforce meritocracy and be monolithic like torvalds.

It isn't evolutionary beneficial to be born with sickle cell anemia either. Don't use bullshit arguments, they don't help anyone.

But it is accually but only in regions where you can be infected with malaria. So your argument is bullshit right now.

It isn't. If you have a single sickle cell anemia gene you have malaria resistance but no sickle cell anemia. If you have two of those genes you also have sickle cell anemia, which outweighs the usefulness of the malaria resistance. The gene is evolutionary beneficial, but sickle cell anemia isn't.

I can give other examples if you want. The point is that evolution and genetics are much more complicated than "it's bad for you so it doesn't exist".

that depends what you consider as bad, but in most cases you are right. But let's return to main topic, beeng born with "wrong" sex isn't benefitial since it cripples ability to reproduce. It exists that true, but such conditions should be treated like mental illness since sick person claiming that he/she/it is something which he/she/it isn't. Example: you have person which claim to be Napoleon or Cesar or other famous figure. Do you consider such person as mentally ill or do you try to encourage such person to realy became Napoleon or Cesar.

The one in the back seems nice.

if i had the autism to maintain it i would lad

i wonder if linus ever called out sjws on their bullshit since the man gives 0 fucks

the 2 on the right are literally just dudes with wigs or hair ruined by chemicals

Bloke at the back on the left is a qt. I'd stroke his beard all day.

It isn't beneficial but that's not really an argument for anything here. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or that you should pretend it doesn't exist.

It could be that there is some genetic trait that gives a high chance of a very useful trait and a low chance of feeling you have the wrong gender, or that it's a result of excessive mental modelling of other people, which is what our bizarelly huge brains evolved for after all. "It's bad for you so it doesn't exist" is based on a simplified wrong idea of evolution.

Lol, Leah is a man in a dress. It's a shame libreboot is run by these sorts of chucklefucks

Technology just needs to die is all. These type of people will call the military on you

Wasn't the lead developer of H.264 a tranny as well?

they're rotting everything from within

Usually they're alright people but the worst of them make the most noise. Like Holla Forums or the pedos on Holla Forums

Hey, what is this actually going to change? Will she stop accepting patches from GNU peeps? Probably not. Will this stop GNU from using or promoting Libreboot? Doubt it.

To get even with GNU, she'd actually have to relicense the entire project to be non-free.

Might have to change paths in Savannah, tho. GODAMNIT THE TRANSMANITY!

Or relicense it under CDDM for that sweet sweet license autism.

Please don't compare mentally ill people and "board-you-don't-like". That's not nice at all.
Transthings and homos are never "alright".

You must be a parody.

That's right. Their other half is left.

Girl with the black dress is cute. Reminds me a lot of a webdev classmate I have.

Torvalds is pretty based on that side of the question:

Kill yourself

why thank you good sir you still an applecuck though

Back to >>>/lgbt/ on 4chan you nigger

I'm afraid of the time when Linus won't be around anymore.


Trying to choose hour own genetic evolution isn't a good thing by itself.

Rejecting how randomness made him isn't making him better.

On the contrary when you look how he responds he look like a child.

These kind of decisions has ridiculous has it may seen are general due to trauma or manipulation.

This person has rejected reality he/she can be has good has they want with software these kind of people are unfortunately unstable and creates more problem than they resolve.

And for a moment lets say that you are right and the tranny also.
Can he/she have a child ?
Why ?
Is genes does not permit it.
Why ?
Because he was born like that.
Can this be viable for the human race ?
Can male humans have children and can female humans impregnate males ?
So it's not viable for the human race.
You don't have to be a brain to understand how reproduction works m8.
The human body adapts to pretty much anything if given the time to (lots of centuries).

But for this it's more of a mental illness.

If the guy was lactating from is mammary gland, or if is balls produced ovaries.

Well it would still be a malformation because of x reasons, human evolution takes a very long time.
If a baby is suddenly born with a penis on is forehead I don't say "holy shit it's evolution" it's a malformation but when a toe is shorter or when some teeth are beginning to disappear on several generations of children then yes this is some kind of evolution.

I agree, yet everyone sucks Comrade Stallman's dick....

Collectivist thinking considered harmful.

Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly

Listen m8 Torvalds has good and bad ideas and Stallman has good and bad ideas.
I'm not ok with Torvalds politic on blobs even if the linux kernel is used by big companies it's not a good use of it.
But I agree with him on how to work.

I not ok with Stallman on hiring SJWs because we all know how it ends.
If RMS team did it it's purely out for free software and kindness (or pity).
And I agree with RMS on blobs because we all know that the more you authorize them the less free software is available.

Working on triggering trannies will only reinforce their idea that safe spaces are necessary. In a real development environment, this won't happen, because imageboard memers who are the only ones to do these things on a regular basis just won't shit where they eat (their real projects).

Do the opposite. Reinforce the SJW's stupid CoCs, and push for them to make them even more Orwellian without a reason. Make it stupid. Exploit these rules, maybe taking advantage of loopholes (older versions of the Open CoC allowed minorities to be assholes just because they were minorities). Eventually, people will realize they are following stupid rules that are preventing them from getting shit done, and so they will start growing weary of CoCs.

You only get to destroy CoCs and other unreasonable or hypocritical freedom limiters by proving they are bullshit and that they can fail. CoCs can be exploited (and if they don't, chances are they are just renamed basic forum rules we have been having since the Internet was made), and exploiting them is key to shame CoCs into oblivion.

To quote a local anarchist rap group: "laws are no longer laws if they always fail"

Work on your english Javier

please stop making the a world worse place for everyone, social justice


what the fuck is this two headed thing on the right?


Isn't that their goal?

yes and i want a better world that gives people the freedom to be traps or do whatever, without horrible SJW cry-bullies and mind controllers

To think I was going to use libreboot on my next computer. Dodged a bullet there. Never trust SJWs with your computer's security; they're cut from the same cloth as the NSA's lackeys. "It's OK to put a backdoor in, because we'll only use it to spy on bad guys!"

tbh i dont think thats the danger here

reminder that nobody will ever want to hire trannies if you can never fire them without a huge fucking public drama and fallout

SJWs wont accept that some of us just want integration and to be left the fuck alone.

What we, white male?

So you are saying that laws and rules are bad because they serve larger group of people and disregard single persons? Well collectivist thinking is also part of our evolution.

Get a wife and have 2.3 kids and a dog.

Following a a collective thoughts are sometimes not due to collectivism it's just due to genetics.
If you want to fuck is it
Because of genetics ?
Because the collectivity ?

If you put someone alone on a island for a long time he will inevitably try to put is dick into something rock, tree, coconut, you name it (or just fap).

Having sex (or the need to reproduce/spread) is part of our metabolism like any other living creature, (plants, insect, animals etc...)

Dyed hair? Better beware.


Jean Pierre Polnareff here not javier
ok, ok

Why is this always a fact?
I find some bitches with dyed hair to be cute at the very least, only to be not-so-shocked when she turns out to be batshit insane.



It's comforting to see them back at their old game.

The answer is here:

Fork. When a project is taken over by SJW's and/or trannies, that's a death sentence for that project anyway. The only possible way it can continue is by being forked.

SJW's/trannies are doing more damage to software development these days than Oracle.

Hilarious. Kick/bans the ones trying to defend trannies, but leaves quaker, the one dropping the redpill about tranny = mental illness. If that's who's in charge of libreboot, I'll never be using it.

Most of these posts are ripped from 4ch/g/

wtf I hate 8ch/tech/ now

from reddit, NOT CONFIRMED

[–]Theiuhrrichs 2 points 15 minutes ago

The employee fired from the FSF is one Lisa Marie Maginnis, who used to be a sysadmin for probably about 2 years and has presented as female for at least that long. She is "nully" in the irc channel and was Leah's most significant confidante before Leah herself transitioned. There is no way the FSF didn't know she was trans for that long, so asserting that is why she was fired is completely dishonest. Leah is not exactly the most stable person and probably took Lisa's dismissal personally.


Leah Rowe should change the name to lgbtboot.

Leah Rowe sure knows how to rustle my jimmies. It is LGBTQIA, shitlord.

you need to go back

Too bad we can't separate the coding skills from the insanity. It would be nice if we could place them in some virtual matrix world where everyone caters to the transgender's enormous ego, while their work is used in the real world.

Linus is pretty good about it, but if you really want to see a famous programmer blow SJWs out of the water, read ESR's blog.

His piece on Kafkatrapping is also excellent at describing SJW behaviour.

Maybe that way the FSF will stop being influenced by SJW cockroaches.

Oh look it's somebody checking a box from a 20-year-old manual of how to identify a violent hate group.

or maybe I'm overreacting.


cry moar



Eric Raymond is a pompous idiot, though. Fetchmail grew multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities under his maintainership, he wrote a configuration system for the Linux kernel without properly discussing it with anyone else and got upset when people didn't want it, he ranted at someone for correcting Dennis Ritchie even though that person was right and Ritchie later agreed, and he has such an enormous ego that he introduced himself to a Microsoft employee in an elevator as "your worst nightmare".

Read the image again

Is arguments are correct tho

Do your own reaearch, '90s kid. He's correct.

These are well-documented. He's not a perfect human being by any standard.
Regardless, they are ad hominem attacks that have no bearing on his breakdown of SJW attacks.

A meme is an idea that spreads like a gene.

He's using it in the original sense, not the bastardized one you're familiar with.

Who are you quoting? Are you asking for proof of the stuff I said?!msg/comp.arch/GUA7AtDPy84/U4y8Squ7gScJ

I mostly agree with the things he says about SJWs, but I think that it's really bad to idolize him.

Too lazy to even assist your own argument.

like any human

Thank you for the links

I think that it's really bad to anyone

I think that it's bad to idolize anyone.

but that's Cyberviolence

I'd like to have another Cesar.


Stop this immediately

Reddit is cancer

user, I can't reach through the screen and into your brain to find the information.
You're the one making the claim, prove it. And stop acting like a twelve year old know-it-all faggot while you're at it.

I believe they are more social liberal than neoliberal, as neoliberal is a more conservative ideology than social liberalism.


I was just about to ask the same questions.. seems to be so many of these fucking trans faggots involved with computing in general.

It really is better on 4chan, and the memes are so fucking fresh, holy shit! Its like finding an oasis in the desert.

if you aren't posting on librechan, why would you be on 8ch and not go back to 4ch? GG is dead, Moot is gone, Jim is going to start selling Ronin passes soon, its time to decide why this board is relevant anymore

shut up, stal

I just hope the FSF will not try to pander to SJWs like faggots. Who knows, maybe by declaring war this transfaggot saved the FSF from rotting from the inside like Mozilla.

just came to the thread, I have to say that it has been a good laugh...oh and the dark dress girl is cute ->

Where the fuck is your attack vector then? Are you talking airgapped attacks?

4chan is plagued with 16 years old edgy teens that are consumerist whores. No real technology discussions there, only baits.

It is sad that 8ch didn't work out. I bet most of the sane people already stopped using imageboards all together.

Based Stallman responded

top kek. I can smell his authoritarianism and religious lunacy from 10 miles away

same thoughts. I suspect Leah is bullshiting here.
I know of at least 2 trans people who have been hired by the FSF. Stallman is all the way down for socialist democracy and civil rights; it's simply not the kind of organization you would expect would treat weirdos badly. It's the revolution trying to eat its children once again.
Whatever the reasons of the demise/firing, Leah probably interpreted that as discrimination because in her mind LGBT advocacy takes precedence over free software or something. Being transgender is part of her identity after all, whereas using and developing liberating technology is just a satellite issue. I mean, she doesn't even live in the US; Libreboot didn't appear until very recently. What are the chances that she is well-informed about what goes on inside the FSF.

Pretty solid response. Nothing more needed.

Go to, almost at the top he says to support Jill Stein for President. Jill Stein is the biggest leftist retard I have seen in my life. Some of her views and opinions are so backwards it hurt to think that person like that actually runs for president.


open source was the 1998 NSA's trick to destroying free software, and it kinda worked

H.264 is the patented Hollywood proprietary crap

this is the punchline

Stein and Johnson literally are the only legit presidential candidates.

Fucking Destroyed

Top kek, tranny melts down because of alleged firing. I am running libreboot, but fuck, the dev is just batshit.
As if you needed more evidence that POWER bullshit was getting astroturfed hard, here's that deranged psycho giving it product placement.

any word from the fsf on this?


This morning, an open email circulated in which the author said that the Free Software Foundation ended a relationship with one of our employees for discriminatory reasons.

Although it is our usual policy not to comment publicly on internal personnel matters for privacy reasons, we felt it necessary to state unequivocally that the allegations made in that email are untrue.

It is part of our job to celebrate and improve the diversity of the free software world. We have strong anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies to help provide a safe and supportive working environment. We uphold a safe space policy at all FSF events, and we provide scholarships to help people of different identities, and from different regions, attend. The FSF's mission is to defend the freedom of all computer users.

While we understand that it is difficult whenever an employment relationship ends, the suggestion that the separation was a result of discriminatory animus is unfounded. In the interest of protecting the privacy of all involved, we expect this to be our last public statement on the matter. We wish our former employee the best in all future endeavors.

spergman is pozzed?


no wait that's not stallman


The thing is they're already insane enough (e.g. act offended, get the other party banned or suspended; open discrimination and bigotry against non-minorities is accepted, if not outright encouraged). We don't need to make it worse.

It will take a series of blunders, and/or displays of flagrant hypocrisy on the part of SJWs before the matter blows up.
Like something that bites the big companies that hire SJWs in the ass (e.g. getting a prominent CEO lynched/booted for muhsoggyknees or something, or causing a scandal that ruins the company's image, like that crazy pedo apologist SJW that got fired at Nintendo).

SJWs are cancer.

Holla Forums gender realists are cancer.

Both must be purged from tech and Holla Forums. SJW shit things up with "everything about me that isn't male and white makes me an oppressed victim" and Holla Forums shits thing up with "We shouldn't allow women and trannies and other degenerates into tech. They're biologically inferior and policies are needed to keep them out."

Oh fuck off with your preferred pronoun shit already, SJW faggot.

The dismissal of the staff person was not because of her gender.
Her gender now is the same as it was when we hired her.
It was not an issue then, and it is not an issue now.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation (,
Internet Hall-of-Famer (
Skype: No way! See


Neoliberalism refers solely to the revival of long-debunked classical economic theories starting around the '70s that glorified the mystical powers of the free market and global deregulation. It doesn't describe anything about social views and it is not a parallel to "neoconservative" and "conservative".

Then what was the reason Richard?

Based Stallman just got a whole lot more Based, tbh fam. I kept saying it would have been great if they'd invited him to the presidential nominating convention to talk about electronic privacy.


How's that a problem? It's a system that's striving for openness and agreeable with their mission. This is no different to GNU recommending Lemote.


Calling them a male is the worst thing he could do right now.


Isn't that all the more reason TO use it?


Basically all you gotta say. It's astounding that libreboot automatically assumed that a shitty employee got fired solely on the basis of being a tranny. Stallman is entirely too autistic to look at anything that doesn't directly relate to quality of work or adherence to free software philosophy when evaluating the value of an employee.

Hahahahahahaha. Isn't libreboot literally just the free branch of coreboot with some GNU pics slapped on? Libreboot is nothing without GNU and the FSF.

No one cares.

And this really

Trannies always have this weird look in their eyes. never go outside or have contact with your everyday normal people. They hide themselves in smaller groups and cry when said smaller groups don't want there shit.

Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.
Just ignore it, it'll go away.

I physically recoiled when my eyes got to the right of the picture.

u fucking wot m8

Heil rms!
I fear for the FSF when rms leaves it, but until that dark day his autism will protect us from the SJWs.

Confirmed it's Lisa Maginnis.

Mid 2015:

Willing to bet that Maginnis did something totally shitty and Rowe's trying to hide that fact by preemptively pulling the trans victim card even if the "victim" was already trans back then.

Jesus Christ.

The rumor mill (one post somewhere on reddit and I closed the tab yesterday) says that Maginnis was running for local office and couldn't legally remain employed with a 501(c)3.

Holy shit, spoiler your post, that triggered me shitlord!

Well, the rightmost one is obvious. The second one could have been a really ugly female, judging from pic alone.

How the heck do you find not one but two mentally ill perverts in such a small group?!

Some of those other replies are super cringe worthy. All these people using "xe" and shit. I'm not sure if I hate Trannies more, or touchscreens at this point.

Not just Trannies, SJWs too. See pic related. His eyes are fucking huge.

Someone had mentioned before that it's an actual illness that SJWs and other people who are mentally ill get so you can point them out, or along the lines of that.

eeeeeebiiinnnn xD
im a polack myself (brofist!) and i wud totally say him to her (or should I say him? lol!) if i were stallman bcoz we polacks are based and dont afraid of legal backlash :-)

So a typical case of "I have skimmed over two papers and my superior IQ was able to discern the pattern that totally linked both investigations together", like that stupid toxoplasmosis == gay post that gets thrown around because it has some links at the bottom?


Sanpaku, faggots.

Remember: He's not trying to be an unlikable, raging asshole.

Gay is just one of the things toxoplasmosis can do. It alters the brain to take more risky behavior so it can spread.


Fine, don't believe, go become a faggot. You won't be missed.


Let me guess, you also believe that vaccines cause autism.

Nazism does not respect your freedoms

Strange, that sounds rather authoritarian to me.

Thanks to your comment now I am.

More seriously, no I don't think vaccines cause autism.
There is a difference between injecting medical care from a doctor and getting drunk, smoking taking acid or having a parasitic infestation.

typical delusional Holla Forumslack narrative. Only in your minds the FSF is crusading against mentally-ill degeneracy or whatever conservative conspiracy theory you spouse.

The people in FSF is and has always been very left-leaning; and that's a good thing. The FSF and GNU also are paragons of computing freedom. Does it bother to hear you that? Not everyone in the left is a fucking ideologically-charged authoritarian.


One person can be degenerate all by themselves.

Straight from the horse's mouth:

You need to read the entire quote in context. He's referring to private law societies in which laws and conducts are mutually agreed upon

Until the FSF gives their side of the story there is no real reason for this discussion to continue.

I agreed with this point only. The rest of your post is just nonsense.

Except transshits want to because they'll claim their the victim until then. Even if the FSF did say their side, then they'd be painted as a "OMG VIOLATING MY PRIVACY". It's a paradox, they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Sometimes firing can't be revealed because if it's a private reason they can be sued for reveling private life.

He's correct, how is it "nonsense"?

I hope that this will escalate and that GNU will sue xer ass for everything that she has for spreading false rumors that damaged organization.

The fsf won't do that and the sjws knows that

like, fucking why

I think it's pretty clear why they dismissed the tranny and how this could represent quite a setback for members who become more interested in pushing politics than contributing.

Fork them :^)

In what dustbin those this nigger lives ?
Completely disillusioned man if you ask me.
Lol he wants to get refunded from is donation.

He's framing it as something its not. Trans SJWs turned on GNU, that's the fact. He then took the vagueness of "LIBREBOOT GETS SHREDDED" and then the loser filled it with his own stupid ideas in this post I won't even describe.

Obviously the Holla Forums bogeymen made an impression on him.

So the pronoun-checking @marxistvegan wearing a kaffiyeh while involved with May First People Link is not SJW enough for the SJWs

libreboot will never be able to redeem themselves from this retarded decision though

fork when

So when is libreboot gonna remove support for GNU-based operating systems? Clearly it's the only ethical thing to do here.

It's already a fork of coreboot.

You are a weak faggot. Not even a faggot at all, just a limp stick.

Libreboot is literally just the free branch of coreboot but with GNU logos slapped on and FSF approval. The only reason the FSF supports libreboot over coreboot is because there's another branch of coreboot that supports proprietary firmware. I don't know what the fuck this guy is thinking, because without sucking RMS's GNU/cock there's literally no reason for anyone to be using libreboot over free coreboot.


What exactly is it this tranny does, again?

On 8ch? No? If they're still going on about this than discuss it wherever they are, preferably without being an edgy faggot and giving them justification for their views.

Deblobbing the coreboot project and some debuging.

He has freetards make minor modifications to his coreboot clone for free to port it to various platforms, and then he makes a page on his website telling other freetards how to install it.

?? Some people have money and appreciate all-metal chassis?

... xir said, before returning to >>>Holla Forums to masturbate to "refugee" pictures


Kill yourself


Sure is reddit in here, you have to go back >>>/reddit/

kafkatrap is a reddit-tier non argument.

opinion disregarded

nice try, i use a chinkpad.

Complaining about the pronouns that people are using and demanding they use others that don't offend you is literally preferred pronoun bullshit. Grow a pair and stop being offended by everything

You should reread his pic. He was retarded enough to use the "gender" when talking about anything else than words, though.
There's real pronoun, that's all.

I don't know if I must laugh at someone giving that much or the demand itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were fired for pushing politics, but there just isn't enough information to assume that. It could be anything.

No, see, it happens on imageboards too.

The post specifically mentions how grown boys can turn gay due to toxopozzmosis. Not only that, but the only factor linking both homosexuality and toxoplasmosis was that they had similar population percentages, and despite this, people swallowed it simply because he said stuff that made some sense on a surface level, then backed it up with unrelated links. It was almost a parody of what usually goes on on Holla Forums, but it was far from being said in jest.

I remember, though, one of his points was that "gays are more handsome thanks to toxoplasmosis to fuck more and spread the virus". Not only does that invalidate his previous claims, but was he projecting or something?

yeah nah, you are homosexual.


"everyone who disagrees with me is an SJW" is not an argument.

Maybe you would fit in better on Reddit since calling a mentally ill male a male triggers you so much

Well yeah, it is now that the autist who spergs out at 50 different posts at a time showed up

Every time I read "assigned" I want to post-natively abort that person. He makes it sound like when he was born the doctor reached into the penis-jar, grafted the set of genitals on and thus assigned his sex. That's bullshit, if anything the term should be "identified", but even that's pushing it when any retard can identify a sex, unless it's one of those extremely rare cases of ambiguous genitals.

All the discussion about what gender this tranny really is in this thread is not Holla Forums related. I am annoyed when any group tries to cram their identity politics everywhere in life and stop discussion of other issues in the process. All this identity politics bullshit achieves is dividing groups and stiffing actual discussion so that they can more easily be controlled.

And yet you would rather continue catering to the delusions of the mentally ill ensuring that this will continue to happen. If everyone told these mentally ill freaks to shut the fuck up it would never be a problem. Males would be referred to as males regardless of what their mental illness tells them they are. Or we can continue coddling special snowflakes, allowing this to continue to worsen and stifle conversation further as they find more and more shit to be offended about.

fuck off tranny, we're not gonna DoS your site just so you can wallow in more victimhood

A severe case of INMGT (Insecure Nerdy Males Gone Trans). They failed at being men, so they try to "start over" by becoming really ugly women.

Ok, where's the fork, lads?

Well no shit, it's pretty knee-jerk to leave a project over a "he said, thon said" argument about employment.
Don't spit on my cupcake and tell me it's frosting. It was obvious from the start that this is a cry for attention. Rather than wait and see if the GNU project is guilty, he jumps right to guilt and punishment.
Notice how he links directly to the "abuse" instead of letting it go. This is exactly what he was looking for to get oppression cred. I'm sure the links don't actually contain any abuse and are just mild disagreement. The crowd he's pandering to will not go that extra step, as their confirmation bias tells them that this is literally another shoah.

Is she actually the Libreboot leader?

stop doing this

yes and
it's a he m8



Internet Oppression Tracker status:
Create controversy
>Play the victim

A GoFundMe/Patreon should be expected within 2-3 days.

I saw a girl name and instinctively wrote "she". You faggots are too sensitive.

naaa just like I don't want to encourage mental illness.

This dude needs to settle down for a while and think about is life about what he has done what it has given from the very beginning of what he can remember.

It help a lot but it takes a long time.

sjw trying to give us a lesson

Is the tranny actually in here?

lol why would you think that ?
and knowing this kind of board he would not stay in it.
Except if he does this only for the money.

All you going after them repeatedly does is allow them to convince others that their delusions about being persecuted are actually real and that the ridiculous CoCs that they push are actually necessary.

Wow, this whole thing seems to be such an incredibly childish response. Just take a look at what they published to

I literally just didn't think about it. Get help

What if straight white males get bullied by sjw loons?

So nothing of real value that couldn't be replaced. The best thing for Libreboot would be to just fork the project, rebrand it if necessary and then have every developer worth anything move to the fork and leave the tranny to his temper-tantrum. When no one gives him attention he might just pack his shit and leave. This however relies on every developer following suit instead playing white knight, I have no idea how feasible this would be. And if he keeps that act the FSF should sue for defamation.

top kek, what the fuck?

They must mean "replaced with a transgender"

A witch hunt isn't a solution in most case but sjws are so fucking illuminated that there isn't much to do
and example here were a sjw tries to force the Contributor Covenant on a dev

and just now on the arm-netbook

just read the fucking thread even if the guy explains calmly is point of view it does not matter they just want a coc

not an argument
and you should consider the same advice has you have given me.

On a more serious note is trying to give an example of triggering and it is a bad example.
Because we don't deny that the sex of is the said person is male or that the said person wants to change sex.

Triggering is more of something that the triggered person does not want to hear about and some anons consider that not saying the true gender is denying reality and encouraging the ill person in there delirium.


The best lesson we can learn from all this is that trannies are a ticking time bomb. There were some people here thinking that pointing out the developer "coming out" was a d&c attempt, and now look at what he is doing on the internet.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. I've seen the same thing happen in internet groups and some smaller communities that friends were in, and it's the same shit every time. Someone "comes out" as trans (likely after buying into Tumblrs political views), and then goes from being a cool person who functions like a normal person to being an easily triggered SJW who will get offended if you don't agree with them about a political issue that's big on Tumblr, and it becomes the only thing they can talk about.

The only way to fix Libreboot would be to fork it and move on.

about what

Did someone tried to archive to make a historic of all ruined things that sjw/lgbt have done ?

He called it a she because he didn't know who [just imagine I put that tranny's deadname here because I'm offensive] was actually a woman since Leah is a woman's name, and thus he logically inferred it was a woman.

People pointed out he wasn't a woman, and the guy and admitted it at yet people like you are still fucking hammering him for an honest mistake because you have been triggered

HAAAAA, I didn't understand that.
Leah in my language can be both attributed to male and female, sorry my mistake.

There isn't a timeline other than the heavily biased one on the Geek Feminism wikia (which includes tons of drama that nobody cares about but Tumblrinas), but you can find numerous notable incidents documented on sites such as ED, Kiwi, and /cow/.

Ad hominem isn't an argument either. Non arguments don't deserve arguments
Nah, you seriously do need help getting over your fragile sensibilities. I don't like trannies either. I literally, actually just didn't think about it.
Like calling a tranny their pretend gender. Exactly
Either way, go get some fresh air or something

Why do they call it transgender anyway, it's not like you can actually transition genders at this point in time. Maybe when science or evolution advances but not in this century.

I'm really surprised at how neglected these people are, you'd think doctors would treat the problem instead of enabling it. I'm just glad it's not my problem.


>[19:12] Just because some people aren't willing to support mental illness doesn't mean you should cry and moan.
I wonder if he would be saying this if Terry was the one being discussed?

How exactly would you suggest they do so?

Real triggering is being (somehow) reminded about extremely stressful situation that you were in and reliving that stressful situation in your mind. Being in building that was hit by thousands of artillery rounds for instance. (this happened a lot in WW1 and it is how triggering was discovered)
Someone using wrong pronoun just does not bring that kind of stress.

I'm sick of them too. Remember when software was about just software, and not some social cause bullshit? I fucking miss that.

Thank you for pointing that out.
But in modern/young days/people triggering seems to be just a bullshit reasons/justification to whine over more bullshit

Sometimes I wonder if the monty python's already knew the future

Tried to put the webm but I got a shit connexion and timed out before upload

Honestly I don't have the answer since I don't have the experience. However I feel like forcing these people to come to terms with reality and who they are is a much better solution than to try and trick them with things like makeup, wigs, and fake politeness.

You can't just nuture people like this, it's detrimental because someone in society is eventually going to shock them in some way that they can't handle, it'd be much better to teach them how to handle their mental problem mentally instead of how to mask their mental problem with physical props.

I'd write something better if I wasn't tired, please understand.

No but it does read reddit as it linked to it from its tantrum page. Fucking lolcow, nothing more.

I've seen these sorts of ransom letters so often, in so many communities I've been part of. It's a protection racket, simple as that.

That's some Mouth of Sauron-level gall.

That's actually a really simple question to answer: The same way as any other kind of schizophrenia, which certainly doesn't indicate that somebody who wants to be wheeled around in a chair or have their limbs chopped off should have those desires fulfilled.

Do you want to ask if the standard treatments for disorders like schizophrenia are effective? That's actually a really good question, given the stats for mental disorder prognoses in 1st-world nations with functional mental health institutions, as opposed to 3rd-world ones without. But I think anyone would agree it's healthier than the bizarre, indulgent exception we've given to trannies.

I do not know why you are defending them, but their leaders (ones who get BS degrees like womens studies) actually claim that someone using wrong pronoun while talking to you (or someone pointing out that you are fat, or being called slut when you sleep around, and other "triggering" reasons that they use) brings same emotional pain that soldiers who suffered trough horrors of war feel when they remember horrible situations that they were in. That is actually reason why they call it triggering.
"Trigger warrnings" (ones that that SJWs demand) are special kind of doublethink when they demand to be treated like people who suffer from PTSD and at the same time claiming that they do not have any mental disorder.

According to new tumblr trends, people are not mentally ill, they are neurodiverse, and they celebrate their countless self-diagnosed mental illnesses ("lol, I'm such a bipolar gal xD", "im such a psychopath i will kill you LOL!". The Internet has come full circle with Gaia again).

People who have actual diagnosed mental illnesses are actually getting angry this time, since they are basically sweetening and romanticising what's a quite painful life. I just wish more collectives would stand up to these retards misrepresenting them

Well she appears to be slouching and her t-shirt is pretty baggy. Paired with the waist of her skirt just plopping the fabric out before hanging down and she just seems like a typical awkward developer. I'd really like a shirt made with that skirt pattern.

It goes further than mental illness. Instead of being infected with contagion, carriers of AIDS and other diseases are "people with HIV". Cripples aren't deaf or blind, they're part of a "distinct culture" among the "diversity" of seeing and hearing. Even the prey of rapists and thugs aren't victims, they're "survivors", it's a great event that elevates you above those who have remained untouched by hardship!

Weakness is strength, lies are truth, slavery is freedom!

Jim is competent
and we should reward him with out continued patronage as the board slips further into a neonazi-SJW circlejerk

>She will then use this money to promote free software, and for better purposes.
Gee, I wonder what these better purposes are.

I didn't want to defend them.
And I agree with you.
Trigger like in the wikipedia article are for traumatized people.
Not for sensible idiots who can't stand reality

wrong post sorry see

What a fucking bitch, don't bring politics into programming. Lisa was contributing some good things, but I guarantee she tried to pull some SJW-tier shit but the rest of the devs were not having it.

Jesus, has logic just been thrown out the windows?

Pretty much why I'm trans. Makes life easier, cause now I can date. But at least I don't go around telling people to have safe spaces, or even respect me.

Trans-fag here, I agree with this. We definitely have mental issues.

So what? Is libreboot going to remove GNU\Linux support? No. So what the fuck matters? Stay with the GNU project, it only hurts libreboot to leave.

Wish I'd saved it. Have the other best scene.

Thanks m8 for this gem ;)

If you use html5 everywhere (mpl2 license)
you can directly download a video from youtube in webm.

funny thing about this seen I've listened to the comments on it, and the roman (who I don't remember the python's actor name) is actually a Latin teacher and he was pissed about it, this scene was actually partially improvised.

Not a proud fuck but I still would.

This is what I imagine libreboot dev is like.

My soul has being tainted
Is this the fusion between a jew and tumblr ?


They do. Just look at your post.

Just got a response from rms

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]][[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]][[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]Of course, the FSF did not fire someone because of gender. I hope MsRowe will recognize this and will resume cooperating with us.-- Dr Richard StallmanPresident, Free Software Foundation (, Hall-of-Famer ( No way! See

Of course.
Assuming one is targeted for surveillance, what's running on your BIOS or hard drive isn't going to matter much. people act like Coreboot or LB are some kind of panacea. They aren't. They are nothing more than one small part of an overall security strategy.
If this crazy bitch wants to leave GNU, and collectively punish hundreds of people for the actions of a few, not only is she no better than anti-tranny/gay/whatever bigots, indict the entire FSF, just to make a statement, she can go ahead and enjoy the descent into obscurity. Pun not intended.
But she deserves far far worse.

This isn't limited to transfaggots, technology is full of utter life failures. Fuck, look at Holla Forums. This is not a stupid joke, I'm dead serious: Look at it and tell me you would like to be around most of the people here.

You realize that the FSF is exactly social cause bullshit, right? That thing is ~30 years old, so I'm not really sure what you are remembering.

inb4 but it's a social cause i agree with

Go back to reddit

I'm not sure, should I say "she", "he", or "it"?

I used to really like that man, I don't resent him now, it's more like he died. What a shame.

"She". Using "it" isn't proper English, and "he" is for triggered people who get mad at pronouns, like Holla Forumsacks and tumblrines.

"He" if you want to be rational, "She" if you want to bend the knee, and "They" if you want to remain neutral.

Who is this semen demon?

"He" is traditionally gender neutral.

Look in the file name you disgusting subhuman faggot.

Is it my browser or is half of the page blank ?

I'm willing to live with a lot of leeway on the trannie issue, but "He" is not traditionally gender neutral.

There comes a point where you have to admit there's no practical point in caring about anything to do with your computer, and take off the tinfoil hat, Holla Forums.

It's not neutral, it's just the default in English. When the gender is unknown you use "he", that has fallen out of style in favor of "they" though.


"He" can sometimes be used in a gender-neutral way, but not if you're talking about specific people.

"They" is a clean solution. It has been used as a gender-neutral singular pronoun for centuries, so it's not a Tumblrism.

Holy crap. How could they know?

He if he has a cock.
She if she has a cunt.

Leaving this here:

I think the rule should be "if he originally had a cock" because some of them get it removed but they're still biologically male.

This is like the five monkeys experiment. All original five monkeys have left, and now we are following the traditions without understanding why.

What if he feels like a girl? Do you want to forbid feelings?

It depends on whether you want to be productive. If you're fine with arguing about pronouns all day because you're offending either the tranny or your fellow imageboard users, by all means, use "he" or "she". If you use "they" you might have a chance of arguing about something more useful.

It's almost like language is based around convention and tradition.

Singular they is fine if and only if you don't know the sex of the individual

Hopefully more of them speak out and dethrone the crazy, or at least fork (Coreboot for retards bakas anyone?) or join back to regular Coreboot.

Saved this time, cheers.

It's John Cleese.


I just want to see her naked, even when she makes mistakes she wears band aids. I can't stand it anymore.

Care to share who?

Iiniku Ushijima

He's also strongly against political correctness, saying it's killing comedy.

Of course it is, those people can't take a joke. Most comedians aren't into it.

Very nice, cheers!

You best correct yourself shitlord.

Back to reddit sjw faggot

What if I don't want to be edgy for the sake of fitting in?

excuse me?

Then you are on the wrong website. Come to

Isn't it kind of ironic to say that if you will submit to the alternative just to fit in?

Fucking hell, please don't be this retarded. You're just giving them free evidence that they can use to support their bullshit claims. Next we'll be hearing about how they were attacked by bigoted GNU/FSF trolls in IRC.

It's like responding to an accusation of rape by sending the prosecution your large collection of rape porn and a signed confession.


lol feel however you want faggot, does not change the fact that you are male. better yet start feeling more depressed and suicidal, culminating in killing yourself and making world better place.


Already happened with Mozilla. The dumb fucks saw that as a good thing, too.
This is going to keep being a problem for the next 10+ years if we don't tear out the roots now.

fucking dropped

So you would rather follow suit with Dr. Money, the egregiously degenerate pedophile that kicked off "gender theory"?


If anyone feels like a girl while being man or being a girl and feeling like a man it doesn't change reality.

Even if the man surgically change is sex, legally changes is name and take whatever medical treatment.

It does not change the fact that it is born male and that he cannot gives birth to a baby.

Some trans recommends this video

-She those not give any numbers but percentage (funny for someone criticizing bad scientific research).
-They don't link to any paper.
-Some deduction are not incorrect but again were are the papers ?

-And the most important part, that they didn't bring up, you can make all the sex changes that you want, if your genes does not allow you to have a baby then you can't warp reality around you to make it happen.
There is no point of changing sex for the sake of just your mental health because it won't help you and must seek help from friends or psychologists.
In the case of people that are born with strange genetic mutations they need medical and psychological treatment.


This person gets it. "Treating" symptoms is never a solution, the root cause must be dealt with.

This is a mental problem, if you treat it physically it won't solve the issue, it you treat it socially it won't solve the issue, at the end of the day the person suffering from this illness will still suffer from the illness, they need to learn how to cope with it and live with peace of mind without relying on external forces.

You can't rely on society to always coddle you, you can't rely on drugs to always help you (at least not without a separate long term harm), what you can rely on is your own self to control your own self, it's not always easy but it is undoubtedly the best choice, what's more is it comes at no cost or inconvenience to yourself or others.

I seriously think these so called doctors and therapists are enabling denial which in the long run is always more harmful to the subject. Instead they should be realistic but empathetic, admit that it is a problem with your own self and let them help you through the struggle, don't let them tell you it's okay and normal behavior.

I'm frustrated that even speaking like this is seen as bad, I wish these people got actual lifelong help and yet I'm viewed as hateful because I reveal that mental illness is something that is harsh to overcome.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

The really spooky part is that there has been talk of transplanting a healthy womb into another woman for a single pregnancy, and almost immediately trannies started hopping on that bandwagon because they "crave the experience."
I don't have the links right now, but it was positively disturbing.

When did we start to treat people with mental illness as normal?
Why don't we acknowledge that they are ill? Oh right diversity and inclusivity...

What the fuck does this discussion have to do with technology? Go to Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums or somewhere else. You killed the thread with your autism.

Thank you for your technology relevant contribution to the thread.

If this is your first time on an imageboard you should learn to ignore threads you don't like and only participate in ones you do like, inside of threads only respond to posts you like and don't respond to ones you don't like. You'll have a much better time this way and so will everyone else.

In case you're being serious Libreboot is pretty on topic for the board and the posts you linked are relevant to the topic of the thread.

Don't call people autistic while sperging out over discussion either.


I'm very well aware that threads on Holla Forums usually devolve into Holla Forums-tier discussion, but that doesn't make it any better.
Discussion as to how transgenderism has affected this libreboot affair is on-topic, discussion about transgenderism itself is what I call sliding the thread.

These people belong in a garbage can.

Your posts in where you seek attention are what we really need.

Thread sliding is when people make a ton of threads in an attempt to slide a particular thread off the board.

I'm sorry that you personally don't like this discussion but that doesn't mean it's off topic in any way, it's a deeper discussion of the original topic, how is that in any way off topic?

It's irrelevant anyway, do not reply to those posts if you don't want to discuss that, instead of complaining either ignore it or post about the technology side of the topic, or any other thing related to the topic. You should see how ironic it is to complain about off topic posts while coming out of nowhere to inject your own opinions on something spontaneously. You're not contributing anything to anyone, you're just trying to disrupt actual discussion or seek attention.

Be reasonable and find something you do like and contribute to that instead of trying to dismantle something you don't, it's a fruitless effort. You can complain now but nothing you do can prevent me or anyone else from further discussing it since it's not breaking any rules. Don't come in at random and act like you own this place or try to police the community, that's full on reddit tier.

It's not a technology discussion, it doesn't belong on Holla Forums, period.
I mean, we could also do one of those Socialism vs. Capitalism threads because, after all, both systems have their very own way of licensing software, but that wouldn't make the discussion on-topic.

There is really nothing on-topic to discuss about OP.
Libreboot tranny tried to bully FSF because they fired other tranny. FSF will never release statement why they fired that person because they can get in legal trouble for doing so.
Also, since SJWs brought their politics into FLOSS and broke no-politics in projects status that hackers created it is impossible to work on public project without getting sucked into this political battle.

I'm sorry but you're not the board owner or a volunteer, it's not your place to decide that. Stating a claim without reasoning isn't valid anyway. Is it fair when I do it?
It's a technology discussion, It belongs on Holla Forums, period.

Like it or not the OP is on topic for the board and the posts within it are on topic with the discussion in the thread.

No, of course it wouldn't but the opposite would be on topic obviously. If you started a thread about software licenses and the flow of discussion gravitated towards it then it would obviously be on-topic. Do you actually understand what a topic is? Do you understand how things relate to a topic, do you know what discussion means or what a forum is?

I'm seriously wondering where you are coming from and what it is you're upset about.

Again I will be meta and reference our discussion, are we being on topic or not? If not why continue it like a self spiting hypocrite, if so do you understand now?

SJWs aren't the ones derailing this thread with their politics.

This thread has been political from the start, nothing is getting derailed.

You didn't answer the question. What is preventing you from having a serious discussion with me, do you lack care or are you afraid of something.

You're being exceedingly difficult, you pretend to care about the quality of the board while making low quality off topic posts, you're ignoring most of what I'm saying too. What is it you actually want?

Jumping back, your summation is almost correct, you yourself implied the thread was on topic at some point but got "derailed", you are being a hypocrit by derailing it further, you could have easily instead continued the original discussion, whatever you think that was.

I personally don't even agree with that idea either, the idea that threads can somehow be derailed, nothing will ever stop anyone from having their own discussions much like we are inside this very thread, the next 10 posts could easily be on the original topic while we talk around or between them.

I ask again, what is your desire in speaking with me?

You're getting a lot of answers that it's because they are weird. Yes, they are, but this is not the direct reason. The answer is autism. People on the spectrum love CS (look at RMS). Trannies are usually autistic as fuck.

Your question was directed at another user.

Then go back to reddit or where ever you're from newfag.

I trust some autists more than normal people when it comes to CS, but it has to be people like Ulillillia or Terry, they have to have the number autism not just the social autism.

Oh fuck, meant to reply to
Excuse my retarduness.

That makes no sense whatsoever, I'm saying it's not possible to derail threads on imageboards, last I checked Reddit is not one. Here you can easily and clearly define fibers in a thread by linking posts together without ruining the layout, the only people who would struggle with maintaining multiple topics within a thread must be new themselves and unfamiliar with the conventions.

You'll have to explain how Reddit works to me if you want me to make comparisons but honestly you should just lurk more if the reply system here is confusing to you.

None of you have the slightest fucking clue how to "tear out the roots". Hint: you don't do it by shitposting on IRC and then acting smug when you get banned.

You aren't fooling anyone. You're obviously from some site with tree based threads like reddit as opposed to linear threads with your attitude about derailing.

You're going to have a hard time convincing me of that.

While the layout is linear the threads are not, most imageboards have had backlinks built in for a long time because it really does aid with what I'm talking about. If you're not taking advantage of them you probably should. You act like you have no understanding of the tools you're using right now.

As an aside people have made scripts to turn threads into a tree utilizing backlinks, backlinks provide the same functionality without sacrificing layout but the 2 are more or less functionally equivalent.

What point are you trying to make anyway?

Know how or not it's still what must be done. If you have any suggestions you should post them.

Imageboard threads are acyclic directed graphs, not linear.

And forums had quoting functionality before that, but you've never been on a forum before have you?


Nope, only links to earlier posts work. The post itself and future posts fail.

You can link to future posts.

Quotes are not always functionally the same, but mor importantly with paginated forums it's not as convenient. On imageboards backlinks will let you actually quickly traverse a thread without having to go to another page, more importantly they don't bloat up the thread or posts, you can easily respond to someone directly even with posts between them without the need for a text quote.

I don't know how you're jumping to that conclusion or how it's relevant. Regardless all the software I've used has been a nightmare but even worse are the conventions.
not to mention the need for an identity. It's just terrible, imageboards are by far the most efficient way of passively communicating with a large amount of people that I've seen. The ephemeral nature of most of them is also something I prefer even if it has some drawbacks.

It obviously depends on the software.

Not on Holla Forums.

test post

I'm surprised that didn't work, I wonder if they will on html regeneration.

Reinforcing their idea of how they're being persecuted is not how you stop them, that just helps them get more people on their side. It's the same as the edgy strategies that idiots have gone on about for fighting in Afghanistan/Iraq such as going out of the way to kill children.

Nope. You can check using the mod panel, which regenerates it because it needs to add things. Forumsres/652464.html
Log in with "Anyone" as the username and "0" as the password. They're the (unchangeable) login details for >>>/infinity/.

They give you who and what is being replied to and are generally chained for easy following in larger discussions. They achieve everything that backlinks on imageboards do, yet no one will argue that forums are not linear discussions or that threads can't be derailed on them.

This not of topic

The libreboot maintainer is a trans and it is himself who brought this discussion in tech.

The fact that more and more people who consider themselves are trans or part of the lgbt group are unstable.
If you just read how that person replied to the FSF is just childlike:
If you read the members of the FSF helped that person to be happy:

So the question is do we want lgbt or sjw in tech because it is not the first time that his happens.

Frankly it's the jobs of medical world to take care of these people, not sociologist who think it inherently comes from the social context.

The thing is that sociologist think that is a social problem and the it's the public that has to change.
And in the medical world it 's the patient that has problems and that patient needs to solves them with help.

Something that people don't tend to see is that both sides want to help these people to be happy, so the common goal is the same and respectful.

But the sociologist people are wants the world to change for the better of their patient.

This is extremely illogical and can only lead to clash between peoples.

I do not want to burn or kill these people, they need help and it's not by encouraging them in there fantasies that it will change anything.

What is it you want? Examples of side-channel attacks which are unaffected by the BIOS/software stack/network? OK.
TEMPEST (aka van Eck phreaking or radiation monitoring)
Power-monitoring attack — attacks that make use of varying power consumption by the hardware during computation.
Acoustic cryptanalysis (or just acoustic monitoring)
Heat visualization (they can see you typing)

I gave 4 since I think the Power monitoring is pretty weak. Obviously these are only really effective in targeted surveillance. And obviously in these cases your BIOS doesn't mean shit.

I know of no example of a "proprietary" BIOS (with intel's AMT or ME) serving as the attack vector for a network based automated attack. That is, I have never heard of any case where a BIOS vector led to a remote intrusion event (that wasn't targeted specifically to that machine). If anyone here can point me to one I'd be mildly interested.

All three have their upsides:
+ Multiquoting
+ user encouraged
+ Spam resistant
+ Some formatting
- Threads can derail
- Long or slow discussions are incoherent because of timeout
- No integrated archive
- Vulnerable to overmoderation
- Bad interface
+ Multiquoting
+ Integrated archive and infinite discussions
+ Spam resistant
+ Full formatting
- Thread derails are very bad on most platforms
- Identity and moderation cuckoldry virtually endemic
- Terrible interface
+ Derails are irrelevant
+ Moderation optional to nonexistant
+ user and pseudo
+ Standard API for interface
+ Distributed and impossible to knock out
- Zero ability to withstand spam
- Merging threads impossible
- No integrated archive
- Formatting is nonstandard

If somebody would make USENET with CAPTCHA and integrated archiving with a proper search function, it would be perfect.

The NSA already has programs to mass target anyone who meets certain criteria for hacking (TURMOIIL/TURBINE), the FBI is pushing to be able to legally use that in some cases, and there are lower court rulings related to the Playpen cheese pizza case currently being appealed that give the government the authority to hack any computer anywhere without a warrant. In addition, the US government has already used exploits that target hard drive firmware (see the Kaspersky report on the Equation group) so it's quite likely that they already have exploits that target other device firmware, especially something more standardized than hard drive firmware like Intel's ME/AMD's PSP. The US government has also recently been pushing for the ability to force companies to create and sign malicious firmware for them, which would likely include targets like Intel's ME/AMD's PSP.

Apparently Leah is a loose cannon and other libreboot contributors are not happy.


Linear discussion, typically segmented layout.
Imageboards are not typically segmented which is a key difference.

This is my fault, I should use the right terms instead of conflating both of them. A backlink is the tags next to a post showing all the replies it has, a "reply" is a post referencing another one, a reply will create a backlink on the original post. I will reference them this way from now on, I was being casual and using "backlink" to mean either depending on the context. I'm sorry for the confusion.

It may exist but I've never seen a forum with backlinks. They only have reply's that link to the original post they're replying to, not the other way (back) around.

I should also point out how incredibly convenient it is to have the full post show up on hover. Some imageboards and/or client side scripts let you embed posts when you click a reply or backlink too, this has the reverse effect of bringing the post to you instead of bringing you to the post, at that point whether someone quoted a reply or not you can still see the entire thing quickly.

I don't have any good examples so have Holla Forums shitposting instead.

Are you even on this planet ?
This is not the first time.

Does not change that both imageboards and forums use linear threads.


I didn't imply otherwise.

Yes, considering we're on 8ch which does have them and so does every other imageboard. 4chan was probably the last imageboard to have backlink support officially, many supported it before them and many still support it now. Just because you don't use them does not mean they don't matter to others.

What are you trying to say, can you try saying it without meme arrows and reddit sarcasm?

Are you kidding me right now?

this is basically what i expected

it seems like leah has surprisingly little to do with the code, so a fork should do just fine

why is it in charge of the project in the first place?


because it started it.

i think someone could fork it and it would require minimal effort, or even just start pushing libreboot changes into coreboot


Except that's wrong. There are large older boards still running that don't have them and newer boards that haven't implemented them.


That's true though, this entire thread is one page. What are you trying to say?

Okay, but we're still on 8ch which has those features.

I don't know what your point is or what you're trying to say.

What do any of those have to do with backlinks? You can use JS with Tor and cli browsers. Even if they didn't the point still stands that just because your browser doesn;t support them does not mean everyones does. What point are you trying to make?

Actually, I have to be going, the thread is past the bump limit so I won't be able to reply to you later.

It was nice talking with you but I think you should work on your English and conversation skills.

Please. The game is up. This thread is a highlight of why SJWs are bad news.

You can't help them just look at this

They are completely disconnected from reality the bubble they make around them is only augmenting their state.
They even contradicts themselves

They're adding new hardware. Who's doing that work? All the commits are made by Leah so I can't tell.

I want a fork of this shit ASAP

Those autism shoes look adorable on that cosplayer.

Further proof that trannies should not be in charge of anything whatsoever.


Toxoplasmosis isn't symbiotic at all, it's an illness, and most people in the population usually recover from it. Even in cats, it gives off similar symptoms to the flu. It's reason for spreading in cat poop (specifically, only cat poop) is so it can infect smaller creatures and make them fear cat poop less. Cat shit usually repels creatures because they know a cat's designated loo is a dangerous place to be in. It doesn't reproduce or spread in any other organism besides felines.

Toxoplasma gondii isn't good for people, in fact it's very bad in big quantities that the immune system isn't able to fight, but it's no different than the millions of other parasites that affect us everyday. Yesterday it was Candida and how it causes everything under the sun, especially autism. The day before yesterday it was vaccines. Then there's BS about harmless chemicals like aspartame that break down in the blood. This sensationalist bullshit gets on my nerves after a while. At least fucking fluoride nuts can cite different studies showing how populations exposed chronically have a reduced IQ similar to lead exposure, but even that crap is misleading if you simply filter your water and rinse your mouth out.

All of this shit comes out of 90's style spam mail chains that the Internet has yet to grow out of.

John Cleese

The perfectly childish response to such childish behavior

right wing language police isn't welcome either. none of you Milo faggots actually care about freedom

that's irrelevant. imageboard threads are ADGs, obviously not linear but not even a tree, because posts can link to more than one "parent" post.

the ability to link to posts in the future would render the directed graph cyclic