White guy: "My ancestors built this country"
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Truth, America is nothing but a railroad that hauls cotton to the west coast.
My ancestors built MY country since slavery has been illegal here for a millenium almost. So if they try that shit here they can fuck right off. Also the people who cuck to this argument need reminding many of the "free states" were only so to keep blacks out.
You know I am very fucking tired of niggers "saying they ancestuhz n sheit built dis mo fo" that is fucking false, niggers were only good for picking cotton, and being maids, they were not fucking carpenters, they were fucking slaves.
go beg for views somewhere else
Lol. niggers were seen as a tool. It could have been a nigger or a tractor. Doesn't matter. Slavery ended because white men invented better tools to use than a nigger.
That is like saying the line cooks run McDonald's. While it couldn't run without them, they are easily replaceable.
Do these same faggots think that the Chinamen in sweatshops are really responsible for Apples success?
underrated post
What fucking cucks/Kikes.
Get this meme out of here faggot. Tommy's grandparents are filthy kikes.
▶Anonymous 06/29/16 (Wed) 15:18:34 50ad22 No.6524258>>6524300 >>6524462 [Watch Thread]
Hi bot
Is that you, Tay?
Are you fucking kidding me? Niggers didn't build shit they werent' even a tenth of the fucking poplation and they picked a little cotton down South. Thats it. There were plenty of White Slaves and indentured servant who did more work than lazy Nigs..Anyway this some of the most blatant anti-white propaganda I've seen so far. Jews just love to bash working class Whites in America and always portray them as ignorant hicks. Jews are truly the scum of the earth.
And the main guy in this video looks like a Jew. can anyone confirm?
Black people are as responsible for building this nation as the ox that pulled the wagon and plow.
thats insulting to the ox
While it is true that the oxen crime rate is low, they are also a hole for which our education system wastes billions on. You ever try to get a heifer into a classroom and make it learn to read? Disastrous.
yes goyim. africans, chinks and natives were all living in a harmonious utopia before the evil white man came along.
Blacks did not build the country. All they did was enrich the landed elite by allowing them to have manual labour at a cheaper rate than paying a white freeman worker. All blacks did was enrich the same elites that try to oppress whites now.
Here's a .mp4 of the video from the OP.
Didn't even smirk.
How can normies like this shit?
I'm so sick of seeing this kind of stuff everywhere. You are encouraging the Day of the Rope, OP, and that's not a joke.
Because they were an old youtube channel that made shitty "comedy" skits.
the day of the rope needs to happen
is it smosh?
This guy has a Jewish shaped head.
Holy fuck. Out of everything in this video that line pisses me off the most.
I actually liked their videos back in '08 and '09
A lot has changed since then, user. A hell of a lot. You can thank normies having internet access from iPhones in 08 for that.
Fuck off, cuck. Sage goes in ALL FIELDS.
I cringed as hard at this as I do at those faggot rap battle vids.
This brings up an important question:
Are oxen white? Do they belong in white countries?
Any moron that thinks niggers built the US might as well start giving credit to the hammers and horses as well.
Best first post in ages…
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Wew that was fast. Good job guys :^)
Then why did they stop building things after 1865?
African slaves picked cash crops for Southern aristocrats. They did not "build" anything–they were exploited for labor by a mercantile elite. If anything, slavery held the South back and retarded its industrial and cultural growth. The outcome of the American Civil War should be enough to prove this point: the North's industrial might, borne on the backs of white engineers and wage laborers, crushed Southern feudalism held together by slave labor. It was in the primarily white North where the canals, factories, railroads, dams, and mines were built, and it was these projects that pushed the United States into modernity and immense wealth.
Yes, thousands of Chinese laborers helped build the transcontinental railroad. But railroads all over America were laid by thousands more Englishmen, Germans, Scots, and Irish. Moreover, Europeans built this country's political, legal, and academic institutions. They gave it its finest literary achievements (Melville, Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau, Twain, Fitzgerald, Hemmingway) and scientific contributions (Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, James Watson, Linus Pauling). The notion that nonwhites "built" America in any significant sense is laughable and dishonest.
Whoever wrote that deserve a prize
10/10 post just saw that in youtube comments lel.
Man I really love this 'civil war was about slavery meme'
Bullshit, comments still up.
? Thomas Edison was brilliant and red pilled on the Jews too.
We know you are a virgin Tesla.
Brilliant in being Jewy, that's for sure. It certainly takes a very special mind to… market a device that was already made by 17 other people? wew
he was also a patent whore
is this an offshoot of the m'lady meme?
Sure if you wanna get MILKED
Is anyone else fighting the war against the poz in the comments?
What device was that?
Anyway you obviously don't belong here, Please leave.
see pic related
hold up, I forgot to make it black and white
Are you saying nigger and not Thomas Edison invented the light bulb? Good Goy
1. Smosh would advertise their video anonymously wherever they want. It just wouldn't be a small community of 2000 autists that are too paranoid and spiteful to give a video like this even a single view. They'd do it on cuckchan which has millions of page views per day and a much more pleb userbase.
2. Ads aren't the only source of revenue, when you click the video you add to its views and youtubers can get more money from advertisers by showing off their views. Downvotes and controversy make videos more popular which then make the creators more money.
3. "easily shareable" it's as easily shareable as downloading a YouTube video and sending it over whatever service you use, like Dropbox or something. Most websites do not support big sound webms like Holla Forums. So no, making a webm is not making it "easily shareable" and it's not like anyone here would want to share it.
I don't think you're a shill but I think you're a lazy faggot
Gud cracka.
get out my dear man.
Retards like you need to go to Auschwitz my man, perhaps you'll like the swimming pool there.
Teslafag detected
You know your idol never actually invented anything, right?
Yeah certainly sounds like a yid to me you raging autist..
Nigs like to claim that some black guy invented the light bulb before Edison so I thought that was what you were talking about. my mistake.
It's "great railroad" you faggot
Your IQ is room-temperature or less. It's like the man was surrounded by fucking Jews.
no idea how your autism can stretch so far as to imagine me arguing for a nignog, this is Holla Forums
It's written like that in the captions you raging autist.
I haven't watched smosh since 7th grade, did they really become such big cucks?
Did you even read the fucking article?
thanks state education
wew lad
My grandfathers on both sides of the family were construction workers and engineers who literally worked on shit like the Sears tower. They literally built this country.
Thomas Edison employed Tesla in one of his companies for awhile, so if anything Tesla stole his ideas from Edison if you want to be a faggot about it
then Edison scammed him
Edison stole "his" patents from Tesla
how retarded are you
Can you name three things he invented that someone else didn't do first or better?
Good goy, Tesla had super science, it was only evil nazi Edison who stole from him!
Tesla had super science, it was only the evil Jewish faggot Edison who stole from him!
how about you used Jewgle you retard
Why does every leftist seem to be unpatriotic and have immense disdain for this country?
They would rather glorify the mud hut dwelling negroid than their own ancestor's greatness. Is jewish propaganda really that effective at indoctrinating kids?
Group think, the media originally created a false consensus that racism is bad and the retarded herd fell for it. This is why democracy doesn't work
I think there are legitimately people nowadays that think that early America was like 90% black and that they were slaves in every state (what's a Free State?) and that they built every road, building and whatever in America.
And somehow, despite only being legal in a handful of states, and only for 70 years (as the US as a nation), and despite only the super wealthy (mostly just those of English descent) being able to afford them.
Leftism seeks to destroy everything a nation holds dear, so yo be a leftist you have to hate America.
Of course they all love places like Brazil or Venezuela on paper but they'd never move there…they only place a leftist ever moves to, ever is the UK, and only to London.
How retarded are YOU? You sound incredibly butt blasted. Tesla did some good things, but Edison was way above his head
Can anyone confirm if I was shadow banned. No one is replying to me. FallingDownholes is the username
Tesla's basically a meme scientist.
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
The nogs were not statistically prevalent among america's
They picked cotton incredibly inefficiently for a couple centuries and did people's laundry. And of course, slavery stifled agricultural advancement, as it did for the romans. Then we had a war that destroyed half the wealth of the country, ostensibly because of slavery. That kinda nullified any benefit we got out of the whole deal. And since then black criminality and welfare usage has cost us trillions.
I think its safe to say that the introduction of negroes was not a net benefit to our nation. I think its safe to say that we would be alot more advanced, wealthy, and safe, as a nation if we never brought them over to begin with. Saying they "built the country" is about as historically bankrupt as you can get.
user, that's not how it works.
Reminder: As a white american, its you duty to tell american negros that german immigrants did more for the USA, than they ever have and will be.
If they don't belief it, point out all the things german immigrants created and founded in the USA and compare that with the little the american negros did.
Said by a Muslim 1000 years ago :^)
Have you ever risen to a niggers aggression user? They back down and refuse eye contact in a way only seen in actual chimpanzees and other animals, they have no self-awareness whatsoever, just instinct.
This mad mudshit was absolutely right in what he said.
Ibn Khaldun
Leftist channels are given millions of extra views as a Youtube policy to promote leftism
Here's another interesting quote:
Any similarities to the observations made by European explorers and anthropologist centuries later, or by people in the present is merely coincidence.
checked, I don't give a fuck about late immigration or germans, but good img
There's a hidden red pill here at 2:22.
Wait, wait wait…
So how the fuck do you end up with half-white, half-japanese people, then?
The british guy's dick would be bigger than the woman. She'd fucking die.
A millenium is 1000 years you know.
These shitskins are so jelly of America. Their ancestors are literally nobodies.
top kek
Gets me every fucking time.
How in the fuck
Dirty rotten normies.
Reminder that Slavery in America was pushed down the throats of Colonialsts by Jewish Slave Hoarders to try and get the Colonialists to take them
and there's these niggers
who stopped the dubs train when
tried so hard
Tesla coil, radio, ac to dc rectifier. Edison had a partner for every one of his inventions. Truth is inventing and history isn't so personality based, most breakthroughs come from hundreds of small steps before that but only the cult of personalities are publicized. Same reason that England has a different person inventing the filament lightbulb and there were streetlights in service at the time edison came out with his bulb.
Why do they have an Asian as the Indian lol
It's funny how ignorant they are. They're sort of like the rednecks who think America is great because they never went anywhere or read a book beyond what their teachers made them read. Except they hate themselves, which is both stupid and cucky.
Americans fry everything? Have they even been to another country?
Pure blooded indians look a lot like Asians.
Whittle appears to have read the MacDonald's Culture of Critique, but he is still kind of a Cuck. He does not mention that almost of the Frankfurt School were jews.
The dindoos haven't built shit. They're acting like the cotton industry was the foundation of America and it wouldn't exist without the precious black gold.
Europeans build nations, every European nation has been hugely successful, and only one of them used slave labor.