Somebody Help Me

Machofags have essentially ruined my life guys. Not only did they coerce me to get my friend killed, but if his parents find out they will press charges ruin my life.

Why did it come to this Holla Forums?

I'm a 25 year old white man btw

I don't see the problem. I think you did the world a service.

Jerk off onto the coma kid. It's what Shinji would have done.

beyond edge

I'm not the one who told him to jerk off on the kid.
Seriously though we need more volunteers like him.

you should commit soduko

Nooses make nice scarves OP

I don't see much advice working here. Ignoring would not have helped. Fighting back got him knocked into a coma.

Maybe you should have killed his bully.

fucking moralfags

Kill the bully, fucking skin him alive and bathe in his blood

dubs confirm.
Take out another nigger.

do it

Chill out OP, you are in the clear if noone has found out it was you yet. You now realize life isnt a movie and you can live your life a bit better now.


Would I have been able to get away with it?

Here's your problem OP….
You got two birds with one stone, I say good job you should feel proud. Statistically speaking your pet nigger would have probably ended up in jail or shot by another nigger anyway. But not only did you try to help him, you tried to make him white and successful, other niggers don't like that. So the bully is now in the system and now probably will be for the rest of his life. GG I say.

I'm not racist or a murderer so while I appreciate you trying to help it's not really meaning much to me.

You should be. You'd never have run into this problem.

I disagree with you.

but then niggers hate

son, i'm proud

RIP job.

All it'll take is for his parents or something to check through his phone messages and you're up the creek

I remember when I was ignorant about race…..

Listen, literally none of this is your fault. Black on black violence happens even to the whitest niggers. This would have happened regardless.

If you had been racist you'd have known how subhuman niggers are and you never would have taken the chimp as a pet. Hence you never would have given him advice and he'd never end up in a coma.
This is all your fault.
You murdered this chimp.

I think this goes to show that 'masculinity' today is defined as being disposable or showing your disposability or aggressiveness, even if it means you will die.

This kid is probably 'respected' by others now, but what's it even count for? He's fucking dead at 15. This just goes to show that humanity is still a bunch of savages.

He made straight As and didn't even speak in ebonics dude. Calm down.


He took karate and won a lot of sparring matches against bigger dudes anyways. I thought he'd be fine.

honestly you're a fucking idiot.
there is no other way out of this.
just end it all op

I'm very calm. You're the one who isn't and is thus not thinking rationaly. Are you also black?

what is this the 80s

Probably not. But I bet his girlfriend's son is.

im a virgin

When did I say you had sex?

He should've fought dirty. If you want to win a fight, you don't fucking use cuckrate, you use a pipebomb, or at least a hand made tazer.
seriously, just get a shitton of 9V's, wrap all the + together, same for the - sides. Now, attack a metal spike of some sort to each wire. Now, when you stab the spikes into some thing conductive (such as a nigger's flesh) the pixies will dance like it's 1999, and burn the shit out anything in it's way, as if the nig hadn't been sitting too long in god's oven anyways

protip, cover up the batteries and exposed wires with tape or some other shit so you don't fry yourself. also you'd need like 10 9vs to produce anything really painful. also the ratio for anfo is 95% AN to 5% FO and requires something like TNT as a detonator


it ain't illegal, you can wikipedia that shit and find it

Do you even know where you are faggot?


Ah shit, first one's for ants.

hello /k/omrade
the pipe shotgun is kinda confusing, either it's nonthreaded pipe and you smack the cap, or you use a longer nail, or that diagram is way off

Open fireworks, get blackpowder.
Drill small hole on top of light bulb.
Fill with blackpowder.
Screw into lightsocket.
Surprise to anyone who turns on light.

how does one drill a hole in a lightbulb without breaking it?
wouldn't all the BP fall out of the hole?
this reminds me of my neighbor who gassed gophers

I never understood this advice. Of course I was bullied all through high school. I was told to fight him but I never did.

Like I mean whats my endgame here?

Am I killing him? Better bring a weapon. I can't leave him alive because he'll just kill me later.

Metal part on top.
As long as the filaments still conduct electricity to the powder you are golden.
Another fun thing from back in the day was shaving matches, then using glue to get it on the disc inside floppies.
Leave one at a public library and you'd have some random fuck wanting to check what was on it.
Nice little fire inside the drive.

Same. I feel like if I did fight I'd get beaten so badly I'd get disfigured. And people don't respect you losing, they only respect winners.,



These fuckin hats!

He hates me, and I hate him. Why would I want to be his friend? People who say this shit are literal apes.

What's the problem? He accepted of his own free will and made his choice. Once they pull the plug, he'll probably be smiling at you from hell (heaven is for whites only).

So Tyrone beat up your Jamal. Let the crabs in the bucket take care of themselves.

protip: Karate is a joke. It's not a good way to fight, and most karate instructors are professional bullshitters.

Beyond edgy

you could also buy a surp gasmask, I have an old yugo M1 I got for 30 bucks from a local surp place
just because you can DIY doesn't mean you should.
also story of "gas the gophers lawn war now" neighbor

I think most people know this, even autists. It's an excellent workout though

I can design these things by myself.


technically it could be a murder if OP's niglet friend dies

Don't feel bad OP. He died with dignity and didn't need to suffer the hell that is life as a bullied kid. Unfortunate, but I think its still an okay outcome considering how this shitty world is.

Is it your fault he is effectively dead? No. He decided for himself.

Also all martial arts are bullshit. In a street fight you can do whatever the hell you want.

This aint cuckchan, son. If you can't take it here don't come at all.

How is being beaten into the floor by a feral nigger a dignified death?

That's tragic man, smoke some blue dream and you'll get over it.

He died a brave death, its far more dignified than living like a coward.

He was 15 dumbass.

But he haven't produced any offspring. That's the ultimate goal of all life on earth.

I fail to see a problem

Why do you like to shitpost?

So? Everyone eventually dies, including offspring. It really doesn't make any difference when it happens.

But he was a good boy, he dindu nuffin.

shitpost best post, friend



Nihilism is for cowards, live, you fucking pussy.

As opposed to? I don't see anything in life to suggest that I'm wrong.

not that user, but how so?
I think it's the most enlightened you can get to realize that you can do all this cool, amazing, great shit, but in the grand scheme of things it won't matter.

He didn't get to enjoy life, instead he died for macho chest beating posturing. It's pointless, and he will not be remembered. His parents lost their son for no good reason.

None of us will be remembered a hundred or two years from now on.

Maybe you should have gotten him some boxing classes.

Doesn't matter. His chances of being another Newton are zero now, whereas they were previously nonzero. He had the right to life stolen from him by a savage nigger for no reason. OP killed him.

Boxing doesn't work on nigs bro. I've fought them. It's a whirlwind and fists and legs and no structured training can prepare you for it. He stood no chance.

I should have told him to punch the guy in the neck and get it over with.

I think it's time for you to go back to Reddit now.
You don't belong here

No it isn't. If someone told you to sell your house for a rock and you do it, is it that guys fault you were a fucking retard? No.

If someone told you to sell your car for gasoline money for your car and you do it, is it that guy's fault? No.

If you tell some faggot on Holla Forums to kill themselves, and they do it, is it your fault? No.

You made your own dumb choice and so did he. He played a stupid game and he won the prize fighter prize for stupid.

You're not even human m8

Jaded Nihilist prudes have invaded this thread.



There was a time when shitposters were told to go back to halfchan. Those were the days. Now we have the scum of 4chan and reddit. Sure we had pedo's and bronies and poltards, but they were respectable. God, why did hotwheels ever give that vagrant josh a place to stay.

Nobody will be remembered eventually. Additionally, everyone dies for no reason. There is no substance in your argument, since the same applies to everyone else.

Why live, then?


meant for

So, kill yourself, life is meaningless.

Because its fun.

Then why do you think it's not a big deal when 15 year olds are killed by savages?

Return to Kikebook faggot.

Better yet Delete System 32 and KYS.

Because even being fun, once people die the memory is gone and what happened was inconsequential.

Don't blame "machofags" You're the one responsible.

You are not to blame OP.

The harsh winds of chaos are no man's responsibility.

It hurts. You didn't know what would happen. You gave advice. Now you know how dangerous advice is, even with good intentions advice is dangerous.

The kid who punched him in the head is the one who killed him, not you.


He's right though.

Well OP, you fucked it.

But look on the bright side, you made a 10/10 greentext story.

solid plan, fucktard