I think I'm too autistic/depressed to enjoy anything remotely challenging or with a long-term lose state. Can we get some comfy games in here?
I think I'm too autistic/depressed to enjoy anything remotely challenging or with a long-term lose state...
sounds like you'd like Fallout 4
Instead of playing games go find a good nigger cock to milk
Time to play Willy Fights with your big brother again, OP
Actually yeah, good recommendation, user.
OP, I recently ==legally== downloaded Fallout 4 because I was curious if it was as shit as I assumed it was (i.e. way too easy) and it completely is. Nice look, comfy characters, good atmosphere, COMPLETE lack of difficulty, even on harder settings. Go pick it up, OP.
Fallout 4 is the best game ever t. Holla Forumstard
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
Yeah no it's garbage, apart from the few interesting/comfy characters and good atmosphere - the story is shit, the dialogue is shit, most of the characters are shit, the difficulty is shit, the gameplay is shit, it has no depth and is only for the lowest common denominator.
- just like OP!
Just replace the fallout 4 NPCs with anime characters
yo, go buy age of empires II HD.
just get Gmod and play prop hunt or jailbreak.
Mah white man. I literally have my copy right next to me.
That ending made me feel a little bit sad for ol' Todd. Poor kid just wanted to make some cool games.
He's probably honestly a pretty genuine dude, but too proud of his own games, which in turn makes them sell better, whist pissing off all the people that are highly critical, like us.
Gmod's online is a cesspit of kids, faggots and autists. It's the perfect place for a depressed fuck to waste time.
boot up 1.6 pop onto a dust2 server
Banished is nice
Sonic 3D blast (saturn)
was comfy. and short and average a game. it was still comfy though.
also NiGHTS into dreams
Is there a Nigger version of Pokemon?
yeah but it gets boring quickly
Rimworld is better in every way tbh
this, right here, is why everyone who isn't Holla Forums hates Holla Forums