(((Every fucking time)))
(((Every fucking time)))
There's more:
For the kosher fags and Muslims he also promoted the over-consumption of bacon and other pork products despite being a dirty rat fink Jew.
pigs are disgusting mate
Meatcucks, when will they learn?
Holla Forums is exlusively White board, abdul
You need to do more than that, newmate.
Like actually backing up your posts with evidence like a white man does?
Everything increases your risk of getting cancer, at this point saying that something gives you cancer is the equivalent of saying "This indeed exist in the phenomenal world".
Look, I know your sex can't reason properly. So I suggest you just look at the pretty maymays and leave the reasoning to the men.
No, wait actually that's an order. Suggesting to women just makes them think they can disobey thus causing families and therefore society to collapse.
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You know, there's probably a reason the kikes don't eat it.
Tobacco pipe smoking is a very manly thing to do. So many great men throughout history smoked a pipe.
Tobacco, like nearly every other god damn in this world, isn't overly dangerous unless you abuse it.
Most people who die of lung cancer, or some other smoking related illness will tell you they smoked a pack a day or more of cigarettes for 40+ years. That's way too much, for way too long.
Moderation, faggots.
I'm surprised Holla Forums doesn't talk about Bernays more. He created 'Public Relations', got women to smoke cigarettes, convinced the American government to bomb the shit out of Guatemala, created the modern commercial, and essentially is the original architect behind our Consumerist mindsets that dominate the world today.
The guy did monstrous things in the pursuit of money, and taught his acolytes how to be mind-bending mercenaries just like him. They are the ones who tell politicians what to do and say, and everyone has a team of PR guys like augers in ancient times.
It doesn't take a grand conspiracy to create many of society's ills today - just natural greedy people who are deficient enough in ethics and morality and far-sightedness to manipulate their fellow man for monetary gain.
Yeah their desert scrolls told them so.
Holla Forums pls go
Top comment.
I thought Holla Forums already knew this. Bernays was (((Freud's))) cousin. The origins of the mind control complex within Corporate Capitalism starts here.
Nah, they're idiots. The prohibition against eating swine is misinterpreted. It's actually a prohibition against cannibalism.
I'm calling bullshit.
Smoking has been demonized and shamed for years now. So much anti smoking propaganda has been churned out by Hollywood and the like. Anti smoking legislation has all but banned smoking in public areas.
Fluoride I'll agree with, but nicotine has numerous benefits. Prevention of dementia, elevated brain function, etc.
Can confirm. Been smoking organic tobacco every day for years. Always kept to way under 5 a day average, can stop anytime for an extended duration with no problems, still feels good mayne every time. Tbh going without coffee hurts way more
only true way to smoke is with a pipe fam
The Century of the Self goes over this. It's pretty crazy stuff. Check it out.
I haven't found any nice ones. They're all cheap ass plastic pipes. Who the fuck smokes out of a plastic pipe?
I bought a little bowl to smoke tobacco with but everyone would give me funny looks and it ended up being too small/got nasty too quick. So I bought a bubbler. That was pretty nice but it broke.
Tbh my favored method is to snuff homeground tobacco, but smoking does something to the tobacco and gives you a way more "das it mayne" buzz, whereas snuffing tobacco gives a really clean, crisp nicotine buzz
Look for pipes with vulcanite/ebonite stems, it isn't that difficult lad. They're the most common.
If you're tight on cash buy an estate pipe, something like a savinelli.
I've read all of his books.
He made that very provocative statement as the introduction to his work "Propaganda". The entire book is essentially him selling his skill as a marketing guru during the late 20's.
He was very successful at it, but he merely worked for moneyed interests who paid him. His breakthrough was that he recognize that you could sell people lifestyle over selling them items.
sage only because he has nothing to do with fluoride and the whole fluoride scandal, whilst there may be some legitimacy, is stupid as fuck.
The chemicals which dissolve into water are there to both clean and sterilize the water, whilst providing supposed benefits to dental care.
Yup. My first redpill.
You realize the justification for fluoride is because "muh poor people don't know how to take care of their teeth."
It's dysgenic. Take all the fluoride out and the retards who can't brush their teeth everyday suffer, no one else does.
You realize these companies were dumping those chemicals in rivers until it was banned and invented the fluoridated water scheme to sell the waste product rather than pay to safely dispose if it right?
RYO, roll your own, mate.
Fluoride handling requires a special HAZMAT suit and training. It's incredibly toxic. Then you mix it in the water and suddenly it's ok to drink? You do realize that fluoride is waste product in processing of aluminium, right?
Fluoride does not provide benefits dental care. It's just said over and over, but it doesn't make it true. From what stats I've seen, the "benefits" proved to be negligible, verging on ~5% better with fluoride water, but it might have been a deviation due to control group's individual lifestyles and diets. Cite your sources, you concern shill faggot.
He was Freud's nephew, so it makes sense.
Sam Hyde agrees.
To be quite honest family, if you're not old and have a manly grey/greying beard you'll most likely look like an autist smoking out of a pipe
Cigar or Pipes lads. Final Combat.
I vote for Cigar.
Because God hates them, same reason they're not allowed to eat delicious shellfish
Smoking is for fucking fags but
The occasional cigar hardly hurts your health if it is not habitual and they are damned good, I can hardly smoke cigarettes or any other tobacco product now that I know what I am missing, cigs totally ruin the flavor.
Yeah, that actually makes sense.
Get a cheap unassuming corncob and don't be self-conscious, you'll be fine.
Unless you're smoking a big fancy poker in a smoking jacket with gelled back hair no one's going to really think you're some fedora toting autist.
Or, you could just smoke in the privacy of your own home.
2nd pic looks like it'd be a fun little project to cut and carve or something