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Makes my AV sperg like a kid with max autism.
blame canada
Bismuth did nothing wrong.
Her only crime was daring to suggest that Steven grow some goddamn balls.
Yeah because killing Gems who don't value their individuality is so badass
Let's just forget about the part where she wanted to murder him for disagreeing with her methods, yeah? :^)
The way he winced at the idea of a simple sparring match was rather telling.
Explain to me the logic of using nonviolent measures against an aggressive invading force
Funny, I don't see you holding it against Lapis that she crippled Greg and attempted to drown two children
But Lapis said she was sorry two seasons later, that makes it better right?
Man is that rainbow thing hideous. There are fan gems on deviantart that look better.
Never said you shouldn't defend yourself, but talking a life of a person that's a puppet to there own society doesn't make it right.
Also, the crystal gems are rebels against the regime.
They believe it's the government that is oppresive and mind-washing.
It's not the case of defending yourself against an invading force that just hates you for minding your own business, you are literally trying to save all those homeworld gems.
This is not a argument that's deep or thought provoking.
When you have a method of infinitely retaining an enemy in prison and they will be both unaware and helpless whilst you keep them there.
The SU crew chickened out of this question, and so brought up a faux one instead.
What if you COULDN'T bubble gems? Only kill them? Now that's a moral dilemma.
Like whats the plan for all the captured gems? Trap them in objects? Just mind control them. Or "Teach them our ways because they will have no choice".
It's not hard user.
You should never kill, only imprison people indefinitely with no trial if they think differently from you.
Unless you're jasper. Then imprisoning them indefinitely is wrong and evil.
Then how would that any different from our reality? If they couldn't bubble gems war would just be a kill or be killed situation which Bismuth weapon would be practical but not right. You're still taking the life of mindless people, but the Crystal gems would have no choice. However since they do have the option to capture them and not end their existence, it would seem better to do that than the alternative.
I don't know im not Rose. However considering the fact that Jasper, Peridot where able to change. Who to say that captures gems wouldn't. I figure Rose would give the prisoners a sense of Choice something Homeworld couldn't. What ever they choose to do Rose would be fine with it.
Unless it was to destroy the earth, then they probably should be bubbled up
Does it ever occur to you guys that getting poofed is a metaphor of getting killed and reincarnating to a new form with all your memories intact? Shattering a gem is pretty much an equivalent to not only the death of a body but to the soul itself. Like the soul disappears forever and is lost into oblivion. Hence why it's pretty fucked up at least to Steven.
Any atheists here who ever wonder what happens when we die? Not being sarcastic, I'm just curious.
Not at all. But that's like arguing "But without the Shadow Realm, how will Yu Gi Oh be different from our reality!".
It's not a GOOD element to have in your stories. Substitute death was silly for the purposes of censorship, but as a narrative element its outright retarded.
Im not saying they won't. This show is shallow and somewhat disgusts me on how it breaks people. Like these characters go from rational people, to idiots obsessed with feelings.
Like only recently did they even introduce the idea the Diamonds are classist, which was a convenient way of getting out of the problem that the rival gems only wanted to procreate their species.
This show is so lazy, its like fractal incompetence. You gotta stop examining it at one point or you go mad!
So not dying. Again, I don't get the forms thing when they can all shapeshift anyway. Whatever.
Then make it a shattering of the soul. Don't half ass it. Im not even an atheist. Im saying that this is a terrible narrative element.
Weapon to ___ to be used is a common element in fiction. But this fiction differs because its "Great Power" is the fact that its a weapon that kills. Thats it.
Sorry if it looked like I was bringing atheism into the discussion to be edgy. The whole talking about souls just reminded me of questions about the afterlife.
Nah. You where not being edgy.
It's just not reincarnation, OR an afterlife. They don't treat the gems themselves as somekinds of holy relics, so Its just a convenient way to get out of moral issues.
You guys just don't understand meepmorp.
every 12 year old can slap a few pieces of garbage together, or put his self-insert CPH fanfiction on and call himself a morpist.
It's ruining the industry, when instead of simple entertainment, people are trying to make everything as fucking morpistic as possible.
No, dickhead, it's not that I "don't understand it", it's that there is nothing to understand in it, and you are all just overthinking everything to show how supposedly smart you are.
you are a pleb and you probably don't even have any rare meepmorps.
Don't ask me for any pleb.
Why is Bob the worst recurring gem
wow you're dumber than I thought
so you're willing to spend thousands of dollars on a piece of garbage some lesbian with technicolor facepaint who thinks she's from space made, just to put it a fucking safe and brag about owning it.
congratulations falling for the biggest fraud since Dewey run for president
In all honesty Lapis is one of the best just because she doesn't entertain stupid ideas.
I mean lets face it "an enemy death squad is twenty feet away, lets challenge them to baseball" is probably one of the stupidest ideas to come out of Steven's mouth, and lord knows that's saying something.
But she still went along with it, I mean if this show was written by anybody with half a fucking brain then they would have had Peri put on stupid disguise and constantly get scared of almost getting caught.
You don't even deserve to have your hitlerdubs checked. You don't even deserve a dubs meepmorp.
If it was written by anybody with half a brain the moral would be that romance has a time and place. Seriously Ruby completely fucked it up because the little faggot couldn't keep it together for a couple of hours, or even pretend to try.
>steven will never be redeemed at this point without serious, abrupt and permanent change to his daily life because he's been raised on this hedonistic lifestyle all while being told he's a superpowered magic special little snowflake
Bismuth is best bitch. She wanted to move the "story" along. So much for that shit being done well.
Lapis is such an emo cunt, it hurts. She has good R34, but that's it. Damn bitch needs to get over herself.
What you pointed out is probably why the show would actually be good if the focus had been on her and her whipping the others into shape.
Bismuth did nothing wrong. Instead of worrying about one tiny rock called Earth by poofing gems over and over, they should have attacked and shattered the diamomds to save the tens of billions of lifeforms around the galaxy getting invaded. Rose was a naive, small-minded fool.
shapeshifting, and holding a shapeshift takes effort, concentration and energy. the form is their default state when not trying to hold a different shape.
We're all fools and this show is gonna age like milk, if this keeps up.
You mean it hasn't already?
Diamonds are the ruling caste. You can't have non-diamond leadership without the system self destructing.
The rebellion also only LOST because of the diamonds having corrupting powers. If they were shattered that'd be it.
What, when was that ever said?
It would be easier to assume it's some sort of technological weapon, rather than an inherent power
I mean, fuck, there's not much proof that there was ever even a diamond present near earth in the first place
Man that's more stuff I thought that made the show more interesting, and became less interesting the more I knew about it.
Just as I believed peridot represented that the Gems where becoming more cold and distant, and thus reverting to polygonal shapes (Like the hair was a facimile of hair and was just a solid object), I believed that the Gems just could look like whatever and just chose forms for fun.
The more I learn about SU the less it was ever interesting.
So if the Diamonds where say…Bubbled for eternity then no sympathisers would pop up ever.
See this is ass. This argument isn't about to kill or not. Its just an argument of convenience.
So there's no hope in defeating the diamonds anyway, and shattering means nothing in the first place
Got it, thanks for helping me
Nah, some emotional bullshit will be pulled out of the deepest reaches of Rebecca Sugars ass.
Like I mentioned a billion times already, its just because this show is intellectually lazy is Shattering a matter of convenience and not of ethics.
Steven is a total fucking cunt tbqh.
If I learned I had powers I could unlock by training, I would be grinding all fucking day, it'd be like an IRL RPG.
But shattering is objectively harder than bubbling
But bubbling works much worse in an actual warzone.
When heavy artillery is blasting, and you got hundreds of people to fight, the fact that they all rez and continue fighting unless you can grab a small part of them makes the battles that much harder….Man that makes for a neat thing. Especially when the enemy will be smashing any gems they find.
Pick which one you like best. Unless your the kind of guy who thinks it was fine for BvS to make Batman a killer you have no excuse for thinking it's completely alright for Steven to become a murderer
Not only that, any sensible person would realize the responsibilities of having powers. You'd want to be strong enough to protect your friends and family from the oncoming threats. Sure there would be time for fun and whatnot, but a definite focus would be on getting stronger… of course, having three moms and a passive dad who enable this lazy behavior could also be to blame.
That's not a refuting my point.
time to shit post the only way i know how.
Bismuth was one of the best episodes the series has had, both in terms of pacing, storytelling, character development, world-building, and all the shit that people want from this show. That fact that it was actually a proper 22 minutes made a world of difference and it really makes it painfully clear how much better this show could have been as a whole if they did full episodes.
The big "BUT" here, is that Bismuth's character was poorly conceived. She wanted to build what she wanted, protect her friends, and fight for the right for gems to live as they pleased… Oh, and she's also a genocidal maniac who tried to kill Rose Quartz over a strategic disagreement.
So, what could have been a really strong turning point for the series, instead we got another episode of "Steven spends a day with a new gem who leaves at the end of the episode so the status quo can be preserved"
AND TO TOP THAT SHIT OFF… No Peridot or Lapis AGAIN. All that time building those characters back up and they fucking vanish again because writing a cast of more than 5 characters in a contained plot is too hard for Sucrose and team.
We could have had Peridot and Bismuth building fortifications and defense systems around the globe to protect and warn against Homeworld invasion. We could have had someone really close to Rose that would have been able to really help Steven reach his potential. We could have had episodes about Lapis resolving her issues with the Crystal Gems by interacting with Bismuth and resolving to fight alongside them for her right to live as she pleases.
Nope. Another idea thrown into the hiatus hole that we will see again in another year when they want to hype up the fans for a hot minute.
he he
now user that means putting in actual effort and that's hard
now enjoy another twenty episodes of crying
He never even bother ask the gems what all of roses powers were. There is no reason why any of his abilities would surprise him.
they need to surprise the watchers, not write a decent story
What point do you have? That the Crystal Gens are already "effectively" killing their enemies (they certainly have no intention of freeing any of those hostile gems currently spending millennia in unconscious statsis)? That a neutral party prisoner under false charges and a relatively juvenile non-combatant where able to be converted after combined of individual attention and extreme cost and effort by the protagonists? The standards of "kid's cartoons" that don't actually exist you pulled out of your ass? The failed little apples-and-oranges comparisons you tried to pull (the fuck does BvS gave to do with anything you little autist?) The fact that you can't understand nuance, extenuating circumstances, and justifiable cause?
Give a reasonable in-universe reason why Bismuth is wrong to want a weapon that can reliably put down enemies for good, or go back to posting pics of you peeling the skin off your dick on Tumblr.
Some of these problems come from the Crew's inconsistent, bipolar morality.
As a bunch of identity-politics-driven SJWs, they have really burned this idea that people who don't think like them deserve punishment and suffering for the rest of their lives.
As people who spend a lot of their time being hung up on the feelings of other people, they do seem to think that people can be redeemed or enlightened to understand the error of their ways.
You can't have both. So either the story has to be that Steven, being a naive, optimistic, and ultimately altruistic young man with a large destiny thrust upon him by birth, finds a way to reach out and help all his enemies. Mind, at this point, his collection of enemies has included actual monsters and a massive ball of fragmented beings that manifest as disjointed violent limbs… As well as loyal soldiers, victims of war, and even his closest loved ones.
So it's fucking weird that they can preach that everyone can be redeemed, but some people deserve to be locked away and separated from having any kind of life, indefinitely.
your right, you can't have it both ways, but dame it the crew will try too and if it fails now one will notice because the people watching this show wont want to criticize it.
all i know is the irredeemable characters tend to be the best so far, as they have to have real personality to make them unlikable
there was not a single moral like that in SU
Jasper, so far, and Kevin come to mind. But this is also something they preach outside their show with some members constantly getting into twitter slapfights where they sling the usual shit about white misogynerd dudebros needing to fuck off.
Batman killed people in both the Burton and Nolan movies. And there's a difference between killing out of convenience or malice and killing out of necessity.
She is a genuine threat, and the only person who wants her to be punished is Amethyst, who is currently being portrayed as being revenge-crazy. In the negative light.
his entire episode was about how it's stupid to obsess about pettiness and you should just not give a fuck.
Please quote.
user, you know it would take the death of Greg or Connie to spur Steven into being serious.
He needs some form of trauma to give him that rage in his gut that will sustain him and turn him into what Humanity has always been: an adaptive survivor.
The one who doesn't understand nuance is you, user. You're arguing the simplest path, to kill and wipe out those that oppose you, is the best because it's free of making the effort to try and change the minds of your enemies.
The comparison is the point that traditionally Batman is a character who does not kill his enemies because if he kills his enemies he is no different from them, by having him killing people in BvS he lost this aspect, and thus lost one of the very central premise of his character. The same could be said of Steven he is not a killer, most of his powers are meant for defense not offense. If Steven ever were to actually kill a gem, even once, he would no longer be able to say he supports the ideals of the Crystal Gems that no gem is born to do one thing their whole life, they can change.
Rose Quartz believed that the caste system the homeworld gems operate on is wrong and that any gem should be whatever they choose to be, killing a gem robs them of their ability to make a choice, and is also over the top when you can easily neutralize gems by destroying their form and bubbling them, and just as easily releasing them in order to rehabilitate and bring them out of the kind of thinking that the Homeworld enforces.
Peridot and Lazuli are early examples that this method can work, Bismuth however is an example as how Steven isn't completely ready to bring this tactic to everyone, but no one in-univese said that Bismuth is gone for good, when Steven feels he might have a better argument, and that enough time has passed where Bismuth is ready to hear him out he can release her and have her understand his feelings and ideals, Rose certainly must have felt that way since she left Bismuth's gem inside Lion.
Furthermore Bismuth is less a soldier more an activist that has grossly misunderstood Rose's beleif, its' why tumblr got so angry at her character they believed she was right when she claimed she needed to kill her oppressors.
You'd think the constant whinging about representation, diversity, and all that shit would be evidence enough that this show's creators are pozzed as fuck.
Several of the writers and artists on the show have effectively stopped posting anything that isn't "new episode out tonight" after all that zami drama.
no I wouldn't.
Provide me screenshots of the things that you are talking about, because I have never seen them before.
how you liking the music so far
you shuld get fucking banned
I haven't clicked a single one.
I like em
Have an article about Rebecca Sugar whinging about how SU has to reflect the LGBT agenda because gays are oppressed and underrepresented.
As far as SJW shit goes, they are fighting hard to keep it under control after it bit so many other retards in the ass.
Connie's death would probably improve the series all around, and I'm being totally serious here. No more Stevonnie filler, no more aimless Connie friendship episode filler, Peedee would go back to being Steven's go-to friend and the death of somebody close to him would make their friendship more believable as suddenly Steven's grounded in the harshness of reality, Steven would realize you can't save everyone even if you try your hardest. He'd have to assume Rose Quartz's leadership role while also not being quite as starry-eyed about everything as he was or even as much as Rose was.
Fuck off
fuck oN
Peedee was barely that in his intro episode.
He showed up. He was serious for the eleven minutes. Then the crew IMMEDIATLEY realized that that shit wouldn't fly in the face of feelz and he's lucky to have any speaking parts at all.
In fact, I almost suspect that they did the same thing ATHF did back in the day: They made a pitch bible and a few episodes to look like a "normal" show then dropped it as soon as the network wasn't watching them.
mah nigga
post somthing you like
nuh you
So why is Steven okay with putting gems into comas indefinitely? Shit is fucked up, yo.
because the whole coma thing is no vilonet and if you watched the bismuth episode then you would know Steve is all about nonviolent passive aggressive pussy ass bullshit
Because it's not killing them and effectively killing them while not actually doing so lets Steven's morality stay intact despite the cognitive dissonance
It allows them to keep Steven's hands unbloodied AND give them an opportunity to bring back any monsters or characters in the event that they run out of ideas and need to milk nostalgia by pretending to have some kind of cohesive plot.
The same reason sjws think they're good ,because he's told that.The Crystal Gems have probably been bubbling gems ever since the beginning of war and since the Crystal gems are the good guys Steven probably assumes anyone against that is evil.Nevermind the fact that he's basically imprisoning someone for an indefinite amount of time just for thinking differently than him,the Crystal Gems are doing it so it must be the right thing to do.Storywise though it's basically a way to ram a shitty "If you fight your enemies they win" message down our throats.
If you say so
Mah nigga.
Because the internal logic of Steven Universe boils down to "it's ok when WE do it".
You can't kill your enemy, or else you somehow lose. But you CAN effectively render them comatose indefinitely and forget about them in prison. But your enemies can't imprison the exact same people because they're the bad guys and only you can imprison them.
It's the same reason Peridot was a villain for monkeying around with a horrible gem weapon and abusing shards, but Steven did the exact same thing to power a fucking restaurant mascot.
I'm glad that, as we all know, in real life wars no longer exist, because we have accepted that mutual violence is immoral, and when somebody from outside our culture attacks with deadly force, we only ever extend a peaceful hand, never returning the hit. After all, killing our enemies in retaliation would be just as wrong.
This user got it closest tbh
But for a good writer it can be as simple as pointing out that with Bismuth it's proved that a bubbled gem can return later on perhaps after enough gems can turn around like the crystal gems did Bismuth would be able to see that the non-violent way not only works but it allows for your own forces to grow in number.
It's funny that we're all talking about it now, because the first minutes of "kindergarten kid" just leaked
Roadrunner homage?
Were you talking about these?
And the mp4, yes.
I remember when before these two became main characters, Lapis and Peridot had their personalities switched. Except instead of one being an annoying Stewie Griffin ripoff and the other being a bland emo archetype, Lapis was more enthusiastic and would play off to the logical "I can't deal with this shit" Peridot. It helped that I actually liked this ship because I thought Peri was some sort of cyborg so it's similar to a WALL-E romance. Now they fucked it up in the worst possible manner. I know the shipping probably wasn't going to be canoned but I didn't expect one of them to be changed to a completly different character…>>652787
could you please kindly pack your things and move back to tumblr or reddit or wherever you came from and not pollute our fucking air anymore
i want to honk chen
We all do, user.
Bubbling is a means to absolve the gems of any form of responsibility. Even if the thing bubbled is in never ending pain and anguish "out of site out mind". They don't have to worry about actually fixing the problem that forces the corrupted to be imprisoned in the first place because it no longer effects their lives after it's shoved in the basement.
They had over 5000 years to try and help the corrupted and they never lifted a finger.
Let me amend that.
"It's ok when we do it, because when we do it it's different".
We don't kill gems. We imprison them. But when Jasper imprisons them it's wrong. Because when we imprison them we reduce them to a state without motion or consciousness. But we don't kill them.
Watching a show where a bright star is extinguished because of other people having brought him down before the show even started is just depressing.
Does the blue runner have a name?
Well, I don't like to defend it but, Jasper is using them to fight the cristal gems.
Its like the joker uses escaped mental asylum inmates for his crimes.
While the Cristal gems puts them in a place where they aren't a harm to themselves or others because they can't really do nothing else.
The Bismuth thing is all rose tho.
The fuck?
it's so she could finger her asshole and jerk off at the same time
What the fuck were they thinking?
That's actually kinda hilarious, i mean, i thought Stevonnie was bad, but man, this?
So human-gem fusion should be outlawed, right?
You know that's not an excuse, right?
Okay chums.
I've been defending this show since always.
I was the guy who constantly went "b-but this is just plot stuff, g-go back to Holla Forums with your conspiracies!"
But I will not deny that
this is the tumblrest fucking episode in the history of animated shows
if you hate steven universe, you should watch this just so you can have a game-breaking argument in any dispute
The fuck is in your link, boyo? A leaked episode?
Remember when gems used to dance to fuse, and they need to be in perfect sync or some shit like that otherwise the fusion would not work?
Well screw that shit, gems fuse absolutely at will now, even if they have never done it before, do it by accident, and it makes no sense whatsoever.
Shhhhhhh, Jews changed their mythology again. It happens boyim. Don't worry about it.
Wait a minute, isn't this the second half of the episodes tonight?
I seriously hope you guys don't watch it without the first half.
the first half is in the OP you silly user
… thanks, Canada.
It's legit.
Jasper actually belonged to Pink Diamond, and came to Earth to get revenge for what Rose allegedly did to her.
Now that she's corrupted and bubbled, Jasper's and PD's plot threads will be ignored for another 6 years.
Smoky Quartz has a good personality and looks nice in motion.
This is proof that god is either malevolent or impotent, as no loving all powerful creator would let this happen.
and by that you mean "she's a snarky fat black teenager written with 120% puns to appeal to tumblr who has no right to move like she does within earth gravity"
Truly the unsung heroes of SU
But it has the GX Version of Shul Shagana!
Every episode this happens, I am even more sure that homeworld should have destroyed earth.
I know I'm late, but Bismuth didn't do anything wrong, right?
Can someone mirror this somewhere else please?
By the Emperor….
I guess this is pretty much what Amethyst and Steven would look like fused, but when Pearl and Amethyst fuse the result looks nothing like Amethyst. Guess it's just another example of the show playing quick and loose with it's own rules.
The fact that tumblr has been saying that Bismuth was right is proof in itself that Bismuth certainly did SOMETHING wrong.
Bismuth is still a dirty SJW Crystal Gem, just of the "no bad tactics, just bad targets" hypocrite kind, which is frankly the worst kind of SJW.
It is frankly less that Bismuth did anything right as much as it was both sides overreacting to retarded proportions.
While RQ and Steven were wrong to try to deny the necessity to kill in a war Bismuth did overreact and should probably backed off, and presented the weapon itself or the idea of the weapon to the other Crystal Gems as a group so usage or destruction should been a group decision as it was ultimately the whole groups lives on the lines, especially if the Crystal Gems do value their own agency and right to individual choices as much as they claim, even if we all know the ones we know would likely vote against it.
So Bismuth did do something wrong. Being badly written is a wrong, right?.
Bismuth raised up a good point in that the CGs lost. How many gems really were shattered by Homeworld? While yes, Steven has demonstrated a considerable ability to bring people over to his side, it doesn't always work. What happens if they're fighting and one of Steven's friends gets shattered? His negligence would have enabled that to happen and their death would be on him.
Sure, they should try and reason with people where they can. But what if they can't? Do you just bubble them forever and hope for the best? They're not going to be happy when they come out, and you've probably only made a worse enemy than before, in which case, you're better off killing them so they're not a problem for you later.
If you're willing to do horrible things to people, then you need to be willing to make sure they can't get retribution on you or the people you love.
Here is the thing, I think this character is as ugly as can be, but that does not bother me, Because honestly, I think ugly characters are fun as fuck. Specially to draw. I think the problem is that you guys are so hard up because you want everything to have a tumblr agenda, and honestly, I sometimes think you guys would not be happy unless tumblr always had an agenda. Now make no mistake, I hate tumblr as much as the next person, but you guys gotta chill the fuck out here and there and just enjoy something for what it is. Yeah the character was retarded, but the fight was fun to watch, and was cleverly animated.
I just hate it because it's ugly as fuck and demonstrates they're not paying attention to their own rules on fusion.
We can't complain that it's ugly?
I know it's ugly on purpose, but it's still hideous.
I agree with you, but expect somebody to quote the "now I hate tumblr just as much as you" part and post a pic of a bearded SJW guy with a mask on.
Thats fine, they can quote whatever they want, it literally just proves my point if that is their main argument, which is honestly the majority here these days. This place is literally becoming what they hate.
Oh my god, I don't like the way a thing looks. I'll bitch about it and disregard all the other things I do like.
Yeah that sounds reasonable.
What the fuck are you talking about?
What I am saying is that Holla Forums likes to take one or two things about something that they consider bad, and make it the prime objective to why they hate something. And to me that is literally cancer. This is 4chan all over again.
Yep, im just noting that Bismuth had played it more cool and gone for a long game rather then flip out the pilebunker could still gotten use even after Rose "denied" it, or
That is kinda what clicks it for me that it was less about making a asset to the war, and more about the emotional flipout of "SOMEONE IS DISAGREEING WITH ME!?"
Considering the Breaking Point WAS intact despite Steven being able to destroy it easily and we know Rose did something to Pink Diamond, there is a small possibility it actually WAS used to shatter a Diamond after all, depending on how secure Bismuths SEKRIT LAIR was and if the other CGs were involved in/know about whatever happened between PD and RQ. Assuming that B presented the BP physically like she did with Steven and didn't get her ass kicked just for talking about it it wouldn't make sense for her to not destroy it herself otherwise, of course Steven won't ask Pearl and Garnet what the fuck Jasper meant with "Pink Diamond" for 30 episodes or so, so not like we are gonna get details.
That's nice, user, but if you hadn't noticed, most people are just surprised at how fucking ugly the fusion is.
Chill out, man.
I was surprised to, I didn't look at the spoiler image (actually I didnt think it would be a legit image and more of a shocker image), but most of Holla Forums is being a bitch about it.
Hmm, Well, they were kinda in sinc after Steven's pep talk, And this is not the first time Steven fuses like by touch.
>but I'm not a faggot
There's ugly and then there's poorly designed ugly. Dr Zoidberg is an example of the former while that fused monstrosity is the later.
Well it wasn't the exact text, but you were right for the most part
I swear you people are cancer
I dont really think I can call it ugly as much as it is weird, but honestly, I like weird.
I'm going to defend a show that is a tumblr child, then complain that it's a tumblr child.
what did she do to pink diamond?
also smoky quarts worst fucking gem on top of amethyst
Considering how mad Jasper sounded, Rose must've somehow shattered her or caused her to go missing.
Bismuth died for nothing!
Pink Diamond would have been the one ultimately responsible for Rose Quartz. For her to start her rebellion then something serious would have to happen to PD. My guess is some sort of direct betrayal or sabotage.
Well what do you know, this exact point is addressed in the preview of Kindergarten Kid.
Pearl: It's a little disturbing that Jasper was just keeping these corrupted Gems in cages.
Amethyst: Isn't that what we're doing?
Pearl: [anxious expression] That's different…
Garnet: They're cared for in the stasis of the bubble. As long as they're bubbled they can't hurt anyone - and they won't suffer. It's what Rose wanted.
Convenient that they only discuss the corrupted gems, and don't even try to justify bubbling noncorrupted enemies.
I thought of it as just becoming synchronized mentally and emotionally, and dancing just being a helpful way to get in the same mood - but in an emergency where everyone is just trying to survive, or equally pissed at their enemy, they're effectively synced already. Jasper trying to brute-force it with no sync at all results in an especially unstable fusion.
but for real they just don't want to animate dancing every time and the scriptwriters want fusion to happen suddenly and unexpectedly so it can be a shocking tweest
It's composed of the two worst main characters, is literally shit-colored and speaks in puns, of course it's the fucking worst.
Never thought I'd see the day I missed the Nicki Minaj fusion.
So Rose wanted to kick the can down the road? I know it's essentially magic but what the fuck happens should there be a catastrophic break that results in ALL THE BUBBLED FUCKS break out and all hell is let loose. This show undeniably has protagonist centered morality but now it's just getting too easy to pick out whats wrong with it.
I can only hope this gets thrown in their fucking face at some point where Rose probably wanted to set up a system where you just launch the bubbles at the home world, which I'm kind of surprised they don't do at this point Let them figure it the fuck out
They would be trapped inside the temple, instead of roaming outside, if you think that having this things outside is bad and that is why they shouldn't bubble them,
then why should we have prisons then?
Its one of those, I shouldn't bath myself because I would get dirty anyway situations?
Well, considering that corruption's an incurable disease that turns you insane and violent, it's probably most humane to put them in stasis until there's a cure.
Though if there's some complete breakdown in containment, yes, shit's going to go SCP pretty quickly unless the temple itself can contain them or they start fighting amongst themselves.
Releasing a pile of corrupted gems inside an enemy stronghold would be an awesome sabotage tactic - though it's kind of exploiting the mentally ill, and the Homeworld gems would probably shatter them all.
So I'm looking at the new episode and Jasper is right.
Rose, and Steven, only take gems after they're beaten down to nothing. Peridot used to be a capable gem who could do shit. Now she's been reduced to doing nothing but throwing garbage together in a barn. Lapis is nothing but a crying mess. Ect. ect.
Maybe she absorbed her somehow, it would explain why she has powers that not even Jasper the 'perfect quartz' has.
Fucking hell.
Remember when Peri's schtick wasn't being a "smol" bratty kid and was some sort of robot/cyborg that would've fit more to the "Homeworld Gem learns how to like Earth" arc they were going for?
The idea that Peridot didn't lose her dignity is completely detached from reality.
That would assume they were actually trying to go for that, I remember one of the tards that writes for the show saying they were in the middle of writing her current botched personality for future episodes while her introduction as space-Holla Forums was airing for the first time.
They weren't ever going to do anything with her.
How come no one has checked these digits yet? Check 'em.
I don't understand why they even went with the "she's actually small" angle with her character. Usually that sort of thing works if the character before the reveal looked intimidating. Pic related is an example. The audience kind of suspect she's in some sort of suit but they didn't expect her to look so ridiculously cute. Even more telling when Peridot's tall form didn't look like she was using limb enhancers but, which is why they actually had to make her head bigger when they shrunk her so the proportions wouldn't look awkward. I can't believe a theory I thought was so stupid and so unrelated turned out to be canon.
After watching the Earthlings episode, it turns out it was in the right order, but in the past, they've aired episodes out of order for some asinine reason.
It's just weird that we had a couple episodes of Amethyst feeling inadequate, rounded out by her fight with Steven.. and then we saw other stuff for a while, and then we see Amethyst again and she's still a mopey cunt because she lost to Jasper.
thank you
Helluva thing to drop right before turning her into an irredeemable psycho.
Is the show starting to hint that Rose was a hypocritical cunt herself?
rose-tinted glasses
Is corruption an allegory for AIDS?
Maybe it's an allegory for being a worthless NEET with no romantic prospects.
I think Smokey Quartz is ugly. Like you'd be surprised that they take Tumblrization to a canon level.
Just when I thought it was going to go to some status quo we start to learn more about Pink Diamond and possibly the conflict is more gray than we thought. Unless Pink Diamond was a bastard and Jasper was just misguided about Pink Diamond.
so there were 4 diamonds?
…how many did you think there were?
Well, it is a fusion of the two fattest, ugliest gems. I liked how it fought, though, I thought the three arms were dumb until it started doing all the yoyo tricks.
Yeah, that has been confirmed for a while, In most earth structures the Homeworld symbol had 4 triangles or rhombuses (Can't remember) On their new shit (Like the ship) they had only 3, implying that one of them died. One thing that all of those three had in common was that the white triangle was on top and the rest under it.
You know what would be interesting? A human who doesn't like Crystal or Homeworld Gems. It's infuriating to watch the show and have every human on earth act like giant rock golems who can cause wide scale destruction are no big deal. Like, wouldn't it be an interesting idea for an antagonist that Steven and the Gems couldn't just morally bubble, but instead have to incarcerate or actually change the mind of.
Like, imagine a Crocidile Dundee type who tracks down corrupted gems to sell on the Black Market for profit. It isn't unreasonable for humans to pop corrupted gems, as evidenced by Sadie taking on a chameleon-like gem with a stick. This would provide a clear problem for the Crystal Gems, because this guy is selling dangerous, retarded war casualties to the highest bidder, and wouldn't balk down to them like pushovers. Conflict could write itself, like how the Gems would have to avoid killing him or admit that they don't care for what Rose wanted for Earth.
Regarding Jasped and Pink Diamond - I think PD may have been the Diamond in charge of Earth at the time of Rose's rebellion. Her failure to stop the Crystal Gems might have come with some kind of serious punishment from Homeworld. If Jasper was born on Earth that means it was likely her Diamond that ordered the creation of the Kindergartens. Which means Rose was already up to some serious shit to warrant that kind of response
worth noticing, the three triangles in the modern insignia overlap in the middle
Or some mad scientist like this asshole.
pink diamond has been confirmed for a while
I think its not that pink diamond was in control of earth, its that Pink Diamond had something to do with Kindergarten technology.
Mostly because all diamonds have things that are color coded, for example most building that look aristocratic are blue, most important ones are White, Everything that has to do with Yellow Diamond had to do with weapons. And all Injectors seem to be violet or pink.
Here's the thing; the Gem War ended thousands of years ago. Even if the the fighting didn't stop with it (say there were hidden Homeworld hold-outs, secret drone raids sent directly by the Diamonds, or even just a massive campaign to reduce the corrupted gem population to manageable levels), The Crystal Gems under Rose Quartz still had unchallenged and uneventful free reign of Earth for at least a couple of centuries, were they apparently just fucked with humans and largely sat in their temple with thumps up assholes. There is no hint of any of the protagonists actually attempting to find a cure (Garnet doesn't say a word to that effect while justifying stasis), and maybe in the future the writers will retcon a research stint into the timeline, but as of now, the crystal gems seal their enemies, uncorrupted alongside corrupted, in little magic bubbles where they are eternally disembodied and unconscious with no intention of ever letting them out after millennia. Just vegetate the fuckers and pray we never have to acknowledge their existence again.
What I want to know is; how are their current methods not functionally the same as killing them? How can they say they've done all they could to help? What was the end goal for this plan? Was there even an end goal? It's just so idiotic, the justification they use.
As they stand, the Crystal Gems are guilty, it just depends on point of view for which crime; sitting on a mountain of rage virus victims they never had an intention of curing, or putting all their enemies in permanent comas until the end of time in an attempt to absolve themselves of killing through semantics.
In an earlier episode, they do mention that Rose had attempted to use her healing powers on the Gem Monsters, but without any success.
You would think there'd be flashbacks showing Rose having problems if she had problems. Or if she really wanted it, maybe she could have left a notebook or something for Steven.
As we're well aware, the Gems are kind of retarded in an odd way, due to their lifespans being potentially infinite.
They watched humanity develop to where it is now and never thought to really interact with it until Greg fucked his way into their lives.
After losing their leader, it seems like the only thing they did for thousands of years was hunt down gem monsters and bubble them.
The Crystal Gems have shown an alarming lack of ability to plan ahead for creatures that're biologically immortal and should be much, much older than "teenage girl" in general mentality.
Well, they went on missions to capture more gems and if I remember correctly they did the contrary of fucking with humans, they secluded themselves in the américas while continuously hunt gems (That Major Dewey play that seemed at least accurate)
I think they mostly expected homeworld to think that Earth was a lost cause after they fucked it with their super weapon.
Also it seems they tried to heal them, but Steven Spit seems to be even better than her mothers tears and actually partially healed them, Eitherway in earth they barely had the resources for that as they didn't want to harm the earth.
They actually lost their leader recently like 14 years tops.
But you are probably right that for them 6000+ years is not that much, they don't care to hurry, its more Homeworld took 5000 to come back to earth, most of Amethyst lifespan.
Well, it is a great plan to excommunicate yourself from your home planet with barely any resources and end with only 3 other gems(4 if you count the one that hates your guts) that can barely just capture corrupted gems.
It's implied that during the war, the Crystal Gems had many, many more members.
Going by Rose's armory and Bismuth's statement about equipping all the Crystal Gems, it sounds like there were more than just a few of them.
That's because they were all designed to be worker drones and servants for the Diamonds. They aren't really supposed to be able to think and plan on their own. Even Peridot turned into a moron when left to her own devices.
It would appear that, despite Rose's insistence, gems really can't be whatever they want to be. In 5300 years, they barely grew at all, and once Rose died, they became even more lost than before.
Jasper was right
Yes during the war, the war ended when the diamonds used the super weapon.
Any drawfags here?
give me a link to this post, I might do something and post it as a response to it
Rose seemed to be the one who went out of her way to interact with humans for the most part.
Kinda get the impression that Rose has basically been the grown-up of the Crystal Gems for far too long; when she first met Greg, Garnet and Pearl acted like teenagers, and Amethyst like an overstimulated child. They had to grow up to start raising Steven when they didn't have Rose around anymore.
Given Lapis' flashback to the panicked retreat the Homeworld gems made from Earth, it seemed like they were already winning; when the Diamonds used the corruption wave, it was pretty much a last spiteful resort. (especially since tons of their own loyal troops were caught in it) Though they did then set up the Cluster, probably using those smashed in the war, and left that to incubate.
Also, basically confirmed that Rose Quartz killed Pink Diamond.
so wait what happened to
is it dead?
It was never alive to begin with?
It was only set up as an emergency if the generals got banned from Holla Forums and we did not want to go to /sugen/.
There was never a need to use it.
It Begins
I feel like we need some kind of timeline, because there's a few key details that make this confusing.
Smoke Quartz isn't ugly because she's fat.
She's ugly because she has the proportions of an inflatable sumo fat suit.
Given the second Kindergarten was basically described as a last-minute desperation move, I'd say Jasper was born during the Rebellion.
Otherwise, that sounds about right. Though it might be even more than 6k years ago.
That's what i pretty much what I expected out of tumbler.
Yeah, it's kind of hard to gauge when a lot of these things happened because the formation of the Crystal Gems, the Rebellion, and the War that followed all happen in a very nebulous frame of time. Could have been several centuries of this shit, or a couple years.
Gems don't die unless they are shattered, and as long as the gem is recovered they'd reform. Even if cracked, Rose could heal cracked Gems.
If anything, I'd say the escalation of the war had a lot to do with Rose teaching her Crystal Gems to go beyond their assigned duty to discover powers that the Diamonds didn't want them to know they had.
One Gem with a weapon isn't a threat.. But countless Gems wielding the powers that are inherent to their very existence poses a real threat to the Almighty Tallest Diamonds.
She's got a cute face, but dear lord.. That body is just so unappealing. And I've got a BBW fetish.
Which is all bullshit when gems Like Lapis where pro Diamond and had the power to shatter worlds singlehandedly. The force required to lift that water would be enough to pierce its crust rather easily.
And she could do all that whilst creating duplicates that could defeat the gems. Sure Steven Sound shattered them or something….So just send more. And more. And more.
Under the diamonds, the gems created artifacts of power. Under Rose, they did fuck all. Under Steven, they create moerples
Lets make it even more detailed.
I think if she actually had a neck and her legs weren't so short, she'd look better. The outfit could've been better designed, too.
I disagree. Maybe it's the eyebrows and color scheme but I would've been okay if she was fat if it wasn't for the other features.
Know your fusion leak previews
It's some bizarre combination of the weird proportions, her color scheme, her outfit, and her demeanor.
The unbalanced design with two arms on one elbow doesn't help either.
And.. Wow. Looks how much better she looks here. in pic 3
She is from Blue Diamond, the for the looks of it least militaristic so far, I don't think they would be planning to destroy the earth.
Also Rose Quarts somehow had an ability to nullify some gems powers, like in the second episode of Lapiz, steven blocked a Water double and he just disappeared, I would think that they would have counters for her.
And then again she isn't powerful in homeworld.
Eh. Smokey looks more cute. But mostly because she's less obese and more chubby kid.
Seeing as they could mass produce certain types of gems, it would stand to reason that any one single Lapis that tried to abuse their powers could be shut down by two loyal Lapises (Lapii?) negating her powers.
Yeah, the fuck happened, She actually look good now..
Lapis Lazuli's a special case given power over water isn't much on plants without it, but on a planet that's 2/3 covered in oceans, she realises suddenly that she's godlike.
Probably why Lapis stopped giving a shit anymore and is happy watching old soap operas with a nerd and making meepmorps; she's fucking won.
Though Lapis probably would still be taken by surprise; she hasn't gotten any more durable or stronger.
more of her
Well not good… Tolerable.
mmm.. Yeah. I can see the appeal, I guess.
Yeah it's definetly the eyebrows. You could tell that the circular eyebrow with not enough contrast to the skin that it has Tumblr influence. Steven Universe is Tumblr the cartoon now.
eh, seems it's only better in chibi form.
Full sized it's still terrifying.
That double arm is just too awkward to stare at.
There is something seriously wrong with you if you somehow think what those two pictures contain is anything other than steaming sewage.
Jesus titty-fucking christ, su threads are where standards go to die.
How deluded can you be? There was never any possibility of it ever being anything else.
well they contain Sardonyx who is perfection
OKay yeah, full it just less awful than its first appearance it is still awful.
we need a drawfag to make a skinny big-tittied and whitewashed version of that.
Before resorting to suicide, there's one thing left to figure out
This is clearly technically incest, but is amethyst one of Steven's not-moms, or is she more like a sister?
Its kinda like her planetsize sister.
They definitely have a sibling vibe. Amethyst is the underachieving older sister who wants to impress Steven by being cool and laid back, but she's also deeply insecure about not living up to the expectations that the two-midgets-in-a-mom-costume set for her.
The outfit and color clash is really bad. If they really wanted to comobine Amethyst's clothes with Steven's, they should've split the two between top and bottom, rather than going everywhere. Amethyst's top would be fine with only Steven's jeans, and vice versa.
The lack of a uniform color scheme is excusable for her first appearance since it was a sudden fusion, but otherwise you've got red, yellow, black and purple in an ugly spread. The freckles/spots on the shoulders I think are an unnecessary detail. Make the legs longer and the torso a smidge thinner and the design could be okayish.
I can't believe that Bismuth is no longer the worst design.
What the fuck would a fusion between Steven and Peridot look like, or Steven+Lapis? Or Steven+Lapis+Peridot? Or Steven+Lapis+Peridot+Alexandrite? Can Connie fuse with the Crystal Gems if Steven is used as a medium? If Steven faps, is Rose helping him masturbate?
Pearl: Mom Mom
Garnet: Dad Mom(Dunno about Ruby and Sapphire individually)
Amethyst: Older Sister
Peridot: Pet Cat
Lion: Dog
Lapis: Cousin
Greg: Dad Dad
Peridot kinda comes off as a bratty smart-ass poorly behaved little sister, but cat is funnier.
Ruby: Crazy Aunt
Sapphire: Responsible Aunt
Putting aside how obviously it's just tumblr bait, this is just a shit design all around. It'd be the sort of thing you'd make if you wanted to have, like, a failed cloning experiment that the protagonist has to put out of it's misery Ala that scene from Aliens.
Why two arms on one side? Why the bad mix of terribly clashing clothes? Steven's bright pink shirt looks like shit when you mix it with blue booty jeans and violet stockings, just terrible. The design could be improved immensely just by fixing the outfit itself and making the arms infinitely less retarded. How do those arms even fucking work?
The shoulder freckles as well, what the fuck is up with those? They look like shit.
The rest of it is evident pandering to tumblr, but if you really don't see a problem with that than whatever, but there's no changing the fact that this is just all around an unbearably bad design for a character.
If you like it, you are incorrect, factually, there's no debate here.
Because otherwise all you've got to show that Smoky Quartz isn't just some fat black mutant cosplayer is Steven's grossly-stretched clothing, his hair color and his eyebrows. He needed to show through somehow, so why not just spritz him there in with a subtler version of tumblr's weird fetish for vitiligo? :^)
Jasper getting corrupted from the fusion supports a theory I had that Gems are a lot like computer programs/AIs with the core gems as a form of solid-state data storage and hard-light projector. The corruption wave is like a computer virus causing data corruption, and that spreads when they interface with each other.
Lesbian space AIDS is simpler
you can ALL fuck right off, I lived through that hiatus.
I think the biggest problem here is whoever designed Smokey didn't even bother to add the colors.
If you just create a design by mixing the colors of the two characters' skin and hair and everything, she looks fine.
I guess maybe the idea was that they didn't want it to look too close to Stevonnie? Maybe?
I think the split-arm is pretty cool. Reminds me of that Pacific Rim mech, but actually put to use.
it does not count when the show is not expected to be continued and/or is broken between seasons
All the proper Gem fusions so far have been rather their own thing, with traits from their components but a clear aesthetic of their own. Stevonnie's more the exception.
Somehow that makes me hungry.
hey, that's my second quads in this thread
Just makes it look like more of an abomination.
It reminsd me of Monoko.
The only time where it becomes more confusing is when there are more than two gems involved. Garnet (especially since the reveal) is a pretty clear combo of Ruby and Sapphire, Opal is a pretty clear combo of Pearl and Amethyst, Rainbow Quartz is a very clear combo of Pearl and Rose, Malachite, etc. At least in regards to color scheme.
Use your GET powers to make Hillary die from a seizure and make Trump president.
brb gonna go to some african cave, draw a picture of a gazelle and say that neanderthal cave paintings have been renewed for another seeason
Hell Yeah. We'll finally get to see how that crazy hunting trip ends
It's been spelled out well enough that stable fusions require a mental and emotional connection and compatability; usually the more stable fusions have more humanoid forms and vice versa; see Malachite and really any Jasper fusion is an abomination (and tends to be oddly centaur-like) and Alexandrite is pretty crazy; compared to Garnet being hard to tell unless you know Gems (or she has her shades off) and Stevonnie easily passing as a regular if androgynous human. While multiple Rubies fusing together just make a bigger Ruby, and presumably it's similar for Gems of the same type with the same mindset. (and not even getting into the shard fusion experiments, which are basically Gem Frankenstein's monsters)
As much as people get stuck on the sex/relationship metaphors, fusion seems to be cooperation in general; works as romance, as siblings, comrades-in-arms or forced teamwork, each style with their own quirks, strengths and weaknesses.
why does bismuth look like Stan smith
When I said abomination, I didn't mean it in the good way like Malachite.
Malachite was fucking awesome.
Smokey's an abomination in the way that makes you want to puke in disgust and bring it out back to put it out of its misery.
This design is terrible.
By the end of this I'm pretty sure we'll be saying Rose Quartz Did Nothing Wrong
And we'll sincerely meme every word of it, 100%.
link to the mega with all the episodes, please and thank you
I dunno, user.
There might be some shit we don't know here.
I've got two theories:
She either shattered Pink Diamond and feels immense guilt for it and that is why she didn't even give Bismuth the time of day and why she got obsessed with the idea of life being precious,
Or she's half of Pink Diamond and there's a fusion conspiracy and the idea that two gems that are not the same fusing was an abomination came because that's how the Diamonds are created, and the Diamonds don't want their power challenged.
You're welcome.
The SU Crew are pussies. When it really comes down to the line, they always pussy out of making real morally complicated characters.
Of course none of the gems would have done anything wrong. Maybe Rose did something nasty to Diamond, but only because the Diamond was about to run over a litter of kittens with a thresher.
Why does anybody EVER get their hopes up with this show. The result is ALWAYS worse then what you think it will be.
Lapis is stupid and her presence on the show undermines any tension in the plot that involves fights. That's the reason why they wrote her out of the show, but for pandering.
Or Pink Diamond is in Rose's basement because she's too ig a pussy to shatter gems.
I dunno, user. That could be the other side of Pink Diamond, or maybe just another Rose Quartz or a Quartz in general, but I'd assume that Pink Diamond itself would be more… Spectacular.
The gem from Horror Club is far more spectacular than that.
The point is either way, Rose Quartz has done some pretty questionable stuff and left Steven and the gems that were basically teenagers with PTSD when he was born to clean up the mess.
Hard to say, given cartoons, and gems generally aren't that easy to tell apart unless you look real close or know them well.
Well Rose's last action as leader of the Crystal Gems was to star in her very own series of VHS snuff films that she left for her husband to show to her son.
Its actually way funnier when you think of it that way….
For two people who have seen their sworn enemy get devoured by Fusion Space Aids, reveal another shady past involving Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, and see that infected gem got STABBED by Invader Zim… they do seem ignore all that psychological revelation to take pride in the fact that they fused.
Plus glad to know that Pearl and Garnet's Sardonyx Arc got thrown out that window to oblivion.
Glad other people are pointing out this bullshit.
Peridot had so much potential to be an interesting (even memorable) character, but the writers had to go full retard and fuck it all up. They went with lowest common denominator pandering and turned her into cringeworthy fandombait. I think they're probably aware of it too, given how Jasper rightfully said that Peridot lost her dignity.
Can't really blame em for wanting to focus on the positives.
Never said I wanted Peridot to be a completely serious character, she can (and did) have her cute/funny moments before the writers messed her up. I just don't like that they made 'cute comic relief' become her defining character trait. If she were more competent, had at least some serious moments, and kept her original unique design, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.
I know, but with a LOT of information involving Rose Quartz' role and all being more morally ambiguous than first glance, you'd think Steven would at least start questioning things.
Though the whole scene there was about Steven and Amethyst nursing doubts about whether they have any real competence and talent at being a gem due to their flawed/weird origins while Jasper is basically a perfectly engineered super-soldier, then they turned into the world's most dangerous yo-yo trickster and wreck'd her. Meaning Steven finally managed to fuse with a Gem and they were both really good at it, something they can finally call a win.
Though the questions will probably come later… hopefully. It's gotten way old that Steven doesn't ask more questions about these things, though I think it's implied somewhere the Gems tend to be vague or give non-answers a lot because there's a lot they do not want to talk about, so he's used to it.
That and clearly they aren't getting much time to breathe after coming home. Funny that the Rubies still seem friendly.
I actually think this is deliberate and Steven's human side is heavily affecting the way he fuses with others. When he forms Stevonnie there's no double-eyes or multiple limbs or anything - a completely human body that seems to have perfect symmetry given how attractive we're told that fusion is.
Then when he fuses with Amethyst, again, there's no double eyes. The limbs are only halfway doubled. That's not Amethyst's imperfection showing, since she fused fine with others before. It must be Steven's human side affecting his fusion with a gem.
It's probably an aesthetic choice given that deformed humans stray into the uncanny valley more than technicolor aliens do, but it's still interesting. If Steven was more in touch with his gem side would he produce a more textbook fusion?
Personally I'd have liked it better if Steven fusing with gems bore a closer resemblance to Rose, signalling that his gem side was directly from her.
Smoky Quartz is still a shit design regardless of how thought-out it was though.
Funny thing is, the more 'stable' fusions being less physically impressive isn't necessarily an advantage. Several of the CG's fusions make use of their extra limbs effectively.
Not sure if personality and stability necessarily effects the physical form of the same fusion at different times; we haven't seen fusions be much different in different circumstances.
We'll see if Rainbow Quartz as Pearl/Steven is different from Pearl/Rose.
The logical weapon for such is an umbrella. I wonder if we're going to get Kirby or Mary Poppins.
Amethyst is the master shapeshifter of the group. It's only natural that Steven would go on a crazy shapeshifting spree when augmented by Amethyst's powers. So thin white sexy Smoky Quartz is potentially canon. DEAL WITH IT.
I don't think the extra limbs mean instability, though. It's a weird one. Ruby and Sapphire fuse and the eyes add up but not the arms. Garnet and Pearl fuse and the arms add up but not the eyes. I think limb count is more a signal of strength than stability. I mean, Malachite was limbtastic but not at all stable.
Why, because they both cry all the time?
I would expect Steven-gem fusion to all be fugly, unfortunately. They've decided Steven is the model for his fusions, not Rose.
Remember, drawing different body shapes for characters that can canonically change their body shapes at will is DISGUSTING
Shield attached to a spear. Think about it.
Oh, right.
I was thinking something like a madu - double-ended spear with a hand shield to let you parry with it.
Devilish. I love it also want to bang it
Tried out to recolor a file using the colors from potential Stevemethyst fanart. Plus my own take on the fusion… the "sleeves" are meant to be secondary arms.
The gem that put Lápis onto a mirror is clearly Bismuth. Going for the vague idea of reduced amount of characters (IE I doubt they'd introduce another Bismuth…)
Okay, that is kinda freaking hot.
You drew this? Because I want to put it in the booru if ya don't mind.
I think the creators insisted that Bismuth and the flashback Gem aren't the same.
IMO her gem should be less brown and more purple, it would look better on her.
Both Peridot and Pearl are engineers, so why exactly do the Crystal Gems lack a workshop or lab specific for the creation of machines and devices? If Pearl can make a rocket ship that can actually take off, and if both can create mechs, all of which made with materials from the barn and elsewhere, they can easily have Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven just grab some stuff from abandoned places, and for any oils and fluids, they can ask Lapis to gather some from wherever. If Homeworld had at least two Kindergartens just because of Earth's fertility in resources, they can reproduce what they know of Gem technology, and use their independent Crystal Gem ingenuity to reverse engineer anything new they find, or come up with new things as necessity demands. They could also scrounge together a few bucks and buy the local giant robot car from the garbage dump, Greg's still rich.
Why hasn't Peridot created a new pair of limb enhancers? Why hasn't Lapis and Peridot cemented their relationship as new friends and roomates by Lapis finding Peridot's limb enhancers? Peridot can easily make new ones if she can make a mech, and if she has metal powers, she can easily make a cruder version that works since her control over metal can allow for improved locomotion, and maybe even flight if she just puts on some metal gauntlets or boots.
If Steven Universe goes full /m/ and features giant Gem robots and Peridot exoskeletons I will forgive every fault of the show's writing, designs, and characterizations.
That could even work if it were confirmed that pure humans can fuse with pure Gems. Have you posted that anywhere else, by any chance? Can you edit out the cleft lip thing?
Even that doodle looks better than the actual design. The fact that it retains Steven's perm and Amethyst's hair length makes it less "who the fuck are you".
Jasper truly is the voice of reason.
I'm glad she didn't lose her dignity.
Did anyone else find Jasper's argument about Rose only recruiting gems who'd lost everything unsettlingly accurate?
It's a classic recruitment tactic of religious cults and extreme political movements to take in destitute people who have nothing going for them, shower them with initial attention and kindness ('love-bombing') and make them feel valued again. Then the new member is kept in line by the threat of losing all of that kindness if they stray away from the group.
Isn't that exactly what Rose and Steven did? The Crystal Gems talk a lot about individuality and being who you want to be, but in practice they're slavishly loyal to Rose even after she's gone and seem barely capable of operating without the Great Leader. Every redemption arc in the series so far seems to involve the character being beaten, abused and isolated until they join up out of desperation - they have no choice.
If the CGs are so moral then they should be able to convince gems in a position of strength, who could choose otherwise, to join because it's the right thing to do.
To that extent, it might be a commentary on every shonen anime ever who ever had a Piccolo equivalent.
I rescored a scene.
The music could be a little quieter, but overall that's a good edit.
Piccolo wasn't a character who didn't become a good guy just because he lost, though. He became a good guy because he originally acknowledged the threat that Raditz posed to him and everyone else, and that Raditz was even more capable of killing Goku than he was(Though he got to finish off both Goku and his brother Raditz). It's just that whole saiyan situation became so important that he eventually abandoned his world domination plan, and reformed himself by training Gohan and protecting him when protection was needed, instead of zapping his lifelong rival's son to death any time he wanted.
In Steven Universe, the recruitment of the Crystal Gems reverses the roles. Except for them both being green and getting involved with a planet-destroying threat, Peridot joined the Crystal Gems out of weakness, desperation, and seeing a more fallible side of her idol, Yellow Diamond, while Piccolo retained most of his personality throughout his development, saw teaming up with Goku to fight Raditz, and joining the Z-Fighters to fight Vegeta and Nappa as practical options, and gave his time, effort, and life to help people he otherwise wouldn't have cared about at all.
Vegeta would be a more fitting example, especially as an analogy to Jasper/Amethyst(Even with their color schemes reversed, Goku=Warm colors, Vegeta=Cool colors). Both cases involved characters of the same species(Saiyans and Quartzes). Goku/Vegeta had their final battle(as conflicting characters, rather than rivals) in a wasteland and Vegeta assumed a monstrous great ape form, requiring Goku to call upon his friends, including an unexpected fat dude(Yajirobe) to appear and take Vegeta out of said form, Amethyst fought Jasper in the Beta Kindergarten, a wasteland, and Jasper fused with a corrupted Quartz to become a strong monster and was defused by Smoky, though Smoky made her appearance before the Corrupted Quartz/Jasper fusion. Goku and Steven wanted to help their antagonists while they were badly wounded/corrupted, and Vegeta/Jasper refused, though Vegeta fucked off to Namek while Jasper got bubbled.
Vegeta was a tsundere of biblical proportions, even to his own wife and child. If Jasper ever gets purified and joins the Crystal Gems, she's going to be just as much of a tsundere because of her resentment of being defeated by a member of the same Gem cut who by all means is weaker than her, and joining a group of Gems who did something terrible to Pink Diamond.
Lapis is the only non-fusion to ever defeat Jasper, though it wasn't so much of a fight as it was Lapis just water punching her to the middle of nowhere, and Lapis has super high power levels thanks to Earth's water. She could be the first Gem with a redemption arc that isn't based around being put beneath even the Crystal Gems. Her loyalty to Yellow Diamond is mainly out of procedure and as a replacement for Pink Diamond, and abandoning her for the CGs would be more of a "Fuck you, these guys aren't as shitty as you are" moment, or part of a revelation that Pink Diamond probably did something horrible, or that Rose had justifiable cause to do whatever she did to PD. Overall she has no reason to care about Rose becoming Steven, it'll have to take a lot of interactions and personal comparisons to realize that Steven is not the same person as Rose, though the differences are barely there.
The music should've ended after Peridot speared Jasper, or when Amethyst knelt down.
Hm… what if the whole Pink Diamond thing is just a sad misunderstanding? Maybe Pink Diamond was the only nice diamond and was killed by the other diamons because she started what Rose kept doing? It is not like we know anything about the diamonds and about them fighting eachother.
I honestly don't think gems are capable of being fully independent. The more this show goes on, the more it appears that the CGs are nothing without Rose, and Steven is just a kid who doesn't fully comprehend that gems need to be told what to do. On their own, they're perfectly content to just dick around forever, maybe with some training thrown in. Yet, apparently, after 5300 years, Garnet and Pearl still fight the same (except for Pearl's spear lasers).
Gems probably adhere to the caste system as much as your average Indian does, so it's basically brainwashing, except they're biologically programmed to be dependent on authority.
Which makes me think: what if Rose wanted to make Steven so badly because she saw potential for freedom and independence in human-gem hybrids?
All the creativity and free will of a human combined with the power of gems.
what if her final plan included all the gems fucking greg
I'm enjoying all the Smoky Quartz salt in here - even though I love me my fatties.
Also, Jasper's gone (for now, anyway… UGH She'll come back to annoy me, won't she?!). I'm still celebratin' that she's poofed out. Fucking bitch. I hope Pearl (Ballerina Bitch) or Lapis (Emo Cunt) are next, just for tension.
I think this is why Rose became fascinated by humans - she'd come to understand that for all her dreams of an ideal gem society there were biological limitations that couldn't be so easily broken.
Hell, maybe that was her whole gambit in creating Steven. Her rebellion had failed, and something had to change or they had no hope of bouncing back. Steven is the game-changer: as a half-human he has different capabilities and potential. He's already done one thing gems can't in fusing with a human. The Crystal Gems would have a leader with most or all of the abilities of a gem but none of their psychological weaknesses.
Didn't read this before, but we agree.
While on the surface you both are right, you forget what has happened now. Let's take Bob for example. She wanted to be left alone for a good while and they had no problem with it. Bob does have friends, but takes no specific orders from anyone. Every CG has an opportunity to do what they want, they are loyal to Rose because Rose showed them that they don't HAVE TO BE part of a system. They looked up to Rose as a leader simply because their movement needed a leader. Not out of authority, but out of respect.
Every time I see that face… I want that emo cunt to get poofed (or better yet, shattered) faster. She looks like she's given up on life. End it, already.
Fuck you, I love the new Bob.
She's not all wishy washy like the rest of them.
She has becometh the new Buddha. She is mastering how to not give a fuck on a 4th dimensional level.
You're right, but what does she do now that she's free from the tyrannical yoke of the diamonds?
She… makes art and watches television.
Which makes her happy.
Which is what Rose wants.
She's accomplished being an individual even faster than any other gem.
She does what she wants.
And that means being a lard ass watching TV and making morp.
Or would you rather her get back into the mirror?
Maybe she should get a real job. Work in STEM?
Yeah, if any gem is going to disprove the Jasper Hypothesis, it's Bob. But her arc still troubles me - she leaves (I loved that btw, Steven discovering for the first time that he is not the focal point of everygem's universe), but then she's brought back by force as a prisoner, and has nowhere else to go now that Homeworld has rejected her. She ought to have successfully rejoined Homeworld and been sent back with Jasper, leaving her with a dilemma when Jasper commanded her to attack. That would have been a real choice moment.
Also that Ghibli flying scene with her and Steven rang so hollow to me. He's not convincing her that the Earth is a place worth choosing to be, because the alternative is what - flying off into the fucking void? In Jasper's terminology, he's just making her more comfortable with her prison.
So no wonder she's attained a state of perfect fucklessness. The Crystal Gem cultist drum circle, who she never agreed with or formally joined, is now her only peer group, forever.
She did seem to enjoy making the art. She reminds me of military people after they're discharged actually - kind of floating aimlessly now that nobody's giving orders. You'd think they'd be happy, but that's rarely the case once you're institutionalised.
Truly Rose Quartz was right all along.
To the moon leaked:
Looks like the forecast reads for more feels. Oh joy.
Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll get her design back?
Her limbs were lost in the ocean. Now that she's friends with Lapis, Lapis should be able to find them.
Then again they'd probably pull some dumb shit and she just uses them as art if it were to ever happen.
I've really loved the idea of their fusion looking like a cherub (pic related), but let's be real, it'll be ugly as shit and nowhere as cool as Rainbow Quartz.
Thanks. Now I don't gotta wait until 7. I can do other shit.
Decent ep tbh.
The Rubies are just too precious
Are Rubies just more prone to getting crushes on their superiors? Like a misguided bodyguard instinct? Because Eyeball be thirsty
Nice Chekov's gun with the airlock.
Haha, Rose totally shattered Pink Diamond! Steven's gonna be crying that one out for a long time. Newsflash kiddo, the Diamonds are the one class of gems even a Paragon like Rose knew had to be put down
This would be a nice cap to Peridot's arc. Recovering the limb enhancers makes her feel powerful and capable again, but also reminds her of the status she lost. She'll have to decide what parts of her old self to keep and which to throw away.
The fucked up thing is that Steven could have still licked Jasper when she poofed, with a good chance of saving her from the corruption.
It's a bit early for it, but I'd rather make a new thread now than wait for somebody to mess it up, not post the links, or something like that.
Fits really well.
Also Jasper's VA may sound like she's straining most of the time, but she totally nailed the transition from anger to grief to rage.
i dont know how to play if with that file so somebody give me a rundown of what happens
You don't have anything that can play .mkv files?
Download VLC Media Player, that'll do the job fine.
I know. I didn't like her VA much because most of the time she sounds like a woman trying to do an impression of an edgy teenage boy whose voice hasn't dropped yet. But her rant was really impressive as she, like you said, nailed the transition from anger to grief to rage.
Garnet's VA can't emote to save her life.
user, do you even know who Garnet's VA is
She wants to emote, but they won't let her, because that's not Garnet's character
And that's the best possible thing we could ever hope for, because that woman is cringe given flesh, a living racial stereotype
Gotta love how as SOON AS IT HAPPENS Steben starts crying and the others start getting the shakes. So this also probably explains some of the shit in Bismuth, maybe Rose overcompensated hard when she accidentally murdered PInk DIamon and decided NO ONE EVER KILLS AGAIN
Still,I know the Rubies are just mooks but they were jobbed hard. Hope they get some action after the fucking cliffhanger.
If peridot can be red pilled about her oppressive overlords and how awesome earth is, then so can the rubies
Though they're not going to do that because a ruby is already technically part of the main cast, and they're not going to do anything to make a main cast member seem less special
They'll just shove them in a corner and forget about them for an entire season. Not like they've never done that before.
Well, since jasper got bubbled, there's some newly vacant oceanfront property that needs tenants
Jasper/Corrupted form immediately jobs to the Pillsbury Domblr instead being the season's main antagonist. I shouldn't be surprised but it still pisses me off so much.
She's been the "main antagonist" for the past 2 seasons
You should know by now that that's as close as this show comes to having any kind of looming physical threat, user
This show is shit. Kill urself if you like it.
It would have been funnier if she got corrupted turned into Skeletor, and then jobbed to Heman.
I haven't been keeping up with this shitty show, but from what I've seen
Why would you hype a villain up off screen and the final battle is just a stick stabbing them? That happened in Jojo part 5, except it was a long fight and with a stand that was shown to be very powerful, the climax of the battle being him backing into a tree branch of his own will and impaling himself. That was kinda shitty as far as battles go, but he was a mook; if Diavalo died like that, part 5 would be even moreso the worst part of jojo considerably. Pucci dies in a bit of an anticlimatic fashion as well; his head is smashed by a kid who happens to get a hold of a stand disk that shouldn't exist anymore because the stand that made it was not around still, but the fight before that seems kinda hopeless and araki kinda drew himself in a corner. The only time that shit kinda works is when the final boss is hyped up, but they were actually small and frail the whole time, so you feel bad killing them.
The stick-stabbing isn't so bad, she was completely corrupted by that point and no more dangerous than the many other gem-monsters we've seen. She was beaten by the fall, everything else was an aftermath.
Though in a broader sense you're right, Jasper's been suffering a serious case of Badass Decay.
Stop with the yuri shit, holy hell.