Looking for a webm I saw a long time ago. It had ISIS/terrorists setting off carbombs and doing drive-bys in the middle east set to some hip-hop/trap esque music. Lyrics were in Arabic so I cant really give much more info than that. Was only a couple minutes long and was high quality. Really need to hear the song again…
Will post some tits and such for efforts.
Shit is stuck in my head and Ive spent an hour looking with no luck.
Yeah man those lyrics are arabic as heck dude thanks thats it
Im getting sick of this god damn shit
Christopher Richardson
Lucas Roberts
Brandon Howard
Hunter White
I would feed my sack to that fat little slut.
Im not even pissed at whoever posted this as I normally would be considering it is not in fact the webm I requested. Youve done well.
Henry Sanchez
Probably some girl who turned you down for a nigger I suppose?
Nathaniel Roberts
Do you always think about nigger cock totally unprovoked and out of context? I bet ya do ;)
John Scott
I think about big black cocks every single day
Julian Thompson
Whoever posted the fat bitch, I sincerely thank you. To everyone else, you are useless fucking gutter trash and I hope no one helps you in your hour of need, as arbitrary or dire as it may be.
Just to prove how much of a paragon of humanity I am I will post it here in case anyone else is in search of it. Not that any of you complacent fucks deserve it, but Im so fucking elated I will do it anyway.
Eli Cooper
that filename rofl
Gavin Price
Just came here to post this but you already found it user. The songs name is MVYDVY - Rebellion btw.