Post Little Girls ITT


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So every set is based on a real one

:O Now I see it

Those Trottla Dolls look so realistic but something about them makes them look like a corpse.

OP i love the girl in the 4th picture shes just so perfect.





Get the fuck out



Forgot to sage these, my bad.


Feels good to know there is a raging hell for people like this.



Who? The guy in the webm or the edgy kid posting it.



It's the lifeless and or angry/depressed looking face they seem to all have. Nothing about the expression shows joy. Only thing even close to something more lively is the first picture in but it just looks repulsed or bother by something.

They need to make these things appear happier. Not stupid happy but at least a resting pleased look.


meant to post reply to

What is the legality of those dolls in the U.S. if anybody knows?
Not even looking to get one but just curious since federal really doesnt ban sex toys but they can be pretty retarded when it has anything to do with a minor even if not real.


Trottla Dolls are totally legal in The United States but Customs Agents will most likely cut it into a thousand pieces under the pretense of “narcotics searches” because they don’t like them. You’ll get a box full of junk.

Some guys have reported success having them shipped through Europe instead of straight from China or Japan. Costs more but at what the doll costs it’s worth the added expense I suppose.

They seem to really love Laura B, just looking on their website atleast 3 dolls look just like her sets.
kind of want to get one now
Of course the government has to flex their power by destroying your property, those assholes probably leave you a bill for "keeping you safe".

Posting is fucking up and didnt get my pics

How do you clean that thing out?


According to the website you use a soft body brush and a neutral detergent.
So im guessing you cant remove anything and you have to scrub the insides than shove a towel in there or let it air dry.

She's cute.

I guess I would call myself a pedo because I find young girls attractive but I could never actually do anything with one. It’s the same with the dolls, I just couldn’t do it. I see all that cute innocence that I love so much but I know the second I touch a young girl I ruin the very thing I find attractive about them. How fucked up is that? Guess I’m just a closeted chicken shit pedo.

These dolls cost around 5,000 dollars.
Looks like i wont be buying one in this lifetime.

You just described perfectly how I think.

I sometimes tend to fantasy but I know I would literally kill myself before make suffer a little girl.

You can't ban cute draws, bitch fag mod.

In my country you can buy a house with that money


5000 for that? What a waste

Thanks to todays society youre better off never letting anyone find out.
Even just fapping to what you want can land you in prison even if its just a girl voluntarily stripping on omegle.

Delete thread please


Srs delete or I call police

That first image is definitely questionable
Just because there are clothes doesn't make it 100% legal.

It violates muh DOST


It's not focused on her cunt

Meanwhile at mods house

He probably fappin with us

Sauce please

Anyone still here


Thats it
Just go to cd gallery and there are about 5 threads for Laura B.

hi there

Really makes you think…

It's society that causes the greatest harm in these situations. See Rind, et al. if you're curious.

It's quite possible to do lots of fulfilling things with a little girl who wants to without hurting her at all. Kissing, touching, licking, sucking. You don't have to jam your cock in her vag or ass.

Even if you're kind and she consents, however, society will tell her that she has been abused. That something terrible has been done to her, something precious has been taken away, and that her nice friend who made her feel good is a bad man who is going to prison for a very long time to be hurt by other men like he "hurt" her. It doesn't take long for her to internalize everything the adults around her are saying. And so the suffering truly begins.

Really makes you think Candydoll was the greatest modeling agency to have ever existed.
Even Batman and Robin have nothing on the duo that is Laura & Valensiya.


Link the full video, bruv?

This. You know she wouldn't have suffered if you wouldn't have taken advantage of her. She doesn't understand the consequences of her actions. You, the adult should protect her and not just think about how you'll get off.

Cognitively incapable of processing consequences. You might see it as consent, but consent requires understanding.

Valensiya ia whore, Laura is waifu-material.

You've done an excellent job of missing the point.

I bet none of you pedos are even brave enough to post little girls on 4chan/b/

I do love Laura more but actually during and after highschool Laura was the party animal and Valensiya was more of the quiet book nerd.


This blanket statement is laughably wrong.

She even had more modeling skills than Laura
That's a fact

I know you think the point is that society is to blame, but that's just an excuse. Even if the damage only comes from society telling her it's wrong, there will still be damage. You just want to ignore that and get your satisfaction.

Well then they're both whores.

I didn't know nerds took selfies with vodka bottles.

In Russia, yes.


She is a girl soo
Thats just them slavic genes

I cant remember, are they from Russia or Ukraine?

is sexier than

Laura > Valensiya

stop making these threads, please.


I agree with that. Not only was she incredibly photogenic, but she knew exactly what she was doing in front of the camera. Some sets had her doing some proper naughty poses.

False. Nika will always be number 1.

I posted loli on 4/pol/ once, got permabanned.

Do you have dynamic IP?

If you force lolis everyday the mods get used to it.

That's exactly the point I was making in the post you responded to.

Nobody said otherwise.

Nothing I have said has given you the basis to leap to that conclusion.

I can't tell whether you're stupid, or you just don't read English very well. What's your native language?

Has the war in Ukraine died down?
Used to hear about it a couple years ago but not anymore all i knew was Russians invaded 1 Ukraine city.
I dont keep up on that stuff but hopefully Putin doesnt hurt my Laura

I think ur a troll and fucking kids is bad.


No. I tried unplugging my modem to no avail. Bans on 4 chan are serious business.

Sorry if I interpreted you wrong. This reply to the other user
did sound to me like you were telling him to stop worrying and go for it. Good to know I was wrong.


thread has been reported

Well, no directly.

The war is stale at the moment.
But with the assassination of a Novorossia official [Motorola] the situation is escalating quickly. Some isolated clashes are being reported.

Probably the direct confrontation will restart in the next months.

She better start waving the separatist flag or she'll get BM'd

good job. thank you for keeping the children safe.

yall faggots don't even like women


no need to thank me

eww, right back at ya

Never was a big fan of Mehicans



Women are okay, they just have disgusting bodies.

Spoiler that shit m8

any of you tired of being betafags yet?

On behalf of the /bl/ community, FUCK OFF

Thank you for keeping the children safe even though you do an awful job at it.

More of her?

Mika pls

You want to be an alphafag

I would totally fuck her so hard.

alphas arent controlled by their wants, user. there are two motivations: wants and needs. i do whats needed and leave the craving to betas who can never have what they want.

I;m keeping children safe and ur mad fucking weirdo who saves this shit on their comp?? ur not a troll u really collect that shit srs get mental help


But boys and girls are both great.
Fucking disgusting

You crave dick, you faggot powerbottom.

This faggot is upset cause he could never have that nice young pussy Kek.



when youre done being an aspie beta let me know

sad and pathetic


macy's clothes catalog, u ppl are weird

lmao so tru 👌 👌 😂



This thread is still going? Wew lads

This is how it should be. Free to post anything that is legal. No bans or pics removed.


Actually no i dont by the way i am a different person not the guy you are arguing with and i just want to point out that you sound like a redditfag who is new here if you are sensitive about this material than get the fuck out.

nice trips, satan

We have to fight against the SJWs and Redditors


fuck off pedo scumbag


Awwwhhh how cute LOL

Stay awhile, newfriend.

My favorite picture is pic number 5 everyone loves a small girl very true.

makes you think…