Holla Forums
I couldnt agree more.
Got any more Robbie?
go away, reddit
haha ikr
This is image boards now. If only they could have more fun doing it instead or seeming like a bunch of salty, defensive faggots.
I hear he's very smart
Holla Forums is the cancer, Holla Forums rarely shits up anything
Are you the real mikuseeker?
they're both cancer.
No I Only Seek the TRUTH and that means that I must always be objective, truthful and honest unlike those who wish to SLANDER my name
Nice shit leftypol memes. Kill yourself faggot.
Nothing but them constantly raiding 4/pol/, 4/tv/, 4/lit/ and 8/b/. They are the worst form of cancer to ever exist on this planet. You know what Holla Forums usually says about raiding others? It's a pointless waste of time.
Oh and not to mention how they love raiding 8/liberty/. Fucking cancerous bastards.
WRONG Holla Forums is CONSTANTLY assaulting all other boards, Holla Forums wants to live and let live. You are a slanderer.
Just make a raid thread on Holla Forums and see how long it takes for the mods to ban you. you'll get banned in minutes btw
Well YOU try THAT on Holla Forums And You see how long it takes You to get Banned.
Ok pal. Kill yourself well you're at it.
Fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums faggot. Where you belong you lying fucking cunt.
but that's a literal conspiracy theory, all we do is talk about lefty politics, that's it!
I'm making a comic about this *sigh*
Just admit it you are a dumb nigger.
oh shit we kangz now
go jerk it to trump anime you fucking degenerate-poster
Back to freech nigger.
you are a perfect representation of the master race. my ass is swelling with intelligence that will gain pr for my sjw niggers.
thanks you kind sir for your precious meme I have NEVER seen before
Holla Forums is fun because of how extreme they are.
Holla Forums is just boring and repetitive with the same brain dead pseudointellectualism and stale memes.
Yeah sure, as they spam Max Stirner and the good ol' fashion (((Read a book))).
Also when a meme "educates" it doesn't make it any less stale, boring or repetitive.
My memes are not stale, my good sir.
The op was right. They both suck. Hivemind echo chambers for people to virtue signal as hard as they can to whichever side they lean to. But in the end? Let the kids have their fun, its not a big deal really. Its just political stuff man. Everyone's got political opinions but the sort of people who obsess over them come off as try hard faggots. Its always been that way and it always will. I'd rather just talk shit or politics in passing. And thats what I do. Shits preety chill.
Its cool that trump got elected. Its snowing outside. This threads been done a 100 times already op.
No. It's not """COOL""" Trump got elected IF YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING Holla ForumsACK
I don't dig Holla Forums I still voted for trump. You didn't even make a good argument, you just did the ol'
I say what I like, do what I what I like. The thing that confuses me the most is people letting an image board tell them what to do just so they can fit in. Who are you trying to impress with this whole thing man? It's not exactly very becoming. Also; I'm gonna make an omlet soon. What are you up to?
>>>Holla Forums
Make an argument my man. Come on. I thought you came to Holla Forums to spread the word? I'm listening. I think I gave you too much credit with typed out replies. But I'm not really low effort unless a fun shitpost comes to mind.
I dislike them both, but I want both to exist despite how they can both be annoying and unfunny. Both have the right to exist and shitpost/shill/whatever anywhere- sure it's annoying but I guess we just have to deal with that and move on. Marketplaces of ideas etc, I guess the key is just to be critical.
I'm a left leaning guy, but can appreciate the jokes /pol makes and issues/questions they raise, and they deserve a fair hearing. Ditto with /leftypol, but they just aren't as funny as /pol usually, and can be just as smug, narrow minded, and alienating.
I think that almost every critique of /pol from /leftypol in terms of beliefs/issues etc can be levelled at /leftypol themselves. Eg (this lazy ass attempt at comparison):
Perennial underdog status: YES! - - YES!
Boogyman: jews/marxists - - global capital/porky/spooks
Words for people disagreeing with me: cuck/shill - - class traitor(?)
Reasons for people who don't believe as I do/agreeing with me/'waking up to the truth': jewish/marxist/media brainwashing/indoctrination - - false consciousness, capitalist indoctrination, spooks
history of it has produced/led to (generally, and this is very oversimplified): failure, war, loss of life etc - - failure, war, loss of life
Rewrite/selective use of history: CHECK! - - CHECK!
goal: control of state to enforce XYZ - - control of state to achieve control of means of production (?) etc
means of achieving these goals (I'm not anti state btw): use the state to enforce what you like/don't like - - use the state to enforce what you like/don't like
attitude: I'm right you're wrong and need to listen to me - - I'm right you're wrong and need to listen to me.
Gets the shits when you say you think they might both share common hypocrisies, flaws, cognitive distortions, behaviours or anything else: YES! - - YES!
Very well but don't say I didn't warn you.
You are, by all accounts the worst type of person. Your inherent xenophobia, racism, sexism, slew of phobias and not to mention superiorty complex shows that not only are you sociopathic but also a possible psychopath.
You are the summation of all that is wrong with the world and I'm laughing at you. I'm laughing at every word you write every word you jot down because we both know you are a failure. We both know you have to hide behind "Anonymous" "heh heh xD I'm just like every other user"
Why do I namefriend? Because I stand by what I write. You? heh, You hide and when called out may even just run away from the thread. I'd say kill yourself but no, I don't want that. I want you to live. I want you to know that every moment you laugh at "safe spaces" and "le sjws" you are more pathetic than every last one of them.
Being "unbias" is still a bias. Declaring everyone but you lower than yourself is not enlightenment. It just shows you are immature. You masquerade you're obvious inability to think with phrases to make you sound "Supah cool" but the truth is you're a nerd on a website who has to appease to other nerds to show how cool he is.
I'd say you're scum, but you're worse than that.
You're human. And you won't ever admit that.
You're not special.
You're not the smartest guy in the room.
You are, and always will be, delightfully average.
Ugh listen to yourself, not that user, but you just jump down accusing someone of every horrible phobia under the sun; judge their personal worth; diagnose their mental health; all simply because they may disagree with you, share a different take on an election, and said Trump winning was 'cool' - all in a pretty level headed/reasonable post.
Listen to yourself: WHO ARE YOU SOUNDING LIKE???
You are simply the other side of the /pol coin.
You are not on the "right" side of history.
You are not the "good guys".
You are just another person with another opinion, just like the person you are lambasting with this diatribe, so don't be surprised when people think the same of you after reading this screed of self-serving, self-righteous, egotism.
Beware anyone who who posts something you disagree with!! My fragile mentality cannot withstand being called 'average' in such a venomous tone! Oh no!
Fuck me mate, kids on the playground, all still just kids on the playground.
Incorrect. I am God.
Incorrect naziboo *pats your little head with a smile*
My eyes are open. You just don't understand it yet…but one day you will. It is Holla Forums and only Holla Forums that is the enemy of Holla Forums. They can express their petty views anywhere they want but here?
This is the under dogs territory. This is where the true heroes talk of liberation away from a world of capitalistic venom.
You think you're awake? You're sleepwalking.
Stand for something but more importantly stand for your fellow comrade for once or get out of the way and let us lead.
I hope one day you can get over your ego and grow up.
Are you the comic lefties from the other thread? I really enjoyed that.
But what are you doing with this? You aren't actually bringing up any arguments
Or are you trying to make lefties look bad again?
Basically I`m dyslexic and the way they check is to give me an intelligence test and compare the results with my reading/writing skills. They found a big discrepancy. I have a reading age of a 12 year old but the vocabulary of someone in the top 5% of the UK and an IQ in the top 10%. So yes I make a few errors and it can not be avoided. You need to think on that for a while as you have yet to answer any questions I have put to you. So though your writing is superior to mine I think you are wanting in every other department.
What? What are you even doing? What are you trying to tell me?
It just looks like random rambling.
You're making zero sense to me.
I don't understand how you guys do it. Every day I wake up, I think about how blessed I am. I can't imagine how others function with such weak mental faculties, but you all seem so happy. I was given the gift of a 107 IQ but with the condition that I had to be in a cesspool of people unlike myself. Nobody knows what a gigabyte is; nobody knows what piebald means; nobody knows how to build a PC.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that there are positives and negatives in everyone's lives. For example, I am intelligent, but you are happy. Like I can write deep things like this but you guys only post shit like what you had for dinner. Idk maybe I should quit Facebook, but probably not lol.
Is this satire or something? I am really confused.
They're copy pastas. Don't fall for his idiocy.
What idiocy is there to fall for?
good point.
Please stop modifying my comics.
Also if anyone else have the modified comics that knave posted please show them to me, so I can show you in return what the real version looks like.
I need to correct the record.
I am tired of seeing you all act like zombies. That's what's """up"""
You're controlled, brainwashed by a life you're used to living. You're controlled like…fucking robots and yet "HA HAHAHA LEFTY POL HAHAHAHA GET BACK TO THERE xDDD HAGAHAHAHAHA xDD BTFO TRUMP WON TRUMP WON LMFAO LIBERAL TEARS"
Delete these now.
delet this post
It's funny how all of the people on the right (who aren't neocons) are already aware of this shit in those pics and are actively against it. It's like the person who made these thinks all of the right are completely ignorant and accept corporatism.
Here we go again….
all I got
Holla Forums: all dissent is unacceptable
Holla Forums: all dissent is unacceptable
Extremism will always be shitty.
"But me? I see through it all"
We all have biases. Nobody is 100% objective 100% of the time.
All according to plan.
Your glass house politics can't compete in a free market place of ideas. You walled yourself off and now you have to raid other boards to spread your ideas cause no one wants to go to your over moderated shit board cause your ideas are trash tier.
Is it just one guy? If not he just spazzed out on Holla Forums
not at all, i just accept that 100% of everyone is completely biased and full of shit 100% of the time.
this shit is getting boring fast.
I am neutral, I been called a nazi by leftists, been called a leftist by nazis and basically don't fit any ideologically based communities.
I like varg vikernes and slovaj zizek at the same time. agree with the left on some issues and with the right on other issues.
Just like you.
You're nothing but a coward!
Prove to me you're the real seeker or I'll sexualize the miku.