Why are people so stupid, Holla Forums?
Why are people so stupid, Holla Forums?
Are you referring to that faggot who posted non-spoilered porn, made two posts about how he fucked up, before it got derailed into a jojo storytime?
No, i'm talking about how people have shit taste in the media they consume.
Like the revisionist narrative that TKJ isn't great.
Or that BvS and SS weren't good.
Or that Marvel comics is still in business.
I'm butthurt.
I think he's referring to the faggot who "derailed" a bad thread that had 2 posts and kept it bumped for over an hour with off-topic trash.
The movie or the book?
They objectively were not.
They are.
don't give a shit about the movie
BvS and SS are good
I haven't seen SS yet, but it looks like shit. No matter what it's a shitty adaptation.
But no, BvS is not good.
There is approximately one good moment in this movie. It's from 3:48 to the end of this video. However even it is ruined by having the kryptonite 'wear off' so Superman can get some punches in on Bats.
Ideally Clark would have been invincible the whole movie, then Bruce would have annihilated him once he was de-powered. It would have been an "oh shit" moment, because you almost believe Batman is going to kill him. But Snyder couldn't have that and had to keep the fight going for too long.
dropped your post here
at least pay lip service to actually not liking the movie
I mean, do they not?
And the list goes on.
not a metaphor
not a metaphor
1. You've only shown that Lex does it, not """"everyone"""", and that's called having a character trait.
2. there is nothing inherently bad about metaphor
you were shitposting
carry on then chap
Okay then, replace "speaks in metaphors" with "is fucking pretentious for no reason".
Why are you so defensive, DC internet defense force?
I'm defensive because of people like you who marinate in stubborn idiocy by choice.
Why are you defending a movie that has been so completely condemned by everyone? Are you telling me you enjoyed that turd?
Is the tomatometer at 0%?
Instead of acting overly hostile and getting triggered by me not using the dictionary definition of metaphor, why don't you address some of my other complaints?
because I don't want to
yes exactly my friend
Reply to me again.
Do it or you lose the argument! Uh oh, don't want that!
Reply 1
Reply 2
Uh oh, two replies to your one! I'm ahead dude, you'll need to post 3 to catch up!
why so serious
It's pretty funny how you have to get the last word in m8, you can't let the argument die.
i can go till the thread dies fam
are we doing this then
How ironic, I was going to complain about the shit taste of some deluded fags actually saying BvS is good and the Star Wars prequels are actually intelligent masterpieces.
both of those are true statements mr downvote
Yes OP, everybody is stupid and has no taste. Except you, you cunning connoisseur of the arts.
now you begin to see