What is Holla Forums's opinion on traitors?

what is Holla Forums's opinion on traitors?

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Assange is cool
Snowden is a media hack

you are right nsa and political parties should be executed

Anime means peace!

Assange is good Snowden is a BLM cuck. I imagine Snowden and Louis C.K. would be good friends.

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

So much this. Assange is pretty much one of us, I don't trust Snowden.

Also, a traitor to the Jew world order is a rebel hero to me.

The world would be better off if they were dealt with swiftly, for the USA would never have been founded.

Fuck off Britcuck, you can't even manage your country any more, is it any wonder your colonies left you? Get back to us when you retake your capital city back from the mohammedans.

Fagsange is a rapist, what more is there to know.

For real though, I don't know much about him but the impression I get is that he's a sort of incompetent attention whore.

Goddamn French and Spanish couldn't keep their nose out of others' affairs.

They are responsible everything wrong in this world today.


Please don't insult Assange, that's disgusting

*I fixed question because OP is americuck
They are making world better place by exposing how governments all around the world are violating peoples rights.



While in the legal sense, Snowden is a traitor, I believe that his leaks were overall beneficial.

Snowden seems very much like a user of Kenyan Kino Kitchens.

Being paranoid about Assange is not weird at all. He pissed off plenty of governments and other powerful organizations. It's not all that far-fetched for one of them to retaliate like this because they actually have a reason to fear him.

Please don't do that.

Go away, CIA.

Fuck off, I'm NSA. Don't mistake me for those chumps


You can't be a traitor if you were never a loyal subject in the first. I don't know much about Assange, but he doesn't seem to fall under that. He strikes me as a rootless cosmopolitan. Snowden is definitely a traitor through and through, but he did do the right thing based on America's founding principles. Whether that balances out his sins is opinion.

Not even in the legal sense.
Treason is the only crime serious enough to be defined in the constitution, and Snowden doesn't fit the definition.

I haven't seen that name in a long time, would have never imagined it would be associated with someone I see on movie posters and on magazine covers today. These people were involved with the 'Amerimanga' scene, it's very different than the manga that people who browse imageboards are familiar with.

In over a decade of using chans(I remember when /g/ was for guro) I've only seen their work posted on a few rare occasions in porn dumps where it was associated with western style cartoons. Most of the artists and their work are known on places like deviantart and in the furry world, the first time I saw her name was in a Gold Digger swimsuit issue. When chans were exploding in popularity these people were segregated in their own hangouts.

So no, I doubt very much that he was 'one of us' based on that link you posted. Anime was pretty big back in those years with many different subcultures.

That picture always makes me laugh. Have a picture of Snowden's cute butt.

IF I was in the CIA, I'd direct high-power x-rays at Snowden. He would be terminally ill in a week.

I have lots of other good ideas, but just chew on that for now.

Anyone who isn't a traitor to the US government one way or the other is just a cuck. Traitors? Love 'em!

And once he's in the hospital...

The fact that Snowden has been telling Assange to cool it with the DNC leaks just because they boost a position he personally disagrees with proves that Snowden doesn't actually give a shit about the truth and only released what he did because he wanted attention.

If only you knew how dank things really are.

And what good has that done?

he's got cute girls on his wall

Anyone who causes trouble for the federal government and its Jewish-supremacist occupiers is a friend of mine.

I finally watched Citizenfour, Snowman did it a. for (((DEMOCRACY))) which makes him a faglord, but reason b. to stop amuhrica from going totalitarian makes sense

Assange is cool because he still has a good accent, and he helped "Russian hackers" devolve secrets about Hillary

At least we know Snowman is saying he isn't with the Kremlin, dunno about Julie

i wish i could nail a cute 2d girl to the wall

i think they're ok

Educated the public, helped them mind their security/anonymity and therefore improved their access to independence and liberty more. Cut off their reliance and trust of the state. See , also .


hi correct the record, thank you for spreading the conspiracy about the alleged ties between assange&putin in order to derail the attention from what "julie" leaked. 2 shekels have been deposited into your bank account, now get the fuck out, piece of shit

Traitors like the CEO of Apple that refuse to pay taxes in their main country of business because they're "too high" deserve to go to the guillotine.

Whistleblowers like Snowden who expose attempts to undermine privacy and democracy on the other hand are patriots.

Indeed but it fills the condition of the documents he signed when joining the NSA.

The constitution is dogshit for the NSA they don't give a fuck about it because in their mind they are protecting more important, thus they think that they have more power than the constitution and it's true they can do anything has long people don't know.

But people are retarded when Watergate occurred everyone was shocked about and that was normal it even cost nixons seet, now you can directly but a dildo up someones ass and say because NSA security everyone wont give a fuck or for a short time and everything will continue.


The intelligence community leaders are naïve at best. They've caused more harm to the future prosperity of the U.S. and to tech in general than terrorists could ever hope to have inflicted.

The road to hell has been paved with the good intentions of the leadership of the Intelligence Community.

Has anything actually changed?

Because social security numbers and phone numbers need to be publicized.

For freedom.

Holla Forums plz go

imagine the shitshow it would've caused though.

*did cause

goon plz go

and that's why you're not CIA but just a namefag who shitposts and lows the quality of my imageboard

You're suggesting the CIA has any standards of professionalism or ability. Why?

It's impossible for Assange to be a US traitor if he's never been to the US.

Traitorous is when you sell out the American worker with so-called free trade agreements forcing them to compete against 3rd world wages or when you take advantage of them yourself by putting a clothing line in China. Traitorous is when you create and support trade agreements that subordinate the US government to corporate power. Traitorous is egregious breaches of privacy like the Patriot Act.

Exposing the surveillance state for all to protect themselves though? Nah, that's full-blown patriotism.

So because Greenwald castrated the revelations into a limited hangout, Snowden is a media hack. Go shitpost in some other thread NSA shill!

Plz go, Holla Forums.

I always have controlled opposition in the back of my mind because of how much positive media attention they both got and continue to get.

I remember a thread a while ago or a video or something I watched where an user made a point that the things assange got famous for releasing were not really secrets at the time they were just not well published and really had nothing revealing on them since it was well known what kind of atrocities were going on during the war. The same argument against snowden was that other less well known whistle blowers were releasing a shit load of similar stuff and they never received any attention for it.

It's kind of odd