Polls show tight Clinton-Trump race in 2016 battlegrounds
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I love that picture selection. (its from the article, if you haven't clicked the link)
What would you imagine Trump saying on the left to cause that face?
That's something Hillary certainly isn't.
In the race against Trump that is.
This bitch hasn't had a speech or a free interview in a long time.
She has to take breaks during campaigning and coughs her lungs everytime she goes out.
Her twitter followers are fake and considering she needs to blow 1mil to correct people on the interwebz I'm assuming that the pools are fake.
Sage for obvious low energy defeatist sshill.
Do (((they))) think anyone actually believes that Trump had a bad last few weeks because (((their))) (((polls))) say so?
Nigger, don't be delusional, of course the race is tight right now.
Trump is waiting for her to get locked in as the nominee before he really unloads on her and steals all of her pet niggers and Bernouts.
The polls are shit though.
Not only are they almost-never accurate at this stage in an election, they are actively and blatantly being manipulated to inflate Clinton's numbers and lend to the narrative of Trump's unlikely victory (see: demoralization).
> realclearpolitics.com
This poll is presented as though legitimate.
> qu.edu
You wanna see a sign that things are REALLY fucked with this one?
These polls are skewed Left, hard.
Here's a promising sign though
I foresee a significant absence of mudfolk, esp. niggers, this election cycle compared to previous - though we may see an increase in Hispanics.
Daily Shoah and Fash the Nation have both covered this issue, and its pretty obvious that these polls are propagandistic trash, and purposefully so.
What are the battleground states this election?
People said the exact same things in 2008 and 2012.
A few examples among many:
In hindsight, the polls made by the big pollsters (Rasmussen etc) turned out to be accurate enough.
that poll graphic seems to support the fact that polls are relatively accurate…
did that actually happen? i would love to hear from that poor, violated person about Hill
Nvm, I found them on RealClearPolitics.
Battleground states 2016:
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and the usual Ohio. Maryland also could probably be on the list.
Despite Trump's home state advantage, I think New York is still a bit too far gone.
You'd have to show me these supposedly-accurate polls, but those articles are accurate - the polls WERE bumping for Obongo at many stages, and it likely worked to create the narrative of his assured victory.
These polls are more psyop than they are accurate representation of the electorate.
Not really, especially at this point in the election, nor even near the election.
Ex. At this point in the election, the polls had Obama at +2% over Romney, and less than 1% at the end - yet Obama won by more like 5%.
The Bush/Kerry shit was even more erratic and inaccurate.
Of course not.
She has talked about Clinton, and expressed concern for her well-being once this all kicks off, but I doubt they've ever actually met face-to-face.
It'd be glorious if Trump arranged such a thing, however.
There is a difference between polls and actual turnout. People might tell you their preference but then are too lazy to go out and vote, thus "proving" the polls wrong.
Did you think people wouldn't look at your data?
It would be funny if she showed up at a town hall style debate session.
Wether oversampling is push polling or a valid practice I'm not sure, opinions seem fairly divided on it, but the point I'm trying to make is that polls DO predict the winner. That's the whole point. Maybe they contribute to the victory of a pre-selected candidate (possible) but it still doesn't change the fact that everyone except for a few cranks predicted the outcome of the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections correctly.
Literally word for word like in 2008 and 2012. Some people just never learn.
At least this year nobody will bring up the Bradley effect since Shillary is white.
I think that may have had more to do with Romney's electoral math being completely fucked.
Go fucking kill yourself you shill piece of shit.
Assumptions so fucking stupid that you must be a liberal. I'm not even kidding dude, hang yourself, cut your wrists, just end it somehow. Your mother should have thrown you in a blender and let the fucking dog lap you up. You deserve to suffer, you subhuman trash.
I can't take any poll seriously until the debates
Pretty sure Trump is doing this to make Hillary overconfident when the debates come and then he switches tactics entirely
Also Trump actually has more states on lock than Hillary
What "may have had more to do with Romney's electoral math being completely fucked"?
The outcome of the election?
Wrong on all accounts.
Well that, but more specifically, the fact that the election was very easy to call in advance.
I seem to recall the dynamic being something like, "Obama needs to win any of two of these ten states, but Romney has to sweep up nine of them" or some crazy shit.
However, even if the news was reporting fucked-up polls, they still would NOT report the dire electoral picture, because then the election wouldn't be EXCITING(!) anymore.
Well at least Trump won't have that problem
I'll imagine he could flip places like Florida and maybe a couple states that NYC is on
Remember how Ronald Reagan lost the election with his polling?
God I'm starting to think YOU fucks are the real shills… you even posted a picture of a pretty girl which is usually what you do to get people to look at a post, which is sort of counterproductive when saging don't you think?
It's almost as if you faggots are calling everybody a shill to cause infighting and D&C…
what happened to all those people Trump said were begging to donate to his campaign? Why is this a problem all of a sudden?
Not all that money is for his campaign but for the party as well, in which case, not all those people will want that money to go to the party. Also Trump is courting small time donors since letting larger scale donors weakens his message about to being bought.
Its not a surprise that Obama won. Romney was garbage, didn't excite people and was a mormon. Hating Obama wasn't enough, people needed a reason to vote for Romney which wasn't there. In that scenario no matter how bad Obama was people default to the status quo.
When Trump wins its going to be great for many reasons, but the one that I'm most looking forward to is that Trump will win while being outspent 3 or 5 or 10 to 1, completely blowing apart the all citizens united whining. Trump should use the majority of his available funds on boots on the ground type GOTV operations while he keeps himself in the news and on TV screens for free just being himself.
normie detected
nigger where the fuck do you think you are
It's a (((problem))) because of the artificially high bar set by corporate and foreign donors, laundering money through the parties.
It's a fake criticism, the party still has the means and Trump is making his campaign money back through merch. A political campaign doesn't actually cost hundreds of millions of dollars when the orgs, parties and nonprofits are already in place to promote candidates. It's a visible symptom of corruption to publicly opine otherwise, almost africa-tier.
If the polls show Trump "head to head" with $hillary it most likely means hes up at least 5 points.
The actual Brexit leave results were apparently 8% higher than what the lugenpolle showed.
If polls have shown us anything this year it is that if (((they))) say its a tie we will wind up winning by 20pts
I would bang that Japanese girl so hard that she would be screaming "SKREEEOOONK!"
Clinton, the darling vagina of the Left, praised and protected by the mainstream media and everyone else, is in a close race with the worst "literally Hitler" since Hitler himself! The man who will destroy civilization and humanity! Damn, Hillary is a terrible fucking candidate…
dammit. I used to have a pic of her with basically nothing on but now I can't find it. do you have?
probably threw it out bc she's too skinny.
even if she was 5 points ahead the big picture is that she has spend Millions already while Trump spend nothing, how people miss the importance of this point is beyond me.
How is The Great State Georgia a battleground state?
Niggers I'm guessing because everyone here hates her because of that fake southern accent among the other bullshit.