You miss an appointment or are late for one at the job centre and they cut your pay in half or worse.
You can't troll online there, twitter, facebook trolls have been sent to prison. When did it all go wrong anons?
Why is the UK fucked up?
Other urls found in this thread:
when Oliver Cromwell overthrew the king and allowed the Jews to return
When Cromwell let the jews back iin.
when some idiots decided that rainy little shithole of an island was suitable for human life
Some of the SJW police shit.
UK is fucked up.
10/10 insightful post. Here, have an upbump
Why thank you user. :^)
Can't beat the fish and chips there.
Fucking pork pies and a pint of lager m8.
Already fucked up Burger
When they lost control of the greatest country on earth, America!
Nice try kike
If I was a kike I'd be advocating support for Baboon Lives Matter
kikery confirmed.
They spelled "center" wrong.
I'm from Canada thats why. Lived in the UK for 5 years.
Center. Centre would be pronounced like Sentry.
no it would be pronounced center.
I think this sorta answers OP question non just on the state of the UK, but of the world in general.
Every country on earth is getting shittier. Pick one at random and you can find ridiculous laws that shouldnt exist. The western world in particular is shit because it is causing its own problems.
UK is trash except based EU Ireland
- job centers
- sluts
- pakistani
- "small England" future
Britain needs nationalism now more than ever.
literally jews
switzerland and norway aren't shit.
they don't take any ragefugees and are rich af
lmao sure thing buddy
Don't forget that the Nordic countries are socialist utopias. Switzerland is bretty gud tho 9/10
Mainly just London that is fucked tbh and probably some shitholes up north.
I've only ever been to one job centre, it was in Peckham. Full of smelly paki cunts, eastern yuropoors and proper chimpy nigs. It was so bad I just got a job that week so I didn't have to go back.
Moved out of London shortly after, never looked back.
Even though this is bait you should still kys
The UK is fucking awesome. I love it. Some of the people are retarded but as a place it rules.
Paddy is a moron spud thick Mick,
Breeds like a rabbit, thinks with his prick.
Anything floors him if he can't fight or drink it,
Round 'em up in Ulster - tow it out and sink it.
When leftist's got in power they started being authoritarian, to everyone's surprise.
When Churchill insisted on war with Germany
Surprised no one has said giving women the vote yet.
Because more and more young men are realising that getting a job is actually not worth it anymore. Can't afford to move out of parents and in work… no thanks.