Can you imagine what her panties smell like
Can you imagine what her panties smell like
shit and piss
laundry soap?
oh, and off by 60
She doesnt do any of those things
Shes super hot but body wise shes almost a gimp or something. Its like her legs just stopped crowing and isn't proportionate to the rest of her
instead of legs she got a torso.
reminder that she fucked this guy
Fuck, that's gross. She must have crypto-dwarfism like that guy from Green Day
Like a decaying nigger
I dont think she was ever with tb, shes just a starcraft groupie
why would he not casting couch her before putting her on his podcast crew?
Id hit it despite the goat feet
I thought satyrs weren't real.
probably like panties.
trips for panties
this makes me madder than it should
Personally I think she's rough. You could plane a few inches off a door with her face.
If you saw that in a club you wouldn't even look twice, just because she's some disproportionate slut who's into gaming. I reckon her mother gave birth to her with her tights on.