Sup Holla Forums, should I dump my depressed gf ?
We have intermittent "honeymoon" phases where all is amazing, but I've had it with the rest.
Should I dump her or how can I whoop her into shape, anons ?
Sup Holla Forums, should I dump my depressed gf ?
We have intermittent "honeymoon" phases where all is amazing, but I've had it with the rest.
Should I dump her or how can I whoop her into shape, anons ?
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Take control of the relationship. Sounds like you're being a pussy. Continue getting /fit/ she's the one reaching for you to stay.
No matter your choice, you should record any confrontations with her, so she can't claim you abused/raped her.
I don't know the country in which you live, but unless it's Saudi Arabia your government will not hesitate to destroy you to protect a womyn.
Also, sneak her some meds. Coat the pills in peanut butter like you would give a dog.
Problem solved.
Shiiiiiet man. Those relationships are a hell of a ride.
Don't listen much to our advice. You're the one in the fire and plus, women are impossible to understand.
Just… don't lose yourself my man. Don't drown into her, keep yourself up. I was once in a relationship like that, and it was glorious at first, then it went downhill
This so much fam. Don't feel bad about it, it's inevitable for a man. But in the end we must face our helplesness: you can't help someone who doesn't want to help herself -but you sure as fuck want to.
I ended shutting down that relationship. But later we met and still fuck to this day. Long story.
Don't try to "woop" her into shape, it just doesn't work, it's not the way women work. Women are not "logical" or don't follow male logic, if you try to fix her you'll be continuing the vicious cycle -and deep down, you don't want it to stop either, so you're not that much logic either.
All I can say is, keep yourself alive my man, keep yourself integer, no matter what happens, what must you sacrifice, keep yourself together.>>6517698
FUCK FUCK FUCK OP RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the cheese has gone bad, get the fuck out!!!!
If I ever ever ever got a girlfriend, or even a normal friend and things got this bad I would try to fix it, but if it stayed like this I would get out of there so fast.
some people just don't get along.
You know shit about teh pussy do you?
also I wanted to add
regardless of if you think she should do things like this or not, it is the most annoying pain in the ass when people try to tell you that you need help over and over.
when people push like that, it just makes the people hate the pushers.
Leave now while you can OP, considering she has already made depression a part of her identity, its not going to get any better.
post lewds
Get her into cuckqueaning.
you could also tell her that you would really like it if she tried to be more positive because you don't like it that it feels like depression is a part of her identity. maybe being very very honest might work? tell her that you just want to be happy and cheerful with you.
also, take her to be /fit/ with you! exercise is good for brain chemistry.
no user have some professionality
sounds bad. noooo
that you want her to be happy and cheerful with you, and you also want to be happy and cheerful with her.
why would OP's girlfriend who is so clingy ever want something like this?
Sounds like a nagging attention whore definitely dump her and let her kill herself.
Get her pregnant and have kids together.
Because it's fucking delicious to haev a qt craving for your person. Even if it's really sick actually
yes, she's what we call a succubus. she'll suck the life out of you and drain your psychologically.
the worse part is that, she'll either stay that way and kill you slowly or get better and dump you for a Chad without having any remorse whatever.
rust me, i'v been there.
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or something, but this actually works. Babies make wonders for female psychology, because they do start loving themselves as they start to love their babies. But think carefully about it, you can't go back on that decision
You can't win with depressed people. They're fucking miserable because they want to be. They enjoy crying for help and then refusing all of it. It's not worth fighting with them, they'll drag you down. Get rid of her.
Even if you give her the exact explanation of her depression, as well as proper physical treatment to correct the chemical imbalance, they will refuse. They want to be depressed. They enjoy it.
If you can't handle a person at their worst you don't deserve them at their best.
Having said that "depressed" people have no best. Get rid of her.
I would but females these days, especially the borderline types, will threaten to an hero or rat about how "abusive" you are, at the smallest hint that they're not getting their way.
I never really thought of it from that perspective so thanks I guess.
She would whine about feeling inept from dropping out of fucking high school and stuff so I naively thought offering "tangible" help would work but I probably just sounded preachy.
I've had gfs like this in the past. She wants a father surrogate.
She craves the security of sombody else being in charge 24/7 and you're not giving her that right now. That's why she's being weird and cranky. Remeber that women are pathologically passive-agressive and will never directly indicate what they want or need. What she needs is a strong willed man to control her life.
You should make her your slave girl. Seriously, she will be blissfully happy and love you forever.
Gee thanks man. It means a lot to hear it fro a person who's been in the same type of hell, it really does.
I'll hhed your advice and focus on getting into the USMC as a distraction.
I'm also glad it worked out for you and you're still getting the goods.
fucking retard
they don't want to actually be depressed, and they don't want to refuse treatement.
depression hurts, but the problem is that the treatment is shit.
it's not treatment if it doesn't actually make things better.
when girls vent, they just want somrone to liste blankly with expert advice given with a cool attitude
I didn't think you knew that much about me.
Make user happy.
Shut the fuck up at least you have someone to complain about
Just going to go ahead and make a completely accurate educated guess here and assume that this is what she looks like. Dump her and nothing of value will be lost
fist hur
Juggalettes are the worst. Thank god for the guy running To Catch A Juggalo Predator on Facebook.
She is trying to turn you into an obediant pet that pitys her all the time, if she isnt already a landwhale she will get there eventually.
Life is hard, dog. Although you may love her, things will only get worse, drop her ass
how can one be abusive if you avoid her and begin replying to her texts with oneliners? Also, if she threatens suicide, call an anonymous tip line and they will send the looney police after her. its a crime to kill yourself you know
Look, OP. You need to sit her down and have a real talk with her. If you really do care about her, it's your only option. If you don't care about her, then cut and run. You aren't married, and you don't have kids.
If you do care though, give her that look that says you're serious, like serious for real. Every guy has one for his woman in my experience. Tell her to listen and not say anything until you're done, then explain how things look from your point of view. Don't take an accusatory tone, try to stick with just the facts instead of the facts as you see them, and maybe record it just to be on the safe side. Tell her that she needs to start seeing someone for her anxiety/depression or at least get her GED. You have every right to have standards for yourself, and if she cares about you, she should have some for herself. It's insane that she gets upset about you going to the gym.
You also need to explain that her needing to know exactly where you are and how long you will be there is not okay. You cannot let her become your entire world. I let that shit happen once about 3 years ago, and I'm still breaking some fucked up social habits it gave me. Her behavior stems from her insecurities, mainly about losing you since you're improving yourself and she isn't doing the same. As twisted as it might seem right now, you are a very powerful leverage in this situation. She is clearly desperate to keep you around, so I think it would be best to literally say what you told us minus what would obviously just upset her i.e. don't call her "helpless, bratty, overemotional child of a gf" to her face.
On the other hand, make sure you keep your pain pills down to the barest minimum. Opiates are like a siren's call. They're nice, but they'll fuck you up in the end.
You're an adult, man. You're allowed to want an adult for a relationship.
you're doing God's work, anonette
If you love, give her time. You need to talk to her, not us.
But what if I want to love you but you won't accept it?
Holla Forumsro, you gotta dump her.
I was in the same position as you around a year ago. I fucking loved that girl but she dragged me the fuck down. If she won't even try to better herself and gets mad when you get /fit/ that's a sure sign. If it's been happening more than 3 months it won't change, trust me.
It'll get better man, you just gotta take that step.
Take her to the gym with you and let her get a whiff of your pheromones after cleaning up on heavy squats. See if this changes her tune
She's emotionally abusive and waited to dump all her problems on you as soon as she knew you were hooked on her. Right now she's keeping you from improving yourself in anyway, like you getting in shape, because she's afraid you will realize you're to good for her and leave. The icing on the cake is she could fix this by improving herself, but she refuses to.
This is how little she cares about you. You're willing to help her, but she won't even try it out. This is a bad deal and you will only cause more pain for yourself if you stay with her.
Dump her and find someone better. You deserve it. If she wants someone, she has to fix her own shit. It's not your problem anymore.
Dump her. Every second you don't is a second that, not only will you not get back but that you could be spending fucking (or at least trying to fuck) undamaged goods.
A building is only as good as the foundation it rests on. Crappy foundation and building falls down man.
A person is only as good and the people he surrounds himself with. Crappy girlfriend and friends, person falls down.
It’s just that simple man.
Not only do these sound worse than what shes doing, things you admit about yourself are always more solidified. She should be the one dumping you
always leave people in a better place than you found them