Where were you when the Religion of Peaceā¢ became the Religion of Feminism?
Where were you when the Religion of Peaceā¢ became the Religion of Feminism?
Her Instagram:
"As a brown girl I have the wisdom of 1000 white girls"
What did she mean by this?
All apart of the Muslim brotherhood's plan to degrade American society from the inside out.
Create schism and divides. Conquer it when no one's looking.
I will lace my bullets with bacon grease.
Check 'em.
I archived. way to miss your trips BTW
these people are completely retarded aren't they? This cant be fukken real hahahaha
Not running with their delusion and throwing them into the kitchens because 'it's real feminism'.
lol, right? It was too good not to share.
What kind of insane mental gymnastics do they have to do to ignore sites like
Well it was nice guys. Inshallah and all that now I guess.
Islam means "submission." It is a religion made for women and effeminate subhumans like Arabs.
/leftycuck/ slide
FYI OP: Holla Forums hates feminists
slide what exactly?
Its 12 in the morning and all the important threads have stickies.
exactly. It's funny how I'm being called a shill.
oh, we hate feminists? I wasn't aware of that. I thought this was a Torah study forum.
This author of the article is a literal sandnigger, she is just defending her own shitty culture via cognitive dissonance
She meant she has more diseases than 1000 white girls.
Not surprising. My sister during political phase which I don't know if it's over or not since I don't see her often tried to argue Islam was a religion of peace during dinner. My dad then brought up a bunch of facts to the point where mom had to change the subject so my sister wouldn't lose so badly. It was fun to watch the cockiness wipe off her face. Only thing it accomplished though was shutting her up when it came to politics. Making her learn would be too hard.
I hope Trump has the staff and CEO executed for extreme faggotry
it means the average white girl takes 1000 black cocks
Even literal faggots don't like Huffpo.
For Europeans, PCness is the first preparatory step of conversion to islamism. It's another way to the same end.
I've peered enough into leftists heads to know that islamization wouldn't upset them, even the worst christ hater would convert fast.
I predict that if muslims become a large minority if not a majority in western countries (meaning we lost) then we will see all these shitlibs, feminists, cucks et all will start converting to virtue signal and/or join the winning side. As for women, they just want to be dominated subconsciously and Islam will do that for them.
That's because ultimately, leftists are nihilists obsessed with power - they are either obsessed with being subjugated (by Islam) or to be the subjugator (part of the State machine). Not surprisingly both are forms of expression of daddy issues.
Basically she's calling for a race war.
That they can even write this without fear shows the bankruptcy of their movement.
It's a simple cover for the destruction of white civilisation
What kind of sacred temple, one to some ancient goddess of sex and lust?
Gabb, pls.
Ah that explains all the raping then.
Rape is the sincerest form of flattery feminists, truly empowering.
That is why they heap praise on the 50 Shades of Grey faggotry.
There is not genuine difference between a feminist and a muslima, just like there is no genuine difference between a woman who wears a headscarve, allows herself to grow fat and dresses in granny clothes AND a woman who pierces her faces, allows herself to grow fat and wears man's clothes.
Both if it goes back to the denial of beauty and feminity and behind both the semite lurks.
wisdom = To know = to have sex.
She was known as many men as 1000 white girls.
Great point, not being a whore isn't exclusive to the religion of pieces.
The religion of pieces, or rather the degenerate mudkike culture which partly inspired it, encouraged one to sex little boy whores instead.
That vid was not an exaggeration
Seeing as the main demographic that she meets in daily life are white feminists, she is probably not wrong.
The average white girl won't stop until she has 1000 diseases.
What's wrong with being a modest Christian woman?
masterbate to jew porn the rest of your life
They are into cuckoldry
It's funny how you can always pin-point the people who buy into the 'white women are whores' meme - invariably of an extreme weight, socially retarded and desperately in need of a way to explain away their shortcomings so they delude themselves into believing this disgusting shite.
I hope you realise that you're about as useful to our movement as the Marxists, you're both ethnomasochistic cuckolds pushing the race-mixing angle.
ex-muslim here, thanks for the keks m8, I come here just for entertainment nowadays.
how are you still alive?
People don't care here as long as you don't dis religion.
This just in:
Apparently "Feminism" means killing women who have sex outside of marriage.
Yeah, no surprise here. On the bright side, we have even more justification to kill them all together.
based islam tbh
What is that ritual called in the first pic? I've seen this a few times, want to know what it is to redpill normies
This picture is a gold mine.
When cunts began realizing they don't want a job and a career, but a husband and children.
top fucking kek
Nothing is more progressive than being hit with stones and acid for being a whore.
This is why you should never trust liberals, even if you support social justice. Because they eventually reintroduce the concepts that they oppose,
It's very interesting that liberals eventually come around to our way of thinking without even realizing it. This proves that our way is naturally the right way.
tatbir, talwar zani, qama zani, self-flagellation
take your pick
there is no limit to the batshit insanity white liberal women can force themselves to believe
temple for the god of rape I assume
They want to fuck each other in the ass
Good riddance, both will go.
What you came here for before?
Muslims are savages and a savage can never stop being savage. such as the free nigger
Women naturally are led astray by what they feel. We can't control the mainstream media but if you can prevent them from doing something they'll regret early you'll be able to save them.
Though some white women you see are casualties, a shame but they wouldn't be strong enough in the coming happening. In a way white genocide chooses the best of the white race, if the Jews cannot quickly cause a complete genocide then they'll be dealing with better and better opponents each generation.
i totally agree