Holla Forums didn't.
Learning from history
whats the point of this thread? theres nothing to even comment on. you've given us no topic whatsoever. youve got to be the dumbest motherfucker on Holla Forums right now.
What's there to learn? Holla Forums doesn't like Regan because he didn't distribute enough crack to finish off the AA population.
Reagan won the cold war but didn't nuke israel so these millenials think he sucks.
Ronald Reagan did nothing wrong
kep habeebin that :^)
Mexico's that-a-way, faggot.
He'll make George W look like JFK in comparison. And that's if we're lucky.
I never thought I would miss Dubya, but at this point I'd buy him a non-alcoholic beer and beg him to screw Trump out of the White House somehow.
Never jump to conclusions when it comes to Trump.
Reagan was such a good president that the globalist Bushes shot him. Trump learned from history and wears a bullet proof vest.
let's make israel great again, you filthy goyim
Bump :-)
nice try Holla Forums :^)
you've been proven to be an idiot
You lost, leftist. Your ideology has failed. Deal with it.
Huh? What does my thread have to do with leftism?
Deal with it.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I never made a thread about leftism or the right. I don't think this thread is about paradigms. You must be confused.
Jesus fucking Christ !
You'll accept it one day.
Or maybe you won't and you'll kill yourself. Win/win.
this tbh
I don't browse Holla Forums but is this how you guys actually argue?
(I'm not leftist)
"Deal with it"
you can't all be this dumb
im being trolled?
There is no argument anymore, you've lost already. Your ideology is dead.
Just kill yourself already.
what ideology
I don't have an ideology as implied in and yet you keep trying to say I do but I don't and I'm not sure what "ideology" you suppose I have lost because there was never an ideology for me to have for me to have lost.
I think you're crazy.
Sure champ, whatever you say
it would be a shame if something happened 2 al ur post
Subjectivism is an ideology you retard.
are you implying that my ideology is subjectivism? I don't have one.
i think you're crazy.
ideology is for peasants.
That's probably an edit, but it is pretty close to the truth. Holla Forums doesn't understand that though.
It's actually likely to be true. Use nice rhetoric to draw in the Right-wing who are angry at the System, then continue the wars and do nothing to stop illegal immigration. He's just a release valve to prevent the people from actually revolting.
More kosher nationalism. And the alt-right and Holla Forums will just say: "it's 4D chess"…
The topic is literally in the OP. You are just getting defensive because like most people on here you blindly follow the right solely because they cater to your edgelord opinions.
He's probably telling the truth. Most people just intrinsically know the difference between right and wrong. We don't need any real political ideology because we choose to support the team that has common sense on their side. We learn from the past and think of the future, whereas you vote based on nothing but your shit opinions, which come from your shit personality. We all know you act right wing solely because you want people on the internet to think you're edgy and cool but all you achieve is to make every rational person think you are a dick.
Dearn Holla Forums and Holla Forums, why you don't give a fuck about congress but fight until the death about president thing?
debate me then fgt?
The same reason as most burgers: Gobsmacking retardation. I don't think anything short of a switch to the parliamentary system would fix it.
Make America Great Again?
I actually was at one of Reagan's rallies in California. He was a pretty good guy, but he did make a few huge mistakes. The amnesty was the biggest one and destroyed California. All those illegals could suddenly vote and kept bringing over their illegal family members while using their voting power to prevent them from being deported and bleed money from the whites to support them. It allowed CA to be invaded and parasitized. I know nearly all of you only know CA as a den of leftist faggots and human trash but it was a really amazing state in the '80s with great people, nothing like today. I'd say it was the most American state in the US back then.
With Trump I hope we'll be able to greatly slow the invasion and genocide of the country, and hopefully start a war with the Jews media who poison our culture and thus destroy our birth rate. Births are everything, remember that. Everything else just buys time.
trump is a stepping off point, retard
are you going to shitpost on Holla Forums when he doesn't nuke detroit on his first day in office, too?