Playing as Chad on Tinder. You guys get to choose the responses.
Playing as Chad on Tinder. You guys get to choose the responses
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mai waifu has better eyes though
Ask her if she would consider herself more judgemental or openminded.
When she says openminded, ask her you'll tell her a kink if she shares first.
After she's done revealing, say you like obese ladyboys farting in your mouth then post a pic of Chrischan.
On it
Here ya go
Who should be next?
Ask her if she is a Hindu
Tell her she's a nigger :DD
Ask if she is a Hooto or a Tootsi
get some good screen grabs
how many niggers are in paris?
I can't say that kind of shit or this will all get cut short. If I say nigger even once I'll get booted within minutes Seen it happen.
Do you eat meat? :0
do you defecate in pubic??
Barraging her with questions isn't how this works. Have you guys never done this sort of thread before
Would it help if we had?
okay then tell her bend over i'll fugg u with my benis
(I've never dated/spoken to a woman)
Tell her she looks like she has good genetics
Tell her you're a big guy
Tinder is fucked. The girl he's talking to right now has crazy eyes and a bitchy look on her face too. Online dating straight up sucks for guys.
better yet show her a vagina and say you're trans
She's just bored, do you think if she had anything better to do she would waste her time with some dumb phone app?
Tell Emily she's the cutest girl you've ever matched on here
WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?????????????????????????????????????????????????
I know. Glad someone understands.
She knows I'm lying and it hurts to even type this, but it's sent.
Send a dick pic
Women are more petty than you think user.
Consider the following:
Women are emotional creatures, they want you to show that you're having a great life until they're dating you, then they want you to be stoic. They want to know you have status even though status is irrelevant because it's a hookup app
Women of all races prefer white guys, and although he's extremely attractive, his skin is the wrong pigment, that's a dealbreaker to women. Females are more racist than men, go figure.
Do you even have to ask?
France, and Paris in particular, is like the African capital of Europe.
if any of that were true then he wouldn't get any matches at all go make your own profile with arayan super-Hitler pic and see how it goes stop shitting up the thread
top kekk
We should do this more, I miss this. It's like pulling out Monopoly
they're probably not going to seks because the profile is fake. Of course, if they meet IRL then anything can happen ;)
they still arent responding
I can bait on tinder with my own pictures kek.
…Pulling out Monopoly as in when you get that board game out….
Okay hang on I'll make an account I need to do something else since the trolling Holla Forums is too easy to get banned now
I didn't know black girls liked indian men so much
What do you do when she wants to see your dick?
Do you have a Mexican dick?
Do you have more pictures of Jose ?
ask promise if she got a big butt
Ask her if you can take her to her designated shitting street?
You say "Only if you promise to send one back"
then google some random ass image and send it
Why does no one respond??
Im not sure man. Everyone's out of school plus it's friday night. Maybe they just wanted attention
Because men play Tinder like slot machines
Women play tinder like a grocery store.
We burn our thumbs swiping,
They choose from each product and if you're a budget brand…well.
do they normally respond when you message them?
One just did.
You've got to have a sharp wit to deal with these cunts man. What kind of a response is this? Just answer the fucking question.
Tell her "I got that gorilla dick and if you don't get on it in the next five seconds, I'm going to break your neck"
It'll work
Just matched with a passable black girl
I doubt that man. C'mon bros be more creative, don't just give me shit that will immediately make her bail, that's not lolz material
I have a crazy but really fun suggestion for our first date
Nevermind. The moment I messaged her she unmatched me, lol
It actually goes: "Im that gorilla dick nigga, I make dyke pussy wet" or "This gorilla dick daddy is hungry and if you don't blow me just right, I might kill you"
Try giving a bullshit hippy answer. Let me think.
"I like to be around worldly people who have an eye for excitement."
her picture looks better with the Christmas hat over it.
I hope you know this is a hookup app and you're making this girl's pussy dry up.
You in?
you're always welcome to ask more questions or mention how you want to stick your gorilla dick in her monkey pussy. let me know how that goes.
I'm not talking shit on you bro, but talking to these girls like a normal human being just makes them hate you.
before she responds, tell her how you gonna destroy her butthole
meant for
Now tell her you didn't mean to send that last message to her. Tell her it was supposed to go to your sister.
don't do this. if anything, double down
Are you sure? You just said you want her asshole, but she still responded. she's either interested or stringing you along, but getting fucked is on the table.
Women aren't like guys they don't have a prostate so anal for them is basically racking up PPP
Shit you're right
Also start opening with "Do you like Anime?"
What about if you pegged me
I greatly admire the struggles of your people madame
Well I'll tell you what, you're going to be very open-minded after I fuck your brains out.
How would I even continue it then?
Christ where are the Chads and normalfags on this board when you need them?!
Come on it's 2016!!!
testosterone you mong
take a wild fucking guess
Say "why does the background of your cover pic look like your visiting jail? Is your dad in jail for his skin color like mine?"
well done OP
that's one of the gayest things you could've said.
should have done
She unmatched him. I think that's funny too. The only half decent looking girl told him to fuck off lol.
Even a male model doesn't stand a chance on TInder. This girl is literally turning down anal.
OP here. This is actually very good, but I didn't see your response man. It blended in.
Oh well. Thanks anyways.
getting pegged isn't gay. It's the thinking man's fetish
Just FYI, maybe the reason you're not having success is because pajeets are one of the least attractive demographics for women.
So I had to choose a white Chad?
God damnit OP, when are you going to learn that white is right?
…Wait why are we just doing this for girls?
Can we get a fake girl account and see how far betas will go?
Tell all your matches the quote from World Peace. "I got that gorilla dick nigga, I make dyke pussy wet."
(Going for dubs here.)
This guy didn't make these comics for nothing
Oh shit, I didn't read properly, this isn't a "Dubs decide" thread like I thought.
Still do that though I'm like the 3rd person to call for it.
We should try this one now. We can also find out what the occasional chad says to get the women.
Ah fuck, okay how do we do this?
How do we make a fake tinder, just a fake fb and go from there?
How would we find out which of their lines are working if we dont have the minds of women? We'd just be reading a massive attack of different lines, most of which might be bogus. Also because we don't have retardedly high standards for attractiveness in dudes, we'd swipe a shit ton of men right.
speak for urself user
No man, as in what people say as pick up lines don't take it so srsly
We use both tinders at the same time. We talk to one guy, see what he says, then take those same lines and then use them for the guy tinder.
OP here. Ok go for it. I'm off work tomorrow so I got all night
Hang on guys i got dis.
I can make every female wet.
It's alright, the lulz from the needy beta males will suffice.
No, no. Look at us. We are the female now.
I've got it!
we make a fake female account and a fake male account, then keep swiping until they're matched with each other.
Then we'll be getting laid with ourselves. Why didn't I think of this.
We should use someone we have nudes of. I feel like we could get people to do crazy shit if we give them tits pics then promise them pussy pics
Could we pretend to be a cute little girl?
Dang, Holla Forums really is full of 14 year olds.
I'm out
wining and dinning my hand so I can bang it in a per hour motel like it's a cheap hooker aka tinder date.
if your goal is to catch possible pedos and then blackmail them, then yes.
Aww, don't go! Please you are the only one here who was worth staying for :(
with you gone there's one less here.
Too bad you're still her
you're a real faggot, user. no wonder we couldn't get the girl with you gaying up the place.
What else is new also we're not doing this to get laid, it's to lol
k making a fem facebook account gib me a bit
Yeah right you'll probably take a million years
fuck off you faggot.
God speed, dubs user. it's time to get our virtual pussies wet.
Literally just made the email, downloading tinder, sure it'll be like…15-20 but just jack off for a bit
going to go raid…shit is it /shame/ or something? What's the one with real grill nudes?
Bumblebee girl incoming.
I can't believe this shit.
I'd KILL MYSELF if I was non-white. Holy fuck is this the best you'd be able to do as a model?
I hate that industry so much.
Okay KikeKillerKatya is coming,
Whose pic do I use?
Want to see my supersuit?
go figures
Nice chin! You sort of look like the offspring of Jay Leno and a humpback whale.
A homeless man asked for change today and I told him to fuck off. This is my punishment.
Then she'd just call him an asshole and leave. You guys are supposed to give him funny responses that either progressively weird her out or really gutsy responses.
You'd have to crop it
Ask if she likes eating dick as much as she likes eating chocolate cake
thx you have nice eyes and cumskin
Need a camwhore so I can get lots of photos…Lana Rain? Is that her name?
"Can I borrow a chin? You seem to have more than enough"
You look like you're in great shape. What's your workout routine?
It's pigskin, not cumskin dude
Holy fuck dude you need to meet more online girls. Hang tight I'll get you your pics.
I want you to sit on my face. Suffocate me with your big sexy ass folds.
Using Lana Rain and baybee, what if I told you I am a vagina?
become a meme?
Use this. She's accomplished
Stop spamming pics and let one guy handle it.
Okay need a profile. I've selected her interests as: Anime, Video Games, Marvel, Loki, Sailor Moon and Atheism.
Women are such terrible people
This one's hot though. Found her on bumble.
Hope she repsonds
if she does respond, give her shit for being lazy and wearing sweatpants.
Ask her if she has skin cancer. Imply that people with that many birthmarks have it.
Outta likes, now we play the waiting game.
Ask her what she thinks of Indian foods, Then after her response ask her if she likes Indian meat with a ";)"
Looks fake because of the gaymer chair. Maybe im autist but I would say to look for different pictures
Dang I actually wish she was my gf right now. Fuck.
I figure Betas would just go "AYYY BLUE CUTIE" instead of actually looking at her stuff
You're so inundated with trap shit you think everything is a man. Go outside dude
Outside has a penis
for sure. real betas will look at the girl and believe girls actually like to play video games. It's perfect bait for naive chumps.
Could be right fam, looks like there's a lotta makeup on her, not to mention the lack of visible tits, you can't see em through the wrinkled shirt.
I'd fuck it anyways.
And that's who I want
Her names Lana Rain, don't worry she has a vagina, I've checked
Lots of girls have small tits my man. Its not new. And why would you not wear makeup when streaming?
I dunno man, maybe it's the face, something there just screams "Trap" to me. I'm prolly just exaggerating though.
Literally a porn star.
it's a trap
It's Lana Rain.
I know, Lana Rain the trap with a cock
Ah I see what you're doing
Dead thread. We need a new champion.
Make a new profile.
Literally noone responding to Katya so I changed her profiles. New bread I need anons to join me in making Beta-Bait Grills
Do you need male models or female?
just do it
Good idea user, get on it and post results!
tell everyone the login details and we will have epic bants posting statuses and adding hundreds of people
i have tried this only once, and it was amazing
I've never used tinder, do you need a phone or can you use pc?
Noones taking my bait sadly
Yeah I'm using Visual boy
We K-ON now
wot's k-on
Get the fuck out of here.
Good to know this thread is dying faster than a chainsaw through a baby.
Can confirm. I am extremely good looking and Tinder is broke. Also get fuck all in real life buts that's because of my extremely shitty personality. You can make fun of me for saying that all you want Im only writing it inform you guys.
where are you from? you seem new to this neighborhood.
OP needs to extend the age of his dating pool.
Grannies need hot, curry lovin', too.
Ask them if they believe in aliens and delve into X Files or David Icke style conspiracy shit. If they act skeptical say that they have calcified pineal glands/the fluoride stare.
Lana Rain? seriously?
got a problem, nigger? start your own thread
can somebody help me
i using genymotion emulator but tinder doen´t work
i activated de gps and nothing