Mississauga, Ontario Happening?
Is this Muslims?
Is this Meth-Heads?
Is this Jews(probably)?
Any Canada Cucks want to weigh in on what is happening?
Mississauga, Ontario Happening?
Is this Muslims?
Is this Meth-Heads?
Is this Jews(probably)?
Any Canada Cucks want to weigh in on what is happening?
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damn, Sam Hyde's on a role today isn't he?
You dont know about sam hydes clones?
Sam hyde is immortal
Only 1 confirmed dead, some idiot probably just left the gas on his stove on for a few hours/days and lit a match
You can see fresh gas line markout paint when the retard filming pans down. Also traffic cones where the line is pointing. Maybe they where doing work on the line and fucked up. Or turned the gas back on to a house with out checking the appliances 1st.
Canuck that actually lives a block away from this.
Everyone is saying it was a gas explosion. 50/50 being either suicide or gas accident.
Shook the areas so bad the roof of the grocery store down the street collapsed.
feels weird having a minor happening outside my doorstep
last think the Canadian media will do is admit it was a muslim
All that's missing are gun shots.
Thats not Portland, or else I would be videotaping myself.
Apparently you faggots haven't seen the first 20 minutes of the movie Fight Club
I know, but still. Built up liberal western city look. Fits the name fine.
Portland has a shit ton of trees, this has like none. Plus there's no hill in the background.
Isn't Canada diverse though?
That looks like an upper class white neighborhood.
Any word on who the dead person was?
Reviving the thread with this article:
This is my town, I've been at work all morning and had no idea this happened. Some chinks frycooker probably exploded.
user, why do you have that picture saved?
I just saved it
Why would somebody just go and let slip a tit in a store like that?
They aren't releasing names, and the first article suggests some kind of frevor of human plight that lead to this, that is, if those letters are true in origin and depiction.
Everything about it shows complete lack of concrete information. I don't well know exactly what to make of it.
It is a product of the times we currently live in, I suppose. We'll just have to wait and see what comes up. Those alleged letters may even have some greater interpretation or significance that will hopefully come to light.
Stay vigilant , canada bros.
The police should release the content of those letters to the public, if it doesn't get released pending investigation there should be some request of disclosure.
This shit seems pretty important. Fucking houses blowing up and shit.
forgive me senpai
I'm Asian bro.
1488 Jap.
Other Canuck around the area.
Happened on the border of Mississauga-Toronto.
Some years back I got accepted into UoT Mississauga, went to visit and it was so full to the brim with Indians that even my mom was repulsed and we never went back.
Those letters were creepy. This is an /x/ tier real life habbening.
dubs they just got pacified.
Did they have designated shitting streets?
In a metaphorical sense. They were the shit, and my eyes were the streets.
stop calling everything a "happening"
You think a explosion that big came from butane cans?
illiterate fucktards have been making some pretty nice bangs trying to make honey lately.
You could probably do that to a house with a full sized cylinder or two in the basement.
If that is what happened then no great loss. Even the ghetto niggers I worked with in cali knew to make it outside.
The process of making wax is basically pumping super cooled liquids though tubes of densely packed weed. It takes between 2 and 4 small cans for filling up lighters to make a single batch of wax.
scale up production to just 3 batches in a single day and fuel air mixture in the house would be more than enough to blow the roof off.
Had a retarded friend that blew the door off his garage and across the street with just one can.
I've heard of BHO explosions even one that blew up a motel I just had never heard of any of them scattering debris so far.
It's likely they had some fans running to try to ventilate the house making for a more even fuel air mixture and a more violent explosion.
Why is that house not made from brick and mortar? What kind of loser lives in a house made of wood and plasterboard?
You canucks need to learn how to build homes.
Isn't that the town where Stefan Molyneux lives?
Looks too rural to be a terror attack.
Get a load of that shitlord
I heard on the news last night (CP24) that it's a criminal investigation.
Indians and Mudslimes. It's affecting other parts of Southern Ontario.
This. You nigs need to learn how to build houses.
Fortunately according to a reliable source he wasn't anywhere near that part of town and is fine.