What is it that they find so attractive about them?
Why do white guys like gook girls so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
they're eager to please, unlike western femiblobs
Here's your answer, OP.
That's a surprisingly informative infographic.
b-but the fashion industry told me longer legs are better
The same fashion industry that is run by gays?
Yes. yes, it is.
The asian looks fucking inbred.
Look who's talking
docile, tight pussy, loyal, does house chores (fast and well)
idiot misses the point, has shorter legs => CANT RUN FAST
Racemixers should be lined up and shot.
counterpoint: mice have really short legs but run really fast
checkmate atheists
She also looks like a fucking inbred.
both of these guys needes some serious dental work
A bit late for that I think…
Also, asians are notorious for having fucked up teeth - same as Brits.
go fuck some cells or rocks for that matter, they aint got no legs son
what do gums have to do with overbites and gaps between teeth?
White women make themselves look worse and act worse (this is debatable) than asian women. If you could fairly compare white women and asian women proportionally, then the white woman would win every time. But this happens less because the white women are fatter, bolt metal into their faces, put graffiti on their bodies, dress like porn stars and can't be separated from their iPhones. Compare that to an average Japanese woman? The Japanese woman would win.
You have a pretty distorted view on what the average white woman looks like.
I'll take a flat and cute nose over a roman-kike nose any day, thank you, angry faggot.
You are such a fucking schlomo in disguise, fake Holla Forums
where can I impregnate one of these cleavigious Hyundai-workers if u no wut I meme
You enjoy nigger noses, do you now?
I go to college, that's probably why.
try Finland
Rodents actually have pretty long legs, they just kind of hode it under their body
T. Hedgehog owner
interesting. got any pics of your hog?
fount you on utub
East Asians look more like 13 year old white girls.
Yeah, that sounds retarded, but look up the AI beautiy contest and what the AI thought of the age of the asian people was.
Asian women are more childlike and more motherly. They are less promiscuous. Notice asian men have small penises and testicles. This is a sign of less sexual competition for women. Also East asians have higher average IQ. So they appreciate intelligent men more. White men have the highest IQs in the world because our standard deviation of intelligence is high.
Also asian women like masculine, smart men because they are more feminine. White guys are slightly more masculine than Asian men without many of the draw backs of being a darkie.
So it is a nice deal. Asian women pick off our smarter white men that white women are too stupid to appreciate. Smart white guys get younger looking, faithful, feminine women.
As a white guy, I like little lady boys with tight anus's
Your logic is retarded.You want to destroy what made white guys good in the first place. I don't want an eternally young woman, I want to grow old and die with her. Asian women don't appreciate intelligence either, IQ is only one form of intelligence. If it was the case that asians were smarter than whites then asians would have been the ones on the moon.
mixing is bad
The lack of nosebridge is one of the facial features I find most attractive in japanese grills. Noses are hideous growths on the human face and remind me of jews, who are known for having large noses.
Anything is better than a loudmouth nappy headed nigger with ugly feet
Faggot detected.
Inadequate Evidence for Multiple Intelligences
No, but species are better at certain things compared to another. It's not multiple intelligences. Intelligence is a word to explain the usage of the mind and how quick it is. Obviously people are suited for one task more than the other, and when I speak about forms of intelligences I am speaking about the affinity people have for different things. Asians aren't creative, they're autistic and are horrible at socializing. Would you call an electrical engineer stupid for not knowing how to design and build architectures?
Your reading comprehension is low and are bad at arguing because of it.
You are literally arguing with your own misunderstandings of what I said in my first post.
Asians have a higher average IQ. Whites have higher standard
East asians are more collectivist than individualist, which is probably why they are less creative.
That doesn't make sense.
I'm not, I'm talking about intelligence.
Whites have higher standard *deviation*.
That isn't how things work.
Lynn has said that the average East Asian IQ in Britain and Europe is 105 and also in the U.S. But in his paper, “Race Differences in Intelligence: A Global Perspective” The Mankind Quarterly, vol.31, no.3, Spring 1991, pp.255-296, the East Asian IQ is 103 (23 studies). But he also says that East Asians are visual-spatially “strong”, but verbally “weak”, with a verbal IQ of 96 rising to verbal 100, visual-spatial, 106. Mainland Chinese supposedly have an IQ of 105; Taiwanese 104.7; Hong Kong Chinese 107; Japan 105 and Singapore 103. The lowly White Americans average only 100 (although he does admit, but does not explain, that Minnesota Whites score higher at 105, which raises an immediate problem for the East Asian superiority thesis). And a surprise: the average IQ of Israel is 94!
Lynn and Rushton are not too concerned about what constitutes “White” and include North Africans and others who most theorists would not classify as “White”. The IQ of some countries, such as Australia, which has contributed more Nobel Prize winners than Japan, is a poor 98. But according to newspaper reports of televised Australian National IQ tests in 2002 , 2003 and 2004, the average Australian IQ score for a multiracial country was above 100. Men outscored women 112 to 108 and blondes (=Nordics) averaged 111 (which is greater than Lynn’s revised Ashkenazi Jewish average and also refutes the “dumb blonde” ideology of the media). People 181 to 200 cms tall (again predominately Nordics) averaged an IQ of 113. Some Anglo Saxon districts, which were not particularly affluent, averaged an IQ of 125! The state of the Australian Capital Territory averaged 114. Given the Flynn effect (see below), this is consistent with the assorts of scores which one would expect from Nordics: back in 1920 Stoddard found the average IQ score of Nordics in North America to be about 106: see William McDougall, “Is America Safe for Democracy?” (Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1921), p.64. At that time the Italian-American IQ score was a lowly 84, which has now risen considerably, reaching 100.
1. They are tall.
Despite some of the most recent dating-age generation of Korean men being uncharacteristically tall, for the most part Asian men are perceived to have hit the genetic lottery if they are over 5’9”. While it may appear that Asian girls wouldn’t mind men of short stature since they tend to be petite themselves, in reality they love being around men where they have to tilt their head upward to make eye contact. Since Asian girls are on a never-ending quest to be as cute as possible, a tall man that emphasizes their petiteness when he walks next to them is a total plus.
2. They are assertive.
White men will talk to a pretty Asian girl at a bar. They will walk up to her and say something clever like, “I always burn my rice. Do you have any advice?” He will then continue the conversation, making her giggle by trying to say the butchered versions of the few Japanese words he knows. Then he will regale her with stories about how he went to go visit his cousin who serves in the Peace Corps in Guangdong (he will say the province, not “China,” to show how worldly he is) and how he tried dog meat on a skewer from a man who sells them on the street from a knock-off JanSport backpack. (He says it was actually really tasty.) When an Asian boy sees a pretty girl, he only blushes furiously, and if pushed by his guy friends to talk to her, he only manages to stammer, “Doyoucomehereoften?” so low that she has to ask him to repeat himself, at which point he runs away.
3. They are cultured.
The brawny, dumb-jock types of white men are not attracted to Asian girls. The are too busy chasing blonde girls with long legs who wear too much bronzer and Tory Burch flats. The type of white men that are attracted to Asian girls are usually thin, crane-like, and, if past the age of 28, have a plainly receding line of gingery, close-cropped hair. They are never tan and are usually pale to the point of looking a bit anemic. They wear glasses and are very well read. Unlike Asian men, whose idea of a nice date is making the girl watch him play World of Warcraft followed by dim sum and hopefully a blowjob, white men take their Asian dates to see Madame Butterfly and then to dinner at a Viet-French fusion restaurant. They are extremely well versed in the history and culture of their date’s homeland, and some speak the native language better than she does, having majored in it at college and/or lived there for at least a year. Asian girls find this interest in their home culture both comforting and flattering. They see it as a reflection of their white date’s deep intellectual curiosity.
4. They cook.
This reflects how un-chauvinistic they are. Unlike Asian men, who are told by their grandmothers that their dicks will fall off if they set foot inside the kitchen, white men love to cook. This indicates that they do not believe a woman’s place is only in the kitchen. Because Asian girls are raised to believe that men should be served hand and foot, they are amazed when their white date suggests that he cook dinner.
5. They are emotionally aware.
Asian girls grow up with fathers who express affection by the fact that they put a roof over their heads and food on the table. They are expected to infer that they are loved if they weren’t given up for adoption. While they are initially slightly confused when told by their white boyfriend that he needs to “process his feelings,” they soon come to appreciate such things (along with his abstract watercolor paintings, poetry, and weekly trips to his therapist) as evidence of the rich inner life of his soul.
Asian girls are still feminine. Especially asian girls from asian countries.
White women have been corrupted by feminism. College "womyn's" studies professors have destroyed and entire generation of white females. Black sheboons are still the worst for obvious reasons.
Okay, I misspoke .
White MEN have a high standard deviation of intelligence compared with Asian men.
East Asians are on average smarter than whites.
So their women are on average smarter than white women. So Asian women pick out the white men who deviate toward higher IQ because white women are dumber and want a chad.
We good now??
Average asian is in the same way pretty that average whitey is, or negro is.
That is: Not very.
Who got the digits?
Can you point to where that article disputes anything I said about the IQ of white men versus asians?
Because I don't see how you are making any sort of counter argument to these statements.
East asian men have a higher average IQ than white men.
White men have a higher standard deviation of intelligence compared to asian men.
The afters do look better. I get that if everyone looks more or less the same it will be kinda bad, but no one would turn down an option to look more aesthetically pleasing.
You could just scroll down and see where the large bold underlined words take you.
well not all of them, but by contrast, I can't even remember ever meeting a feminine white girl. I'm sure they exist, but they're so rare compared to feminine asian girls as to be nonexistent.
There are other problems (mostly cultural problems) with dating an asian girl, so I'm not saying that I recommend it. But if you like feminine girls and don't like loud, aggressive women who will compete with you constantly, then asians are like the only game in town.
Anime, manga, jap videogames make them develop a fetish for asian women.
this tbh
I just don't see it.
I looked twice now. I don't see anything.
The article and you can't tell me where it disputes what I said or come up with any counters to what I have stated either.
Lynn has said that the average East Asian IQ in Britain and Europe is 105 and also in the U.S. But in his paper, “Race Differences in Intelligence: A Global Perspective” The Mankind Quarterly, vol.31, no.3, Spring 1991, pp.255-296, the East Asian IQ is 103 (23 studies). But he also says that East Asians are visual-spatially “strong”, but verbally “weak”, with a verbal IQ of 96 rising to verbal 100, visual-spatial, 106. Mainland Chinese supposedly have an IQ of 105; Taiwanese 104.7; Hong Kong Chinese 107; Japan 105 and Singapore 103. The lowly White Americans average only 100 (although he does admit, but does not explain, that Minnesota Whites score higher at 105, which raises an immediate problem for the East Asian superiority thesis). And a surprise: the average IQ of Israel is 94!
Lynn and Rushton are not too concerned about what constitutes “White” and include North Africans and others who most theorists would not classify as “White”. The IQ of some countries, such as Australia, which has contributed more Nobel Prize winners than Japan, is a poor 98. But according to newspaper reports of televised Australian National IQ tests in 2002 , 2003 and 2004, the average Australian IQ score for a multiracial country was above 100. Men outscored women 112 to 108 and blondes (=Nordics) averaged 111 (which is greater than Lynn’s revised Ashkenazi Jewish average and also refutes the “dumb blonde” ideology of the media). People 181 to 200 cms tall (again predominately Nordics) averaged an IQ of 113. Some Anglo Saxon districts, which were not particularly affluent, averaged an IQ of 125! The state of the Australian Capital Territory averaged 114. Given the Flynn effect (see below), this is consistent with the assorts of scores which one would expect from Nordics: back in 1920 Stoddard found the average IQ score of Nordics in North America to be about 106: see William McDougall, “Is America Safe for Democracy?” (Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1921), p.64. At that time the Italian-American IQ score was a lowly 84, which has now risen considerably, reaching 100.
Race realist Christopher Brand puts the White IQ at 104: R. Pearson, “Political Correctness and Research in Human Intelligence”, The Mankind Quarterly, vol.36, 1996, pp.393-406, cited p.399, where Seligman puts the (non-Jewish) White IQ at 102: D. Seligman, “A Question of Intelligence”, (Birch Lane Press, New York, 1992). This is clearly a guessing game, lacking in scientific objectivity. It is inconsistent with a large amount of evidence. Thus Ralph Scott in “Education and Ethnicity”, (Council for Social and Economic Studies, Washington DC, nd), p.106, mentions the Achievement Test Scores of Fairfax County Public School, North Virginia (which has a strong minority focus, where White scores surpassed Asian scores (during ages 4-6 years; equal at ages 6-8 years and Whites greater at ages 8-11 years). In California’s competency test for public school teachers, in the test for 10th grade abilities in mathematics, Whites had an 80 percent pass rate, Asians 59 percent and Blacks 35 percent: American Renaissance, April, 1996, p.11.
I love asians!
Not a counter
Not a counter
Not a counter
Not a counter. I'm talking about averages of white people specifically. Not Nordics, not Australians.
You lack reading comprehension. Here's IQ by state, the higher the percentage of non-whites in a state equals a lower IQ.
r u gay
That's a 6/10 at best.
State averages, are not global average IQ for white people.
Not a counter.
You clearly don't understand that Australians are representative of all whites, they're the exact same race of people. When they speak of Nordics they are speaking of whites, not actual Scandinavians. You're a fucking idiot.
So what do you want? The average IQ of America, including all the blacks and hispanics? The average of Europeans, which includes blacks and arabs? You're contradicting me, and contradictions aren't arguments. Simply saying "no it isn't" over and over again isn't an argument.
r u gay
That's a man, baby.
There are non-whites in Australia meshed into the test. No they aren't.
Global average IQ of white people specifically Aryan people if you can find it.
And the global average IQ East Asians.
Not, country iq = race iq imprecise junk.
The Caucasoid peoples were usually divided into three groups on ethnolinguistic grounds, termed Aryan (Indo-European), Semitic (Semitic languages), and Hamitic (Hamitic languages i.e. Berber-Cushitic-Egyptian)
I'm sorry but I can't find that kind of information. Not many studies actually care about race realism. The best you can get is the statement of: blondes (=Nordics) averaged 111. Asians aren't blond, and aboriginals aren't blonde, blacks aren't blond. The only race group that are blond are whites.
You'll also find this interesting: Another foundational problem with the East Asian superiority thesis is, as Jensen himself notes, we have no idea what a random sample of the population of China or even Japan is: see Jensen interview with American Renaissance, May 26 1992. Intelligence would vary greatly in any population encompassing nearly one third of humanity. Who knows where the mean IQ actually lies?
Welp, I learned east Asian average iq is 103.
I guess there is nothing left to argue about because we don't have the white global data.
Have a nice day.
Well if we don't have the data, the discussion becomes less interesting.
How can any of you even tell whether op's pic is even asian?
It's already been answered but they're more pleasant, submissive, loyal, smart and will let you do anything to them. They're more enthusiastic in bed too. I got my gook bitch to not wear panties underneath her skirt at a restaurant. I fingered her. When the waiter came with the check, I popped my wet fingers into her mouth and she smiled. The waiter was red and acted like it didn't happen.
You wanna know what happens to this graph when you get rid of niggers, spics, kikes and gooks?
idk but they're beautiful.
Compared to this?
Or these? It's not even a competition, user.
i mean, i hate everyone. I find artwork and memes attractive.
People who don't want to make superior IMPERIUM hybrids should be lined up with those who want to breed with niggers and shot.
Gooks have nice bodies but the face is where I loose it and the potential for the worst pubic hair of any race
White skin/hair/face gook body thats the woman for a real man
Most don't. It's just the closet pedos who want the next best thing
Why do white women have horse face syndrome so often?
I like how people posting in racial threads always post the worst pics they can find of once race, and the best of others.
Like there is some sort of "race protection" against ugliness.
It's because most men are naturally pedophilic. Asians are shorter like children, have less hair like children, have more neotonous features like children, and have smaller vaginas like children.
If society would allow men to take teenage wives, Asians would lose EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.
Many western women have already been sexually selected for features in adulthood that resemble children, I theorize largely since the end of child brides.
Japanese would still win.
I predict that the first designer babies are going to come from South Korea. But why would you design a child to be short, beady-eyed, with black hair? Designer babies will be the advent of the Aryan ubermensch.
If your dick isn't 8 inches you're fucked.
Low-IQ people are alternatively intelligent.
If you use inches to measure anything you are fucked to begin with, fam.
The same reason why asian women have ayylmao face syndrome and black women have baboon face syndrome so often
dubs confirm US standard units is the only acceptable units of measurement
Gonna take a whole lot more than dubs to make that statement true, burger.
Interesting theory. I concur. Asian women also age better than white women. Even a mid 30's Asian qt is far cuter than their white counterpart.
As a 7 incher, I can tell you honestly that anything more creates serious problems. I can't even doggy with most women because it hurts them.
Sex with Asian grills doesn't compare to sex with white grills. The Asians grills are on a while different level.
Middle aged caucasian reporting in.
This is a post of truth.
I fuck -10/10 asians and abstain sticking muh dick into another spoiled white bitch or a hair-hetted ghetto queen.
Spics have passion, but are too full of drama. Zero shits given. Check your baggage at the door.
I stood and applaused to that.
Then masturbated furiously.
I just now finally realized that Taylor Swift had a nose job. now only 9.8/10
i wud hard anal
yeah this, most white girls are gorgeous as teenagers but drop off about 20. Asians mostly stay hot to 30+
most dont
asian women are rarely good looking, ive been to rural china where plastic surgery isnt a thing
Post more videos of Asians getting fucked by Aryans, faggots.
its because anime
i never liked anime, and guess what, i don't feel attracted to japanese girls
try harder, schlomo