Thoughts on Hebephilia Holla Forums?

Hey Holla Forums so what are your thoughts on Hebephilia the sexual attraction to 11-14 year olds early adolescents?.

u know :))))))

just kidding, you know the general opinion of pedos on Holla Forums, theres a reason it's banned.

a pedo and a Hebephilie are not the same thing

Its normal human thought

Oh look someone who is actually smart.

Sorry let me fix that.

u know :))))))

just kidding, you know the general opinion of Hebephilia on Holla Forums, theres a reason it's banned.

sure your aren't bud :^)

Their not i see them as men and women.

It's one thing if you're a teenager, but if you're 20+ you should really get off the idea of trying to do anything involving someone under 18.

Either way the laws the law, and that's why it's banned, mods just don't want to take a risk of cp showing up.

You mean those SJWs who ban you if you post something they do not like LOL you sound like a moralfag buddy.

They are protecting the website (not like the mods had a choice in the matter anyways, it was Jim), not pandering to your opinion.

Jim is a cuck Hot Weels was so much better.

I don't disagree, I miss our true leader too.


Well aside from those issues yes he was.

They are "protecting" the website. 80% of what they ban or delete is legal. Now we have a retarded user base who are brainwashed into following the SJW mods' opinion and thinking that every image of a pretty underage girl on Holla Forums is CP.

For men, absolutely.
People are simply afraid to admit it.

The average American seems to think that:
Anything under 18 == Pedophilia

That's a good question for the Jims.

I love Laura B no matter what age she is.

This guy gets it that could also be said for a lot of the newfags on 4chan as well if you talk about it or post pictures of pretty underage teen girls on there nowadays the newfags will report you then you are banned for a month that is not fair.

you know the reason it's banned is because it's illegal right, but legal pictures are also banned but that's just a mod doing whatever

Most people have been brainwashed or are scared to just admit it that is the issue.

Its really aganist american laws to fuck anyone under 18? In eurepe its 15 years and no one really care about it.

In some other countries it is even lower than that i heard.

As an American I'm proud that I'm not the average American.

Are you the guy from Librechan with the broken key board?

I just saw this same picture in another thread earlier wow LOL.


pic related

Yemen here i come

Okay moralfag LOL

Adolescents are hot af lets not kid ourselves here.
13/14 year old girls are absolutely prime. All the attributes of a woman without any of the flaws.

Someday but not today sadly.

I dont like uncle merv telling me what to do

This guy gets it

And by the time they're 15-16, they're already exposed to "our" degenerate culture of selfies, rap music, race mixing, twerking, pro-gay, pro-trans, and anti-White.

This guy gets it

This guy doesn't

This guy gets it. doesn't.

I think they are exposed to that stuff even earlier actually like at age 10 11 i think.

This guy gets it, but the two he quotes doesn't.

She is just so perfect.

If they can bear children its natural to be attracted to them that doesn't mean you should talk to them

This guy gets it. doesn't.

Fun fact: due to excess hormones found in Milk and other modern day toxins, females will go through puberty at an earlier age. If you were to ask a grandmother when she started womanhood, she would likely say around 16 or 17

Fuck off Chris Hansen go after real predators not people who like teens and get off of here LOL.


She would probably just say im being rude

But people mature slower mentally. Most people are still in school at 30. I'd estimate a 35 year old today is about as mature as a 15 year old from your grandmothers generation.

The age of consent should probably be 25-30 today.

Let's not get ridiculous now, user…

That was the dumbest post i read all day and everything about it is wrong.
I hope that was a joke.

Are you fucking for real man??.

I agree, this is the reason I'm a 25-30 year old virgin

You think I'm baiting, but I'm completely serious. As we all know sex has a huge psychological impact on humans. Seeing how people are pretty much children way beyond the point where their bodies mature today, it would only make sense to raise the age of consent considerably.

I'd say 25 as a compromise, but 30 would probably make more sense.

I still want a 3way with him and jazz

LOL what?? hhhaaaa dude you are fucking stupid.

ah i get it, you're jewish and you want western society to collapse from negative birthrates.

hebe is pretty natural imo…
unfortunately for me, I'm no hebe.

yeah, because raising the age of consent is going to stop teens from fucking LUL

shameless self check

This guy clearly doesnt get it

Ok, let's compromise and say 16 then, you pedo degenerates. :^)

Are you pretending not to get it?

These gets does it.

too old.
but for arguments sake- sure.
I'll compromise.
Not like it will ever happen xD

to be fair the post is about hebe. doesn't 16 fall kinda close to that range?

Well, where I live it's 16 and I think that's pretty reasonable. Such laws are always gonna be a bit hit and miss. Some at that age will have been mature enough for it for a while, some will not. In the country next door it's 15 and I don't mind that too much either. As I said, it's always going to be a bit hit and miss with general laws such as these.

But a society will always need some sort of compromise here to make disgusting fat neckbeards like you guys to keep your sweaty, chubby hands off my daughter.

Still not the same thing buddy also why are you Redditfags trying to push a degeneracy agenda on imageboards?.

It's probably pretty rad

>its rad


I do agree that kids today are much less mature than I was growing up in the 70’s. Seems the less hands on parents are raising kids the less they learn the responsibility needed to be adults.

You have Border Line Personality Disorder.

Exactly today's kids are just immature and edgy

Get your voodoo magic out of here.



That seems like a reasonable age I suppose.
I knew a lot of "normal" guys who have confessed to me that they are attracted to some 16 year olds and they always seem to feel gross/dirty for it.
Hebe is natural imo. Pedo is not.
It's difficult, just because the body is ready to explore sexually doesn't mean the mind is ready. So age of consent laws are tricky.

Just because your group of friends in middle school were meme spouting faggots doesnt mean all kids are like that now.

Very true however some can be ready mentally i am sure as people mature at different rates long ago i knew some 13 year olds when i was younger who were very mature for their age

Do i really have to explain this one to you?

No not all kids today are bad you are right about that user.


You're a frightened, angry child.
Huh, am I saying something that makes you upset.
Talking shit about yourself?
>sheltering yourself from successful and socially adjusted people.
Do you envy your bullies?
You're already insulting yourself.
You truly are.
Glad that triggers you, grow up. Ask a male role-model.
Your self-deprecation is palpable, you're speaking in absolutes and suffering from thinking errors
You have Border Line Personality Disorder.

Very true.
I believe I was mentally capable to consent at that age.
Honestly I think a lower age of consent would be better. I doubt it will ever happen (in the US).
Not sure why people are afraid of it. Just because the age of consent is lowered doesn't mean I'm gonna kidnap and rape your daughter. It would still require…consent.
I think at the end of the day it comes to parents refusal to acknowledge their child's sexuality.
Most people looking back on their lives will admit to masturbating/be sexually active at early ages but as soon as they become parents they just want to turn a blind eye to all that shit.

You speak the truth user.



Thoughts on hebe? Well, I'd totally bang all of my sister's 14 year old friends if that were legal.

Cuckistan set the age at 16 though, so I guess it's not too bad…

The only thing stopping you is the law I guarantee it

I know how you feel user.


Too old m8. I'd still root it, like.

*cough* secondary sex characteristics *cough*

Faggot troll gets faggot troll reactions

She looks like an alien

>being this new

Unfortunately most of those girls are black af

Not the typical brown sexy skin colour, just niggers.

Fuck that

They are so cute

perfectly natural

Euphrates' Arabs, specially Syrians, are way much cuter.

i'd welcome cute syrian loli immigrants any time

all i get are bearded man children

Hebe is just Diet Pedo

A hole is a hole

some holes are meant to be exit only

Over hundreds of thousands of years have conditioned humans to want to fuck each other as soos they were fertile.
It's true that over the past few centuries puberty started to come earlier but so did the phenomones, hormones sexually atractive physical traits.
Hebephilia is just the natural sexual instincts mainfesting.

If that was the case they shouldn't have made them a perfect fit for the D

Checkmate, atheists

She's actually retained her youthful look. I'd still smash her back doors in, big time. Same goes for Nika.

I don't mind it.

Valensiya still looks cute and has a fucking hot little body.

I'd touch that

Hebe girls are god tier.


15 yo gf is best gf


You can only fuck little girls if you aren't a degenerate yourself. Need another war to purge you useless eaters and daddy princesses.

Yeah, lets just make sure every new child is autistic and sickly like me (I am a product of parents who were over 30 when they had a child).

kys, if anything, we should ban people having children over 30, while massively incentivizing teen pregnancy and demanding every healthy white teen starts having children and has as many as they can until they reach 30

She's 14 m8

Yeah, then we can bring back child slaves and sex harems while we are at it.



Matt pls

Yeah, def not hebe anymore. Very few 13+ girls are.

Also : Cuckthread
Also FBI entrapment Thread

Child slaves actually made an income that was the equivalent of 11 thousand a year back in the day, and when they became older that might double, unless they became a house nigger in which case it would be about 40k a year, or if they were skilled in blacksmithing or the likes then 80k a year.

Slavery meant you were actually fucking valuable to someone enough that they'd feed you, house you, look after you, guarantee your employment, etc. and btw they did not work anywhere near as hard and as long as wageslaves today. Also slaves could and often did buy their freedom and their were blacks that owned slaves.

Nobody knows the reality about slavery because they don't bother to read the notes from the slaves (who were both whites and blacks btw). It was a good system. Today you have "freedom" but you are forced by necessity and intense competition and overpopulation to compete over shit jobs that will barely pay for a single-room flat just to keep you from being homeless nevermind starting a family.

Sex harems would not be good for society unless it's just practiced by an elite few because it would mean a lot of angry males deprived of mates and shitloads of instability as a result (see: Middle East where many men go on Jihad because they have no waifu).

pls wat?

halp gooby

think of your wife and son

Who said I wasn't part of the elite? Time for another war… This one will signal the end of the world. Better capture some loli brides if you want them to survive.

I don't give a fuck about some antiquated slavery system built around fiat currency. I'm talking female servants. Servitude. House maidens. Burn your wife on your funeral pyre.

That's a lame meme. You can't even into the illuminati and have no idea what is going though Vlad's head.
Reminds me of how Silvester Stallone made tons of dolphin porn with mind controlled sex slave Cathy O'Brien and her 8-11 year old daughter.

Today if you are a child you probably won't make any fucking money because they'll cuck you out of the jobs market. There are few ways for a child to make money (paper routes being one of them). Think about how well-off you'd be if you work from 10 to 20 and make about 10 thousand a year and saved it all + invested it in stocks. You'd have more than 100k if your stocks went well. You'd be set… but no… you have to be a good goy and waste time on all kinds of bullshit and then you have to pay large sums of money for further time-wasting bullshit in university.

Are you talking about going back to how the ancients had it in places like Rome, Pompei, Sparta, etc.? 'cause I'm fine with that.


Yeah, I'm talking how the ancients did it. I'll leave a dried date on your peasant doorstep. You know what a date is? Then once you put inside your virgin preteen's daughters snatch for a few days to let it moisten up, I'll come back and eat it for the vital essence power. That's taoism, biatch. Bring back patriarchal spiritualism.


Nice trips.

I assumed it was actually attributed to exact age (11-14). Dumb really, but that's how I thought it was compartmentalised. Makes more sense for it to be down to where abouts they are in regards to their development, in which case, yeah you're probably right.

Eh, nevermind.. That was Brice Taylor and the cunt wrote a book on it.

Ephebo is 18~24 (for Caucasoids, at least). Laws do not play a role in this.


be 19, Got drunk not too long ago and chatted up a 13 year old.
I'm confused, I really enjoyed her company and had a great laugh and actually fancy her but i feel guilty and wrong.
She was more vulgar than I was.

Was her name Maddie on IG?

This was in person at a party.

i dont think you know what ephebo means

Pimoneva is worst Kristina tbh famalam

this tbh

why is she so perfect?

Who is she? She looks familiar for some reason but I can’t quite recall. Trouble with kids is they all look so much alike.

rampant degeneracy

lorla. she's the little sister of some canadian faggot youtuber.

Not that type of party.
I'm pretty sure her mum was about.

Why were you there?

Because I was invited

I doubt that. Why were you going around going to parties you're not even invited to?



This picture was a fully clothed ~5yo little girl looking at the camera behind a door.
Her pose was not sexual at all. That picture would be approved trough every single DOST test criteria.
Whoever mod found that fappable: please seek help. You have bigger problems than every pedo hebe here.

ywn be that dog

ywn be that flower

I know that feel bro.