Why is Holla Forums straight Trump propaganda now?
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because all that faggy odin larping got no where.
Because you can't win people over with facts.
Because with jews you lose.
What is it that kids want to larp as trump supporters? I don't even get this place anymore. Holla Forums was suppose to be better then 4chan.
Why are you faggots saging? its fucking Holla Forums
go back anytime cuckchan. we never liked your ARGs.
in fact Holla Forums can detect fake ass ARGs within the first 6 post.
because it still counts as a sage
Because there are better threads I'd rather bump. Also because it triggers you.
let me know when he kisses that sand wall while wearing that hat. it's a 100% sign he's jewed.
Holla Forums - Snowflake Containment Zone
He isn't, just a shabbos goy. He is a jew puppet, like all of you stormgoys.
take a look at >>>Holla Forums sometime intl.
the white nationalist were just disavowed by the kkk. tells you something.
fbi disavows white nationalist
Are you upset?
Show fucking one, you total ass faggot kike.
I am so triggered right now, I might even quit my job to fit in with the rest of Holla Forums.
You can't accept that you've been jewed, that you are a fuck up and a hypocrite because you follow an agenda that pretty much metastased into religion by now. Go back to your safe space, where you are called by your special pronoun and continue to pretend that you fight for whites instead of your real master, Rothschild.
Accept what now there boy? a lot of buzzwords.
because trump is happening right now you dumb faggets
Better than gay Hillary propaganda
Even lesbian Hillary propaganda?
so many threads were spammed that I can't post a new thread!
don't know where to beg for help.
Do cite an example op
Because he is the only hope for the West
Trump fulfills their deep desire to be cucked by the jews.
Because money is involved. 8ch was proved to be a major source of hits to Trump's website, plus the Trump ads and /newsplus/ coup on the front page that made propaganda always stickied on the front page. Viral marketing is why Trump won, and he paid a pretty penny for the astroturfers and moderators to help.
Nah, we did it for free
Jim didn't do it for free. He roped you saps in to do it for him.
their paranoïa about shills finally came true.
ironically the shills are Trump shills.
they're verry real and verry active.
i'v seen halfchan's Holla Forums being flooded with shill threads.
they don't even hide and use trip.
their thread always look the same, they're made by pros and have a defined structure, not some random bassement dwellingfag who just had some spare time.
Holla Forumstard ignore the fact that they're shilling because they were actually stupid enought to think Trump was on their side somhow.
what we currently have on are Holla Forumstard in denial. they refuse to admit that they got rused.
when you show them the fact, they put their fingers in their ears and go "well, at least liberals aren't happy"
makes me facepalm everytime.
i'm done with them, they're retards
A lotta loyalty for an unpaid shill
Holla Forums will eventually oppose Trump. It really saddens me to this day that he's kosher. Welp, no one's perfect. He still represents a massive development in our push to shape the narrative and to make a place for us in this shitty world. Remember, he's not from the old grand party, he's not CFR controlled, so he will make changes that are important. Don't forget the wall too, he's also auditing the Fed. He may not be Hitler, but he's paving the way for the next Fuhrer to step up. Holla Forums doesn't have a head figure. That's why Holla Forums will always remove subversive elements and will not allow outsiders to infiltrate. If I'm wrong, Holla Forums will manifest a new. Maybe with a new name, but what I know is, that it will be more rigid & smarter. One of Holla Forums best merits is its consistent skepticism, that's why I fucking love Holla Forums so much. You don't trust anyone there. We will overcome this shitstorm, you just watch.
They are weaklings who need to gather around a political authority figure, when really he is just an establishment shill.
Because they don't want to debate with anyone who opposes him, even if that someone is a Republican. Post any negative images against Trump, you'll be banned instantly.
i don't think its possible to be more of a good goy than Trump.
and Holla Forums says he's "the savior of the white race"
thats why we can't have nice things.
white are naive and many of them are just fucking dumb.
thats why kikes control us and will keep doing so till none of us is left.
just nuke earth already !
With those pictures you aren't bringing up any actual arguments, I don't see how it doesn't surprise you that you get banned.
It's not debating what you're doing.
However, since this is not Holla Forums, go on, debate. Theres no brakes on you.
I'll even give you something to work with:
Donald plans to cut taxes for the middle class and expand gun rights. Tell me why this is wrong.
In the case that you agree with this, I am going to refer you to donald trump's campaign website (donaldjtrump.com
Cite something you disagree with, and we can argue.
Also, you're implying with your last picture that Donald Trump is a homosexual, what is wrong with being a homosexual?
This fucker really is the gift that keeps on giving.
How is he going to trigger all the obnoxious stormfaggots?
It's already happening
Well, tell me how it's already happening. Show me an example.
Just read the thread, why so defensive?
I've read the thread, and I've only seen posts claiming on their word that (all the obnoxious stormfaggots)
are getting triggered
I just an example of them being triggered by trump doing something, but i've been provided none.
Even so, claimd it is already happening, where is it? Show me it.
if you're looking for an obnoxious stormfaggot, try a mirror. you're obviously triggered. qed.
Trump is the autistic manchild they all wish they could be.
Very sad, Holla Forums is just an alternate news board now.
It's not suppose to. My words in my post does. They simply get upset when I do post those pictures.
Nothing. But it offends Trump supporters.
Who do you think should have won instead of Trump?
Can you show me your arguments against Trump? Because you didn't include them with your pictures.
Gary Johnson.
He's proposed a long laundry list of policies that are fantasies, which are things that either are ludicrous on their face like getting Mexico to build a border wall or they're poorly thought out like deporting 11 million illegals. He doesn't have the experience necessary to "make America great again". But that doesn't mean Hillary is more qualified than him, because no American should trust Hillary either. What's scary is that if Kanye West runs against Trump in 2020, you're going to have a whole slew of celebs running against each other and there are people dumb enough to vote for either one. Which is bad for America. American stupidity is what's ruining the elections, it's already bad enough people voted for someone as inexperienced as Obama over John McCain, simply because Obama is black. This is the problem we face in today's politics.
If you've tried…
Anything even remotely critical of Trump or voting is now bannable.
Now you know shills own Holla Forums moderatorship.
lots of people post on Holla Forums
many dont support trump
theyd just rather speak about it on other boards because as far as it goes 8pol is the last bastion of non leftist discussion
i like this planet, you get off
People are claiming Holla Forums and such are butthurt about trump.
I am asking the people that claim this to show evidence of this. That's logical.
I don't see how this is being upset.
Triggered at what? I'm asking for proof of whether Holla Forums and stormfront people are triggered by trump doing something, yet this is being triggered?
are you new to b?
storm front is not like pol
its controlled opposition
How is that relevant to the subject?
Explain, please
is that question*
The masses, if disoriented, will always remain indulgent and stupid, but we can fix that. First and foremost, you must realize the rise of right-wing speech all around the globe because of Trump's win. His win encouraged race realists, NatSocs to speak up and have ground to speak on. More right-wing leaders will pop out of countries, I guarantee. Secondly, do you really think if we didn't deploy all our memes towards him, he would've won? If we didn't back him wholeheartedly, Holla Forums style, would he have won against the crooked media & the establishment? No, of course not. Kek defeated Murdoch. Without Kek, Trump would've lost. However, Trump is going to build corporate America, and he's going to do some really really good things that we like, but I think it's inevitable that some infiltrator kike will convince him to cuck/cheat/do politics. Also, he will eventually aid Isreal, that's going to be a redpill to most of Holla Forums and they will distance themselves from him. Again, I'm really upset that he appointed banker kikes & kike shills.
It is relevant because you seem genuinely confused that people talk shit and aren't complimenting you, are you female too?
Controlled opposition makes pro whites look like uneducated inbreds that are hyperfocused on jews and hypofocused on actually doing anything.
I'm confused because when I asked for an example of Holla Forums being triggered, these people suddenly started lashing out, insulting and not actually answering the question.
It still stands:
Can any of you show me an example of Holla Forums being triggered over something that Trump had done?
I've never visited stormfront, can you show me some proof they are controlled opposition?
I've read through Gary's policies, he sounds like a pretty great candidate, but he seems a little out of touch.
what's a leppo?
A lot of politicians are out of touch, including Trump.
Performer, con artist, living meme.
But uh, he is.
Awwww…getting this upset because I called him a politician. lol
is this for real or just a shoop? I refuse to believe anyone can be this retarded
What the fuck is "Trump propaganda?"
How does Holla Forums live with itself knowing that Hitler and Marx shared the same jewish blood?
I guess just being producing pro-trump things?
To them atleast
being pro-trump / producing pro-trump things*
Yes, that's why he managed to rally a significant portion of the voting population around him despite having literally every facet of the media and establishment politics try to shut him down.
And you know this how?
bedcause I told Holla Forums drumpf is a j00 xDDD
This isn't even close to being true.
Its complicated
Over the years 4/pol/ has gathered overwhelming evidence shills exist (maybe it was proto-Freech, or just SomethingAwful but there was organized attempts to shit up discussion)
After GamerGate and the exodus Holla Forumss mods wanted to so-called "Avoid the mistakes 4chan made" and let shills run rampant. So they respond by aggressively banning who they think are shills.
Why is Holla Forums and the mods biased towards Trump? Because Trump was initially seen as the underdog attacked by the media for being politically incorrect. So Holla Forums immediately became critical over people attacking Trump as they saw it as an organized attack to get Shillary in office.
Its a combination of GamerGate, and reactionary mods that made Holla Forums the way it is today. Is it shit? Yes, in fact I'm permabanned there. BUT, when you look at the circumstances it is understandable to an extent
The problem is 4/pol/ never made a mistake, it was just Moot who decided to fuck with them one day and it led to the 2nd exodus. Before and after that nothing was off about the board.
He managed to brainwash and manipulate the masses, much like Obama did in '08.
>not understand Holla Forums loves trump bcause trump is Holla Forums
Wrong. President Obama's only mistake was expecting too much(any) decency from the Republicans. They never had any intention of working with President Obama and it still kills them that a black man won the electoral vote and the popular vote not once, but twice
That's an exaggeration. I'm sure it was not that simple.
False. Obama won because he had the independent, black and latino voters. He won the first time because idiots were too afraid of Sarah Palin. He won the second time because of that one bad comment Romney made and the fact that the economy was doing better. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.