You're not laughing now, are you?
Nigel Farage went to UN today
Other urls found in this thread:
meme magic is definitely real
UN? You mean EU parliament you muppet
OP made a boom boom.
Ya I fucked up. I got my globalist organizations mixed up.
ITS THE EU not the UN
how to piss of a globalist filth? tell them good morning with a smug grin
Not everyone booed. French and Dutch will leave next, French soon. Germany will implode. 4th Reich will rise. The plan is now rolling in almost full motion, nothing can stop it. Everything so far is just fluff to justify the final Crusade. There will be no need for another.
of you have ever done a proper job in your lives or worked in Business or worked in trade or ever created a job.
I know that's you, jim.
GOOD MORNIGN. IS that morning glroy I can smell?
It's happening!
Farage's new anthem.
I lost my mind at "merchant banks." Also when he said none of them have ever worked a day in their life. Just got off 3 days of doubleshifts, shit hit home.
Fucking based.
Dope tbh fam.
I almost can't process this. Just a current year ago it all seemed hopeless.
I almost can't really believe it's all going down this way. All their plans, foiled by are Nige and The Emperor . Who could have fucking thought?
Is this real life? Deliver me.
Absolutely brutal.
what country are the from?
Cheeky little bastard. I don't know how British politics work, is there any chance he might become PM?
Now that Britain is out of the the EU, what will he do now? Retire? I hope the mad man doesn't.
I have these same kinds of thoughts every time someone breaks the conditioning and makes the news. feeling hope was strange at first.
they are not out until the UK files article 50.
burger here so can't be sure but I've heard him speak in a way that it seems he expects someone else to take the reigns, and this isn't the type of guy to retire just because he had a victory
But what I'm confused about is now that UKIP's goal is set, what now? Would it stick around and adapt or is it simply finished after article 50 is declared?
They'll play a part in a new party made up of social conservatives who drop out of the Tories. Meanwhile Working class Socialists will rally behind Corbyn or a figure like him.
The remnants of the Blarites and Fabians from both Labour and the Conservative will form the "Cash" party, who's main policy is "Cash."
UKIP got a third of the vote or something like that in the general election last year. As a result of our system, they only got one MP.
They will likely go down in votes now that the EU has been dealt with, but they will likely rebrand and refocus. He'll probably spearhead the British Libertarian Party or something.
They know it's the end and that we were the ones with the balls to do it. And many clapped.
EU or UN, both are shit.
"More than £17.4milllion of EU taxpayers' money has been blown on giving people bargain getaways to Brussels and Strasbourg, an official report into the extravagance of the European Parliament has revealed.
British MEPs have been handed thousands of pounds to arrange the visits to the Parliament's buildings that also double as short-breaks to enjoy the Christmas markets or to sample Belgian beer.
The so-called 'study visits' are widely seen by MEPs as an opportunity to reward the work of their political activists with a free break at the taxpayers' expense.
UKIP may do very well, the Labour party is nuking itself, and the Torys are in disarray.
Scotland, well its a lost cause.
That smug look on his face at the end as he revels in their impotent outrage.
Anybody notice Farage is the only one with a flag on his desk?
Problem, Eurocrats?
Don't be a cock, it's Matt Gallagher @xMattyG
More like Rustles, amirite?
Credit to Mike Enoch for giving me that line while I was mowing the lawn.
Holy shit, the Fuhrer is smiling upon Britain this day.
I think we all know whom is behind this.
Really, mate?
I did. Several months ago.
Who are the broads in seats 76/77?
sign language translators
What a pair on Nigel. Right into the lions den.
Hats off to you sir….what a pair.
(((Martin Schulz)))
On that day of the rope, this kike has to be the first to the gallows.
… You sure?
It's the only version of the image I have, M80s.
Brussel status: Russeled
TUESDAY! TUESDAY! TUESDAY! Nigel Farage VERSUS the EU! It's Rustles down in Brussels! Order now on PAYPERVIEW! Don't miss the, "YOU'RE NOT LAUGHING NOW!" Action! THIS TUESDAY ONLY!
Nimble navigator
Holy fuck. He rubbed everyone's face in shit. Well done.
The EU will force the UK to file Ac50 now just to get Farage out of their building.
Farage trolls for freedom.
I'm just so proud of the Brits. They've done a wealth of good for the world just with this Brixit, much less the ongoing impact of it as all of this develops.
Make your own bud
Meanwhile cuckold Scotland pleads with the EU that they've been good goyim and beg for forgiveness.
The absolute madman. Who would have thought [current year] would offer so much banters and salt. And the best part, it can only get better down the road from now on.
why did you even post? GTFO
anyway, its not for me. I would try, but last time I tried fagchan servers kept giving me error messages
It's really happening.
Farage brings some serious bantz to these fuckers.
Why are Germany and France so fucking keen to destroy Europe?
Fuck off and make your own if you are so urged
Wewladdius Maximus
No, faggot. I HAVE THE WEBM. They just won't let me upload it. I'm saying upload it for others.
Quit spouting the "if the EU falls, there will be a World War 3" meme. That's what ((((they)))) want you to think. There's just as much support for an exit in Germany as there is in Britain - and in France even more so.
Once the pillars of funding are taken out, the whole thing will collapse. Nexit, Frexit and Dexit will kill the EU.
will leaving somehow solve the muzzie-demographic problem, though?
No. There's only a slim chance it'll be solved even outside the EU. But it SURE as hell won't be solved within the EU.
The difference is, if there is a third one, it won't be white vs white this time.
So Europe is already lost? What if they just pull the welfare state out and ban mosques and shit? won't that help?
It will, but implementing such policies won't be easy. It'll be an uphill battle, but leaving the EU is the first step.
Never give up hope.
I as well, I just have to pinch myself sometimes.
It's too late. Merkel's masterplan was the deathblow for German ethnicity and nationalism. The only thing that can be done now is a purge and we all know that isn't happening.
Nice trips though
too late. i already never leave home have severe depression and am sick to my stomach most of the time. can't think straight, totally useless and meds don't do anything.
when I an hero I'll stream, but not yet
That's not going to happen since German is the largest ethnicity in the US.
Also, if Muzzies keep blowing shit up I wouldn't say its over yet. Look what the NSDAP did. A few well-trained Germans out for blood can annihilate whole towns. i hope
Oh yes it will. There would be a minority of native Germans who would side with the wings of cleansing fire, but there would also be civil war as the defense forces split over whether to defend Germany (the entity) or Germans (the volk).
Many Germans would did to protect the twisted Marxist worldview they have while their pets simply scuttle off to the next best opportunity (or even, shock horror, their homelands).
It's British, but okay.
Why are you acting so smug about the Germanic bloodline being annihilated forever? Are you a follower of the Amalekite doctrine?
Except the few leftists, literally no one would fight for them. There is already division in the military and police, also the right-wing and conservative parties are gaining more and more votes in germany, about 25-30% right now.
The typical goys simply have no idea what is going on in the moment, they have jobs, are well fed, etc. but once shit goes down, not only will they be more understanding towards redpills, they will have to choose a side, and most will choose to protect their own families, i.e. their own people. Especially if the muzzies don't fuck off and decide to fight the natives, even the media won't be able to cover that up anymore.
Jesus, learn some fucking comprehension. I'm horrified at the thought of Germany and Europe in general being swamped by foreign ethnicities and outbred.
But at the same time, you have to acknowledge that Germany keeps fucking up Europe. Franco-Prussian war, WW1, WW2, now this- it's like there's some rogue gene loose in their pool that makes Germans unable to plan for the long term success of their people.
Signal boost for stupid motherfuckers like
A fire that will burn the world can start with a spark. I really hope there's a future for ethnic Germans in their homeland but I doubt it.
It hasn't been British since the 1800s faggot. It's German. Here's the citation dumbfuck.
Don't open your mouth when you don't know what you're talking about. It hasn't been British since the 1850s.
The French and Germans will need to undergo a massive un-cucking before they have the balls to leave. I have a strong feeling that they are both already too culturally enriched to save themselves.
The absolute man man.
Is there a good "Can't _ the Farage" yet?
On a serious note, this is the first time I've taken a close look at the people that make up the EU, and holy shit. Half of those vermin aren't even white. Most are some disgusting amalgamation of semitic mudblood, while the rest are literal shitskins.
Not too surprised, though.
WTF is the deal with the Scots? First they can't get their shit together to leave UK, then they cuck themselves by voting to remain in EU. I didn't realize they were so retarded.
Not really, if the britcucks can do it while they are still covering up for the million of rapes by muslims in their country, anyone can.
Can't Barrage the Farage
Burger here.
I'm seriously proud of you bongs.
Maybe US and UK will form an Aryan pact and rule over the planet for eternity.
Why would they want to? The UK is a very successful Union.
What puzzles me is why they want to stay in the EU, an unsuccessful one.
Can't Barrage the Farage has been floating around for quite a while
woah, there buddy. How were these Germany's fault? I don't think so. France keeps fucking up the mainland, not Germany. Don't go there.
The muslime problem hasn't reached them yet and they get gibs from the eu.
Missed that one, did you genius? So 50 million English Americas + 6 million Scottish Americans + 5 million Ulster Scots. I'll let you do the maths, fam.
I hope you feel bloody stupid and take your own advice in future.
Lord, save me from my kin
I win!
Germany's ambitions for territorial consolidation under Bismarck upset the tenuous balance of power in Europe. France draws first and Germany crushes them, killing hundreds of thousands of European men in the process. Paris falls to a socialist regime for several months, giving Europe its first taste of socialist poison.
Under the figleaf of mutual military treaties, Germany once again tries to take over large chunks of other countries and hundreds of thousands of white men die in the ensuing pointless shitfight. The chaos allows communists to successfully launch a revolution in Russia and an attempted revolution in Germany.
Germany once again invades a number of other countries under flimsy pretexts and has their shit kicked in at the cost of millions of lives.
How are any of these NOT Germany's fault?
I'm using the numbers from your own source, you inbred remedial.
that's actually a somewhat common phrase
Yeah, yeah. "Germans are inherently evil and must be destroyed". I've heard it all before.
This is the kind of flimsy, stretched, pilpul argument I was talking about before.
Just admit that you're a follower of Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and your hateboner for Germans is part of your religion, rather than trying to frame it as necessary to defend some mythical "Europe".
can't barrage the farage
What an absolute madman, that was so joyful to listen to.
One day soon we will call out the jews and they will be brought to pay.
Holy shit meme magic is real, career politicians are getting cucked globally by Farage and Trump.
The Third Reich did not "destroy" Europe and WW1 was not Germany's fault.
Uh, okay, whatever you say.
I oppose multiculturalism and the extinction of German ethnic identity, but because I acknowledge that Germans have made some seriously bad fucking calls over the last 150 years I must be a Jew.
That's some top shelf logic there kiddo.
My main complaint with Hitler was that I just can't respect a man who can't finish a job.
Reported for kike.
That's a matter of opinion. I'd call losing eastern europe to the Russians, annihilation of much of the infrastructure and a devastating war that killed millions of able bodied white men 'destruction'. YMMV.
And you're right, Germany didn't start WW1 but guess what? Trying (again) to take over France was something they chose to do, which led to (once again) millions of white deaths. And for what? Military occupation of homogeneous European countries has never fucking lasted.
those tabs
Your first post in the thread was literally jerking off to the idea of German extermination.
You know, I don't think you really care about "millions of white deaths". In fact, you would welcome it.
Haha, I kew of this kike but I had never read this one before.
God damn, I've supported sending all the kikes to israel so that they would eventually be genocided by the shitskins.
Turns out the Semite masterminds have thought of this beforehand, it's not a conspiracy those small Jewish minorities are parasites everywhere.
They've been running and hiding from the angry goyim they've pissed off ever since 135 AD, they understand the necessity of having a back-up shtetl.
Okay, upon re-reading the post, I can see how you arrived at that conclusion. But I can assure you that what I meant by 'there will not be a fourth' was not the destruction of Germans or Germany, but more ridding it of foreign influences and setting in place a German leadership that simply wants strong borders, the rights of its own people first, and a military whose purpose is the defense of the German people.
t. not shlomo
Anyone got a webm of this so I don't have to use jewtube?
Absolute fucking madman, good job Nige.
It's in another thread, can't remember which one
America needs to kick Mexico out of NAFTA and add the UK just to piss off Eurocucks.
North Atlantic Free Trade Association
Trudeau is making Canada into Mexico 2.0, taking Texas' long held title.
There is going to be a northern wall too.
Are you saying that Germany shouldnt have responded to the French?
Fucking retard.
And the Frogshits tried to take revenge again. Almost got BTFO.
Oh wow
>>>Holla Forums
So many lies.
And you shot German ships first, Amerikikes.
The absolute madman!
Being blamed and punished for WW1?
Being blamed for starting WW2?
Having your country split into 3 and the center portion given to a hostile (((nation)))?
Having your people in that center portion raped, tortured, and effectively enslaved?
Oh (((you))).
Thanks for the unredacted version.
I hate when cucks redact shit.
No. It's a twitter handle.
Can a mod edit the OP please, with over 100 replies this looks too retarded.
This is quite possibly the most retarded interpretation of the opening of World War I that I have ever seen.
You went full Versailles.
You never go full Versailles.
Everyone involved between Germany and Russia attempted to avoid World War I, which resulted from mutual military treaties that had grown out of control and beyond the capacity of the modern communications networks to feasibly support.
As a result of these communication failures, World War I was not circumvented when it could have been.
Every single one of those 'other countries' were former parts of the German Empire, taken after World War I.
They didn't 'invade' anyone under 'flimy pretexts' - they reclaimed their stolen territory.
And then a trap was set by World Jewry/the British/French in Poland, wherein ethnic Germans - in lands ALSO stolen from Germany post-WWI - were being murdered by Polish partisans, thus luring Germany into invasion that would AGAIN trigger (this time purposefully-)poorly-orchestrated military treaties, because 'Germany must be destroyed' (- Winston Churchill).
How are either of those Germany's fault?
Given your interpretation of those two events, I'm inclined to think you're full of shit on the third as well.
Oh, its Jyou.
Typo fixed.
This guy wasn't talking to the congress but to the kikes listening on the broadcast, Holla Forums.
No wonder they're fuming. Nige and God-Emperor are making their ears and noses go into orbit around Saturn.
i was more thinking this
so, did he an hero?
try Bajor, goy
No, he said he wasn't going to after all and that he'd seen about 2,000 Farage pictures.
Nigel "Can't invoke Article 50 when Scotts and Irish treathen leaving and EU fucks UK over trade agreements" Farage.
what ever happened to honor? he should have to kill himself to remove the shame he has brought to his family by not living (kek) up to his word.
Let the Scots have their independence. The only reason they're part of the UK is because England bailed them out over their fuck up in Panama. All the English Remainers can go and live there too. We then add a 30 foot extension to this thing..
This can happen if Trump wins and it would be awesome. Don't fuck it up, Ameribros.
Absolute Madman
Oh, I know it is Holla Forums. Their main mission is to bring down Holla Forums and one of the attack vectors is slandering Germans because Germans fought against kikes both times.
Fair point. I feel sorry for the red-pilled who live north of the border, it must be hell.
From 2002…
The Nafta alternative
The North American Free Trade Agreement could offer the UK an alternative to the European Union.
The British right wing has long argued that Nafta would suit the British economy better than entry to the euro. So is the free trade area a viable option for the UK?
How would Nafta view the UK's membership?
Support amongst the right wing in the United States, the power behind Nafta, is strong. For example, Condoleeza Rice, President Bush's foreign policy adviser, told the Telegraph in July 1999: "Were the British to come and say with a unified voice, 'We'd like to join Nafta,' I don't think there would be any objection."
Senator Phil Gramm, ranking member and former chairman of the senate banking committee, is a also keen advocate of British membership of Nafta. He is part of a Republican group, which includes Henry Kissinger, calling for closer ties with the UK. Some Democrats also support British entry to Nafta.
Is there support for Nafta membership in the UK?
Nafta is seen as an alternative to the EU in British conservative circles. Iain Duncan-Smith, the Tory party leader, supports membership, as does John Redwood, a prominent Conservative eurosceptic.
They believe that British and American democratic tradition makes them good bedfellows. Europe is a less democratic creature and European economic practices are harmful to growth. British and US economic priorities are closer, they argue. Both countries subscribe to low tax rates, a limited nation state and a flexible labour market. In Europe sacking workers is harder and tax rates are significantly higher.
If that were to happen, the UK would effectively cease being a european country in all but geography.
For a country of 124 million, mexico sure seems to need a lot of other countries to dump their trash into.
How do I get a job like this? All you have to do is nothing.
it looks like they were interpreters not EU members. They were doing sign language and shit. But idk much about the eu shit
tfw lived long enough to join the crusade of all crusades.
are we being set up fams?
i just dont get how they can let their EU crumble without a serious fight…
was the reason for the EU just to cause civil problems and have more whites killing each other?
Their power isn't absolute, user.
Also they didn't account for the internet when they started the EUSSR all that time ago.
Wait the original OP post had the typo of "UN" instead of "EU"
and now the OP post was edited as "EU".
Thus, it means that one of us could type "I sure like cherry pie" and an user can edit that statement to "I love leftism" or some other horrid statement.
Are our comments and posts not safe from edits now?
Got the link to the whole video? I really like it
Please God I never asked you anything, just this one please
Are Nige is a brilliant man.
Look at the bottom of my OP. It says it was edited. MODS fixed my fuckup. Thanks MODS.
So what's to stop someone editing your posts in a way that you do not like?
As well as anchoring, deleting, and banning.
Where's hotwheelz?
There is an edit message at the bottom of the post which is inserted by the board software.