I'm bored. Post lefties

I'm bored. Post lefties.




Got a classic here




This is great, 10/10.

is that a guy or a girl?

So funny I forgot to laugh *scoffs*

Hi leftypol.

Howdy friendo,
That's right, we go on other boards.


We pity you lefties.
Like you would pity a loud dog on a chain.
You know why it's loud, you know it's wrong to keep it on that chain, but you also know that trying to set them free would end with you being physically injured, so you just walk on by.

No, you're just afraid because you know we're right.





















The day we get to shoot this traitorous filth is going to be a time where i will be grinning for months.


absolutely disgusting




You're left.

The hypocrisy.





I agree. Anyone who is devoid enough of attention to namefag on an anonymous imageboard is deserving of pity. Not surprising that the only namefag in this thread is a leftycuck.


In every way. All you care about is spooks.(sexuality, gettin' laid bro, moneyy DOSH DOSH DOSH, muh degeneracy) etc.

Made me laugh


How do you get to this level of unawareness?
