NY Times talks about False Flags


Are (((they))) trying to send a message? What other reason could THE (((establishment))) newspaper have to publish this story? And why was a man named Rothschild interviewed?

Very interesting, Holla Forums…

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Rlly makes you think huh

If anybody calls you a "tinfoil hate wearing conspiracy theorist" just bring up the Lavon Affair, USS Liberty or King David Hotel Bombing. These are confirmed false flags that even the kikes themselves admit. Also the whole "Crisis actors" meme is disinfo that Feds and Jews use to strawman and discredit us. Obviously people died in these attacks its just that the Jews are the ones responsible for them.

It's a way to invalidate conspiracy theorists. "If the media is talking about it then there's no way it could be true!"

Same reason they make shows like Mr. Robot and the Matrix. Make people who doubt the system look like morons who believe in fantasies.

Mr. Robot is one thing but the Matrix was pretty based overall.

Holy shit pic related is this Mike Rothschild character.

Sure it was. Just imagine if Will Smith didn't turn down the role of Neo, would you have still thought it was based? Oppressed black man fighting the white machine, real based, real based.

Also: Operation Northwoods


l think a lot of people confuse false flags with hoaxes. There's a big difference between the two.

I remember we hijacked one of his ranker polls last summer, lol

idk but its only going to make us stronger seeing as objective truth is on our side.

sandy hook was a hoax you newfag. full of crisis actors.

One of the few, though. Usually they actually kill people.

Crisis Actor posts are posts by the agency

Its the new generation of steel beams

meant to make any conspiracy look kooky.

I've seen this Jew on here before. Possessively he's not related to the THE Rothschilds he claims (of course he could be full shit). Anyway I forget the story I remember this Jew from on here.

Possessively Supposedly*

Lel was that it?

You got a point..

Did the NYT publish a similar article after Sandy Hook? Because if there's one false flag / hoax with plenty of bad crisis actors that's the Sandy Hook shooting.

We are winning, so they are trying to pretend to be us to take credit and control of the movement.


Jew tactic #1: whenever an opposition is forming make sure you control it. There is so much information and evidence out there about sandy hook, Boston marathon hoax, Orlando etc that it's getting harder and harder to keep a lid on it. Logical consequence is to take the topic out of the hands of the conspiracy nuts and give it to the controlled (((media))). They'll make sure that they steer you into the (((right))) direction and that you don't start asking the wrong questions.


How anyone can possibly believe that we aren't being taken on a ruse cruise is either 80 IQ or a shill.

All you have to do is look at the Boston Bombing "victims" with their shredded clothes and ZERO cuts and compare it to real pictures of real bombing victims.

I know actual men who use protheitcs. I have been to the basements of VA hospitals and see what men have to go through when they lose their legs. They DON'T show up a week later at a hockey game not drugged out of their mind exposing their bandaged and draining stubs to thousands of germs and people.

Sandy, Boston and Orlando are all just too similar.

I don't know about Denver with the movie joker. Giffords was real, the family members of victims are real people established in the community with digital and paper trails.


If they would stop faking them, we would stop talking about how they faked them.


It was actually written by Chaos Magicians

No, I think it wasn't a False Flag. I think there are Jewish control groups on here trying to force this meme to make you look fucking stupid and it worked. I think this was done by a Muslim faggot and you're making excuses for him.

Fuck you

This isn't Holla Forums anymore. This is a site that is going to be used to control white nationalists until something is done.

This term ruins any credibility any theory might have.

Everyday I find more admiration for the Rothschilds…

I think it started when I found out one of them was a historian despite wanting to be a paleontologist in his youth… that's literally me.

so much this stormfags fucked this place and trumpfags gave it the coup de grace… I'm going to get revenge on these two groups soon.


in some ways I too admire them, but in every sense of the word they are "uber jews".

and have done much damage to the world and the human race.


jfk assassination is where "conspiracy theorist" became the nom de guerre for people who were onto the truth

but jet fuel CAN'T melt steel beams

and certainly not when the beams supporting a building were never actually hit (WTC 7)

At this point, every message mainstream media pushes seems poisonous for us in some way or another.

Lel, they're both wacked-out trannies now.



I recognize this like from websites like snopes and metabunk. He's notorious for his lame attempts at dismissing conspiracy theories

Don't forget Gulf of Tonkin. Whole fucking reason we went into Vietnam and now it comes out the whole thing was bullshit.

The whole "crisis actor" idea is laughably stupid. What could possibly be the motive to hire actors to pretend to be victims of an attack when there's already going to be a multitude of genuine victims whose stories you could exploit?

And why—if you're capable of completely fabricating an event from beginning to end—wouldn't you choose a narrative that perfectly fits into the policy you're trying to achieve? For example, if Sandy Hook was a hoax, why didn't they pin the blame for the attack on a long-time NRA member, rather than a lone nutcase? Wouldn't that have been a far better way to push the notion that gun culture is inherently destructive?

The thing is false flags are a real but extremely rare phenomenon. I sincerely doubt any of the mass shootings we've witnessed were manufactured events. What's beyond boggling to me is the notion that the government has to fake events where Muslims bomb something, as if no Muslim anywhere would ever take it upon himself to just do that.

This phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.

they really like to fuck with us don't they

I spent 2 year researching sandy hook, i can tell you that what they said happen, did not happen. Who they said died, did not die. And yes basically ALL the parents are actors. And they are really lucky because they all won the lottery twice, and live on the same street.

The Matrix is actually exactly how reality works, minus the whole robot thing. The robot thing is a metaphor for the Jew, who are golem with no souls.

Orlando was CLEARLY not a false flag. Nothing about it was, there was silence in the conspiracy community about it.
(((NYT))) is acknowledging the possibility of a false flag now because this will increase their plausible deniability ==when== the next false flag hits.

it's disturbing how shittily that job was done.

I sometimes wonder whether these events are not sometimes just testing the capacity for denial of the American public. There was ALL THE FUCK sorts of fishy things about Sandy Hook and Boston Bombings, but who would speak up about it?

On a related note, I wonder if Joe Rogan got a good talking to by the FBI, he's mostly harmless but he has a HUGE audience.

Someone user made a thread tying the Orlando shooters father to being a cia asset

Wake me when they discuss this one.


Suspect that was their punishment

Can crisis actors melt steel beams?

The canonical example I give of a "conspiracy theory" is

some conspiracy theories are falsifiable, obviously any theory that isn't falsifiable is fairly useless, whether it relates to a conspiracy or not

What reason would the gov have to not kill people?

That's the part that makes me ask here, its like the "Just a prank" videos is what you're claiming.
When its far easier to just have somebody stroll around shooting people.

Really, what reason is there to go through all the fakery?

Because it's better to appear reactionary rather than as an instigator. It removes the why factor. For instance:

Or alternatively

According to the Jews, bodies burn hot enough and fast enough to be used as fuel.

The chutzpah

No I mean why not kill?
What is the idea behind making it a Jewerywood movie instead of just actual fucking kills?

More variables. First you have to find someone with the capacity to kill people, but can also be controlled in a way that leads to the outcome you want. It's easier to cast people to act as if people died than to train a person to kill people while keeping that person unaware of what is actually going on.

Given that they're being cast as shooting nutters, that's really not hard to achieve, especially if you give them a drug cocktail or a carefully placed aneurysm.

Toxicology can be paid off in the scenario for drugs, and a head shot will hide the aneurysm.

*Based off the Texas A&M Belltower shooter.

And being so close to someone who is being trained to be a lone gunman to give them a drug cocktail or aneurysm is an unnecessary risk, when one can cast a movie and making sure you give the cast enough money and perks to keep their mouths shut indefinitely. If you can get the same results without actually killing people, I don't see why they would.

Please allow me to introduce myself

the problem with that is your secrets only stay secrets when the other two people who know it are dead.

Hilldog mostly understand that aspect. I imagine at some point in the future the truth will come out if the crisis actors are still alive to talk about it when it become profitable for them to talk.

I would assume that these crisis actors are guaranteed positions of authority and/or safety with whatever comes after US gun control which is why there is noone talking about it from that side, but this is purely speculation.

The Bilderberg Group is just a conspiracy.

Oh no, the organization exists. But they are not secretly controlling the world.

Yes, they are all the wealthiest families in the world and yes they do meet in private closed meetings every year to discuss business but that doesn't mean they are manipulating the world's economy.

They probably just want to know what to invest in, talk about having grand-kids, and golf.

Then what's the point of being so secret about it?

Talking about Bilderberg's status as a meme just 15 years ago.

No… they're having fun.

Talking about Sandy Hook as a false flag and hoax is reasonable, it was very much a controlled environment. Boston Marathon though? Maybe a false flag but not a hoax, too open, too many uncontrollable variables.

So basically, your hope is that everyone is able to be bought out by money forever, never talking to us, slipping up or anything.

Because simply stabbing somebody with a syringe of Nu and improved PCP or tapping them with some of the fun brain tech we have for convoluted props, is far too complex?

Much less even just waiting around for those couple hundred crazies to do something and then capitalize on it?

Alright then, why aren't nignogs a thing here?
They kill easily, on camera frequently.
Are they plants and fakes as well?

Is there actual violence in the US or is it all fakes and lies?

Killing people leads to butthurt which leads to deeper investigation. This is partly the reason why the OKC bombings were exposed as a false flag attack, angry family members of the deceased wanted to know why leads onto other possible suspects were being dropped. So it would be much easier to have people pretend that something happened rather than open things up for vendettive investigation. In a future brought on by gun control, it doesn't matter if someone starts talking, they will be very easy to ostracize and isolate and in a future where those who are perpetrating this lose, it doesn't matter what these people say, you won't get much farther than the front companies employing them.

Though I don't know what you're talking about with injecting people with PCP or inducing aneurysms that bring out specific actions, I've never heard of such things leading to controlled rampages.


That is your problem, you are focussing that everything is a part to play on the stage, and forgetting that all that needs be done is some dead.
Faking it doesn't work since it lacks the impact, bodies work.
And in this Huxleyian world of 24/7 media, people can no longer care to ask for deeper and more.

Also I'm asking this because I am trying to and still do not get, the meme of faking corpses from the Pan Am and Iran Air bombings to now.
Its just so out there relative to my own personal experience of people being killed because somebody said they should die and that being that.

Actually just looking at it logically. If you can avoid killing people by paying people to pretend that people died without people being aware of it, it's more logically to do that than to go through the motions of actually killing people. I am just acknowledging that this method of creating public distress exists and not that all instances occurred similarly.

But the issue is that logically, I hire say 5 people, find a shooter, the cost of a gun if the shooter lacks one, one syringe of pschojuice/fake meds.
Sit back and let it happen.

Versus dozens to hundreds of crisis actors and more, all with uncontrolled access via phones and people not in on it.

Seriously, what stops a crisis actor from just asking somebody not in on it at a location to make a Holla Forums post warning of an attack?
If they can't into public because they might blab, what good is all the money?
Essentially you have a bunch of potemkin people who have to fake being real but lack the experience.
And they sign up for this why?

Basically the idea is very wierd and out there over the ease of waiting for an attack or just causing deaths proper.

Like why fake the boston Bombing when you could as easily leave the real bags and bombs and then blame the Tarsev brothers?

In my opinion, it would be very easy to control such people. You simply show them how vast surveillance in the US is, and then like a good mob boss, tell them not to snitch otherwise their family gets hurt. If crime factions, most notably the Italian mob, could exist for so long without snitching, due to "eyes and ears" everywhere in Italy and beyond, then you can get people to do what you want in the current year.

I'm not denying that you can hire 5 people and inject someone with PCP, or induce an aneurysm/give them brain mods, you still never expanded on that, but rather crisis actors exist and is a much more controllable, and safer for everyone involved, operation.

I think you vastly underestimate two things:
1) people's willingness to compromise anything they believe in for moderately amounts of cash (think tens of thousands of dollars). Now go ahead an find people – like the Sandy Hook actors – who actively want to destroy the 2nd amendment and believe in what they're doing and then pay them for that

2) the government's willingness to out right murder people for speaking out

I thought the same. Kind of like that army guy who stole documents and posted them into wikileaks. The jews have a tranny agenda to push today and they need people to fill those roles.

Thens of thousands is nothing compared to the book deals and speaking tours.

If they can do 2), why bother with the crisis actors?

Except the mob regularly had snitches and fights and more.

The aneurysm brain mod thing is as I said, destroying certain parts (I am not a neurologist so I can't say) to replicate how shooters were before their rampage.
Much like the PCP thing, but with stuff a toxicology report won't pick up.
Could be as simple as infrasound and subliminal messaging as well, just keep them sleep deprived until they snap, or go after people on drugs that make them susceptible to shooting people ala Cho.

Chelsa was a Tranny beforehand and on horomone therapy prior to leaking.
Horomones were denied a week or so beforehand.
Completing the treatment is the "reward".

Remeber nothing leaked was an issue, but it allowed for lots of actions to be done by people who don't get what happened.

But no snitches that threatened the existence of the mob, as in, nobody close enough to those who actually organize operations to be of an effect. Anyone involved in false flag operations today won't have enough information to much of anything, other than appearing as crazy people off their medication, if gun control is to succeed.

Ultimately it doesn't really matter though, both options exist, and I'm not even convinced that all false flags or hoaxes are perpetrated by the same group of people. I just think it's important to be aware of crisis actors as coaxing a NEET to go full Holden. One thing that I found strange and might be related to mind manipulation was the Uber killer, never heard much of it again so someone must have fucked up somewhere.


tl;dr is some Uber drive saw the evil debil through visions which made him kill his passengers. Probably not related to Uber at all, but rather what you describe, through infrared sound or something similar.

Laughed so hard that I scared my dog.

The mind manipulation stuff is mostly a knowledge by ommission thing.
I had been looking in 2007-2010 for a way to neral link to my computer, and noticed that after a group showed the signal could go both ways for a EKG ish helmet, a lot of the tech dropped off the market.

My opinion is that somebody at one of the hacker collectives started showing mind control capabilities and the stuff was dropped for legal, moral, and ethical reasons, while being researched onwards for the purpose of mental manipulation.
Sort of why like now a decade later the stuff coming back out is no better and sometimes worse than the old stuff.

Alternative applied psychological tortures aren't the least bit unknown, but claiming devil visions is also common for number of mental disorders.
Used to go to church with a schizophrenic lady, she went off her meds, said the devil possessed her family, killed them all, got in a 20 mile police chase and jumped off a bridge to her death.
Not the least bit surprising for people to go on rampages, about the only interesting part is that he still took rides, that he was cognizant and fine doing it, whereas most rampages tend to be focussed destruction.

Makes me think more he had been making a list of those who wronged him, snapped, and started going after them.

Basically, to me, the big issue is why people need these grandiose convoluted plots from the government, when they would just send in a drug addict with a shit gun and call it a day.
I've done gov work, the idea that we or anyone, could pull off these near flawless plans is hilarious.
Particularly when you realize these aren't movie set areas befret of anyone else being near them.
Lots of people go in and out, and would notice if the area was locked down to ensure it was only crisis actors, or that the phones and records were tempered with if they noticed something.

Essentially, in the idea of simple and effective, random twats killing because various reasons goes first, then "government agents" doing some simple leg work to make wonder Yeb Cruz missile tier people, somewhere very far down, fake it all and somehow pay ghosts enough to stay quiet, but not to show up on any budget sheets. (Drug money maybe?)

Its not so much I can't fancy the idea, its just why would the notion of faking it matter so much more than some mass murder followed by that famed government incompetance. Alternately just some psycho does it as they say now and that's as far as they look and care.
I mean legitly, you could find people devoted enough to do the slaughters and then suicide for the cause.
Would be a much simpler explanation than the oddity of them all suiciding when they did not exhibit reasonable characteristics before hand for it. (Psychopaths cannot have a "my god, what have I done" moment, we socios somewhat can, but muscle through.)

Anyone with any semblance of intelligence would have still seen the underlying message being portrayed though. The main actor makes no difference when the message of the movie itself would have stayed the same.

I think I found out why media is so hush hush about him.

archive.is/zg3eG nypost
archive.is/kvxOf detroitfreepress

Reminds me of Odom.

I think that people seeing "the debil" in visions are simply describing what they experienced through terms they understand. If someone who was very religious had someone hack into their mind to project mental images or concepts onto them through methods you describe, then they wouldn't think "ah someone is messing with my perception" but rather that the devil himself was commanding that person to carry out orders. I understand that mental illness is real, but what this guy describes is strange and is an unusual data point that fits in other other unusual data points, Eric Holden describes being controlled in a similar fashion and Kyle Odom had strange run ins with people he described as ayys with mind control capability in religious positions.

I can understand your perspective on the US government, but there's no point in looking at averages.There exist in the US government that are able to operate without that famed efficiency due to the fact that they are only somewhat related to the US government. I haven't found a term for this kind of group, but "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" describe it pretty well. You have a first generation, completely governmentally employed agent, find and trains someone to do a task that the US government cannot be caught doing. Then after a lifetime of work as a 2nd generation government agent, although only tangentially, they go on to train and recruit a 3rd generation. This 3rd generation has no idea at all that the job they are getting into serves as a means to an end for the US government at all. So while the US government is as a whole inefficient, there exist the ability for precise operations.

Given this information, it's not enough to come to the conclusion that most publicized mass shootings aren't related in some way.

That discussion of efficiency has more to do with the less red tape and beuracracy being put on them, than anything.
Part of the reason for the shitty gov work is precisely because when unleashed its fucking scary.
Any group bound and beholden to themselves is scary.

But that's really a separate issue to this and more to do with not having to be crippled all the time.

Messed up thoughts are unknown datapoints, we have no idea if they look normal, like messed up post drink and all the drug binges, or are wholly alien and do appear as an outsider thing.

Part of what strikes me in this is still the impetus of why?
There are enough crazy people out there, we're getting one and a part attacks a day now for it to work.
Most of these are the bog standard criminal attacks and not these scenario shootings we're discussing.

So in light of that, it does still tease me at your notions, but still seems, why?

I fully expect false flags, but again, what keeps the much simpler options?
Its like the people raving on about holo stealth cruise missiles for 9/11.
It has to be complex for the sake of it, when planes hitting are just fine, same with some demo charges to make sure it goes down.

Daily reminder that the more the media shills about "muh tinfoilers", the more likely it is that the conspiracy theories they are shitting on are actually true.

Because general violence isn't as effective as something more precise. A shooting that's completely fabricated allows you to control the context entirely. The Newton crew made a countrywide tour talking about the evils of AR-15s with tactical extended clips and people still reference it today about gun control. None of them ever actually talked about the shooting and it's inconsistencies, something that happens due to people losing loved ones in actual false flags.

Not comparable to what I'm talking about. There's no evidence for that, while there is evidence of people being employed to play a part in a fake event and then push forward a narrative on it.

Reminds me of pajama boy.