>tfw your favorite game is cucked
fuck you sandman. shove a 12 gauge up your ass and pull the trigger you race cuck.
Cucked games
WOW Jesus fuck man kill yourself you ignorant murritard (or mebbe you're a shill from /leftards/ trying to divide and conquer)
This game is from the time when devs gave two damns of a fuck about historical accuracy.
Go play the fucking El Cid campaign if you can clean the cheetoz off your hands retard, Saladin-times muslims were pretty tolerable but along came Berbers (read: niggers) and everything went downhill
Good thing gameplay matters more than personal politics. I personally ignore all of the dialog myself so I can just get to playing the game. Who gives a fuck about the story?
AOE2 had a campaign?
Are there people who played anything other than multiplayer?
nice try MIDF.
That's a fucking cop out. The game shipped with a single player. You sure as hell can critique it.
sorry kid. but there was a time when internet access and gaming wasn't the reason to buy games. (circa 1999)
Get Total War: Warhammer if you want complete lack of PC. Every races calls the other races scum in different ways. If you want to go Europeans go Empire and blast the Beastman and Ork hordes with Fire magic and handguns and arty.
No fucks given by anyone,
Hate Hippies? crush the elves and burn their big stupid tree.
Hate slavs? Crush Kislev.
Hate The Norse? Crush the Norsca.
Hate short fat people? Crush the dwarves.
Hate all things living? Go Vampire counts and crush everything.
Hate all living things and really like Judas Priest? Go Chaos and make the entire world ash.
Get you a real game maen.
The only thing that matters in a video game is the gameplay. Here's a test
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
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gee. so many questions. i wonder who did this.
not including the catholic fags.
I wish TW:Attila had been better. I really enjoy pushing the old gods south into Rome. wish that game had had better units.
go back to r/games faggot.
Exactly, because I ignore the propaganda. Raw mechanics and interaction with the game are literally the only things that I care about and see when I play a game.
Semitic religions have been, and continues to be, a plague on Europe.
>is literally a submissive faggot willing to deal with the pozzing
Politics have no place in video games.
go shove a fist up your ass for odin, faggot.
Woah! Whatever happened to turn the other cheek & do unto others?
Argue that to the game developers.
You dense motherfucker
I said tolerable not tolerant
I don't support disgusting mudslimes you ignorant retard, I support a fucking A-quality, red pilled game in its time.
Sadly it devolved into WE WUZ, but the campaign you're trying to talk shit about was a long time ago.
Seriously tho, don't talk shit about AoE2 and don't compare Saladin to the mudslimes. Geez, this game hails from a beautiful time when the Juden didn't bother to poz videogames and therefore it's free of propaganda.
I pirate all video games because I want the industry to collapse and never come back, my intentions are clear to them.
They should all be niggers, user.
even then
do you also say frick when your mom is nearby?
Propaganda of all kind does not belong in video games. Video games are purely entertainment.
they were cucked in mindset. should have read all the "sandman" shit in aoe heaven.
I just said it does not belong in video games you fucking idiot. I'm perfectly willing to cleanse left and right wing views from video games until nothing but entertainment is left, no propaganda allowed.
not an argument.
I'm not trying to defend muslims. I hate muslims and I hate what they have done to Europe. But historical accuracy is more important than meme yelling and this is not open public: this is Holla Forums.
Having stated that: Saladin was different amongst the muslims. He was a kurd muslim, so racially he's a lot different from the arabs and ethiopes that now overrun Europa. It was a long time ago user.
If you want to rip and tear muslims then you have a friend in me, but if you want to bring AoE2 because of Saladin, stop and reflect: don't you realize you're letting the communists win? If you let them take everything you love at the smallest hint of alleged cuckery… you're losing ground without fighting for it
The game was from a Golden Age in computer gaming, where everything was fun and pure satisfying adventure. We alternated between staying up all night gaming to being in school surrounded by hot preteen ass. There was no such thing as kikes or muslims. I didn't even have a single black person in my school, yet still made a joke to a strict religious girl that there was a dead nigger in my garage just to get a reaction. Kek.
If you dislike new games, then why play them at all? Even if you pirated them? If a bunch of people pirate a game, that shows the developers/company that many people are interested in playing it, and thus they'll continue making games like it. Pirating a shitty game isn't as cancerous as buying one, but its still cancerous.
The artist prettified her too much. She's supposed to be a menacing demonic monstrosity, not only something you'd want to fuck.
Fuck off normalfag. I always strove to get home as soon as I could so I could avoid being at school around people and play my video games.
Token ring lan, nigger. Do you even gaem?
Can't it be both?
Read again, it's exactly what I'm saying. She should be both, but on that pic she's only one.
This thread is for you. Euro cuck
bump my thread more babe.
But the voting machines had no way to access externally, had no means of being hacked, were repeatedly confirmed to not have any malfunctions, and were mostly in the hands of democrats 24/7.
Well, guess I lived somewhat of a balanced life. Sorry.
Now it's too late for me… Much too late…
Yeah, you're right. Artists are fags nowadays. I just grabbed that off the googles images.
Wrong. They were remotely connected to the internet by way of hidden ethernet cords that ran through the flooring system. The Russians are masters of illusion and paid off the 'checkers' of the machines.
Pathetic. Try again. I feel like making /leftyb/ at this point.
shoulda played CK2 instead
CK2 is fun if you play as Islam trust me
It's also fun if you're a /christian/ like me
nah, playing as islam is boring. way too easy since you're locked into one of the best succession laws, have great cbs and get an assload of opinion bonuses with muslim vassals
Boy you don't know shit about Salah ad-Din Yusuf.