Be 2007

Ever since then my life has been so cash. Why would you not remove yourself from toxic places if you know they are bad for you? I don't have any sympathy for people who were bullied, as you have so many options available to you as a teenager it's retarded.

It was YOUR fault.


Are you angry that you weren't smart enough to make the correct decisions?

What are you doing that is so 'cash'

I approve of this message

people need to realize that the only one who can help them is they themselves

Who cares? I've been bullied and I have bullied. I've been on both ends of the stick. One makes you feel good, the other not so much. Not to say I can't take the abusive without dishing out damage either.

I relate to that a lot. However, I am mostly held down by my poor grades. I know I have to do better to get into college or do A levels, because I know that I am not going to get into these high-level courses with C's and B's, I need to achieve good solid A's and above, I know they aren't just going to pass out physics, computer science and mathematics courses for fucking free, I need to take the initiative and own up and put myself forwards.

I say I'm doing it well. Lately, I have taken chunks out of my spare time to exercise and revise for subjects. I am in my final year and I am nearing the edge. I think I can do it, ever since I have broken through my laps of laziness and apathy I have become confident, capable and ready. I just need to see if I can actually do it… I have only got one shot left, so I better make it fucking count.

That's something that sticks in my side a bit, but honestly, I perfectly agree that they should take the time to get out of these toxic places if it really means a lot to them. I would say that if they get shit grades and they are bullied (if they lack a disability and are just lazy) I have no empathy, these people are models for not what to be/become.

getting pussy like maaaaaaaaaaaaaad

You're going to fail.

A lot of other people would have had their parents extremely angry with them, or in a different situation would have been sent to an alternative school, not a magnet school.

Also he was lucky that the magnet school honors director accepted him. What if he hadn't? The story would've turned out differently.

All consequences have their aftershocks and long-term effects.

One long-term effect I notice is the fact that OP was rewarded for vandalism is that he let it get to his head. He's clearly very narcissistic, and to blame victims of harassment for not just commiting crimes to get out of their situation (which was luck in his case, not the great mastermind skill he's making it out to be) sounds sociopathic too.

You can't blame the unequipped for being unequipped. The more you know the more you realise you don't know and you were lucky you to have an okay home and a family who were 'empathetic'. The fact you thought to try and leave in a logical way wasn't a matter of free will on your part even if you pat yourself on the back for it.

None of your personal experiences or anecdotes are universally applicable.


kill yourself fag

Underrated post. OP is a cock gobbler.

How's it feel to be a giant pussy?

I'm the pussy, eh? Coming from someone who couldn't stick up for yourself against bullies. You're pathetic. You threw a little temper tantrum like a little girl and got rewarded for it. Haha. You're the pussy op.

Well like I said I didn't have what it takes. I fought two of the guys and lost and still got bullied. I tried to talk back when they made fun of me but I'm not a witty guy.

That's not a pussy, that's just being inadequate and slow witted. I can accept my flaws, can you?

Yeah, i'm not OP but fight me irl

how boring you are op.
oh, meeee…
death is your friend, op. the imperative of human progress requires that you die, now.
don't disappoint your peers. we count on you. if life made you a retard, don't be triggered. you canbe the biggest and best among retards. ambition is all you have. make the best of it.

Also, you could have worked out but screw that I guess.

Ok lardass.

faggot i'll fuck you good

He said he was bullied by the entire school dumbass

That literally does not work

That has to be an exaggeration, what did people just roll the out the big red carpet and said "come on through, we're going to bully you". I don't believe it.
Yes it does. If they continue fucking with you and don't get a reaction most of the time they'll stop. Does one continue to play a game they aren't having fun in?

penis addiction is a terrible thing. op is a victim of a pernicious dick cult. pussy just ain't what it used to be; maybe that's why i'm nostalgic

Actually no.

Not hard for that to happen tbh.

You've clearly never been bullied because all that does is give them the greenlight to go further since they'll think you're too chickenshit.

It's fun because they are exerting dominance, not to receive a reaction. Are you a woman?

i'm a fully fledged male, proud of it and ready to defend that status against anybody and everything.
what's your problem, op? ants in your colon? or is gender a choice?
oh, wait. it's much, much simpler than that: op is a faggot. how obvious it all is when you grasp the basics

And remember fellow anons, it's all about perspective.

Except, op never said any of this.
pick one
You don't perhaps believe in individuality do you?
Prove it. It's my understanding that bullies do it to feel good, to put others down. Not to kick a corpse.

legit smiled, thx kind sir, I hope I get some weed tonight

Sieg heil dubs of truth.

Yeah, it's not like there were more schools in my town than those that everyone went to.
It made me the man I am now. Stronger, a little insane in the brain, but stronger nevertheless. I rebelled. Against the bullies, against the parents not giving a shit, against the teachers not doing anything if asked for help. Hell, if I ever get imprisoned because of my stubornness, so be it, I don't give a shit, I'll survive.

wittle hwhite boi can't fite I bet ur dad is a pussy too

I literally fought my dad everytime when we got drunk together. Same with most of my cousins, older ones.
Also, people are the majority around my parts of the globe, niggers are rare as fuck, so calling me a white boy is really something contrintuitive. I'm 6 feet, 166 pounds, you fucking niggnongg skinny bitch.

Also, your*, not ur*

Has it?
All i see is the same frightened, angry child now shitposting on Holla Forums with the rest of the socially retarded scum that slithers away in the dark, sheltering yourself form succesful and socially adjusted people.

Go ahead and respond with your ad hominem, say that i'm projecting, act smug and post reaction images, deep down you know i'm exactly right.
You will always be the victim, no matter what you do, you're born a victim and will die a victim, you're weak and insignificant.

good guess xD

spelling errors when ur this mad

You know the drill, you fucking roastie, tits or gtfo.


You're a frightened, angry child.
Huh, am I saying something that makes you upset.
Talking shit about yourself?
>sheltering yourself from successful and socially adjusted people.
Do you envy your bullies?
You're already insulting yourself.
You truly are.
Glad that triggers you, grow up. Ask a male role-model.
Your self-deprecation is palpable, you're speaking in absolutes and suffering from thinking errors
You have Border Line Personality Disorder.

Good for him. Anger is an excellent cure for cowardice.

He wasn't the victim on that day. He was a brave man that used violent force of action to get what he wanted. And he succeeded. You can't argue against victory. Sometimes one good day is all it takes to turn a life around.

What does that make you?

You are weak. Being accepted by the herd is all that you care about, so you keep your cowardly head down. You are neither the hero nor the villain of any story. You merely are a nameless nobody and nobody will remember you.



I hope you die before that day