So the Jews control all the banks and the government, they want to change the demographics of the west with non-whites, etc. etc.
Why though? I can understand why they would want control, any race with in-group preference would do the same given the chance, but could those of you who are redpilled explain why the Jews would have any interest in subverting culture, changing demographics, etc.
How does this benefit them, especially considering that many of them also live in the west?
Der Juden
self bump
One world and one race is much easier to lord over, especially if you cripple said world and race along the way.
that doesn't sound too smart to me. you end up king of a retard colony.
"Da Joos" controlling everything is a lark if I've ever heard one. People like people who are like them. The jews got a lucky break with the whole money lending gig in the middle ages that naturally led to a class of jewish bankers with a predisposition to lend more often and more favorably to other jews who then use that money to become successful themselves, then do business more often and with better terms with other jews, and so on. But there's no sort of collusion, no master plan, any more than a white banker favoring other whites and being suspicious of black clients means that all whites are plotting to control the earth.
Isn't that the ultimate goal of power? To have unrestricted power, that no one can take from you? To live a comfortable life while no one can challenge your authority over them?
There's different types of Jews but really only two classes:
Jews living everywhere except Israel
Jews living in Israel
The diaspora includes Jews such as Soros and the Rothschilds. Their goal in banking and commerce is to enslave the rest of the world under tremendous debt while making themselves very wealthy. The Israeli Jews want to govern the entire world under a single World Government based out of Jerusalem. The Israeli Jews, often through Mossad, pushes for multiculturalism and etc. in white countries for the purpose of white genocide, whereas in Israel diversity is frowned upon, as a Jew marrying a non-jew carries a two year prison sentence. The Jew is subverting culture because a society fighting itself won't notice the Juden conquering him. Why do they want to kill off whites? Because they know we're the master race.
into the oven you go.
The jew doesn't real I've never met one
You are easily fooled
1) they hate everything that is more beautiful than themselves.
Kikes are ugly hooknosed basterds with crousy hair and white people are embodiments of beauty
2) white man is the only menace to them and the only ones who could destroy them
3) white people are harder to control than niggers and sandmonkeys so it is better to remove them
4) revenge for the holocaust that never happened
5) preventing a future Hitler 2.0 - Holocaust, this time for real Edition
But how can anyone live a comfortable life when Western civilization has been overrun by Negroes & mudslimes, the cities turned into ghettoes and literal war-zones? I have a hard time thinking this would be (((their))) endgame.
Get this book if you want the whole story. If everyone in the world is a stupid nig and rasied up primarily by the government than the population would be easier to control. Every single thing that kikes are pushing is leading up to this, every single thing.
If you think this is some crazy conspiracy, type on to Google right now "famous American scientists" or on Google images "happy white American".
You do know it was exposed as a fraud in 1921, right?
But for what purpose?
this has to be the dumbest post i'v read in years.
if thats not shitposting you should definitely seek help
Because wanting control and wanting to destroy culture are not necessarily linked. I was curious how they are either one and the same, related in some way, etc.
Thanks for all the responses btw, quite interesting.
Maybe it is, but as Henry Ford said, it matches with what is going on in the world quite accurately.
claimed as a fraud yet not proven such
Strange how it was claimed to be a fraud but it is banned in dozens of countries.
meaning a forgery of the original?
a dramatic exposé occurred in the series of articles in The Times by its Constantinople reporter, Philip Graves, who discovered the plagiarism from the work of Maurice Joly.[19]
Don't let your Holla Forumsack world-view cloud your mind to the point that you refuse to accept the truth or look for evidence that goes against it. There is enough shit out there that is heinous and real, you don't need to invent something.
The truth? The truth is not a single protocol has been proven false and has come true. Stop believing false critics and pick up a copy and READ IT. Then tell me what you think
Except they are. Stop reaching for an answer you already have, it's kind of faggy.
It's always fun watching you queers preach about 'refusing to accept truth' and then proceed to put in zero thought and self-reflection. Very telling, very low energy.
[citation needed]
Right back at you.
Thanks for proving my point.
Here is the supposed "fake" book that is the most banned book in the world
I'd say that this thread shed some light on the topic and taught me some things I didn't know, so I wouldn't say I did have the answer. Stop being a pretentious cunt, it's kind of faggy.
And? What exactly did you hope to accomplish with this post?
Please never stop.
Except that you literally answered yourself you poor stupid fuck. You made a thread you already knew the answer to, so what was the point? Stop sucking so many cocks.
Please do stop.
You want evidence? Read the fucking book you lazy autist. Go on and keep on telling yourself you are so smart about a subject you haven't even looked at
They want to turn everyone but themselves into mixed race mongoloids while they remain the pure "chosen people".
Read my OP and try again.
Why? What is that going to achieve, other than waste hours of my life?
If you read the book you will make connections that throughout the 20th century the Zionists have been working to make a new world order.
(((Stefan Molyneux)))
You mean the same book that has been prooven to be fraudulent since 1921? How about no.
I know he's an Ashkenazi kike, but that webm is pretty good at exposing (((them)))
Your right its a complete fucking lie. Its just the BIGGEST coincidence in the world how every single thing it says is true. Funny how you have faith in some guy saying the book is untrue than you actually reading the book and deciding yourself if it is untrue.
you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, do you?
Holy fucking shit - that is without a doubt the dumbest thing I have seen posted here in quite a while.
read the book and decide [for] yourself if it is untrue.
How does Holla Forums live with itself knowing that Hitler and Marx shared the same jewish blood?
Go on believing what someone tells you and don't think for yourself. Thinking is hard
You're just trying to stall him, you fag. Why not try to prove that the book is legitimate instead of just saying "read the book xDDD".
As opposed to reading a (lengthy) proven fraudulent work and let that tell me what to think?
Not true.
His "research" was biased and after the war he claimed that Hitler was related to jews.
The book doesn't tell you what to think. The book says a certain group of people will do something and you look throughout history and decide if this is true. If you want to believe in the faith of some guy you never met than believe on your own, that's on you buddy
It's not like the jews research on Hitler is biased
all of these shills in this thread
Brief answer:
Read a book nigger, it's really that simple. Who do you think is behind Communism, LGBTBBQ, feminism, the rapefugee crisis, globalism, gun control, etc?
Be cautious of shills
Really makes you think…
Does that include Holla Forums shills, posting the same, stale, unsourced & jpg-artefact-ridden infographics?
Jews are successful because they use their resources wisely and don't like nationalism because it has been historically used against them. Various other minorities share this sentiment but don't have the capacity to reach high positions.