Pro-pedo/hebe thread

Last thread is bumplocked and dead


Other urls found in this thread:, epilepsy&year_start=1700&year_end=2000&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1;,anorexia;,c0;.t1;,epilepsy;,c0,

kill all children to spare them the horrible fate of being looked at by pedophiles tbh

Children are property of virile white males and that's just the facts, baby!


dysnomia confirmed censoring threads he doesn't like

fake, how can you see that unless ur a mod?


So you hacked the website, you're still a faggot.

Reported by the way, epix hax fam desu

dysnomia hacced your anus


lel ads

jewm not gonna get ad money from me ;)

I enjoy a good pros/cons pedo thread to be honest but why do people post pics in them? All that accomplishes is getting the thread deleted.

what are the pros and cons of being a pedo?

Pros: None
Cons: Being a pedo

I can't think of any, if you want to say something positive go right ahead

Everyone will hate you and a majority of the world has no problem with killing you on the spot, even the justice system will turn a blind eye to those who could and will harm you if you're ever found out

i was hoping you'd come up with at least one pro
my list is empty as well

In my pros/cons comment I was referring more to the arguments back and forth about the subject. I don’t see any pros in having those types of feelings but they are feelings none the less. I have never read or heard anything that lead me to believe it’s a choice any more than being normal sexuality.

If you enjoy pissing people off you can come to 8ch and shit up their boards while crying oppression

you can do that without being pedo

Pedophiles are unstable.

lol butthurt

ikr children being abused and exploited makes me so butthurt haha epic trol xD

hope u get raped

Because people have always posted pics in these kinds of threads, this is an imageboard after all.
Just because jim and his lackeys don't like it now doesn't really make a difference, theres way more people willing to post legal pictures that won't get you in any trouble than there are mods around constantly watching to delete and ban the shit only for the person to come back a few minutes later having ban evaded.

Is it just me or is there something off about that kid’s face? Something about it makes her look old. Kinda reminds me of Helen Hunt.


Where are these kids parents, are they so withdrawn that they cant see their child is acting out in some way due to these pedos..

And how can you go on an investigation for years and years knowing this is going on and not have video or pics in support of your claims SO YOU CAN BUST these sick fucks…

Does it take a leaker, a Reddit SUB, and a select group of centipeds to force an issue into the light and not turn away until they get results… Im just upset that people have become so tainted by the media on what is right and PC.. I remember when I was young (a long time ago) all the kids would play outside and when the street lights came on, it was time to go home.. One time a kid down the street was missing, for maybe an hour, the whole neighborhood came out in force knocking on doors, kids in tow, when they found the kid around the corner at that "weird" mans house, the neighbors tore this guy apart, cops came and waited until the beat down was over and arrested the guy.. Now adays it seems like people close their blinds so they dont have to be judged for not getting involved, but these same people cant wait to jump on what is or isnt PC or what they believe.. What happened, what happened to our people, where are the people like Seth Rich and Julian now.. If we were all for the people, like in the past, then Julian would be shaking hands at a baseball game, and Seth would be hanging out … Im just rambling cause I tired of this PC, oh poor me , my agenda is all that matters world we have become

Oh woe is you the witch hunt is coming to an end, I mean who are you supposed to beat half to death now?
So sorry for your loss, maybe lord trump will make the muslims the new taboo so you can lynch them for fun to fill that hole.

We aren't done with you or the Muslims.
On the day of the rope you will both swing side by side.

I’m always curious when I read comments like this. Who exactly gets to live in your perfect country? People always rant about these and those swinging from the trees but never seem to describe when the killing ends.

Does it end or do you just keep on executing people until you’re the only one left?

Yeah you definitely sound like the kind of person that will be on the right side of history.


masterchan is still down

It will be an ongoing process, but one thing is for sure, society will get better the more degenerates we purge.


So that's why there's been an influx of your kind.


I would prefer more detail on the issue. Take a stand

look what happened to gays ;)

What happened to gays?

By the way, supporters of democracy fall under moderates.

As do anyone who resist this process.

So basically it won't end until you've executed everyone on earth and you're all thats left?

Something fuckey has been going on there since the admin wiped all images from there around a month ago, since than i havent been able to use proxies to post even though they work for every other site and i never made an account there because having an account on a chan is a retarded idea.

No, just the undesirables. The fact is that the human race has not been subject to evolutionary pressure for too long, and while this has enabled us to become more intelligent, it has also made many complacent genetic duds.
These kinds of people need to be removed so we can have the intelligence that comes from not having been exposed to natural selection, but without the deadwood that survived as a result.

But you clearly have none.

Nice projection faggot. When we take over I hope that they spare you and send you to a work camp to produce for your intellectual and genetic superiors.

I'm sure you're the arbiter of whats evolutionarily beneficial to humanity but when it comes to natural selection pedophilia is a benefit to being able to pass on your genes because you're going after a mate before they become old enough to have tons of competition.

In that case many more people would be pedophiles and you wouldn't be one of the most hated group of degenerates in existence.
Think about how men don't find fat fucks attractive - because it's an evolutionary disadvantage. Rather we find fit, fully developed women attractive due to the evolutionary advantage they have.
As such we can conclude that pedophilia is not an evolutionary advantage, or the pedophiles would have outbred normal people.
Those who have evolutionary disadvantageous traits don't deserve to live, and this includes pedophiles, as I have demonstrated.

Yous trolling








Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel any better for your deviant traits.

pedophilia isn't something thats passed on from generation to generation.
It doesn't matter if you round up all the pedos into concentration camps more random babies will end up being pedos, same with fags.
We don't find fat people attractive because we've never lived in a decadent society like we have now where its more likely to be eating too much food than not enough, if nobody changes their diets and its just everyone slowly becoming fat over generations like whats happening in the US then yes what humans find attractive will shift to fat people because NATURAL SELECTION

laura Holla Forums to the rescue!



Our true genetic potential in regards to fitness is defined by our hunter-gatherer ancestors - fat people wouldn't have been able to survive then, so shouldn't be allowed to survive now.
As for pedophilia being genetic or not, it doesn't matter, we will need to keep some deviants for the work camps anyway, and if it is completely random, they will be prime candidates - purifying the human race will always be an ongoing process.

I'd put you in the working camp for not liking lolis :p

Why the fuck am I even talking about reality to some loon lost in a fantasy world about killing everyone he doesn't like?
What the fuck am I doing with my life.

Eat a dick.


I hope I live long enough to see your kind swing from ropes.

Because you're afraid - you realise the potential in this idea, but also realise that you will be one of the first to go.

Are there going to be loli guards?

aah, dysnerdia facing up to her responsibilities at last.
glad to see a kiddy gusset. i might buy into accelerationism after all.




Better not. no loli should be in the reach of these sick people who don't appreciate the majesticity of the loli.

this was meant for you:

almost everything fails this stupid test so who cares?


That does it. I'm sick of you fucking pedos. Have fun in prison.

"races and intelligence" "Best guns for crowds" You seem to be the most dangerous person here user. I hope they put you under the prison.

The tabs could be funnier. 6/10

Define undesirable please.

I know all kinds of people that behave in ways counter evolutionary even though they’re not hurting anyone. They getting culled from the herd also?

You know for a fact that genetics plays no part in pedophilia? You should publish a paper. You’d be the first.

Really, what about famous fat people that did lots of good in the world? Would have put them to death when they were younger?

well im sry, its been a while since ive made a reported pic and i was trying to keep it topical to the earlier convo

I can see it now.

I made a whole list which gives you the idea of what I mean.

Yes, we need to purify the human race - once you stop seeing yourself as an individual and as part of the human collective you will better understand how much better off we will be as a whole if we go full out.

Whether it does or doesn't isn't of concern to me - they are sexual deviants and will be treated as such.

When we make room in the world for fitter, more intelligent people to prosper and spread they will do the world even more good. I'm not saying deviants and undesirables can't do good, just that more good will be done if we make it easier for superiors to propagate.

All kidding aside (pun intended) I’ve heard arguments from the pedos over and over again about how they either want a young girl to raise up to be the perfect wife or how they just find young girls the most attractive.

Either argument fails because it’s based on the illusion of control. The only true control a person has is over themselves and their actions. All outside control is an illusion. Your perfect wife will grow up and start to think for herself and your adorable little girlfriend will grow up and you won’t want her anymore.

People that collect all kinds of guns for their home armory are a different version of the same thing. They believe if they’re well armed enough that they will be able to maintain some form of control in a world they see spinning out of control.

In between reality and belief lays justification. It’s how human beings get reality to line up with what we choose to believe.

Now Leave

They counter this by saying they'll still desire her, due to many years of grooming her hanging out with her.

reported for possible domestic terrorism
you forgot "how to take a screenshot"


no need, he's just a troll

Nigga, what?



And there goes the thread…..

Seems legit

The mods have different standards; if dysnomia was here all the pics u linked would probably be deleted, but if you check the catalog and check the post numbers, benjikins dismissed all the reports in this thread.

See pic related. And then show proof of how a pedo will get rid of his little girlfriend as she gets older. It doesn't always work that way m8.

To most males, young girls from 11-15 are most attractive. See "Prevalence Tromovitch.jpg".

You know how popular porn tags are "barely legal", "18", etc. If the legal age for porn was 15, I bet that more people would want to watch the porn with 15 year olds because they have more desirable features.

OP here, sup. I forgot to write "Discusion Topics" above those greentexts. Sorry for the confusion.


Is it the real benjikins or an imposter?

I'd imagine an imposter. The real benjikins was from baphomet weren't they?

Why's nothing of that sort quoted on the wiki or any other mainstream sites?

Because they want to keep up the image that it's unnatural

Mainstream sites are run by pro-censorship kikes. They don't want the goy to know the truth.

Yes he was from baphomet but i remember talk about him being offered the BO position for Holla Forums but he turned it down.
That had to be around a year and a half ago but i dont even know if its the real benji or a new mod that took his name cause i cant imagine a good man like him would still hang around this dump

ok, sure

then can you share online source on the info you shared?

I didn't share it, so no I can't.

You're talking like if natural selection played a role in human life that men would still be running around pumping and dumping chicks like niggers on welfare.

aren't you edgy

Look at this triggered nigger

Are you implying niggers on welfare aren't the leaders in abandoning the women they impregnate to be single mothers in a continuous cycle?

lol nigger detected

Looks like someone is lost

That would be trailer trash. Maybe focus less on blacks and more on your pedophile leaders



No trailer trash just don't know when to stop fucking so theres families with dozens of kids.

Thank you, also would you mind visiting


Would you visit

oh hes that same moralfag spamming b4uact everywhere, no surprise he'd get triggered at someone who isn't checking their white privilege.


Did masterchan arrive here?

Someone earlier said that it was still down so I'd imagine so.

it's online

no worries there is a new site coming up soon

they will be happily inviting everyone who likes to post CP and other stuff


what stuff is there besides cp

instagram photos of russian girls

tripfag circlejerking, its the only thing more morally reprehensible in modern society than CP is.



that's banned here tho


kill yourself

You fail to realise that that website is completely on our side.
Usually all recent studies performed on pedophilia only have convicted criminals as their sample, but acts as a brigde to non-convicted anonymous pedophiles and psychologists to perform more accurate studies. They help with the "pedo =/= molester" idea.
You act like a bunch of NEET channers were predators that have uncontrolable urges to attack little children.

Actually it will be just slightly more free than Holla Forums. Don't expect much
I also think they won't even welcome this kind of thread there, according to what the /cunny/ board owner said,


they are trolls
they don't really care about kids, or facts

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Holla Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!


I wonder if tyrone ever misses when chan culture was still alive and we'd still give him 5 dollars for meme purposes every now and then.



Moar 😍

Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability.

No thats okay, the grannies are all yours.



Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability.


Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability.

_Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability._

Someone tell me what this is?
inb4 NiggaIAintClickinThat.jpg

Who /fbi/ here?

You triggered, nigga?
Go back to Plebbit, rulecuck

im eating a bowl of cashews rn and im pissed off at how unsalted and not crunchy they are

Are you, trips?

Please tell us more, the world needs to know.

im also drinking a cup of tea and using a pair of chopsticks to eat the cashews so my keyboard and mouse doesnt get dirty when i type/click

I don't think the world is ready for this kind of knowledge.

i can give u more if u want
watching this video rn

Less fapping also helps keep your keyboard and monitor clean.
Let me see if I can help…

Please use a tripcode so we can tell you from other anons

TFW no hebe boys.

but im not a faggot tho

could have fooled us you tea drinking queer

Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability.

u wot m8?


"Fertility nor age should ever be considerations when evaluating female sexual eligibility and/or availability."







Are you the same user that dropped on here and classicb a couple of days ago?

+1 to the bump limit, encourage everyone else to do the same

yup, nice to see you :d

How nice of you.
You just cant wait for another fresh thread in the catalog

Sorry i didnt post any full sets but ATM all i have is laura and valensiya, ill be getting a new computer soon so i can access all my other non candydoll stuff.

already reported it to google for dns blocking :)

Forgot pic

it's cool m8, I'm just glad I could help you out

most of the people in here are probably from masterchan and after this thread dies will fuck off back there, like you should but you wont have any non-pedos to annoy there, so you'll stay

Ahh yes, this was the first set I saw from candydoll.

fuck off, satan

this is for you

I never really liked that place due to the massive amounts of elitism so i just lurk there once in awhile

why not go there? everyone there is just like u, and unless you upload cp u have nothing to worry about
the only reason you stay is because you revel in attention

because i feel like arguing

laura Holla Forums belongs here, just accept it

you're supporting child abuse

Some people forget this is the random board and not /mypersonalsafespace/

you're breaking board rules

Real Queen of Holla Forums indeed.

Really? She seems to be smiling and happy in most pictures. You can see for yourself nothing bad is happening.


Laura B isnt illegal, she's cute.

The only thing I accept is that they need the rope

yea, being forced to pose sexually when they dont know what they're doing definitely isnt child abuse

8ch can set their own restrictions on posting irrespective of legality

Can i roleplay as an edgy kid with you?

lol ur funny we need you on

Shot down stock Photos!!!

We rulecucḱs now**

Fixe mai friend



stock photos arent produced with the intent of giving fapping material to pedos

I have more respect for stormniggers filled with spit and vinegar than for "virtuous" pedos.

There is nothing about pedophiles in the criminal law system that needs studying. What we need is a study that examines the outcomes of child sex while avoiding the selection bias of criminal conviction, and the outcome bias of stigmatization.

positive self concept, unless you are some "virtuous" fool. The sense of having insight that others do not have.
cons are self censorship and a strong sense of social friction. Bad for one's blood pressure.

only but pedos and lolbertarians cares if restrictions are placed on pedos

is autosage at 200 or 250


Laura is a beautiful & healthy woman today, I'm pretty sure she was never abused

True ;_;

Oh my god you are right! Nobody should ever take a picture of an innocent child again!

Look at this poor girls being force to be happy ;-;

You literally can see the AK47 aimed at their heads!

it's a term used at krautchan you newfag

I sometimes use stock photos to masturbate.
Is has to be illegal because of this?

If there's no abuse in its production it's totally Ok.


u so dumb fucking stupid!

how old is she rn

ayy lmao rekt

no u

is it model images getting removed or is someone spamming CP?


Sorry, I don't speak german.

Pedos were kicked out when hw left. Nothing has changed since then.

if it was dysnomia he would delete all posts from the ips of the offenders and permaban everyone

be glad it's some other mod and not dysnomia that came across this thread first

man, that dysnomia guy is a fag

focus on him instead of fugthelug please :^)

Stock photos being removed


Hey faggot mod you have to remove that youtube video too


hi fugtherug how are you?

you mean they were "accidentally" carpet banned when (((jim))) slipped on a hotpocket

by stock do you mean department store swimsuit ad photo stock or shady ass russian model site stock?

holy shit that was legit a stock photo with a stock photo watermark and it got deleted.

JEWS, benjikins and even dysnomia were okay with those pictures but "fugthelug" is a full of hate individual.

literally this

not true, the faggot even perma b& me for it once

too extreme for 4chan is now too extreme for Holla Forums

russians have the right idea when it comes to pedos


oh wow yeah that was pretty autistic of me tbh, keep it up

terkkuja, fugthelug

the horror

I'm totally OK with this.

ALL of the pictures were legal.

dysnomia is deceitful, he will claim anything legal is fine but than he will start banning people for posting youtube vids and innocent face pics of kids.

I'm pretty sure sure some of them failed the dost test, like based on what he said

maybe if you didn't type like a sperg and post child models your images wouldn't get removed

Never mind Putin supposedly being a pedo on tape.

He's a massive faggot that's for sure

I don't believe the media for one second.

nice try fugthelug, you still done goofed.

He's based af fam


aw shucks, how did you know

If a DNC guy did this you'd have a conniption.



I got banned for posting a harmless pic on half chan, not really worried because that site is gay.
I was on my college's wifi and now when someone goes to post it says "you were banned for CP blah blah" is there any way ppl could find out I was me?
I would post the pic but can't post pics from iPhone on 8ch.

If you live in AUS, UK, NZ or the US, yes.
You're pretty fucked.

people should be allowed to post this,

but god damn it's fucking creepy

Are you afraid of girls?

If they keep logs of who accessed what sites they could check who accessed 4chan around the time the ban was filed.

wrong interpretation of "creepy" m8

I live in the USA why does that matter?

your college could probably trace it back to you if im guessing you had to login with your college credentials, but i doubt they care

the real question tho is why were you using 4chan?

i guess he's into bestiality as well

LEA tends to act in illegality, stupid justice system, 5-eye country, pedo hysteria, high capabilities to track down people, PATRIOT act….

Yes indeed


Those sets wouldve been pretty good if she didnt wear those creepy contact lenses, just my opinion

Because 8ch does not allow pictures to be posted from Apple devices (all I have) so its not as fun here.

I agree, looks gross.



stop posting the churka


Fresh meme coming out of the oven.
Save it while its still hot.





Are you Iranian?

I never heard that Holla Forums doesnt allow posting from apple devices or maybe i just forgot, i wonder why that is.

I just now noticed the "attetion".
Sorry guys.


Either they don't allow it or it just doesn't work, which is gay as shit b/c I have a ton of cuties to post

Fixed. Sorry everyone.

I feel ya not really because i never owned an apple product but that still sucks



Why not use a pc? I cant imagine than someone on 8ch is wandering too far from home

nope just using a vpn

Im not seeing the difference.
Is it a secret?

There was a typo.
In the first picture it's "attetion" and in the second it's "attention" with the missing "N".



I am though, and more.


Here are some other memes from previous threads:


Very old pic. Too lazy to edit.

its not about what YOU think is right or wrong. in the majority of the free world this is fucking illegal.

Shut up biatch


Sounds terrifying, life without meat wouldnt be worth living for me.
Nothing beats a good rare steak.
Why are you vegetarian, honest question.

because i fucking hate plants

where is freer than the west?


y is dis thread here

because mod must be short for moderate, and moderates are cucks too afraid to put their foot down and take a solid stance on anything


Yeah, sure m8
Places where you can't even collect rain water are free
Countries with the highest population of prisoners are the freest … yup.



Just about the whole of the world if money is on the table. What we is live in is not so much as the free world as the lawful world.


I love you too



answer the fucking question faggot, name a freer country that isnt part of the west

try being gay somewhere other than the west and tell me the west isnt as free


Why are you posting pictures of this child for everyone to see? Do you get hard when you show this to us?


You're posting faster, now that I have your attention.

What are you after?

This is the country that has killed hundreds of thousands of dissidents for organs because real criminals have hepatitis.

Because I like her. Don't you like her too?


I'm sure she's a nice person, but why are you posting her?

im sorry, since when was china in the west?
china is the fucking antithesis of the west, thanks for proving my point for me though

But she's also very beautiful, don't you agree?




U have shit taste lmao



Take Cambodia for example. Not Siem Reap and other western tourist spots, but the more remote Chinese tourist spots. They're libertarian paradises if you've got the money. You can be nearly completely lawless in most of the third world so long as you have the money. Why do you think Westerners vacation in Asia?

No, it is the West that is less free, and more regulated. This is a good thing. However, in my country I can't:

- Have the romantic company of a young girl
- Take psychedelics
- Own a firearm without strict justification
- Play airsoft

I can (but would not) do these things in gambling border towns of southeast Asia.

my tastes have been refined by natural selection over countless generations, unfortunately for you, something went wrong and you're a genetic dud

What's with all the censored images that I can't click on?

Also anyone have pics of kids who are pregnant?

How can little girls even compete?

Hint: Censored = mods working

Why not appreciate the prettiness of girls regardless of their age?

Be more open minded, user.

;- ;

Phillipines - Executed by president in jail cell for selling marijuana

They censored Skylynn

What a cuck faggots cocksuckers they are

Oh alright

what about my question?

cambodia age of consent is 15, thats one year below strayan aoc, also not allowing relationships with young girls means they can grow up free, its a good thing
you do know cambodia is famous for its black market right? most western countries are coming around on this anyway
straya needs to sort that out, see merica for a western nation setting a good example
see above

young children having relationships isnt right, they should be allowed to grow and develop without some sweaty neckbeard trying to trick and deceive them

Yeah, and he's railed against the Chinese as well, which is evidence for what I wrote above.

Here I am not even free to name the people who are destroying my country and ethnicity. How am I free when I am unable to resist my own ethnic dispossession?

Cambodia does not have laws for the rich. How naive are you?

No sweaty neckbeard has ever touched Laura. What's your point?

In the West it means they can grow up isolated. Lo and behold 1/4 of American girls are mentally ill. Drug use, alcoholism, anorexia, self harm rampant. Something is fishy here.

what is your country, was i right in guessing australia? if so im pretty sure you can say all you want about jews (holocaust denial may be another issue, and the west needs to work on that)

oh, like an autocracy? you really blew my argument out of the water, autocracies are the most fair and free forms of government


based moots

i wasnt even talking about ur snotnosed underage 3dpd

the fact that you can openly insult your countries freedom implys that you are in fact free. try pulling that shit in China, Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

But every time you fap to her, she is being victimized.

If you wrote an analysis on the Jewish role and it publicized through the media, you'd be taken through the spin wash by the HREOC. You'd be ruined irrespective of the finding.

yea what they really need is someone like you influencing them as they grow up, thatll be so much better

as points out, other countries have it worse. at least you're able to shitpost about it on the internet, they get arrested for doing the same about their government

No, the form of governance is not important. It is the race's capacity for economic development and respect for the rule of law.

If they lacked money. Again, laws are paper bullshit across most of the world. Here, the law usually applies. Good thing in most cases, but not when the elite is hostile.

nothing to do with freedom
tru, in free countries people just disregard the law and the law enforcement does nothing to stop them
such a bad system, why cant we be free like somalia?

Having reading comprehension problems?

That's not very nice of you user. How can you be so mean to a child?

its not mean to tell the truth, and if you'd ever actually talked to an average young girl you'd realise this is the truth and be cured in an instant

Anorexia, self harm… both almost entirely modern problems with the exception of historical royalty. Both described as problems relating to establishing secure relationships.

Child adult relationships ended in practice around 1930, the beginning of the modern world. Possibility of secure sexual relationships for 10-16 year olds?


Kids these days 'innit?
The pictures were technically legal.
We managed to fill 2 screens of moderation.
Can we hit a full page?
kids can't get pregnant. After puberty they are not kids anymore,

Acording to spanking thread(>>6488508) channers can be great parents. How does this thread makes us bad people? You are a meanie.

find data on when anorexia/self harm became a major issue in various countries, as well as the year in which it was made into law that pedos couldnt have access to kids before we can continue, until then you dont even have a foundational claim to backup your argument


Holy fuck are you guys still mad from the last thread? lel

We can't use self harm because it is a new term, but anorexia shows good results:, epilepsy&year_start=1700&year_end=2000&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1;,anorexia;,c0;.t1;,epilepsy;,c0

Then explain this fam

anorexia rose in 1950 but you say child relationships were gotten rid of in 1930 so theres a 20 year gap until the rise, not seeming very correlative to me
out of interest, have you examined other changes which took place around that time, maybe womens voting rights and the rise of feminism (not saying this is why, just throwing some other factors out there) that may also be responsible, or do you think this could be a case of confirmation bias?
also, check the german study, it actually contradicts your graph, having been low until the 70's, so how do you pick which graph to use? whichever one suits your agenda?

a more logical explanation imo would be that up until recently, issues such as anorexia and self harm weren't given much consideration, but as consideration of them increased, it would make sense that you would see an increase in recorded cases as people are more aware of them as issues

Oh no, a exception!

Not one, but many. And these are just ones compiled at Wikipedia, there's a lot of cases of it in Latin America, some even with photos and videos

Even if we can find matching curves for ngrams returns on anorexia and pedophilia, we haven't got a causative relationship. However, the reasoning is interesting to me:

Isolation and absence of intimacy is well known as a lethal poison to adult patients and test lab animals. Remember the Harry Harlow experiments? In 1930, child-adult intimacy ended, leaving only parental intimacy and child-child sex, both declining with age. Child-child sex play is probably declining further as violent nonwhites infest neighborhoods, and children are given minimal unsupervised time. Concurrently, youth mental health is now frequently described as epidemic in proportion.

to build on this, i just took a look on what the graph was actually representing - it was just the occurrences of the word, which makes this point even stronger. not a very good measurement to attempt to prove your point with considering the countless other variables at play with the frequency of a word's use - by that logic the patriarchy has just recently become a real issue


On the other hand, both fall into the field of medicine and present as an observable phenomenon that attracts documentation, unlike say, schizoaffective disorders which depend on lots of established psychiatric research to diagnose.

again, how do we know it's not any of the other countless factors? got any control studies to point to? there is much evidence to the contrary of what you claim, e.g., essentially a meta analysis of studies on the topic, none of which have conclusions supportive of pedophilia

yes, both are observable, but this still doesnt indicate that they have anything to do with a lack of pedophilic interactions - i also am not aware of it being a widespread issue, got any percentages of the total population who suffer from either?

You have the problem of the studies usually being selected for police involvement through clinical referrals, in addition to, as the paper notes, frightening moral betrayal by the adult through the act's illegality - a chicken and the egg problem when trying to find harm.

fair point, cant expect a government to publish a pro-pedophilia paper

Rind et al aside, the best I can give you is:

- In the last century, children have been subjected to extensive intervention in the relationships they experience
- One relationship that was eliminated was child-adult erotic
- Mental illnesses that frequently relate to intimacy, such as anxiety, now present a major health problem for children and teens.
- Psychiatric bodies typically fail to explain the causation but instead beg for mo money fo dem programs (see link below)
- Psychiatric bodies seem unwilling to investigate intimate relationships for children in the current year, sometimes documenting child sex play as "peer-peer abuse", even though intimacy-wellbeing relationship being well established. in point.

I'm suspicious.

how many children historically had pedophilic relationships though, so we have something to judge today's situation (I wouldn't say it's all that serious, as the majority of people don't have abnormal anxiety issues/anorexia) against? The studies discussed in the metaanalysis I linked, while it is true that the researching was likely bias, still took place, and their findings can't just be cast aside because of their use in a government paper.

True, but you'd now need perpetually nonexistent data on the rate by which child-adult sex fits into either rape or mutual attraction. If the results are bad, I take it as a blackpill and fold on both law reform and my ethnonationalism.

Thankfully I have studies like to keep my utopian ideal alive.

This link seems to be talking about controversy surrounding the article as opposed to it's findings. I also presented data, it isn't non-existent. So what do you claim this study proves?

(hail and sacrifice)

I doubt to myself that child-adult sex is characteristically criminal and violent, when sex between adults is usually beneficent. I see no reason to believe that child sex, while different, does not fall from the same tree as adult sex. The college samples in Rind circumvent the policing problem, so I hope that it gives a more authentic view of the matter.

OP here, this thread got very popular.

test, having issues posting

gonna have to split my post up into smaller chunks, doesn't want to post all at once

What's the policing problem?

Physical injury can occur to the child because their holes aren't large enough to take an erect adult cock, plus psychological damage, e.g. as shown in this graph:





Source for graph:

So I think it's safe to conclude that damage does occur from sexual contact with adults at a young age.

that's obviously rape.

Google Searches related to molest trigger

A lot of sick, broken people in the world because of pedophilia.

But whatever helps you sick fucks sleep at night, I guess.

It’s common for children to experiment sexually at early ages. Kids as young as 8 start to realize certain actions feel good. As they age they learn more about the issues related to sex and go further.

The issue of abuse has much more to do with equality between participants. Children are also conditioned to do what adults tell them. They are more likely to do sexual things they don’t feel comfortable about because it’s an adult telling them to do it.

You can tell yourself that the child wanted to do it but how do you really know that? They may go along with it and even look like they’re enjoying it but that could very easily be to please you.

Children of sex abuse have many issues related to that abuse later on in life. This is a proven fact that cannot be dismissed.

This is what pedos try to deny, even they themselves are suffering. Their obsession is unhealthy.

Those are important to know about. Like when the world goes nuked.

It is not about what you think or know is right or wrong either.

kek, 2hot4u

There are some third world countries that allow "gay" activities, but they are very chaotic and have little order, so it is not worth mentioning.
I think there are some pro-"gay" tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I disliked the LGBT anyway.

I only know a bit about this topic, but in some countries, prostiitution played a role in ending it in the late 1800's, as a way to protect young girls. Now everyone wants prostitution, even some Holla Forumsacks, and it will be a long time before things go back to better times. Personally, I want the abolishment of slavery undone.

this is why stigmatization should end

sexual abuse is not the only form of child abuse, and not necessarily the most destructive either
however, for some reason it's the only thing that gets all the attention

one thing everyone in this thread should be aware of is "confirmation bias"

that said, i think children should be allowed to stay children

You are correct when you say pedos are suffering. I’m a pedo myself and have found myself sexualizing children as young as 9. For many years I beat myself up over this. Lucky for me that I had the support of family and friends I could trust and that prevented me from ever molesting a child.

With the help of a trained therapist I learned many coping techniques and never ever allow myself to be alone around children. I also learned that having feelings is different than actions. I now help others whenever possible to prevent them from taking a much darker path.

Pedos want acceptance in the community just like anyone else but the media has demonized them to the point that they’re afraid to come out anyplace other than image boards and dark web. This is bad because when a person tries to fight the battle all alone they usually fail.

Treatment doesn’t always work but most of the time it helps to have someone to talk to that’s not going to judge and offer real advice instead of insults and death threats. Light kills dark thoughts. Move it into the open and it will die.


doesn't pass the sniff test

I would also like to point out that the doctor patient privilege applies to therapists also. They cannot report you to authorities for being a pedophile as long as you haven’t molested any children. Even if you have done some stupid shit as long as you keep it to yourself you’re good to go. It’s much easier to deal with things you want to do then things you’ve done. Get some help before it’s too late.

i'm glad for you for having supportive friends and family who can help you
wish could do that too, not because i'm afraid ending up molesting someone, but i imagine it would do good to be able to talk with an outsider
trusting things like this is not easy in current climate however


therapist does not need to know about my pedophilia
it's not the main problem, not even close

Hebephile reporting in i just wanna give my two sense on this yes we should lower the age of consent in my opinion to about 11 or 12 legal cp well?? i personally believe that it is okay to look at it and jack off to it but it is not okay to distribute it and yes we need pedophile Hebephile and Ephebophile acceptance not all of us are fucking child rapist or killers some of us are good decent people but i do agree with everyone that real actual predators and child rapist and killers should go to jail anyway that is how i feel.

The SJW mods are really showing off their true colors LOL.

Super edgy LOL

no ones claiming there's a set in stone line, but when you take 1400 women and find hihger rates of drug abuse and alcoholism among those who had sexual contact with an adult earlier in life, it's not comparable to consensual adult sex.

There's not so much as an explanation of the mechanism by which there is a line.

More or less fully physically developed (adult proportions to their body), able to give birth, would be my criteria, it would ideally fluctuate from case to case, but it is easier to set a bar which law abiding citizens would respect out of understanding the reason for the law - to prevent children being exploited. I think 16 is generally a good age of consent.

No, we can exclude reproduction as a reason why sex is beneficial to adults but magically becomes CSA below a certain age.

What we're dealing with here is conflicting tendentious studies.

What do you mean by this?

You aren't following the convo.

No, I just don't understand what you mean by this, why is ability to have children an invalid characteristic (excluding the like,

We're not judging sexual maturity, as children don't have sexual contact for reproduction, but because it is an innate social behavior.

Define "innate social behavior."

Falls within a normal set of behaviors. Between children at least.

So are you arguing for children to be able to have sex with each other or you to be able to have sex with children?

I don't have to defend human nature and what is an important part of social development.

Question is why child-adult attraction which ought to serve the same purpose ends up being recorded as a major cause of mental illness in grown adults.

You are yet to present evidence proving that it is this.
I don't believe they should serve the same purpose as I don't see it having any purpose at all that can't be served by a non-sexual relationship with the child. Why inflict all the physical and psychological damage on the child? How does this socially develop them?

I don't have to demonstrate what should be appropriate knowledge for this topic

Appropriate knowledge being knowledge that confirms your bias?

No, material on child sex play is widely available on the internet from parenting/medicine sites. Your cognition is below what is needed for this topic.

OK, so you say that it's "widely available" and I have provided studies and meta analysis' proving that it has harmful effects. Got any proof involving evidence and not weasel words? Cause right now it seems your best argument is trying to insinuate that I lack knowledge on the topic while not presenting any proof to your claims in the process.
Don't get me wrong though I sure that I just don't know what I'm talking about and that plenty of parenting and medicine sites prove you right.

You shouldn't be troubled by child sex play. It's not controversial. All parents will observe it.

You seem to think it's happens to all kids - evidence? You also haven't addressed the psychological and physical damage it causes.

Now you're being ambiguous; either confused or making wild claims. Take what I've written above or leave it.

What's ambiguous about this graph?

What does the graph have to do with sex between children, a universal human behavior?

I'm not talking about sex between children; This is a thread about pedos, aka adults. While I would disagree with legal consequences (maybe for the parents though if they had a hand in it) for children sexing each other, I don't think it should be encouraged - they haven't gone through puberty yet, don't understand what they're doing, and if they have gone through/are going through puberty, the last thing a tween needs is a baby to take care of.

Again, proof?

What does the possibility of sex play being a universal human behaviour have to do with the graph?

Child sex play is generally legal as it ought to be.

Two different behaviours, one social, one reproduction, marking the difference between child and adolescent sexuality. Upon puberty the female becomes guarded, unless they are intellectually impaired.

What do you define as sex play? The graph defined sexual abuse as:
Is there an overlap between what you want with a kid and any of these? Methinks sex play is code for molestation/child abuse.

Just because something is legal does not make it right or acceptable - healthy children aren't having sex with each other, they're running around playing tip and learning basic social skills - sex is not equivalent to a social skill, it's intrinsically linked to reproduction., any other interpretation is, dare I use the term for it's association with feminism, a social construct. It is just as subject to scrutiny as any other social construct.

Not sure what you're trying to prove here.

I have to correct this, There can be unconscionable legal costs associated with this in when detected in school environments.

The article specifically refers to adult perpetrators.

And? It completely supports my point that adults should not have sexual access to children.

Why did you try and link the graph to child sex play?

You mustn't have made it clear enough that you were talking about child child not adult child

the majority of people against this have inner fears and or fear based perspectives when you come from a place of love and understanding remedy and resolve arise as the only solution. Justice is applied to those who HARM or have a history of harmful tendencies. Period. anything outside of that is Technically Assumption. and tbqh the majority of people who technically have not harmed a soul but held a mere NONABUSIVE relationship those who contributed to that persons "demise"
well in actuality those people involved are technically attempting murder/assault this can be noted

knowing the end result they too
contribute to the destruction of humanity
and its naturality

Fokin legalise it m8