Is Rust too pozzed?

I want to spend sometime learning the rust language, but I'm bothered by the proliferation of SJW "contributors" and the reputation they have given the language.

Is this just nonsense on the periphery, or does it run deep through the core of the project? For instance, there are lots of SJW involved with Linux, but Linus is pretty based himself when it comes to making decisions based on merit.

Nonsense like the above bother me, but if this sort of idiocy is not endemic, then I'll proceed.

Other urls found in this thread:

This seems contradictor, since programming language design inherently precludes a large subsection of certain so-called "minorities".


Rust is pozzed right down to the syntax. They deliberately adopted confusing Ruby-like "syntactic sugar" bullshit that makes code "beautiful" (aka promotes difficult to parse one-liners), to attract "non-system programmers to systems programming," and thus, presumably, repel existing C and C++ programmers.

>If you'd like to see the original, it's still on GitHub:

Why do you think they would do that? Think for a second about your stereotypical Ruby or Python programmer, and your stereotypical C or C++ programmer, and you have the answer.

Yeah the more I read, the more I'm absolutely disgusted.

I was really just looking at Rust as a more modern alternative to C++. I already know over a dozen languages, so figured I would see what the hype was about. Perhaps there are some good technical merits to be found, but they are clouded by incredibly stupid people pushing for nebulous goals. When I see "we need more diversity", I read it as "We need less white males". Utterly asinine.

Puzzlingly, they also took the worst parts of C++ syntax.

Alright I was deciding between Rust and Swift, and I'll play with Swift instead.

> At project launch, the team is composed of Apple employees due to Swift’s origin within Apple. Over time, exceptional community members from a much more diverse background will be appointed based on their record of community involvement and contributions.

That last phrase is what I want to hear.

You do realize that this will most likely be people who removed most 'problematic' words from documentation/comments and did most thought and language policing in community.

If you make logical decisions using a baby's first PR sentence you aren't going to get far, here let me play your game:
>At project launch, the team is composed of Apple employees due to Swift’s origin within Apple. Over time, exceptional community members from a much more diverse background will be appointed based on their record of community involvement and contributions.
See, it's SJW bullshit.

Explanation needed.

That accusation towards Rust wasn't based on one sentence, so no that's not equivalent to my game.

The Swift developers do not publish discussions on renaming the pronouns in the Dining Philosophers problem.

Rust is just not even a useful language. It's a lot slower than C due to the safety checks, and they don't even accomplish anything. You can still crash it with an out of bounds array access.

It's a fucking programming language you retard. Might as well unlearn English because it has too many SJWs.
I don't like rust as a language, but avoiding a language because it "has SJWs" is so fucking stupid I can't believe it.
It's a goddamn tool. SJWs use hammers, wrenches, and pliers too. If the SJWs in the community somehow stop you from writing code or using libraries in a way that another language wouldn't, then sure, but other than that, you're just being a reactionary fucking idiot.

Using a codebase for your project helps its proliferation. You comparisons are not equivalent analogies.

They mostly use Apple and trigger warnings tbh.

Diverser in this context can mean "people from outside Apple", instead of a homogenous group of Apple empolyees. Of course, since this is coming from the company that lets its employees march on a degeneracy parade to promote the brand, I wouldn't bet 100% that that is what they meant.

A programming language still needs to be implemented, and if the implementers are more concerned with pronouns than code quality the language will be shit. Imagine a hardware company concerned more about making their hammers, wrenches and pliers "queer-friendly" by making the handles out of dildos or some shit like that, no one would use those tools.

I'm more concerned with the actual language than perceived issues with the implementation. If the language is shit, it's shit, if it's good it's good. There is no "The language is made by SJWs so it's bad." Judge the language by its constructs. Rust has tons of actual flaws, criticize those.

Is Rust made out of dildos? You're strawmanning, as the actual implementation of the language isn't somehow "queer-friendly" in a way that impacts usability. It's a shit analogy that doesn't actually represent the situation. It's more like if a hardware company made the exact same tools as everybody else, but some of the people involved were SJWs.

Rust is shit, but it's shit because it's a shit language, not because of the political standing of the programmers. Stop doing what the SJWs do. You should be focusing on the matter at hand, not diverting to irrelevant politics.

SJW are usually just a momentary nuance, there are indeed some developers that have controversial opinions in social media, but for the most part its fine.

Real pesty SJW are useless as they can't code or do anything useful. They just spent all day looking for comments where you use the word "he"and make stupid push request.

Can you clarify to us on why Rust is shit or are you just gonna stay there pretending you're not defending SJWs DDOSing the leadership of every FOSS project they can with irrelevant gender pronouns and muh diversity and Please Bang My Wife codes of conduct?

I haven't touched it since it was still pretty new, but I remember:

Still much slower than C and C++ (about the speed of Java).
No nothrow.
Macros fucking suck, and trash any static analysis.
No kind of variadics at all (except through macros, which fucking suck in Rust).
Rust inheritance and exceptions both fucking suck.
Rust has 5 incompatible pointer types.
The borrow checker is a cunt.
No useful function overloading.

Most importantly, it doesn't actually improve much at all significantly enough to warrant existing. Most of the entire fucking language could exist as a style guide on the latest C++ standard. Instead, it's a new hipster language (like Go) with some interesting ideas, and a whole bunch of shit that comes with a brand new language that offers a tenth the features of C++, Java, and C#. These days, every new language ends up being an overreaching exercise in simplification that comes at both the expense of performance and features, so typical problems are incredibly easy to write, but as soon as you hit something messy or difficult (that still needs to get done, because it's for work or something), it either becomes unreadable, 10 times the length of the same thing done in a tried-and-true language, or is simply impossible in the language (like many fucking things are in Go, due to ass-backwards ideas on typing and generic code).

Rust is better than Go, but it's still a weaker, slower, and shittier language than Java, C, C#, and modern C++, which are all the languages it's really trying to compete with. I don't know shit about Swift, so I can't comment there.

Of course I'm not. I never would defend a SJW. A language is not an SJW though, and I'm not going to do the same thing they do by blackballing everything that an SJW has ever touched. Keep your politics out of my programming. Technology speaks for itself. Linux and the BSDs would be just as powerful if they were made by SJWs, and Rust would be just as shit if it was made by rational red-pilled cynics. A product is not its creator.

You have this response because you talk from the perspective of a passive consumer, and not a contributor who must access the community they will be dealing with. That's fine, there is a place in the world for non-entities such as yourself, but you make a fool of yourself when you step outside your lane.

You're the sort of spineless fool who would critique a movie starring a nigger as George Washington by saying, "I don't like it because it's a bad movie, not because of a POC! An out of place POC in a movie doesn't stop me enjoying the movie. Complaining about the POC is reactionary".

Suppose for a moment that you weren't a beta-leftist and could actually code. Wouldn't it annoy you if your contributions were rejected for superficial reasons based on pronouns and the remote possibility that some special snowflake could be offended by a function name?

When you have calls for LESS WHITE MALES on the governance team, that becomes a technical concern to contributors, and those who will actually have to interface with the community.

Alright that's a better response. I wrote
under the assumption that you were a complete fag.

I looked into both, Go and Rust. Sadly neither of them offers anything new/good over existing languages. However both of them are inherently tied to SJW ideology with shitty COCs and all the special snowflake cancer that comes with it.

rust has no throwing. if you mean unwinding, you can disable that
they don't trash static analysis
rust has neither inheritance nor exceptions
rust has 2 pointer types.
it achieves memory safety without gc.
then why doesn't it?

i agree with the rest of your post though

Fucking white knights, I swear.

It is not far fetched to say men are to blame for this.
Men gave women the vote
Men allow women to behave like retards
Men prevent other men from hitting women
Men defend womens honor for free on the internet

OK, using dildos and handles is a bad analogy, but imagine they half-ass the steel. Maybe they order some third-rate steel because the steel company is in some shitty 3rd-world country or the CEO is supporting degeneracy parades, thus putting emphasis on politics rather than quality.

A lot depends on what your motivation for learning the new language is.

If it's intellectual curiousity, I'm really enjoying studying the new edition of Wirth's "Project Oberon". I think I prefer Oberon to C as a systems programming language, it has cheap protection against programmer mistakes. It's disappointing, but no longer surprising, that the Rust/nim/whoever else people choose to start again from scratch instead of building on something good that already existed (if you prefer "C-like" syntax, Cyclone would have been a fine choice).

If it's for work, I wouldn't look beyond C and C++. Especially C for systems. You almost certainly already know C; but I find returning to C++ every few years profitable. The language is so wide, there's always something new to learn, or something old that you didn't understand last time. And this knowledge can still earn you money in 10, 20, 30 years. Non-ISO/IEEE/ECMA standardized, non-vendor neutral languages typically can't do this.

C++ may not be perfect but everything else is just worse.

It's shit anyway. Learn C.

Go learn Rust :^)

Setting aside Holla Forumstards screaming about women and blacks and whatever, why do these people always pick the most retarded solution to a problem?
Well, it was actually gender neutral, and
still is sometimes.
If these morons were smart, they could have just pushed for some new male pronoun, and left "he" be generic, while rightfully saying they are just returning to an older state of the language.
Same with man.
It'd actually be pretty logical.
You'd have man(generic person), var-man or whatever (male person), wo-man (female person), and hu-man(the species).
But no, that's too easy.
Better to have xe's and zher's and shi's and unconfortably shoehorn -person at the end of every profession that ends in -man, creating an abominable wooden language.

Because it's not an attempt to solve a "problem" but an attempt to gain power in order to censor/moderate/control others.
Even accepting that there is a problem is the first step to being censored. If there's one thing we have learned from the multiple fields that have been destroyed by censorship it's that you can never treat their complaints as rational or reasonable in any way.

Any benchmark.

You can't prevent panics that happen further up the call stack.

Inheritance is missing. That's what sucks about it.

Rust has two incompatible types of exceptions, ones you can't throw and ones you can't catch.

It isn't memory safe.

Pure NIH hubris from webdev hipsters who don't know how to use their tools.

its kind of a shit language tbh

i don't see the point

Except it is, unless specified.



We're never going to have a good technical discussion on this shit with people like OP using buzzwords and retards like the C++ fag who doesn't know what memory safety is.

Remember that this is the grave you chose, dipshits. You have only yourself to blame when this place dies.

Not to mention that this is probably the same autist who rambles about smart pointers every thread as to why C++ safe and Rust is useless.

You have to go back pajeet.

let array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];array[100]
This will compile. It segfaults, exactly like it would in C.

It panics retard, not that I would expect you to know the difference.

It panics before trying to access array[100]. array[100] might point to a location with readable data, causing problems without outright crashing in unsafe languages.

To add on this, if you don't want the implicit bounds check in arrays you need to use iterators for now, at least until integer ranges become a thing neverever.

In a properly memory safe language, this would not even compile.

The SJWs are always invading the languages I'm interested in. It annoys me.

Not even because they're there, because I couldn't care less what they're building with it as they just do their own thing. It bothers me because somehow we seem to think alike, and I don't know why.

Then again, they like node.js and I really don't so luckily there's still that.

There's no violation of memory-safety, dipshit. Runtime vs compile time, there's no difference.
If you wanted to do something so stupid, you have to do it in unsafe blocks.

rust has no exceptions. error handling is done through return values and panicking.

What's the point of other languages when C exists?

bounds checking will be elided in other use cases too. you don't have to use iterators.
also rust has integer ranges:

I genuinely don't care

Rust is another hype language in search of a problem to solve

It does absolutely nothing a competent programmer couldn't address with C

Cry more about it

most software isn't written by competent programmers though.

That's because we don't have a death penalty for programming incompetently.

I went full pleb and used the wrong term, I meant this:

Competent programmers don't want to waste time building boring things, like custom websites or crm database stuff. Others needs to do that. Those others need simple languages.

Rust is the opposite of simple.

So let shitty programmers who can't const() fail instead of giving them abstractions and "safety" user

I'm honestly sick of hearing about this hype language and its excuses (muh maturity, muh 1.0)... they can't even decide who they're supposed to be competing against and they're constantly promising the moon and pissing and moaning about how unfair benchmarks are

OP got banned from /r/rust for questioning why it was much slower than F#

not according to the comment section

i guess this is this hashset benchmark:

Why isn't there a death penalty for not programming in C?



What is it with Rustfags and their weird inferiority complex? I've met faggots who loudly proclaimed the virtues of other shit languages like Ruby or Javascript and somehow Rustfags manage to outwhine them all while somehow being even less productive. If their language is so great, then why aren't Rustfags using it to create amazing memory-safe programs right now?

stdin:1: error: ';' expected (got "isn")

C and Scheme are all you need.

Stop being creationist against them

Your civilization would collapse



I'm all for this.

That might actually be an improvement.

We have people, and believe me folks, I see and meet a lot of good people in the country, but we have people who cannot manage memory. They can't manage their memory because they're the wrong people for the job. "I CAN'T REMEMBER... I CAN'T REMEMBERRRRRRR" It's a disgrace.

We are going to take our power back, and we are going to stat manually allocating, annnd, you can't forget this, very important, aaaand start freeing again. Isn't that what everyone wants, more freedom? What do you have to lose, your code sucks anyways, vote for me, I'm with you.


Shitty programmers write a shitload of the things you use and even like user. It's a sad fact of life.

Any field of engineering other than software engineering:

Software engineering:

Any field of engineering other than software engineering:

Software engineering:

I like C, but there's just so much useful stuff in the C++ standard library that I'd fuck up writing for myself. Also templates are kind of nice.

Other than that, Python is great for when you want to do something but don't want to know what you're doing.

I'd settle for them defining exactly what their language is meant to be doing that other languages don't do already.

Right, which is why the #1 vulnerability in software is memory safety violations, even among the most competent.

If memory safety violations are happening, it means those responsible are NOT competent. There are C sanitizers freely available that prevent both use-after-free and out-of-bounds violations. Why would you not use them to help verify the correctness of your program?

Because the programmers are not competent and don't know about those tools.

we have a winrar

In my experience, the people who claim to really hate C++ haven't written anything with it in a long time. I could be wrong, but I believe there isn't anything in Rust that you cannot do just as well in modern C++ (11).

Things are looking even more interesting in c++14

As if career-long C programmers don't commit memory safety violations.

It's much harder to write code that compiles in Rust than it is to write code in C/C++.
I love C, but shitting on Rust because it was made for pajeets is hilarious, most of them don't even code in unsafe languages and use all GC'ed ones. Even if they did, they will realize how shitty coders they are because they will never get anything to compile ever, they will drop it in minutes.

Look at all this Rust shilling. If didn't know everyone in the Rust community was a HIV-positive homosexual male who can't bear allowing something disagreeable being said about the hyped toy programming language they became fans of I'd accuse one guy off trying too hard.

Yeah because calling out retards like yourself for their shitposting is 'shilling.'
Seriously, why haven't you fucking killed yourself yet?
Not every thread has to be filled with depressed retards like yourself who don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Go back to your systemdicks containment thread

No idea what you're talking about.
Go back to your browser recommendation containment thread.

Fuck off you obnoxious faggot

Aren't they up to C++17 now? (Not sure if there is a compiler for it).

14 has nice features AND is already usable at least by gcc

Haven't done much c++ programming in a while, does it still need boost libraries?

No. Fuck boost its a bunch of shit.

just pointing this out for people: this is a shill post

Well I agree, but when I was working with C++, almost every "expert" said you needed it. I thought it was disgusting so just used some standard library stuff instead.

You did, but now that everything you needed is essentially in the stdlib you don't anymore.

Boost used to be useful, parts of it still are (like program_options). Back before the good parts of boost were added to the standard (regex, bind, smart pointers), boost was the only sane solution for a lot of situations. Nowadays it's use is pretty limited, but I'm sure there's shit it does that's still unique. I haven't used it since C++11 though.

Alright, I'll get a copy of TC++PL (4th edition). Might as well read about the language from the man himself instead of books for pajeets.

Was hoping that Rust would have been enough of an idelogical push that it would have got me off of my 'Lisp autism' kick and be somewhat "pragmatic" enough to the direction of the "industry" ... but the community is just so cancerously cucked, that it made me very uncomfortable basing any potiental future financial stablity around it.

Who knows, maybe in a few years after the hypetrain is lessened all these webdev-fags will leave after they realize that systems programming isn't "for everyone" and it'll be more attractive; But I'm not going to risk WrongThink there as is.

You can argue identity politics all day here, but in the end only those who write the code matter.

Isn't that Holla Forums's raison d'être?

I credit lisp/racket for getting me away from my Haskell autism. Anyways, make your own products, in lisp. If you want to make money, you pretty much have to do this anyways, otherwise you have to be an expert poached by big companies, or you sit along side pajeet as he asks you what override means in an object.

The trouble with C++ is that I never find any reason to use it. When I need lowlevel, I always have C, and in between there are a host of better languages to pick from. That being said, I'm more into physics and mathematics so I tend to use higher level languages.

C++ seems more suited to serious scientific/physics work than cobbling together a Haskell solution.

Rust "programmers" don't actually write any code.

C++17's the next standard. Most recent is C++14. C++17 does some nice things like changing the prototype of the emplace functions so they return a reference to the newly created object which is nice, but fuck working with an in-development standard. You can use C++17 with the -std=c++1z flag.

For the most part, no. If you want Perl regex functionality, yes.

I use it and Python for robotics work, depending on how low level I'm wanting to go.

By not using a language because of the "sjw's" your just perpetuating a monoculture.

Judge the language based on its technical abilities and industry support instead.

So where does Rust software come from?

The clipboard of a Macbook in a Starbucks.

Nothing that can't be done better in modern C++.

Does anyone seriously support it? I mean, beyond Mozilla?

If C++ is so great, why are so many people working on alternatives?


People trying to make alternatives to C++ are like hippies promoting pacifism as an alternative to war.

Because hipsters gonna hipst.

toppest lel

C++ is stuck in the 90s. Us modern millennial engineers express ourselves differently than white nerds in cubicles of yesterday. We develop safe friendly communities for a global village where we can share often and work towards creating beautiful code, all the while striving for greater human equality to right historic wrongs. We have a lot more work to do, but Rust, Node.js, Django, and Ruby are all positive steps as we march on the right side of history.

Everyone can Code! Just be yourself. Have fun!1!!!

You have no idea the papers and implementations like Cyclone that led to Rust, do you dipshit?
Except it has unsafe blocks. There's no detriment. In Rust you have to explicitly fuck up. In C++ it happens on a daily basis.

Someone telling me their codebase, especially if it's large, has never segfaulted, or contains no overflows or overreads, is like someone telling me their shit doesn't stink.

Go ahead, pal, stay delusional.

Someone who's competent at their job wouldn't say that there have been no mistakes made over a career.

Not him, but actually I'm not aware. Mostly because as soon as someone mentions Rust, they talk about SJWs, and when I do go to read about Rust on their site I find a lot of truth to the SJW allegation...

Right. Just wrap everything in unsafe blocks and the annoying borrow checker will stop throwing false positives at you. Got it.

Someone who's competent at their job will allow himself to make mistakes and learn from them when doing so has little impact, but do everything in his power (including using a few of the billion existing code analysis or memory leak detection tools) to write good code when it matters.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
By your definition pajeet wouldn't even touch Rust because he wouldn't be able to write anything without the compiler complaining to him.

You seem really upset over the fact that some people are excited about a language that eliminates the #1 class of vulnerabilities.

Who cares? It's just shitposting from retards who LARP about actually being a professional.

Either that or you're just upset because you're too fucking stupid to deal with the borrow checker.

I don't deny that Rust mostly attracts SJWs and other safe space aficionados instead of streetshitters. Pajeets are just too busy shitting Java into their computers to care about the latest hipster craze.

Of course not. I'm very glad you found a nice safe space :^)

Obviously they stole it from a bunch of neo-nazi NEETs arguing on a chinese webm swapping site who are actually the shadow world order behind every line of code ever written

Jesus fucking christ.

my sides

Well done Holla Forums

2/10, I was bored.

Not yet. I'm waiting for 2.0 but I've written a few small projects to try it out.
And anyone can be a professional if they're paid.
As opposed to the retards LARPing about being "professional" in the same post that they declare C++ "memory safe." Dead giveaway that they're not competent, let alone professional.

You don't have to use C++ or Java to be called a "professional".

I know someone paid to write Go code, and many write Swift code for iApps.


Explains all the yellow fever threads on Holla Forums.


I'd rather write Go all day than probably any other language that I know.

Holla Forums doesn't deny that Asians are an intelligent group of people, capable of running their civilization.

*their own

Of course it affects it, it vastly improves it. Look at India after the British. They went from street shitters to street shitters that can take away jobs from subpar programmers like you.

Now with niggers, you can't run better software on crappy deprecated hardware.

If you actually read his post properly you'll notice he never said cee pee pee was memory safe, spergonaut.

Well, the fact is, C++ *is* memory safe, because there are static analysis tools that prevent memory safety errors.

C++ isn't memory safe, that's a really absurd claim to make. Not even the other guy you're arguing with.

The important thing is that Rust isn't any safer than C++.

Are you retarded? Rust does bounds checking and C++ does not. C++ will never be memory safe.

There are C++ implementations that do bounds checking.

Great! So they have to be nice and welcoming towards Nazis! :D

Bounds checking is explicitly allowed by the C++ standard. It's an optional feature.

We need to create a cee poo poo language.

Time to troll their IRC channel with that.

variables should always be designated.

Instead of channels we use streets, just so we can have a designated shitting street.

Don't they already have Visual Gaysic for that?

It's already in the middle of doing that.

"Sanitizers" and other similar tools are at best heuristic hinters. They cannot catch every memory management bug. Doing that in the general case is equivalent to solving the halting problem.

Boost is basically experimental staging ground for new standard library features. Anything that proves to be generically useful and well architected ends up introduced to the standard library in some future version of the C++ standard (possibly with fixes for problems noticed in RL usage).

You can basically look at Boost as a peek into the future of C++ stdlib through a slightly wavy and distorted lens.

It's very much the opinions of retards in this thread.


It's an experimental feature in some compilers, but to be fair projects like Mozilla are using it.
Rust prevents more than OOB, the defined behavior of access out of bounds in Rust is a panic. In C or C++, it's undefined behavior, it may segfault or it may keep running depending on the situation, which can be very bad. Depends on the compiler.

But rust has other guarantees beyond bounds checking at runtime: other memory safety guarantees, data-race safety, and type safety.

Since you seem to like Rust, a wonder how you guys deal with all the pozzed social justice nonsense. Do you just ignore it, or do you try to push back against it?

Are the actual creators of Rust complete faggots, or are they just betas who got co-opted into supporting SJW idiocy?

"muh safety", "muh safety"
seriously die

The original designer is Graydon Hoare (obviously fake), pic related is his home webpage
Here's his blog
We report, you decide

All I need to know right there. I hope both him and Stallman take that act to Africa, were at least that could be useful.

Enjoy being a weak, sissy, beta, numale, faggot.

What are you, cucked?

I can get behind this.

Only when you stop being a faggot.

0/10 author should gas themselves.

you ain't got a stick up your asses, you have an entire faggot


No license fag detected.

I want to learn a language and thought Rust was kinda a good choice because of its claims about being future-oriented and cleaning up old 'malign' paradigms through code sophistication.

Currently I am a sysadmin who never needed to code (aside from some smaller python scripts, bash orgasming and java tweaking).

Can anyone honestly suggest a good language which is not going to get canned within the next 30 years or so? Rust stills seems legit despite these SJW fucks who are pretty much everywhere right now.

please let it have an garbage collector :^)

Perl 6


Oh wait
The only language like that is C

Your options are C, the only way to know if rust will be relevant in 30 years is to timetravel

POSIX shell, probably Python, C + Boehm GC

Other than that, you'll have to take chances. D, Go, Haskell probably aren't too bad choices. Swift is decent (or so I've heard), libre and it has Apple behind it so it'll probably stay around. Rust probably isn't too bad if you don't mind that it is SJW-ridden.
It's probably safe to assume that the banking sector will keep Java alive for some time, but probably not what you're looking for.

le only good language is le C xD

I wish there was some way to pry rust away from the SJW's, they haven't managed to ruin the language itself, just the infrastructure around it.

The creators are SJW though as said

• Rust doesn't have tail-call elimination? How does it handle recursion then?

• By getting a stack overflow if you recurse too deep.

gc and memory safety are mutually exclusive. That said, rust's "memory safety" is useless, because you end up having to drop into unsafe mode to call inline C whenever you need to do low level memory stuff.

Why? Driving is fun!

There's always a catch. Rust appears to me to be based on false advertisement.

Oh boy, another thread with autists who don't like thing blatently spouting bullshit.

Pajeet, spend another year learning English before you post here again.

Are you sure about that?

It has Jetbrains behind it, and it isn't gonna disappear anytime soon.

Obviously, Common LISP.


You're ready for assembly, son.

And nothing has happened in 3 years?

From "Why is tail recursion optimisation not implemented in languages like Python, Ruby, and Clojure? Is it just difficult or impossible?" ((( )))

I'm fairly certain there are several levels of bullshit in this sentence, but I can't quite pinpoint exactly what.

Also, just realized Clojure doesn't have it


Clojure at least has a way to mimic tail calls using recur.

I remember anons used to shit on Eclipse very hard back in half/g/, and one of the main alternatives being recommended (other than typical Java vim memesters) was IDEA, the other being NetBeans.

Since NetBeans is on most distro repos I tried with that first, but for some reason menus took ages to open, which didn't happen in Eclipse. Then I tried to install IDEA by compiling from source, but I had to install the development version because fuckers put the stable version on a repo in their website, which had to be downloaded through http without any checksum whatsoever. Finally, after many tries, I managed to get it running, and I discovered that all settings were hidden in the most fucktarded places, and that sometimes Gradle and Maven refused to update themselves. I tried updating and recompiling, but now it won't compile anymore because of some bizarre Android plugin version mismatch errors (or that's what I deduced).

I finally decided to fuck off with the new IDE and stick with Eclipse, which despite somewhat rough around the edges, was miles better than these little shits and proven to be fairly robust and usable. Then I discovered Android plugin on Eclipse was no longer supported, and I had to fuck myself.

tl;dr never trust half/g/, probably not even Holla Forums. Also don't trust JetBrains although Kotlin seems nice.

Rust does not give you a way to FORCE tail calls or guarantee TCO, but the compiler still performs TCO as an optimization.

There's also an open call for a proposal to that effect, the first one failed to reach consensus.

Look how much garage this SJW wrote to pretend to be an exert

Looks like it is faster in many circumstances though.

Only if you don't run the benchmarks yourself.

So the author not only fudged his benchmarks, benchmarks you have nothing to counter with, but also wrote heavily in-depth technical explorations of each tool including his own, of which you don't seem to understand?
You seem to be suffering from a mental illness. Perhaps you should stop posting on Holla Forums, and stop shitting up the place in general.

GNU grep is faster on my computer.

Developed by SJWs, of course it is.

OP, be a man and use Ada, you know, the shit they use in planes and spaceships.

Is everything Rust aspires to be, with more than 30 years of experience and updates.

As for SJW, this shit is basically a military language.

Become a (highly paid) hero, OP.

That's an interesting bit of synchronicity, I was just looking at a FreeBSD tool (synth), and noticed it was coded in Ada. A strange choice I thought so I started looking into it. From the wiki page it seemed quite nice, and it left me puzzled as to why you never hear of it.

With that said, perhaps I'll look into it some time in the near future.

Ada had some kind of curse from the start.
Several factors made the language never be adopted outside military/highly critical software:

Is difficult to imagine how the programming work would be today if this ahead of its time language had worked.

The entire world would be a better place if C never happened. I am convinced that C does not get replaced because the convenient bugs that programmers keep making with it make it easier to compromise a target computer for the government.

What area do you think it would really excel at in 2016? Also languages sometimes see a massive resurgence. Erlang became popular again around 2009 (the hype died off a bit), and it took a while before anyone cared about Objective-C, which really Steve Jobs resurrected.

I wish C++ hadn't happened to be honest. It's not even the language, which I find disgusting, it just seems to attract very low quality developers.

Ada is already used in everything critical or safety realted. See the f35 mess? they decided for this plane to stop using Ada and fall back to C bc there are more (less payed) programmers around.

Apart from that everything you can use a procedural program for, especially if you're not a big fan of GC. Object oriented is quite spartan though.

Specially, and this would be a great improvement over the current situation, in security related code. cripto-algorithm and protocol implementations.

It really does seem ahead of it's time.

Can you recommend any good books on it, or should I just start with Ada Reference Manual ?

I might pickup this out of curiosity.

Good to see it's triggering morons too.

The John Barnes books have been the reference for the last 30 years.

and you can find everything else here:

While googling, I'm not encountering Ada "rockstar" hipsters. I haven't seen a Ada outreach for disaffected group X. Is this the language Holla Forums needs or the language it deserves?

John English's - Ada95 : The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming

This one is one of these 'mind-blowing' books that every OOP programmer should read, together with the .pdf over how to do object oriented C.

I'll add that to the list.

We're too busy making planes not crash or respirators not stop, we don't have time for that shit. Also, your fee-fees won't make the air control systems stay on.

You guys need to get a webserver going to attract that "full stack" talent.

C is fine, especially with the INRIA formally proved compiler.
I've tried to look at Ada, but I find it inferior to C. Also, look at a fucking userspace program in Ada.

Just mentioned that above. I have not gone through the code though, but the tool itself is fantastic.

You need to keep looking then.

That code looks really clean, what's the problem with it?

Nothing, he is trolling.

Comparing C with Ada (built-in concurrency, OOP, contracts...) is like comparing a hammer to a CNC machine.

I said that because of the rarity, not quality. I find Ada really good, but the verbosity isn't my cup of tea (even if we're in Javaland).

No. Anything more than struct is retarded. The only advantage coming with OOP is namespaces. is a good video on why

kill yourself

kill yourself

We should probably talk about Ada in a new thread instead of resurrecting the Rust SJW one.

I see that I have a choice of gnat-gcc or the adacore compiler. Is either one significantly better than the other?

The go shills have no bounds. Fuck hipsters. Java is better than Go.

the Gnu is basically the same but a couple of generations older, go for the adacore one.

And try the GPS IDE, is without doubt the best you can do with Ada. the others editors plugins are really poor in comparison.


sounds about right

Citation needed, but move it to the Ada thread.