The founding fathers didnt fight for this.
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that show was hilarious. you dont like watching potatos on TV?
its hilarious because they have ZERO concept of money, they have ZERO self awareness.
highlight of season 1: one of the tards trys cucking this beta dude for his girlfriend. repeatedly to his face.
also, the nigger wants to be a rapper, it's fucking hilarious
Talking shit about retards has always been considered bad form, even before the PC madness of this last decade. It's easier to make people throw money at them than at something like fat acceptance.
Abort all burdens
Just looks like your average nog with a speech impediment to me.
The Spartans had the right idea, just throw the defective off a cliff when they are born and be done with it.
I really wish the concept of eugenics was still around, but I can't even bring it up due to the association it has with the 3rd Reich.
Just sterilize the parents and give them some comedy or humour occupation.
Do you think it's possible to convice vegans to eat retards because they aren't self aware?
They really didnt. You did.
Just do a maneuver saying "Hitler drank water and loved animals" or something like that.
Frankly his rapping is no worse than the big names you hear about, and he seems a whole lot more likeable than all of them.
Why are these tards still around? Pretty sure they can screen for this birth defect and abort them prematurely.
The kikes are going too far
Also, they might have tried for long to get pregnant given how their fertility drops fast and think it is their last chance. Seriously, get a young wife.
Don't they all?
It's their go-to pleb dream, even if they have zero artistic inclination.
Is the sexual revolution and women's "liberation" bullshit really worth it just so you don't have to look at retards when you're out and about?
This is how I see all rap videos.
A mentally deficient ape talking over jungle beats.
Seriously, this looks and sounds exactly like every rap vídeo I've ever seen. If it wasn't for the contexto of this thread I wouldn't have noticed the difference.
Who says you can't have pregnancy screening and birth defect abortion without also having feminism? No one here is arguing for letting whores abort healthy fetuses.
Most retards aren't quite on that level, but there would be merit in having them eat all the fruits and vegetables.
Once you define abortion as ontologically distinct from murder the cat's out of the bag.
This is one of the core problems of liberalism.
t. me 10 years ago
I hate how people equivocate that just because you're "born" with something, it must be good.
Fuck that. If you were born with no legs, you can be mad about. There is an inherent disability by not having legs, warn folks and try and make sure it doesn't happen to other people.
Well then fucking do something about. Don't just say fuck it and have a bunch of legless children
Getting tired of your christcuck faggot shit nigger.
Christ was a homo who was crucified for witchcraft.
Reported for intl.
nice comeback to anons point. Maybe you're one of the spastics we're talking about.
You niggers better thumb up my comment too
maybe you're a potato who just can't into philosophy?
Killing human beings isn't universally prohibited, there is warfare and self defense. What makes abortion (in general not just for defects) a justified killing?
Maybe we should gas all disabled war veterans too. No that's going too far. What about neet car crash victims who have lost limbs. No that still seems over the top. What about REALLY shortv sighted people who literally can't see shit!
ps. I'm not a care bear.
I was a potato wrangler for a couple of years. The people I worked with bitched a lot about how little we got paid, but that was sort of the whole point. I worked that job because I hated myself, and the deeper my self-loathing, the harder I worked.
Potatoes create an industry that allows containment of bubbly altruists and people who suffer from complete lack of self-esteem.
I no longer wrangle potatoes, nor do I hate myself any more. I certainly hate potatoes with a whole-heartedly it borders on fanaticism, if any of my kids turn out to be potatoes i will post-natally abort them.
Why do they all look so retarded?
Holy shit OP, what a fucking edgy loser you are. I haven't heard of anyone so fucking heartless and cold. We really don't need shitheads like you ruining our NatSoc movement.
Mods, please ban OP.
BTW, Sage and reported.
No. If a child is retarded it should be post-pregnancy aborted.
I don't even know what to say right now. I'm just, I don't know… I'm just speechless right now.
Are you serious?
Are you kidding me??
Have I triggered you? If I got my way I wouldn't have to deal with very many niggers as their average IQ is below the maximum for retarded.
That's a net positive for the planet.
This is really fun bait because I know there are people exactly like this who lurk.
I've been thinking about doing something that will completely mindfuck the liberal mindset of "poor kid with problems, throw money at it" for a while, hear me out…
I have a severe case of Tourettes syndrome… For those Anons who haven't heard of the lulzy condition, (it's on the autism spectrum for a reason), Tourettes is a bizarre condition which one often has outbursts of involuntary movements or shouts called "tics", it's a really complex condition and I've lived through it my whole life, it hasn't been easy, I became a reclusive NEET because of it, I feared leaving my house because of my Tourettes… I've just learned to accept it and live my life well, not because of some liberal cucks constantly telling me "be yourself :^)" because they never really liked my true self (nationalist right wing manpig), I've learned to just accept my condition as one fateful day it suddenly dawned on me that I can offend liberals and get away with it. I am an IRL troll at heart, whether it's me or the Tourettes it does not matter, I can get away with it with minimal reproductions.
My plan is to just be myself 24/7, holding my tics in is physically draining, it will also help me just get on with shit without constantly worrying about shouting some random word like "NIGGER!" (and yes, I have shouted that in a city numerous times before).
In this day of age, I can easily play the liberal game like a fiddle, I can just let loose my inner Holla Forumsack in Tourettes form (which it naturally does anyway) with no remorse (I learned to just ignore people's feelings long ago) and get away with it because if anyone calls me out, I can throw the disabled card, which granted, it's helped me in the past, but I didn't realize how stuck up their own arses liberals are trying to gain the moral high ground, they'll either defend me when I shout "nigger" in the street because I can't help it or defend the nigger and then feel bad about defending the nigger because I can't help my tourettes, but if they defend me and not the nigger they're racist… But if they defend both they're shitlords for not taking sides, but if they defend no one they're cucks for not taking action… You get the picture, it fucks with their liberal mentality and one track mind.
So here's the question. What would Holla Forums say about a mildly autistic guy with Tourettes using his condition to drop redpills and troll liberals IRL?
Some months I'm more twitchy than others, some months I'm more stressed than twitchy… Basically I could just never hold it in and be an IRL troll, my condition (along with years of lurking chans) has given me the mindset to just give no fucks and just be based. I've gotten into conflicts due to my condition before, but I am always ready for it…
Fuck your potato worshiping you cucked liberals, make way for the king of offensiveness, and if you don't like it you can check your privilege!
TL;DR, I'm using Tourettes as a means to troll liberals
Any non-degenerate society, whatever religious or non-religious affiliation, needs a consistent, comprehensive and immutable moral code. You simply can't leave it up to "it felt right in my mind".
This. There's no way a fetus, much less a retarded one, is going to pop out and stab you in the face. Abortions happen purely out of convenience, even medically "necessary" ones like pre-eclampsia, which happens when the baby is already viable outside the womb and can be safely delivered with induced labour or caesarian section.
If you allow convenience killing of one class of people but not another you have an inconsistent and therefore degenerate moral code. If you reduce the worth of a life to however convenient it is for the immediate surroundings you are literally the niggest.
How about you post-pregnancy abort yourself.
Tard tender here.
You're right about the pay being shit, but I have no clue about the self loathing shit you're on about.
I like the job because I'm on night shift. Most of my shift consists of entertaining myself and killing time by playing vidya, watching movies, and shitposting. I've got two hours of actual work, which is some basic housecleaning and drugging the potatos. I get cheap health insurance (used to be 100% employer covered until obongocare fucked that up) and paid time off. It's not bad, and I know people that bust their asses for much less.
I'll agree that the coworkers are assholes though. The altruistic types usually snap and quit, but I work with miserable fat cunts. Fortunately I only see them for about an hour per shift, the rest of the time I work alone.
Also, tards should indeed be gassed. I'd gladly lose my job to see these leeches get purged.
I wouldn't mind having a tourettes friend.
Sudden outbursts of nigger seems funny.
Just get out of here christcuck.
Look, another retard that managed to get a TV show.
So, potato people can function on telavivsion.
So you are saying that defective mixes of genes that produce inferior humans should be considered equeal to normal fetus?
That sounds like Marxism user.
I don't like it either but sadly the natural world isn't a happy or fair place.
Retards are dead weight in a society and a families, if you know a fetus is gonna be defective just eliminate it before it gains self awarenes,
By letting them live all you do is you bring individuals into the world who will have to live their whole lives dealing with being inferior humans and being a dead weight on the people who suport them.
Mother nature is wise, in the natural world defects like these die soon and neither propagate their defective genes nor become a dead weight into their trives, rejecting this Darwinian truth cus "muh misplaced moral code" is the core of Kikery and Marxism
there is a deifference, the people you descrive are indeed a dead weight to society but only because they suffered tragedy and were cripled, their genes are not fucked though, they were born alright and used to be functional memebers of society at one point in their lives.
Retards on the other hand are fucked up from birth they will never contribute to society with anything of value. (i'm talking extreme cases of retardation here, if they are smart enough to work at Mc Donalsds they get a pass in my book, at least they are usefull for something)
So then what about killing off defective offspring AFTER they are born? See Sparta.
We need to require abortions for this filth.
At least most of them are unable to reproduce.
I would say you have a degenerate moral code if you won't abort those unable to provide for themselves.
if Spartans have had the medical knowledge to detect defects in a fetus and abort them safely they would have done so, but they were stuck with waitng to see if they baby had defects once it was born and they still did what had to be done
it's sad that our more tenchnologically advanced society doesn't follow their example, especially when we can do the same in a less cruel way (aborte them before their birth)
Something like 95% of mongoloid fetuses are aborted, and I'm hard-pressed to find that 5% who would go through with it among anyone that I've ever known. I think that parents who opt for a mong baby are extra snowflakey, and I'm willing to bet that the decision to keep it is the mother's.
You can never give any government the power to decide who lives and who dies.
Look at something like phalamine. Those were good white people who took a Juden drug that their kike doctor said would be good for them and look at what they got?
You take the lose. But this is celebrating of being a deformed mess is so CURRENT YEAR haha. A race of deformed tards is probably what Shlomo is fapping to these days.
To be fair, I bet a lot of you are total financial burdens on your parents with no prospects for future income. It's kind of your calling card.
Even nigger potatoes have one hell of a rape face.
I only chuckled and asked her if they are going to buy some nice shoes with that money. She was dumbstruck and actually thought I was serious so she said something like "no, they need wheelchairs and stuff".
But why aren't there eugenic and smart baby factories (that make babies out of dumb whores only used to breed with scientist autists) type of programs all over the world?
Eric Cartman is that you?
My suggestion is to always have a group of friends next to you that will explain how you are disabled and that you are incapable of stopping yourself.
That way even the dumbest of nogs won't even try to hurt you, because of the tribe numbers.
So you decided to use one from 2000 years ago originally propagated by 12 guys (only 4 in the book now actually) who claimed they all had the best and most honest version of one guy who claimed he was in direct contact to an imaginary, invisible friend?
Pic related, this is you
Well memed, my fellow anonymous shitposter.
Czech'd and kek'd
Dubz foretells it: This is your destiny fellow Tourrette Holla Forumsack.
You must fight fire with fire by offending the general area around you.
I control the tics through various vices, mind games and other tricks but I never thought about using them for redpills.
Granted, mine is mild to severe depending on circumstances so there is less I can get away with but the potential is there.
Bravo you madman
This thread is about retards, not fedora atheism.
You'd make lefties cum. If you're white then they would shit all over you. You'd become our, 'fucking white male' type retard. You're useless so go back to swearing at your mum and other family members who've grown used to your mental retardation.
I'm not saying anything of the sort. Just that to forfeit your right to life you have to actually be a threat or guilty of some capital offence.
Tough shit for them. People have always been dealt unequal burdens. You're the one who sounds like the Marxist here.
"Mother nature" is not a person and has no thoughts, intentions or knowledge. "Mother nature" has no preference for one outcome or the other, the laws of nature are the same for everyone. What exact "Darwinian truth" am I rejecting here?
None of them chose to be conceived. They are clearly not culpable for being retarded. Why then should they deserve death?
Words have meaning, "degenerate" isn't just "whatever I don't like". Feel free to advocate a harsher system, but at least a consistent one that isn't bound to devolve into relativism where anything goes.
What the fuck is phalamine?
So I'm not even allowed to share a philosophical point of view with Christians? (Never mind that western Christianity has for the most part rejected that point and fully embraced relativism by now, celebrating homosexuality, feminism and cultural enrichment and rejecting traditional, conservative values)
So what else am I not allowed to do because Christians do it? Breathe air?
I hate seeing shit like this. They aren't aware enough to even understand how miserable their existence is.
Why people encourage things like this, it's beyond me.
Reason why people keep pets. Disgusting.
Every time.
He means Thalidomide. That was entirely fucked up.
preferred slave class of the elite, huh?
Monsanto, anyone?
You know, I think that most of you know at this point but perhaps are not entirely conscious about it:
The human race has a lot of failures, failures that do not make it into the next generation. Some of these failures are genetic like op related. Others still are failures of thought (also kinda still genetic, but also perhaps bad judgements, aka feminism, gender bullshit)
Evolution removed these people from the equation, making sure that only the successful managed to produce good offspring.
The jews however thought that subverting this natural system would yield the best benefits to them.
So their main strategy has been basically trying to lift up the scheduled for evolutionary death-minority, over the successful.
One of additional downsides to all of this is that they are also managing to subvert the ones who were barely capable of producing offspring, but needed that little extra push to do so.
While the actual failures are perhaps just something like 20% of all humans (who die off without zero chance for success, perhaps the number is lower than that, but who cares). The potential failures are something like 40% though. Its people who do not have the best genetic base, but also not the worst, and that benefit a lot from outside influences the most for their success, from strict bosses, to bodyshaming society and such.
The jews are managing to subvert the majority of the humans like this for these reasons now. The majority of the whites.
This theory on their strategy seems to be pretty valid, dont you think? Its the one pattern that the jews are abiding to. The one thing that can be pinned down and used reliably to predict what kind of new things they may even do.
I wonder how susceptible those with down syndrome are to the media propaganda and conditioning of the globalist establishments?
Like… do you think they are trying to create a "Radio Controlled Human"?
That's more entertaining than it should be.
finally, a Holla Forums acceptance campaign
tbh, i've heard a lot worse
his retard genes just make him sound like he's a native african
even hotwheels said he'd rather have been aborted rather than living like this
This made my fucking day
Are you literally shaking? Can you even anymore?
But the Spartans doomed their own society by practically eliminating an entire generation.
I don't even understand what so bad about Eugenics?
We don't have to kill them, just make sure they don't reproduce.
Do the same for dumb people, and we could improve our whole society in a few generations.
Maybe offer a good sum of money for getting yourself neutered, as long as you have a severe inheritable flaw or an IQ under 100.
You could raise the bar once standards start to rise, to further improve.
I've seen the show, it's mostly single parents being "strong" and "empowering" their kids, but the parents are helpless leftists for the most part and so they can not mentally cope with such a difficult child. One is always arguing with her daughter (in the one episode I saw) but the guy in the upper left is just trying to be nice.
Lower left is in love with Adam Lambert and her trying to explain gayness to the guy in the upper right way hilarious until someone scripted in some cultural marxism and told them gayness was normal and they all started repeating it.