Live Anti-Brexit Protest to hit London
wew lads this is going to be good.
Live Anti-Brexit Protest to hit London
wew lads this is going to be good.
Kek provided them with downpour.
Their tears must have evaporated to create the clouds now raining on them.
How did we get here
They are literally shouting "we are the people" even though a majority of the people, voted for leave. How fucking retarded are these people.
Easy solution would be to announce that all refugees will be issued visas to come and stay as long as they want with free room and board, just need all the open minded, anti-racist Brits to sign a pledge allowing them to stay in their homes. After all it is current year.
everyone is so very special smowflakes that they must get their own way, its it obvious?
sore losers
There is so much shilling on the internet that the Brexit vote was a stupid mistake, and the economy for Britain is now going to be shit thanks to the racists.
I think Brexit wasn't supposed to happen and kikes are doing massive damage control
Who is this chic?
I wanna kill these people so bad
I love those "Happy? They are" posters.
Will work against them as usual.
Fuckem, they lost.
What a bunch of sore losers.
What a fucking idiotic twat.
The EU already said they would not accept a second referendum. What are they playing at? Who is financing these protests?
I can't possibly be the only one laughing at these totalitarian shistains organizing an anti-democracy protest in the heart of London?
(((they))) don't need a second referendum to keep Britain in the EU
simply having a protest increases the hypnotic control the organizer has over the mass, and dramatically increases the probability those participating will vote in the next election. its community organizing 101, bro.
You better get out there and organize
Keeping Britain in the EU isn't necessarily the goal here, demoralization is.
of who for what?
perhaps, ?
Unlikely. They shilled trice as hard for the remain vote, they false-flagged and even rigged the election whenever they could and still lost. If they think it's going to magically work this time they're fucking retarded.
Britain hasn't even started the formal process as of yet. They have said it'll probably happen in October by the next parliament, but who knows if they just try to sweep the whole matter under the mat?
fucking kek.
Are they chanting "Nazi Boris" and "EU, we love you"? What a time to be alive!
very carefully
this is boring because you guys dont have funs
How about you fuck off entirely
On the stream they yell "brexit now". Not very much anti brexit, but rather a "gtfo out of EU"-protest.
It's astounding really
Three weeks ago these people were devoted commies who hated DA BANKAZ DA BONUSES
Now because the ZOG apparatuses tell them to they do a complete flip
That's a succinct and disturbingly true way of putting it.
Keep in mind they are not unified, they just act in accordance with their mutual interest. This might be a case where they disagree on what that interest is.
One faction wants to make an example of Britain and have some sort of EU-Britain cold war. The other just wants their fucking stocks to go back up and wants things to go back to how they were before.
Why the fuck aren't Leave people put their celebrating this result and shoving it in their faces.
Why did the fucking Leave campaign just dissolve immediately? They need to keep the momentum going.
Tired from a day of work probably, just want to get home to the wife and kids.
Something for us all to laugh at.
Brainwashing is a powerful powerful tool. These are also the same people that created the Berkeley free speech movement. At their cores they are not for any principle other than destruction of the west. They aren't aware of it, but it's obvious to any rational person. All buzzwords, protests, and movements are tied only to what helps procure the death of western civilization and white people.
People believe what they're told. Right now people are being told that Brexit was orchestrated by evil racist monsters, so the people react accordingly. It isn't hard to convince someone of something, it isn't hard to teach someone something, what's hard is getting people unlearn something, getting them to go against their programming, that's the real struggle.
"racists out, migrants in" lol so cucked
At least everyone watching this knows they are all communists and niggers protesting…
Reaction in the rest of uk = fuck I hate London and im glad those fags are upset
In the biggest election turn out since 1997.
lol how many fags are there? few hundred tops?
Racists aren't people, you filthy fascist. I mean, come on, it's the current year!
lol what a dumb cunt
Retards think London IS the UK just like the same fucking retards think the EU is Europe.
Fucking millennials, Jesus Christ.
Why don't they just … move to a different EU state? I hear Calais is heavenly this time of year.
Leftist delusion is just sad.
wow, they all look the same don't they. They all wear those glasses, they all have those geeky faces, I mean, is that even a White woman, she isn't Jewish, but that face is off.
Well you see while these kids are out protesting their parents are just getting in from a hard day's work wishing their lousy good for nothing kids would hurry up and finish school or college and fuck right off.
Watching this has convinced me that Anti-Brexit is a cult.
You know what the most disheartening this is? All these people are millennials, in a decade or so they will inherit the country…
What can we do to make sure they grow up?
My only hope is that age will wake them up.
I'm a millennial myself (turned 30 this year) and I used to be a libtard back in the day until logic and empirical evidence woke me up.
I hear hanging adds a few inches
Well no shit. The vote was rigged in Remain's favor but there were so many votes for Leave it overwhelmed the rigging.
Remember to pay the NSAbook group for torrow a visit.
look at these limp-wristed shitters lmao
Four AmRen attendees could kill them barehanded
Doesn't seeing diversity up close usually turn people from it? Is there something in the air? Possibly the smog that killed all those racist peppered moths?
Now THAT is something to save
That's the most horrifying part of it all. Many of these people are actually intelligent. They know what brainwashing, conditioning, social manipulation, and all that is.. Yet the system tells them that it's brainwashing them to be fascist corporate nazis while simultaneously spending 8 hours a day brainwashing them to be commie dildos for 18-26 years.
And intelligent people believe it, every single day.
It's like the guy who watches TV news and then complains about Fox Jews, MSNBC, and CNN all being crazy biased. And because he watches ABC/NBC/CBS news at 6/9, he can see through all that bias.. and discern the same conclusions all the other networks have. Somehow. But he's -more- right.
The immigrants will kill them first
What a shit protest
We already won, what are they protesting?
Democracy isn't good enough for them?
I will be honest brits….
England looks comfy as fuck. Even your protests seem peaceful. This burger may leave the US if it gets bad enough here.
daily reminder that operation sea-lion would have been the best thing to happen to britain and the US should have stayed out of the war and liquidated all ((british)) and ((russian)) agents in the US
If this keeps up, it'll get walled off and John Carpenter can film Escape From London without any script needed.
Surely the powers that be would have done everything they can to rig the referendum.
Was it dumb luck or are the actual leave numbers simply too high to rig?
Too high to rig without getting caught I'd say.
This makes me curious as to what the actual numbers. 70% perhaps.
"I feel I feel I feel".
Yes, thats the problem, cunt. You feel, but you don't think.
The only complaint I have is I won't be able to use this again.
It wasn't easy, but they are almost done with (((their))) 2500+ years old plan, (((they))) have become exceedingly efficient at it.
You do realise that it's not over yet, right lad?
We have a long fight ahead of us.
drop a grenade in the middle
Now is the time for Britain to stop being cucks.
Quality protest
I-is there a minimum age for posting here, lads?
It's not the same, now there's a ray of hope there, now we're in fight-mode rather than the bottomless pit of hopelessness and despair.
No, but you must be at least this uncucked.
Good job, you got old fag Soros' attention.
>anti-brexit protest
I guess there will be anti-trump (((protests))) after he's elected and the streets will run with blood.
There's like. fucking nobody there, hundred maybe? 200?
Oh I agree, but I'm warning you that comfort leads to complacency. The last thing we need now are a bunch of people sat back in self-satisfaction believing the 'rest of us' are going to solve the issues for them. We're not in cruise control here.
They're literally traitors to their own country. Or loud illegal immigrants.
They are a disgrace and many will probably look back on their 20's with a great deal of shame.
trips confirm
Comfy and peaceful sure, but it's so fucking boring with our protests.
I know a 30 year old who is really, really into punk music. He sat inside and wouldn't answer his phone all day on the 24th. He said "the tories have won".
They literally have no idea what they're talking about. I've seen many stupid groups, but I have never seen one who is wrong about literally every single thing they say. Such a thing is supposed to be an impossibility, according to game theory.
Reality is tearing itself apart.
What the fuck, where did this meme come from? It's not like be in EU or be be banned from trading with European countries :^)
Also, crying like a baby because she didn't get what she thinks she wanted.
These people simply have no clue what they are talking about. They've pieced together vague nonsense from other signalling retards and convinced themselves that it is enough to justify their moronic political positions.
Problem is this crap doesn't stand up to any scrutiny or facts. Like everything with these people, it's all based on feels and is utterly worthless.
They never bothered to even get a basic knowledge of the EU trade problems, the unelected oligarchy that was supplanting their electoral process, or why exactly importing millions of unchecked shitskins was somehow a good thing.
Guess Holla Forums should make a new hashtag, #Democide :^)
That girl is pretty qt.
lol. Should have made an effort when it mattered.
am i the only one who noticed fullscreen youtube has the kike star and the iron cross?
==WE== are the people.
balkenkreuz rather
watch almost every women in every interview ever
they will never say "i think" they always say "i feel"
…a window into their nature
They get their opinions from jews, that is why they are all wrong from our point of view.
The jew is satan, "the adversary"
They are literally the inversion of anything good, right, or moral.
Social engineering is based upon exploits into human nature, namely instincts, emotions, social behaviors, learned behaviors, etc….
Due to the nature of the propaganda platform (television) the most basic of human nature must be exploited for maximum effect on the population ( to control as many as possible)
This relies upon manipulation of the parts of human nature that are similar if not identical in all humans for greatest "Appeal"
The emotions or instincts.
Thus, to increase the effectiveness of these tools of "Persuasion", they try to meme into existence a pseudo-philosophical perspective revolving around the supremacy of the instincts and emotions, and linking it to a nature based pseudo-religion (((de-industrialization is good for you)))
This most heavily appeals to females, and feminized males, because they have more sensitive emotions, and thus base a part of their self worth upon having emotions/being emotional.
This sort of dovetails into the breeding program.
Note the underlying sexual symbology in the advertisments here.
The "Ladder" (DNA)
"Having the Balls" (Implying genetic fitness, appeal to reproduction)
"Stupid Creates" (A picture of a chair on it's back, and calls it art)
All of these advertisements say one thing.
(((Intelligence is bad and shouldn't reproduce)))
It's hard to trick a nation full of smart people out of their money.
But if you can socially engineer the population into desiring stupidity in a mate, you can slowly breed them dumber, and easier to control.
I tragically knew quite a few people like this, fortunately I ditched at least some of them a few years ago. The rest went this year.
Funny that you mention game theory, because a lot of them seem to be operating a poor strategy analysis. "the ebil Tories want you to believe X", with no evidence to back it up other than a set of sentiments and weak logical steps. When I've brought up evidence that there is a clique of Tories involved in founding the EU of which Cameron is a younger member of, they quickly shut up, but instead of taking the information on board, perhaps querying me about the data etc., they hide their opinions from me, i.e. hide the fact that they've deliberately not taken the information on board. It's almost like they know somewhere along the line that they're lying for the sake of the narrative.
This sort of behaviour was the end for the stragglers in my friendships. No time for cowards or the deliberately disingenous, these people aren't low IQ mongs we're talking about either they're MDs and PhDs.