Trump's Border Wall

Watching Border Wars on National Geographic Channel

They’re talking about how many tunnels they’ve found so far between Mexico and The United States. It’s like 80 so far, some up to 35 feet deep.

If Trump wants to build a wall along the border better dig the foundation down about 50 feet or so or the weight of the wall may just collapse the border. His wall will end up ground level.

nice blog post but we dont care about you

That's cool, don't care about myself. We have something in common fam.

exactly why no one else cares about you. stop being so beta, get on the trump train and lift heavy things.

No heavy lifting for this boy anymore, two back surgeries already. Can I get on the Trump Train if I hate minorities and grab women by the pussy?


dude that's hilarious …ground level

build a fence

Cross if yous a fag.

Gophers Klink, they’re tunneling like gophers.

Nice fence man, is that up on Brokeback Mountain?

it's a dick resort in korea.



Holy shit you weren't joking.

Trump wall is a massive waste of money. 99% of illegals walk right through the gate on visas they then overstay. Wall might do some good against drug runners but they have the money to innovative. Build a 50ft deep wall and they'll dig a 51ft tunnel. Or take a submarine. Or just buy off the border patrol.

Yeah, in addition to the moronic idea from a 25 billion dollar wall that won't do much, let's not forget about the fact that around 40% of illegal residents come into the country legally.

nigger do you even into architecture?
most skyscrapers have a foundation 50 feet or more deep. granted, it's a pit, not a trench, but trenches aren't that fucking hard to make.
assuming the wall would be steel, or reinforced concrete, and it was 75 feet tall, the foundation would be roughly 15 feet wide if the wall was 2 foot thick. foundation would more than likely be larger and deeper for more stability and overbuiltness.
the likely of the wall just falling down is really fucking low

look, if you want to call the wall fucktarded, fine. but at least into construction and architecture before you criticize how it's gonna be built.


Really, user? It wouldn't?… oh, ok

The idea was about how they have a wall now and just dig tunnels under it non stop. A wall would be useless unless it goes deep enough to stop the tunneling. Pigs will dig out of a pen under the fence unless you cement the foundation. The joke was about how there's so many tunnels the ground is unstable. Sorry I didn't make if fool proof for you fool.

let's say it's 10 feet wide
5280x2000x50x10=5.2 trillion cubic feet of soil to move, twice.

mexicans are really good at excavating soil.



40% huh? Are you sure you asked them all.

This figure is pretty widely accepted among Republicans. Apparently it's ~30-40%, look it up, smartass.


The wall is about keeping criminal aliens and drugs out. Deportation force will take care of the rest.

Also, no need for deep foundations. Seismic sensors are much more cost effective.

It's only a matter of time until we start putting "muh" in front of seismic sensors kek
