dysnomia must be killing the threads.
And it was tasty!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
There's something that really bothers me about him. Why he have to use the board volunteer stuff without his need? He should be another user, not an over glorified faggot.
Also, why is he still a board volunteer even though he is shit? He ducks codenigger's dick or something?
It's the same story as every imageboard ever, as soon as the founder needs to recruit someone they want someone they feel they know and can trust, this means it's always a tripfag / irc circlejerker.
I would love to see an imageboard admin that made a random user a mod then just fucked him off and selected another if he was shit.
Sounds like a good idea, actually. What benefits do board volunteer gives you? I'm guessing they don't want to give that benefit to anyone out of fear.
Still, anyone would be better than dysnomia.
There was a good thread going about pros/cons of being a pedo with some great arguments from both sides. The title was something about another Librechan. Laid down for a nap and it was gone when I checked back. Why was that deleted?
It depends on how the site is setup, you could make it backup any thread that the mod deletes and keep a public record of them for awhile, this way they can't do anything dodgy without everyone knowing.
There's already a record on who gets banned. There should be a record on what gets deleted and why.
This one?
If I knew how to interweb I would make an imageboard based on transparency, 90% of the bullshit that destroys sites happens between admins / mods out of the public eye.
That was supposed to be the aim of this place back in the first exodus. It was nothing but false advertisement, taking advantage of the situation in halfchan. That, and because firetires was an incompetent fuck.
Yep and it worked pretty well up until the point he needed vols and recruited from tripfag / circlejerkers. I think limiting mod power and picking them at random would lead to the site being unusable once in awhile a some new mod sperged out but overall would stop drama as no one knows anyone.
Not the one man but thanks for looking. It was titled Will There Be Another Librechan. Its long gone now.
I know what you're talking about, it had like 200 replies then vanished. I would like to know what happened to the thread.
It's not that one.
Well, it's like elections, you NEED to change president after certain period no matter how good he did, and the logic behind it is more less like that. If a president keeps there for too long he would like it and people would get used to it. Same case with dysnomia.
dysnomia is #NotMyVol
Ok I found it, try this
dysnomia did in fact delete the thread.
meant for you
Why did he delete it? There wasn't anything wrong with it. Wasn't it anti pedo enough for him?
And in case that doesn't work
He didn't like it. It's as simple as that.
The pedos were destroying the antis in that thread, maybe that's why he wanted it deleted.
Term limits were only introduced in 1951 and I don't think anyone would argue that it set the nation in the right direction.
If they get a second term they have 4 years where they don't need popular support and they have no reason to aim for public support as they are out either way.
This was said by Simon Bolivar, a drunk faggot who is important in some latin american countries. He was pretty spot on in the whole thing,, not to mention that he was an hypocrite faggot himself.
To me term limits reek of "my turn, come on share" rather than "lets have the most popular / competent leader possible".
who cares?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the "come on share". It will turn for anyone that way, and the shorter the better. Say, if the guy that becomes a board volunteer is a furry this will become a furry fiesta while he is at it. You could say that's bad, but it won't become a circlejerk, and if it does, it won't be for too long.
With politics is more complex, I admit as much, but I don't think there's better alternative, after all, with or without term limits is still "Come on share"
You should.
Only those that care about everything governments control including but not limited to the future of the economy or if all men between 18 and 26 are forced into war or prison because leaders can't get along.
That is why my system has the admin keep an eye on mods, if he is being a faggot he is removed.
This leaves the admin as a single point of failure but that is always the case as the domain has to be registered to someone.
We have enough recruits to avoid a draft, you cowardly manchild.
Only because the current policy doesn't require more, you know the policy the government decides?
**I'm way too old to get drafted but I still don't want to see another Vietnam with ~300,000 western men sent to die for nothing.
So? Run.
Run away and live as a fugitive, cling to life.
For you
do they make those shirts in male sizes?
i want to wear it to a slutwalk
while blasting 'Walk of Shame' from a boombox.