It's not easy being gay

It's no easy being gay in a straight world, you know?
How do you deal with it?

Other urls found in this thread:

stop pretending, being gay is not natural. you're a freak.

Then stop choosing to be gay you fucking faggot

Not OP, but you should stop choosing to be retarded.

Buttblasted faggot detected. You mad because you made a stupid decision to be a faggot, and took poz loads up your ass and now you have aids?

Have you even fantasized about tucking other guys, user?

being gay is gay tbh

tranny here I fantasize about tucking all the time

Hmmm, what a quandary

I don't act like a faggot and don't tell anybody I'm gay because I'm not a faggot, simple.


I just keep it to myself and go about my life normally

Probably the most insensitive shit I've heard this year

kill yourself retard

I'd rape you irl

"Son, I am disappointed"

Kill all the straights.

That'll fix everything.

blow your head off


More aids infected faggots butthurt about making terrible decisions to be degenerate faggots. Valuable lesson for you OP: don't choose to be a gay degenerate.

Jokes on you, I'm not even gay.

But that's wrong, you retard. No one chooses to be gay

Yes they do, faggot

user… have you ever fantasized about engaging in sexual acts with other men? Answer the question

SJW pls go

Special snowflake faggots like you normalizing faggotry are the reason all these degenerates choose to be gay

Look, you don't understand and you're not a psychologist

Do you even hear yourself?

not an argument

It's the truth, fuck off pls

Can you just acknowledge that you understand my point?

if it's the truth than it shouldn't be that hard to argue in favor of it huh? you lose

You are a bigot.

"It is hard to see what is wrong with something if you are it, you want to rationalize the hell out of it. To try and make yourselves feel better. But on the inside, deep down you exactly how fucked up you are."

no argument huh? keep losing

Not user, but most gay people that I know recognize that it's a physiological abnormality. Only the most delusional SJW's say otherwise, but I don't even think most of them actually believe it.




Sure thing, to each their own I truly do not care

you also don't care enough to not lose

Yes, I actually used to work at a restaurant/bar that used to be a popular gay hangout. It was exactly a "gay bar", but I got to know many fagators during my time there. There are some unbelievably insufferable homos, but I found most of them to be very affable people and great tippers.

suck a cock

*wasn't* exactly a "gay bar"

lose some more

Figure out that being gay is biologically backwards

Gay people don't exist. It's all a plot planned from the Jewish overlords to convince everybody to turn gay. Once the population is on the brink of extinction, the Jews will select a handful of goyims that meet their qualifications and reproduce. The cycle repeats until every single living human being is a fag.

u sound fukin retarded

eat a dick

Wait hold on; even if people chose their sexual orientation - why would that matter? Like obviously people who hate gays for being gay, are retarded. But I find it equally retarded to be offended by the notion that it's a choice. If someone just woke up one day and decided they wanted a cock in them, I wouldn't see the travesty.

Is it hard? I don't know.
I'm bisexual so maybe I have no say on the difficulties of being a gay dude, but I find no problems with my circumstance, I just avoid talking about sex with people (besides its not a very interesting topic). Though I guess it is nice to be able to honestly say "she has a nice rack/ass" etc.

But how do you find it difficult, OP; are you in some shitty Midwestern state?

I completely agree; it's no one's business what consenting adults choose to do with their genitals.

See, religious people cling to the idea that it's a choice because they don't want to believe that this aberration actually exists in nature. It's easier for them just to say that gays are being sinful degenerates and they need to stop backsliding.

But it's funny, despite all the focus on "gay culture", they still represent a very small portion of the population – ~3.8% in the US identify as LGBT.

Check your cis gendered gay privilege, you fucking white male.

You don't know what it's like to be a pansexual transracial trans-age otherkin

I'm not gay and if I was, I wouldn't feel the need to tell absolutely everyone and their mother about where I like to stick my dick since it's none of their business. Well, that's my plan as a straight man, anyway, but a gay brain doesn't work that logically, huh? If I was gay, I'd probably shove it in everyone's face, publicly take massive dicks in my wide boipussy then be legitimately surprised when no one wants me around. Be honest, OP, how many people have you told you're gay today?

I don't go around making a point of telling everyone I'm straight so I guess I would just not tell people I'm gay.
The only change for me would be less public affection which doesn't seem like a big deal.

May I ask your pronouns, my fellow biological being?

Did you just ASSUME their state of being? Maybe they're undeadkin or chairkin; not everyone is ALIVE, you fucking DUNCE. It's 2016, that's TWO OH SIXTEEN, at this very moment, didn't you ONCE think to check your biological privilege before speaking?

Oh, butt I do!
t. Pansexual


it's not easy being straight in this fucked up gay world either

The only place where I go full homo is imageboards, otherwise I just keep it to myself.

This is the state of things to come. I am quite sure that we will train AI to become the most militant SJWs that have ever existed.

Underrated post.
Straight men have been popularized as evil, unpredictably violent, stupid and unable to control their sexual urges.
Even straight women have begun to prefer fags, because fear is rampant and continuously ramped up even more by the media.

D-do my eyes deceive me!? Could such bigotry exist in 2016!? Are you actually assuming that they are in a state of being!? They could be nothingkin!! GOD!!

I identify as perpetually living in the '80s and I find this kind of talk to be highly problematic. I strongly encourage you to check your time privilege. It's 1986, we as a society should be past this.