First major Vim release in over a decade, please support development by donating to nigger babies in Uganda.
Why haven't you switched to Neovim yet?
Vim 8.0
Fucking CIA nigger babies
imagine being so full of white guilt you build a shitty editor and send all the donations to Uganda instead of just getting a real job
He works for Google.
just use nano ffs
it does everything that it needs to do
emacs is bloated and vi/forks are overly complicated
thanks g_d for this man sending money to uganda to help niggers breed so they can finally kill and eat the last remaining gorillas and elephants
Fucking Vim team is literally worse than Hitler. Emacs 4 lyfe! Nano where Emacs is "bloated".
Evil mode is shit, you still have to use shitty autism emacs bindings in a lot of places
Do you know how to properly use Emacs, vi or vim?
post discarded
Try using evil mode for more than just very simple text editing, retard. Go look on a search engine at how many people have to rebind all kinds of emacs shit to get it to work exactly right, and not have to deal with emacs terrible bindings. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
It doesn't take special talents to reproduce — even plants can do it. On the other hand, using program like Emacs takes real skill. That is really something to be proud of. It helps more people, too.
What's a fast and efficient text editor that's not too complicated to learn in 10 minutes and where you don't have to worry about pressing the wrong button wiping your hard drive/launching a nuclear missile?
SublimeText is pretty good.
Fuck you faggot. I use spacemacs. In before you find something to nitpick about that too you giant flaming piece of shit.
No one gives a shit about this. Really people use vim because they like the keybindings from vi, and vim is a more modern rewrite. It was current-year - 1, and people discovered the vim author was too busy watching cuck porn to add in multithreading (did he finally just do it in 8? kek), so now NeoVim is the modern rewrite that will replace any need for vim.
Does blank slate NeoVim still display the Vim plea to perpetuate 70 IQ hominids?
Why doesn't he look after his own people? He's dutch, right?
Well meaning whites have spent a couple centuries trying to repair the rest of the world, and really it is both a thankless task and only serves to prolong the existence of groups of people who should otherwise not survive.
It's popular despite its inferiority for the same reason WinRAR is popular despite its inferiority - kids see it as an edgy sekrit club.
I just use nvi, man. It always worked for me.
CIA monkey nigger babies.
In his defense, he never expected anyone to like vim.
If you have plenty of money to burn, and don't care about proprietary, that is.
All he did was re-implement some of the Neovim features in a shitty way. Instead of finally admitting that his codebase is shit and helping Neovim with their work he just keeps ignoring them. Bram could at least have made the new features compatible with Neovim's implementations, but he just puts his fingers in his ears and goes "lalala, I can't hear you". Really, unless Neovim does something retarded they will be the future of Vim.
is vim worth learning? if i'm going to devote the time to learn one, should i learn vim or emacs?
Learn emacs, and then pickup the vim movements later on.
Emacs provides you with an entire ecosystem which will always be useful to you. To get similar power, I see vimmers using tmux+vim+zsh.
I think you should learn both, but pick emacs first. Don't obsess about your editor too much though, what matters most is how productive you are.
If you're not really into software development, and do more sysadin type tasks, then there is a case for learning vim first.
Personally, I can only really recommend a vi-like editor if you're a server monkey. Emacs is so much more powerful, bloat never felt so good.
Vim has better keybindings, Emacs has better everything else. Learning either is absolutely worth it.
Trips don't lie.
nice trips
i think i'm going to learn vim first. i'm realizing the tutorial i followed started with a bunch of arguably useful, but wholely non-core stuff. it wasn't until the very end that it said how to save, exit, or exit without saving
Enjoy your new editor.
WHAT IS ELVIS-2.2_0 Elvis is a clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor. Elvis supports nearly all of the vi/ex commands, in both visual mode and ex mode. Elvis adds support for multiple files, multiple windows, a variety of display modes, on-line help, and other miscellaneous extensions. Like vi/ex, Elvis stores most of the text in a temporary file, instead of RAM. This allows it to edit files that are too large to fit in a single process' data space. Also, the edit buffer can survive a power failure or crash. Elvis 2.2 runs under the following operating systems: * UNIX. If you have X-windows, Elvis can use a graphical interface, in addition to the traditional text-based interface.
Thank you based Slackware.
Might as well jump straight to Neovim instead. You can use all the Vim settings, tricks and plugins, but you also get some really cool new stuff that Vim has been missing for so long. The plugins deoplete (asynchronous code completion), Neomake (asynchronous syntax checkers) and Chromatica (asynchronous code highlighting for C based on actual semantics instead of fixed keywords) are fantastic. And you can have terminal buffers right in the editor.
Is it good for someone who's used vim for a decade?
I am going to leave this here
Sign me the fuck in.
You know, you sound a lot like like a SJW yourself.
vid related
the poor african people probably won't see a dollar from all his donations or feel anything had really improved
feel free to read up how charity in africa works and why african governments are working on kicking out charities
why isnt systemd a hard dep for vim yet?
more like why isn't vim built into systemd yet?
It's possible to compile Emacs with libsystemd for socket activation. A hard dependency won't happen as that would break compatibility with HURD and Shepherd.
Textadept. It's like sjwpad but without sjw and cross-platform
vimd when?
yeah nah cunt
Looks like somebody is triggered.
Details? Please redpill me. There has always been something fishy about charities, they keep pumping money for decades and yet nothing seems to happen.
Niggers gonna nig.
VIM 4 lyfe, fagget.
This is what happened with all that money.
but don't worry, the numbers will even out after the Great African Migration to Europe is complete
Population growth tends to level out once an area is wealthy enough. Africa has the problem of having enough resources that most children don't die, but not enough for people to use contraceptives when they don't want children.
Sending even more money actually might be able to fix that. I don't know if the amount needed to make a difference is reasonable.
Niggers are failures the world over, in every single country you find them, as a group, they occupy the lowest rungs of society. This is true even in wealthy nations such as USA, Canada, Sweden, Australia, and the UK. There is no place on earth better for a nigger than those, and yet still they exhibit patterns of failure, high rates of crime, and inability to earn positions on merit alone.
No amount of money is going to fix sub-saharan African unless you institute a strict eugenics program to counteract tens of thousands of years of evolutions, by weeding out the low iq individuals. In the West, the globalists feel the same way, but believe you can turn the nigger into a more useful mongrel through miscegenation. A better course of action would be to deploy a race specific bioweapon and end the misery once and for all. Africa is great resource rich land, which Europeans and Asians could make good use of to sustain a flourishing population in a generation.
A great culling has not occurred because global corporations think there is a burgeoning middle class there, which they peddle their goods to. So on the one hand, we have telecom companies trying to sell niggers sell phones, and cucks like you who believe they don't even have enough money for contraceptives.
The African is the sick man of the modern world.
I didn't say that. I didn't make any negative statement about causes.
But the kind of population growth Africa is going through happened in other parts of the world during similar stages of development. It's very much possible that them being stupid is also a reason for the population growth, but even then it's reasonable to believe the growth will decrease when they advance.
Things can have multiple causes.
Emacs Lisp is far better than shitty vimscript.
I don't think Vim has any advantage over Emacs anymore. Maybe Vim was more performant 20 years ago, but that's not the case any more with fast processors and computers that have 8 GB of memory. On top of that, with the advent of ace-jump and EasyMotion, the speed at which one can move around the buffer is equalized between the two editors.
The argument that you should learn vim so you can edit while you're ssh'd into some server is retarded; 99% of serious text editing is performed at your personal work station.
There's TRAMP too, so Emacs can SSH and edit from your local Emacs.
Honestly I bounced between Emacs and Vim for the last 4 years and I think the only thing that Vim has over Emacs is a REALLY simple package management plugin called 'vim-plug' but Melpa is much better these days.
I'm using Prelude because Spacemacs was a pile of shit last time I used it, so far I'm comfy as fuck but am I trolling myself by not using Spacemacs these days? I have always hated the modal editing concept of Vim and don't give a shit about evil mode
Spacemacs has an emacs mode config now, I think they call it Holy Mode.
I cannot comment on Prelude.
It's a really nice editor and evil mode is optional. I've been using it for about a year. The package management has always worked perfectly for me. Spacemacs even has its own layer for most things. Just put the package name in your config file and reload.
I just took a quick look at Prelude. You install it by piping a shell script into sh without https, that script has unquoted variables for no good reason, and it checks which shell it is using $SHELL. The instructions with wget tell you to run wget with --no-check-certificate because someone had a problem on an old version of RHEL. All of that is fairly horrifying.
Prelude itself looks like it's not much more than a collection of third-party packages and some bindings for keys that are not assigned or rarely used. You're just using someone else's rice, it's not changing the editor the way Spacemacs does.
I would recommend starting out with vanilla Emacs, adding melpa and marmalade to package.el, and installing extensions and binding keys as you go along and want them. You'll get something much more personal in the end. But if it works for you Prelude isn't so bad.
I've been plenty of times in situation where server goes down and the only editor is vi, or maybe ed. You're sitting at the text console in single-user mode, trying to fix broken RAID, or hosed filesystem, or something. There's no emacs. Maybe if you're lucky vi still works. If not, you're stuck with ed. And you better know it well enough that you don't have to think about the editor.
Learn to touch type first and foremost, if you haven't yet. Then learn Vim. At this point you're hooked for life.
I think the point was that he used the official project account to post that crap. Nobody would give a shit if he posted that on his personal blog/twatter/whatever.
What about
C'mon Potter', get to work on it.
neck yourself
It's semi-compiled. It compiles to bytecode and interprets the bytecode.
>not using Notepad in Wine
ITT: I claim to have used Vim for 20 years and I just noticed the Uganda donations thing
Ohai Chaim!
Might as well ask here instead of opening a new thread. what makes spacemacs a good editor? I'm considering spacemacs because of ESS and Orgmode. Is it worth the effort to switch from Neovim?
It's the same editing keybinds as vim. And you literally press SPC to find the commands for most everything else you'd want. It's the most user friendly program I've ever used.
It is configured extrordinarily well. If I were ever want to make my own emacs config, it would 100% be based off spacemacs as a starting point instead of a blank slate. But there hasn't been any need for anything like that yet.
Key bindings: the preconfigured space leader key bindings make it possible to execute the most important emacs major/minor mode commands in 2-3 keystrokes from the space menu. Combining this with evil mode (or hybrid) you get both extremely efficient emacs workflow and vim's efficient movements. You can learn the basics in a day or two with absolutely zero emacs knowledge coming from vim. The only emacs keybindings you are required to know are M-x, C-c, C-x, and comma.
I can't speak for ESS since I have no idea what it is, but you won't find anything better for the purpose than org mode. The other plugins tend to be higher quality than their vim equivalents as well. Spacemacs has its own layers for mostly everything and all you have to do to install packages is add them to your config file (accessed with Spc-f-e-d) and then reload (Spc-f-e-R).
All you really have to lose are a few MB of RAM that you probably weren't using anyway. Try using it exclusively for a week and report back.
Vim 8.0 addresses most of the points brought up by NeoVim so imo better just to use Vim at this point.
Spacemacs is pretty comfy though, at least worth trying.
What about Neovim with SpaceNeovim?
that's cool but it will never be emacs :^)
The memes never die.
That is actually a good thing.
There is literally
nothing wrong with this
It's the same reason why nobody uses XMonad. Nobody wants to learn some irrelevant meme language just to edit a config file.
Every single programming language that incorporates functional paradigms takes ideas from Haskell.
Sub-12 year olds on Holla Forums, it's more likely than you think.
wew lad do you know anything about Haskell?
except SML and scheme did it better, CIA nigger
Yes, in a way that's worse than Neovim and incompatible.
Any pre-configuration is shit. Neovim has the most important default set (nocompatible, syntax on, that kind of stuff), but beyond that you are supposed to shape the editor exactly the way that suits you. If you take a pre-existing configuration you might as well be using an IDE.
Enough to know that you're just speaking out your ass and know literally nothing about it.
Don't be racist.
At least he got some.
Unlike you the permavirgin.
How is Haskell useful? There are dozens of implementations of Lisp, with plenty of them actually being used in important projects and promoted by intelligent computer scientists. Why use Haskell as a functional language over any Lisp? Haskell is purely memes, and even if it wasn't, requiring your users to learn an entire functional programming language just to edit config files is still fucking retarded.
You don't even know it's useless, how can you possibly claim to know anything about it.
Because I, unlike you, get my information from sources such as books, instead of anime imageboards, and actually read them Instead of calling everything I don't understand a meme like a 12 year old. Now fuck off and don't ever post here again if you're going to advocate ignorance, you worthless rube.
Now I've never read haskell memes 101 but I would wager that it doesn't cover the well known fact that Haskell is useless. Most likely because what kind of moron would spend his time learning a useless langauge when the reason 99.999% of people learn a language is to do stuff.
Face it bub. Learning Haskell is somewhere equivalent to studying comparative religions or womens studies, you'll never use it for anything useful and most sane people will think less of you if they find out you learned it.
I can smell you from a mile away
I'll take the bait; pandoc is written in Haskell, and is a very important tool if you write a lot and need to convert between formats.
Now get fucked and don't come back please.
Untrue. Money can buy nukes, and nukes can solve the problem of sub-Saharan Africa. Buy some more and you can solve the problem of all of Africa.
Wouldn't hurt to take care of the Middle East and Indonesia at the same time.
KATE is pretty good imo
What about Wine's Notepad implementation?
Because then I'd be supporting nigger babies in Brazil.
You do know how Neovim started out, right?
No, tell us please.
What's your favorite addition in version 8?
Tarruda, a BRBRHUEHUE knocked up a bitch.
In the wave of repacked editors being extremely popular with people (especially web devs) he figured thusly:
"People are lapping up sublime text even though it's just a modified textmate with some shitty gimmicks. I shall propose a fork of vim with shitty gimmicks and ask for money."
So he came to 4chan an shilled it there, proposing a monthly wage of 10k monies to work on it full time.
People laughed at him and did GIB MONIE OR I REPOT U HUEHUEHAUHUEHUAHUEHUA, which made him incredibly upset, blurting out that he "Is a person just like everyone else" and ran off.
He continued to shill it a couple of times and he got told off every time.
Then he must have went to reddit because there he found people who supported him.
Many of these people where white, so it stands to reason that they picked up the slack to support someone elses child.
Meanwhile, while they were slaving away, Tarrudas commit frequency dropped quite significantly, but the drive for money was being kept up.
This is were I stopped following the thing.
But yeah, it seems it's still being way out of proportion in required dev time vs actual useful achievements.
They've been working on it for years now and it's still not much better aside from "muh async" and "muh new UI libs".
But, yeah, it's a BRBRHUEHUA child support project and a total waste of money and time.
In my opinion, anyway.
It's comfy as fuck. I found my new text editor.