Cuck turk President Erdogan apoligized for downing Russian jet last Novermber
Turkroaches cave and offer groveling apology to Russia
Russo-Turkish bloc is a truly fucking terrifying thought. Hopefully the Duginites will win and Russia will seek further antagonism towards Turkey, but the fact that, because the Japan and/or Korean East Asian axis is blocked - and because of the general shortsightedness of "practical" people in power - it's almost inevitable that a Turkey-Russia-Pakistan-China axis happens, which is basically a de facto rape and dismemberment of Russia for myriad reasons.
I don't even care, I just want to kill brown people and feel their warm blood on my hands. God will grant me my wish no matter what happens
Ah hell no, Sultan Roach won't get away with it that easy.
pls respond
So how is that strong Ottoman empire coming along you fucking roach?
Putin is truly removing kebabs like no other at the moment and making other kebabs afraid that they are next.
First we learn about that US diplomats get their carpet shit on and their dogs killed in Russia.
And now the roaches bend over out of fear for getting forcibly fucked
Putin truly puts a smile on my face.
What will this madman do next?
Whatever it is it most likely will make us kek.
is putin a herald of KEK?
I would fight and die for a nation that sought to conquer Istanbul. Holy shit that is glory to last 1,000 years
Elder Paisios 666 Prophecy
I look forward to fighting alongside you, brother. Your kin are my kin. We are battleborn, and our families will remember us as patriarchs and heroes
You must stop ogling little girls before boner happens. Otherwise haram
That will be an end to Russian people. Dugin is anti-white, literally anti-white, who dreams of Eurasian empire and call for the new Golden Horde. More than that, the guy shills for mudbloods hardcore. He's not a nationalist, Putin is not a nationalist, modern Russia is USSR 2.0. Just drop this myth of based Putin, man, he's not, Russian nationalists are getting prison sentences left and right.
I wonder what happened. I guess Putin asserted his dominance and showed him who's the real alphamale in the house.
Where is their comment, it was all gravy when the let the Turks shoot it down and pretend it was a legitimate reaction.
Russia is imperialist either way. It's still an empire, not a nation. the only way Russia will stop being imperialist is if it's balkanised one more time, ie loses to the West. Ironically, I think, at which point it would obtain leadership over Europe, because it would be de facto the most powerful strictly European nation.
Dugin at least shills for the near abroad. He knows that Paki, Chinese and Turk demographics/economics would absolutely fucking CRUSH Russia, and so he seeks alliance with the individuated and inward-looking nations like Iran and Japan. He won't get it, but y'know, whatever.
Yeah shit's fucked, 21st century is going to be an age of war like we never even imagined. I'm hard just thinking about it
Russia is owning in Syria. To reach the point where Turkey is now forced to apologize for the downing of the jet.
Japan is not blocked. Putin will be received by Abe to make important deals with Nippon.
Maybe you're right, I don't even care. My allegiance isn't with the various nation-states, it's with the biomass of my people. Whoever can best serve the interests of said biomass is strategically aligned with me.
Out of everything you could say about Dugin - upset Holla Forumsacks usually say these exact two things, like a clockwork:
1) He's for the empire das bad
lol Russia is an empire, not a nation. It never was.
2) He wants to side with Mongols!!!!111oneoeone
Yet this is the exact same thing based Spengler talks about and since less people read and understood him, only cream of the crop discusses him. And it's usually positive. This insight that the Russian soul is not western European, but the soul of the steppe, a more civilized brother to the Mongol is accepted and theorized about.
I find it very unlikely the anti-Dugin shills that parrot these same shitty opinions are anything more than butthurt liberals or shills. If you want to criticize Dugin, point out he's still full of modernist angst and destructive fascination with chaos.
I'm still of the opinion that Syria will be balkanized which will be a win for the Zionists. I haven't seen much to suggest that even though Assad stays in power, his lands won't be seized.
It would honestly be better for Russians if they lost. Russians are a smart and productive people, but they're crippled by the imperial need for a corrupt military dictatorship (ie to keep out hypercompetitive maritime powers). If Russia were overwhelmingly ethnically Russian, they could focus on being a European people: and, coming from a place of apparent weakness yet demographic and potential strength, grow to dominate Europe.
Dugin's alternative is to rule in hell: to be a hegemonic third-world shithole. Fine if you're a wealthy elite, not so much if you're a regular poorcunt. But again, even that's better than the "muh strategic realism" clique in Russian politic. Seriously, Turkey-Russia-Pakistan-China is literally THE WORST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS for Russia. It is the profound, irreversible arsefucking of Russia. The carving up of the heartland.
At least Russian waifus would be at a discount
PS: unrelated but is the German project going ahead, I'm getting ready to move in the next month srsly fags
Syria's not that important. There's 0 chance that it could be an Iranian conduit to the Mediterranean, which is the only strategic use it could have.
Golan Heights would be a win for Israel should they get it.
post yfw you're gonna get thrown on the front lines to fight for grandmaster Kike and his shabbos-goyim
Of course the cowardly, spineless Turkroach backs down after stabbing Russia in the back by shooting down their planes.
They are invertebrates
they already won it once, but had to give it back
I'll fight on European soil, but if I'm posted abroad I'll defect. All bad goy should resolve to do the same.
Anyway off to the opera for me goy, best of luck in your future bloodshed
Balkanized Syria would mean that Iran could safely be the next target for our freedom bombs.
upload your folder somewhere pls
Russia losing now against the US will mean chaos and destruction.There will not be a new Marshall Plan,USA stopped doing this after the kikes gained control.It would be Libya all over again,constant revolution,constant deaths,etc.
We don't have to follow Dugin,but the plan isn't that bad,same plan it was always:Germany+Russia,end of the American/Israel hegemony.We just need to deport the shitskin and assure the new borders.Contrary to what people think,racemixing doesn't happen naturally.We just have to stop pushing it in TV and people will stop.It would be detrimental too,there is a motive they are using it,it's a weapon not a cure.
I'm more sympathetic to Russia because they are anti-liberal. The west doesn't have a say to what other civilizations should do or not do.
I like this meme. More please.
This is less a factor of ideology and more a factor of game theory. The superpower will always be cultural and political hegemon.
Turks may be kosher but so is jewtin
Jewish power waxes and wanes like that of any other people, it isn't eternal. Everything is passing clouds
Stop avatarfagging, if you want to post lolis go to Holla Forums.
The turks were always going to back down. They were the "sick man of europe" for 100 years before they lost their empire. The only reason they are in any way relevant is the buffer they offer between europe and asia.
I made a thread about this last night and it got like 7 replies.
Fuck this shit.
I'm only avatarfagging ITT thread because I think it'd be helpful to show there's a continuity of thought here that people can critique if they so wish. I don't do so normally. So nyah
Anyway bullshit, Turkey is the most powerful country in Eastern Europe militarily and economically after Russia. It's important a/f, with potential to grow way more so if it manages its great game in the middle east well.
Travel throughout the Balkans and Romania/Moldova (I'm sure Ukraine by now, too) and you're inundated with Turkish products and Turkish tourists. I don't think it'd happen, but a Russia-Turkey axis would be very dangerous: remember we fought a war to deny Russian interests the Bosphorous
Mother Imageboard is a fickle bitch, she often shits on serious discussions
Putin to have phone conversation with Erdogan on Wednesday
Someone is up for a stern talking to.
More like "k kürtlarstan is ur vilayet if u stop bully assad"
This is the only solution for Turkey for the Kurd population, to gradually federate/imperialise and unite Kurdistan within Turkey itself. Denying Kurdish sovereignty = butthurt, denying Kurdish unification = also butthurt
Oh yeah ps need I also add that Turkey is the second most powerful military in ALL OF EUROPE, not just E. Europe. Also highly experienced in counterinsurgency, which is p much the only type of warfare that is relevant now besides flying drones and dropping bombs on things
It's possible, though Russia doesn't support the Kurds and has little influence over them. The roaches are in a desperate position, Putin can afford to be much more ambitious.
Why are you spamming pictures of children m8? Are you a fucking pedophile?
Btw if ur a pleb, Caucasus is the 21st century Balkans (as well as Balkans being the 21st century Balkans). If WW3 starts it'll start here. Here's a sukagraph of countries in or bordering the caucasus according to their Russian (blue) or Turkish (red) alignment. Note: completely fuarkt. More subtle than this (eg not all pro-Russia are anti-West) but you get the picture
Kurds don't matter that much to Russia, Russia has to keep up appearances of hating subnationals because of their own fifth columnae, Czechens n all that shit. But they would trade that symbolism for concrete gain, eg Abkhazia/S Ossetia/etc etc etc. And Turkey "granting national unity and sovereignty" by territorial acquisition would actually be a lovely example for Russia itself to follow. I'm surprised nobody's suggested this shit yet, it's so crazy it just might work.
Remember when it's news you read it here first, not even George "Japs will conquer the world" Friedman is as accurate as Holla Forums
No, grils are just c&a and make the world seem less horrible
Gas yourself and don't come back, you dumb faggot.
Whether or not Turkey is Europe, it exercises more control over the European continent than the majority of European nations. It's East European in the sense that it fills the enormous power vacuum of the balkans and the black sea nations with essentially no competition: Germany and Russia are far away, and Poland and Romania are not yet relevant.
Also it is technically European and East European you dick
Be less autistic cunt
I don't know about Caucasus.I really feel strong about Ukraine.I doubt Putin will let them complete the "safety cordon" around him.
Yea they won't, not ever. That's why they were so keen to completely fuck Georgia, an irrelevant country which didn't actually have hugely bad relations with Russia by the standards of the CIS. This area is of existential importance to Russia, and yet it's such a tasty morsel that I suspect Turkey will be drawn into it eventually. Russia-Turkey axis is Russia=kill.
Maybe the area would be less worrisome for Russia if there were an Iranian route to the Mediterranean, but that's so far off as to be sci fi. But Turkey realising "hm, looks like I don't get to have all of Syria as a vassal state, guess I'll settle with part of it" isn't that infeasible methinks. So yeah, in other words my bullshit prediction is that Assad will reluctantly back Kurdish autonomy or secession in exchange for the containment/displacement/kill of IS.
Be sure to mock the loliposter if I'm wrong
Also same thing for Ukraine, Russia doesn't need Ukraine but it needs Ukraine to not be Western-aligned. It's interesting that even though Ukraine is butthurt, Moldovans can feel the winds of change and the youth are starting to lean back towards Russia. They're simply too intertwined with Russia as a country and people, and Europe is looking increasingly strategically weak, economically fishy, and culturally questionable.
Why do I feel the urge to stomp their fucking skulls?
Who, Russians, Ukros, Moldovans, Euros or lolis
Don't stomp lolis
But will USA leave Turkey to do the fuck it wants?With the NATO base and what,200 bombs I think, i doubt they will leave such an asset.
I feel it's far more possible that,with the Brexit,some Euro states will align with Russia giving them access.Italy,Greece are possibilities.
Wasn't the accord between Gorbachev and the US that the states around Russia would remain neutral?
All of them
What the fuck is wrong with me today
I just don't think a genuine Turkish entente will be forthcoming. They'll work on the Syria thing but they're deadly competitors. America won't give up the Turkey love for a very long time simply because they have no better option.
Anyway in case of a genuine Russo-Turkish alliance Iran would crawl arse-first up an escalator of dicks to be bbf with America so that's who America's man would be. Who are really kind of their desired allies anyway, it's a hop skip and a jump to forming a route from Mediterranean Sea to shining Indian Ocean sea (and forcing Russia to bend over for Pakistan, who again would be very dangerous for Russia due to demographics and hurkadom)
There really aren't any rules in these kinds of affairs. If you managed to let yourself be jewed, then it's basically fool me once shame on me and my wife's son
But Russia has been very smart in keeping its periphery poor, broken, and full of separatist republics. It's given them lots of potentialities
Screw you, a loli is fine
holy shit my sides went higher than the minarets
fukken saved
Bumping in wake of Turkey happening. Do you think it is possible that this retaliation from the Kikes and Nato for Erdogan apologizing to Russia?
Anything's possible, but I think an attack like this needs SOME planning even as low-tech as it is
Time to get comfy as the chaos unfolds.
Guys… could today's airport attack be (((ISIS))) retaliation for Turkey repairing relationship with Russia?
Anyone else think it's an interesting (((coincidence))) that a few hours after this, the airport gets attacked? Like, I'm sure it'll be blamed as the reason for the attack, but these attacks normally take at least several weeks of planning.
Of course it's not a coincidence as we all know. IS is the golem that got out of control, so the Turkish deep state staged a terror attack in order to rally the country towards a strategic compromise over Syria of the sort discussed in this thread. You can consider this loliavatarfag canon.
I'm out lads, time to watch the last episode of Progressive Game of Thrones (pls no spoiler) and then fap to totally attractive grannies
How desperate are you retards? American-Russo alliance. We Starship Troopers now.
What a lying little weasel, he ain´t trustworthy at all.
The head roach is probably planning another, even bigger dirty trick.
Turkey is not a part of Europe and never will be.
Get the fuck out of here, you shit posting pedophile. Nothing you say means a fucking thing. It's one assertion after the other.
You are a nobody neckbeard pedophile who belongs on cuckpol.
Anatolia used to be part of Europe, before it got infested with roaches.
Satan trips checked