You might be a cuck if

These are the signs to look for to determine if you are a cuck or not.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're definetly a cuck

there is nothing wrong with The Walking Dead you faggot.

But you're both cucks
cucks of the state who control your perception through the use of meaningless spooks.
a true revolution needs no leader because their lack of leader defines their revolution

Anarchists are retarded, nobody takes you serious. All you ever do is talk stupid bourgeoise shit about the state and then wonder why there are anarchocapitalists. Your "antiauthoritarian" rhetoric is hypocritical and shows how little you understand of theory in general.

You will face the same fate as the fascist open reactionaries.

anarcho capitlaists are not true anarchists, collectivism leads to the natural oppression of the individual. It's inevitable and all states only care about self preservation of their state. How do they achieve this? By making the individuals slaves and pushing hiveminds on them so they will stop thinking for themselves. Workers rights are a joke, they will never have dignity until they work for themselves. Only through liberation of one's self will you become something glorious.

This thread is the must anti-cuck of all threads. But it's easy to see that I pissed off a Shill like you.

No one's a cuck for supporting Trump, moron.

Stalin was mass murdering swine. The state calls the violence of the individual "crime" while calling that of the state "law".

Cuckoid faggot confirmed. The Walking Dead shows interracial relationships. That's definitely a show for cucks.

Cuckoid faggotry confirmed.

You're right
You're rather a faggot who'd never get a gf and sucks the dick himself

do you actually think that talking exclusively in memespeak makes people take you seriously? This is why people take the Daily Stormer as satire, no one who's serious should ever talk like this.

Kek, just skip the bullshit and kill yourself if you want to make yourself useful

Angry liberal anti-Trump faggot confirmed.

but why overthrow a corrupt system only to replace it with another
have you not read Animal Farm?

Salty cucked Trumpfaggot affirmative

And that's exactly why you're never getting anywhere in life, kek

"US" is not an argument, it was written by an individual not a representative of the US state.

Or am I? ;)

Going full retard i see


Please just move to North Korea and see how wonderful it is to be property of the state.


These are the actual signs to look for if you are a cuck or not

I think that's pretty much it.

Do you actually believe communism would work?

so what's wrong with Dexter?

nah man everyone on this website knows your a cuck if

As much as I appreciate this post I was literally listing off what an actual cuckold is.


There's interracial relationships on that show.

So? Brown girls are hot. I assume it works the other way around, too.

If you don't like delicious brown tiddies you can get the fuck out.

There's black men dating white women on that show, dumbass.

Reading comp., man, get on that shit.
Also I guarantee it's an educated black man and not the "niggas" you have in your head that are "fucking up" your precious gene pool.

Daily reminder that your issues with race are more accurately attributed to poverty and inequality.

And Rick's dating Michonne at the moment. Your point?


Curly black pubes are the fucking best kinda pubes. Low-profile, non-bushy, kinda cusion-y, mostly stay out of your mouth, interesting texture. It's rad af if you don't mind a girl not being well-shaved.

Wait… how is Dexter a cuck show? Im not arguing… just curious… doesnt he kill the black guy in like the second season?

It's apparently because the interracial boogey man is in that show and we need a reason to hate everything nowadays.

Oh? I get it? No… nevermind.

The lieutenant is just plain cuban I thought?

You sound like a SJW.

Nope. Too nappy headed for my taste buds.

There's been several cases of SJW crap crammed into that show showing a black man with white woman or Latino man with white woman.


Apparently this is a big fuckin' deal.
I mean, there's all sorts of actually black media portraying the kind-of relationships that deserve hating, but no let's focus on this shit.

You sound like someone not willing to fight for their beliefs.

lol ur wrong about more than half of what you say.

as a matter of fact, based on the incorrect things you said I'd say you yourself are a cuckfaggot.

Not everyone is into bestiality, cuck.

WTF are these? I've never heard of them!

Rap is shitty and repetative, pop suffers the same problem, R&B? What's that? Red and brown shit?
I only listen to rock you fucking faggot.

I enjoy no movies, they are all for the sheeple to enjoy.

I wrote a liberal arts paper on black lives matter and how, in practice, they are a bunch of thieving niggers! I'm as Anti-BLM as they come!

What about you, nigger faggot?

SJW's getting this upset. LOL Back to LeftyPol.

So wait, your whole stance is that non-whites are lesser but you don't wanna dominate a brown girl in the sack? What kinda faggot are you?

No, please, give me some concrete arguments. I wanna hear 'em. All I've gotten so far are opinions.

You can't afford Netflix or Hulu. Go figure.

I only listen to rock you fucking faggot.

I listen to country.

Westerns are the best.

I see.

I own a painting of Trump and have hanging in my bedroom wall. Hail Trumpler.


Well shit…
Now I'm the nigger faggot.

That's the point.

kys, tbqh.

Leftardpol spotted.

Niggers are strong but dumb.
Chinks are weak, but smart.
If i breed a Nig and Chink, would i get an Aryan?

Rigging does not work on landslides, tumbliretta.


I don't speak faggotry. So type in English next time.

Getting this angry at me for speaking the truth.

So your data is actually pretty accurate, seeing as over a quarter of blacks and hispanics are in poverty, so they would have (comparatively) more than twice the crime rate as the entire white population.

That and the war on drugs targeting blacks and latinos and your data gets shaky at best.

I did not see you admitting you like black cock in every member of your family, cuck.

there is no source on that chart

I support Trump, but this is a gay thing… you are a faggot.. You have good political opinions, but you also like getting rammed by dudes.

tl;dr for

Crime rates will be higher in a racial group that is in more poverty, due to crime being linked better to poverty/need than anything else.

Because blacks and latinos are practically monopolizing the trade, retard?

Poverty correlation is demonstrated in the chart retard and is a much lower predictor than race. Learn to read.

your chart has no source, fuck you !


since whites are a 2/3 majority, shouldnt they be almost 2/3 of the crime?

Why would you think blacks would have double the crime rate? You are too stupid to exist. Can you tie your own shoes buddy?


i'm not the guy you're arguing with.
your chart still has no source, it's as valid as the dump i took few minutes ago

Awwww…what's the matter? Did a black guy have sex with your mom/sister/cousin? That's what it sounds like. ;)

You're telling me you don't have 50000 pro-Trump pics on your harddrive? I find that hard to beLIEve, faggot.

Of course they target blacks and latinos. Obviously these anti-SJW's had their girlfriend's stolen by a black or latino guy.

I did read. That chart actually shows crime rates among latinos and blacks as being lower than expected, given their poverty ratios.

If you factor out drug-related crimes it also plummets. Black people are arrested anywhere between 4 and 8 times more often than whites on the basis of drugs, even though drug use is only slightly more common among black people.

ht tps : / / w w w . aclu . o rg / gallery / marijuana - arrest s - numbers

If the trade is weed (which is harmless as fuck), yes. Matter of factly, the war on drugs was specifically cultivated with weed in mind to be as racist as possible, since both groups love them some herb.

Look at harder drugs and you move into cartel (coke) and local (meth, prescription meds) territory.

While true, it's working against him.


The fuck did you conclude that from?

I'm agreeing with you…


Merely pretending being retarded is not obvious with commies cognitive dissonance.

Also let's not forget…


You'd expect to see roughly twice as much crime in these communities given the statistics, but you see less than double.

Niggers perpetrate much more than double the crime, Faggot

=You're a cuck if you have different opinions than me!!=

rocket shoves you a faggot armistice herring racecar

Half the population is poor, not 14%

But based on that chart, they don't. And based on the information I gave regarding drug crime, that's where most of their arrests come from. If you want to vilify weed, then sure. But that's your prerogative to illegalize a plant that does less harm than alcohol ever did.

That's not how poverty works. It's somewhere between 4.5% to 14.5% depending on how you want to do the math.

ht tp : / / w w w . huffin gtonp ost . c om / 2014 / 09 / 16 / poverty -household-in come_n_58 28974 . h t ml
ht tp : / / w w w . forbe s . co m / sites / timworstal l / 2015 / 03 / 15 / the- true-us-povert y-rate-is-4-5- not-14-5 /#4dae83 475562


I'm basing it off his sourceless chart. So whichever, I guess.

So wait… now interracial dating is cuckolding? I thought cuckoldom (ism?) is when a guy wants to watch his wife bang another dude… that sounds like a pretty big logical gap.

Is it because the alt-right doesnt want to awaken anything in themselves? I mean that sounds like the only logical explanation as far as I can tell… Freud wasn't a total crackpot, it would seem.

He's using the memetic definition of cuckoldry, IE: doing, watching, experiencing or enjoying anything left of the Right qualifies one as a cuck, especially things traditionally seen as leftist or progressive.

interracianl dating is not cuckolding, you are right that the definition of cuckolding does not say that is cuckolding, that was just one racist guys opinion or a cucktroll. Interracial dating is gross and beastiality, but it is definitely not cuckolding. (that took a turn you didnt expect SJW. Wanna cry? Crying helps.)

2/10 I replied.

This is where you become the SJWs.
People should be free to enjoy whatever kind of entertainment they want guilt-free.

Who could we have voted other than Trump? You clearly don't like him, do you have an alternative?

I find calling people cucks useless. You don't actually change their point of view, you just insult them.

Bernie, but the DNC rigged that shit.
Any of the non-sensational, non-idiotic republicans.

This was really a shitty election cycle.

So, what policies of Bernie do you think would help the US?
15$ minimum wage?
Free college?

His 21 trillion dollar plan wouldn't work at all.

To add, the guy is clearly uninformed. he thought you could buy a machinegun at walmart.


The meme concept of cuckolding is essentially making fun of any kind of altruistic thinking. The idea is that you would let a man have sex with your wife because you would feel sorry if he didn't.

If you close tax loopholes and actually tax the rich, it works well.

10% income tax on the upper quintile of Americans produces $1.08 trillion annually
(earnings of the upper quintile x one fifth of americans x .10)
10% federal sales tax would produce another $1.07 trillion.
(american spending in 2016 x .10)

I don't know where you're getting a $21 trillion dollar plan, but if you look at European countries they have similar and more efficient systems and tax the shit out of the rich.

Hell, a basic income for the poor would cost less than $500 billion.


ok, I am going to with-hold insults for now. Do you think that is actually altruistic?

It is almost by definition.
That's the idea behind the cuck meme.
You can compare any altruistic act at your own expense to letting a man have sex with your wife.

This is speaking from a neutral point of view btw, I think it's pretty clever. Since altruistic thinking is normally considered an unassailable virtue. This lets people break it down.

I felt like I should stop watching the whole time. He leaves such big holes.

Proceeding to


Debunk this aswell, I need some ammo.

Those things alone would cover everything else if we closed fucking loopholes. But let's keep watching.

I've got a paper due at 3 nigga. If this thread is here later tonight I'll take a look at it.

But immediately he's doing fucking opinions. It's all god-damned opinions.


It is not altruism, it is reverse racism. Why is it not altruism to let a white guy have sex with your wife? You are being very racist and considering black people 'poor' and in need of sex which you can provide to them, but a white man in the same financial shape is not poor?

If you were actually being altruistic you would find poor men (of any race) and tell them to fuck your wife. That would be altruistic but that isn't whats going on.

To add

that would be actual atruism, not racism.

actual altruism. gg nore



Theres a few lefties in this thread, what's your opinon on the second amendment?

It's antiquated. The constitution is nearly two-and-a-half centuries old, written in a world where the colonies were tiny-ish and at war with a global superpower, and scared of having to have that same war come about within their own fledgling country.

No idea how to fix it properly, not my forte, but assault rifles are a little far.

lefties? pusssies* lol

no the framers added the second amendment to prevent the US government from ever being like the future-KGB by trying to make guns easy to buy.

No, it's altruism.
Within the context it is used, you are one with your race. It's an abstract kind of cuckoldry.
There are other uses of the term by other groups too, but the "altruistic" definition always remains.

For example:
Holla Forums says "classcuck" to signify you would let the bourgeois fuck your wife.
Holla Forums says "rulecuck" to signify you would let the mods fuck your wife.

"Your wife" is just another way of saying "your own well being"
The concept of a cuck brings up an image of a pathetic emasculated man who lets anyone walk all over him. That's the point, your will to stand up for others doesn't make you respectable, but just pathetic and submissive to abuse.

Right, but the people that do not think that the second amendment is obsolete, say that it is a protection against government tyranny, I will post a ben shapiro video where he explains this view. This is the view that most people on the right hold. (3:40)

Assault rifles are to you…?

I don't like calling people that, they're good people, they're just uninformed, a real pity

Please do debunk it, bernie bros :D

Yeah, that's what I said. You just used Russian terms that didn't exist at the time instead of equating it to era-specific shit.

I am the first two people. We already have gov't tyrrany. You really think if people tried to revolt these days that the army wouldn't tear them to fucking shreds? Did you pay attention to standing rock? They were able to absolutely torture these peaceful protesters with "non-lethal" shit for months.

Also, again, guns aren't my forte, but anything where you can hold down the trigger and shit out a huge volume of bullets. Anything that's overkill for a hunter or home defense.

ok, if you want to use only the the abstract definition then fine, we'll stick to that.

Too much of anything is bad. Too much altruism turns an alpha into a beta. I know enough cuckfaggots to know that what starts as altruism gets out of control in every case and turns into beta faggot cuckoldry. (thats the word)

The army are people too, they aren't just mindless robots. Would they fight for government tyranny? Do you really think that?

Even so, the >tear them to shreds
really worked on the IRA, the taliban, the vietcong, you can go on.

Remember that there are more than 300 million guns in american homes, and there are very much people readily prepared to fight the government if neccesary

Watch the fucking show user

And no, we don't have gov't tyranny.

A real tyrannical government wouldn't stand for possible rebels owning firearms.

fuck off

The type of firearms you talk about, automatics, are already de-facto banned by the 1986 machine gun act. It is very hard to get a machinegun. You have to get very much licenses, and the cheapest machinegun you would is about 15000 to 20000

Now let me teach you something about 'assault rifles'

An assault rifle is defined as the rifle, being automatic, and using an intermediate cartridge (.223 7.62x39, etc)
It is very uncommon for one of these rifles to be in the hands of a US citizen.

plus this 'abstract definition' is something you just made up. It can't be properly judged using non-abstract ideas. If you want to bring up a literal case then that can be judged, but this abstract bullshit will bring you to false conclusions cuck.

change automatic to select fire, it is able to shoot semi-automatic and automaticly

edu/k/ate the fucktards, user

destroying construction equipment, using mototovs, destroying land with your shitty camps, blocking roads with burned out cars and concertina wire isn't peaceful, user
why didn't we just bushmaster the fuckers?
put out a couple trucks of listerine in the road, wait for them to come, and then rip them up with a couple bradleys. not hard.

Also, before the 'mass shooting' argument comes up.

The highest scoring mass shootings have taken place at gun free zones. (t. breivik)

Too also already end the scary rifle argument, almost all homicides involving firearms are done with pistols.

I watched the first season and can say without a doubt that it is SJW trash. Gbt reddit por favor


You care to tell everyone here why?

get out nigger


Is this picture supposed to be serious? I don't get it, it must be a joke.

get out nigger

Wrong. I've just made an observation of how the term is generally used.

Even if an accusation of you being a cuck was investigated and found to be false, the insult still holds up because "You would still probably let (x) have sex with your wife based on your behavior toward them"
Also nobody would ever investigate this in reality, so your point is moot, the insult is a deduction from limited information.

What do you lefties think of the NFA? It's pic related.


We have crime because we have niggers.


The 4th one would be better if they were not labeled "criminal" and "law-abiding citizen" and it were just left up to the readers imagination.

But I like the walking dead.
Zombies dude.

I can't get over the fact that there are still literal communists in the world, in 2016!

It's like you guys never spoke to anyone who lived in a commie country. Life was absolutely terrible.

God everyone is so fucking stupid.

No. SJW's are cuckolds who are into or support interracial dating.

But that furthers the SJW agenda.

There was Bernie, but Dems fuck that up. There are Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, but people are too afraid to vote third party.

It's a SJW propaganda show because of the interracial relationship Luke Cage has with Jessica Jones. It doesn't matter if a black guy is getting thrown off a roof or being beaten to death.

Well it is Joker's face paint on Obama.

Doesn't matter. The Walking Dead pushes the SJW agenda.

Watching a television show doesn't do anything. Observation is not a crime.

Spoken like a true cuck.

please cite where that shit happens in the show Luke Cage

I don't watch the show. I'm just going by what others are saying.

You have fucking downs

Nah. But you SJW's surely have downs.

You literally did nothing to back up what you said though, you danced around the question like a fucking ballerina.