last thread was good. Post logs. here's mine
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Politics, Trump, and Bernie.
Stranger: Hey, what's on your mind?
You: Gassing another 6000000 Jews.
You: You?
Stranger: The 2016 election.
Stranger: What in particular about a second genocide are you thinking?
You: The fact the first "genocide" never happened, and how we can actually collect all the Jews that are disguising as whites.
Stranger: Well, I'm Jewish and I identify as white.
You: Oy vey.
Stranger: Heck, my ancestry's probably as European as yorus.
Stranger: *yours.
You: (((You))) are not European.
You: Just because your ancestors lived in Europe does not mean you are.
You: A hamster doesn't become a fish if it's born into an aquarium.
Stranger: Lol, that analogy has some funny imagery.
You: And no matter how many generations are born in said aquariums, none of them will evolve fish-like characteristics.
Stranger: Well, I'm pretty pale. At least in winter, I've been working on my tan.
Stranger: Phenotypically I look European.
Stranger: Are you saying I am Arab?
Stranger: There are Arab Jews, mostly in Israel, but I am neither Arab nor Israeli.
You: But you have Jewish ancestors?
You: And you say you're white.
You: That means you're Ashkenazi
You: Still a Jew, though.
Stranger: Yeah, Ashkenazim (plural of Ashkenazi) are white.
You: …in skin only.
You: But you're not white as a race.
Stranger: What makes a race?
Stranger: If you were to look at me there's no way you could tell I am Jewish.
Stranger: I just want to understand your logic.
You: Are you sure your nose isn't 10 meters long, Schlomo?
Stranger: Haha, my nose is pretty regular sized.
You: are you sure you don't have a hook nose?
Stranger: No, I don't.
You: Well.
Stranger: Isn't a hook-nose supposed to be a nordic trait?
You: Ashkenazi Jews do have genes exclusive to them.
You: No?
Stranger: Heck, I'm just Wikipedia-ing hook nose and it says it's been described as Jewish, black, Aryan, nordic, etc. trait
You: Obviously a Jew would use Kikeapedia
Stranger: As opposed to…?
You: Pretty much any other search result Jewgle returns?
Stranger: I wonder, do you believe Jesus was Jewish?
You: He was, yes.
Stranger: Here's the funny thing–there is no consensus as to who is and isn't Jewish.
Stranger: Some say it's a race
Stranger: some say it's a religion
Stranger: Some say it's both–I subscribe to the "religion only" belief.
You: Well.
You: Hitler had a pretty good way to identify it.
Stranger: So technically I don't think Jesus was Jewish once he proclaimed himself the Messiah.
Stranger: Or really if he believed he was the Son of God.
Stranger: *whoops, let me rephrase
Stranger: I do not think he was Jewish once he believed himself to be the Son of God, if he even believed that at all.
Stranger: I haven't read too much of the Old Testament but I think he's vague on that subject, speaking mostly in metaphor and parables.
Stranger: Are you religious?
You: Not quite.
You: I have trouble believing it.
Stranger: Forgive me, that was intolerant of me to assume you were Christian.
You: "intolerant"
You: how dare you misgender me you misogynist pig
You: I mean
You: Uh.
Stranger: I never assumed your gender.
You: misreligion me you anti-theistic pig
Stranger: Mea culpa, though you're not one to talk either.
You: Eh.
You: Tell me. :^)
You: How many times were you gassed?
You: Do you believe 6 gorillion really died?
You: How many media outlets do you own? How many central banks do you own?
Stranger: Zero, yes, 6 million died, zero, and zero.
You: So wait.
You: The war lasted 6 years, rite.
Stranger: I've never been gassed
Stranger: Yes, 6 million died
Stranger: I own no media outlets or central banks.
You: 365 x 6 = 2190
You: An hour contains 3600 seconds.
You: 3600 x 24 = 86400 seconds a day.
Stranger: You act like all of the killing happened through the gas chambers in one place.
You: 86400 x 2190 = 189216000
You: Actually no, nevermind the seconds.
You: 6000000 / 2190 = 2739 gassed Jews per day
Stranger: You act like all the deaths occurred through gassing.
You: The propaganda certainly portrays it as such.
Stranger: A large portion of the killing was through gas chambers, but not exclusively.
You: That'd still be impossible
You: if you consider the "large portion" to be
You: say