Pre-election day

I don't even follow politics, but what the fuck happened?

Everyone still support Trump.

i would die for trump

Probably le ebin newfriendz bragging about how Holla Forums won the election to their friends on social media causing an influx of normalfags

Holla Forums literally organized an op to taint Holla Forums with their shitty opinions and general retardation.

I really wished I had screencapped the thread, because as soon as it came up these fags started pushing their retarded shit here.

But that's not to say Trump hasn't started doing some strange things, and he's bound to lose some support on Holla Forums since he actually won.

All in all though Holla Forums should be deleted, and its users shot.

They'll probably damage control this post.

please do, user. messily and on stream for the gorefags. your miserable life would at least end in laughter.
1, Trump is a kike loving reality tv star.
2, Holla Forums has never sided with government. never, ever.

The assblasted lefties on this site are in 200% damage control mode, as if somehow spouting the same shitty memes over and over will get them their way

I don't really get it either


How new are you?


wtf I hate Trump now

He still needs to win the electoral college vote, that is why he is acting more like a typical president.

Pro-Trump were the loudest group, not the only group.
I have always been pro-Bernie but when it came down to Trump or Hillary I supported the lesser or two evils.
I'm not 'merican and think Trump will be bad domestically but I like his foreign policy so I'm happy he won. The primary downside of him winning is he has appointed several anti-net neutrality to the FCC.

Non americans confirmed biggest cucks on the planet.


Hold on there user, I'm pretty sure that at least half of that board is just Holla Forums fucking with commies.

Yeah, it's kinda weird. Look, i'd say that relatively, Sanders would've been the better choice for you, but fuck that, i'm glad you took the bullet. Jumped right into it.

Sanders would've fucked everything.
Social democracy leads to people becoming "lazy", they're losing the desperate need for revolution and will get confused over capitalism and why it eventually will start fucking them over again. And that's assuming the best case scenario, social democrats are very quick to give in to any capitalist demands and delude into people that it's in their favor. In the end, the hatred will play out in favor for the reactionaries.

Trump is the right wing Sanders and very clearly the lying variant. He'll fuck people over really badly. And there's the chance of enough potential being driven into a sincere socialist movement far left from "democratic socialism".
There'll be further radicalization down the road and knowing how retarded americans are, shit could hit the fan in a very bad direction.
It's a dangerous gamble, but the alternatives are all even worse.
Trump is our guy.

not only the faggot did a 180° flip on everything he promised he also filled the white house with more fucking kikes than ever !

i'm not a blind fanboy, i support a political ideology not a dude.
if the dude turns out to be not what he pretended than he can go fuck himself.

Trump is not our guy.
He just appointed his 3rd Goldman Sachs banker to his cabinet.

Freemarkets no longer exist in this world. The U.S. is not a capitalist society. It is a Neo-Facist-Corporate-Plutocracy controlled by cartels of lobbyists who use regulation and law to prevent competition and leech off the teet of the Federal government.

Socialism is cancer, but so is the current system.
A return to true capitalism and free-markets is the only answer.

This will never happen as long as the fed is around though. We have to kill the fucking bank before we can begin to free ourselves from this stagnant hell of usury and lies.

Because the FCC has jack-shit control over the internet anymore since Obama gave it to the U.N.

None of this matters though because by 2022 we will reach the thermodynamic limit of oil production.

It will take more than 1 barrel of oil in energy to extract 1 barrel of oil in energy from the ground.

Back to the stone-age Holla Forumsitches.

They really are retarded

No one has ever liked the president

this. Holla Forums is living up to its reputation for once.

Essentially Holla Forums was so desperate to have a candidate to call their own that they latched onto Trump for his civic nationalist policies, and even though he has disavowed them and ethnic nationalism time and time again, and has proven that he is not as anti-establishment as his campaign led people to believe, they ignore all this and shout "muh god emperor!!1!" when presented with these facts.
I'm not saying that there was a better alternative, but to act as though Trump is going to advance their cause despite his obvious love for Israel and his establishment appointments is laughable.
All candidates support (((their))) agenda, you won't change anything through (((democracy))) - don't forget it.
