What the fuck happened to Space Elevator?
It's 2016 our current and the tide is finally turning against Globalism, Cultural Marxism, and filthy kikes.
It's time to be optimistic again.
What the fuck happened to Space Elevator?
It's 2016 our current and the tide is finally turning against Globalism, Cultural Marxism, and filthy kikes.
It's time to be optimistic again.
Other urls found in this thread:
Slip and slides are more fun, it seems.
Read Battle Angel Alita for how the space elevator ends.
What is the point of a giant ass space elevator?
Fucking newfag
They will be the most energy efficient way to get large masses to and from the surface of Mars and the Moon. We really need to be building the lunar one right now as a test for the Martian one. It’s so cost-efficient that the nation that builds the first one will be completely unstoppable in space.
We don’t know of any material that can build one on Earth, however, and it may actually not be possible here at all.
Short answer, jews spooked him out of posting.
Newfag reveals himself.
Did the Jews really get to him?
Happened years ago so I might not be remembering right. He said or implied the jews basicaly told him to stop posting about science stuff.
Here's his old blog.
carbon nanotubes son.
muh space elevator
it is a materials engineering issue nigger.
they cannot be manufactured for that purpose
also, i think we have shifted research to the insane shortsighted profits of space mining instead. because (((reasons)))
going for 4 in a row.
forgot one thing, if anyone tackles this it will be that autist elon musk. he won't even touch it with a 10 foot –pole–
Fucking newfag
What isn't the point of a giant ass space elevator?
I want to believe. I miss SpaceElevator's threads, was always a joy to read.
don't take a Chan board so serious you fucking autist
And what point does this thread serve besides jerking off to sci-fi fantasies, mein Fuhrer?
Fuck off newfag
People like you belong on a cross.
This is nothing but a slide thread about what happened to this other slide thread?
how the fuck would that work
what material could you possibly use to build it
wouldn't it collapse due to the immense size?
Wouldn't the different gravities make an elevator bend or snap?
How much will it cost and whos paying for it?
Goddamn it you fucking newfags space elevator was an user in the past who used to post regular science news.
All the fucking newfags in this thread make me fucking sick.
It was never possible. There is no material with the strength tensile I think capable of not shattering due to rotational sheering.
They figured out that Whites would use it to escape from the brown people, so it was shut down.
He sounded good though
kinda feel like i missed out on alot
All these newfags were never around for Space Elevator Threads, shocking tbh, no wonder the post quality is so shit now.
These newfags also seem to be of the "no fun allowed" zealous variety that Goebbels warned us about.
Are they faggots from Iron March or VNN?
Imagine a space elevator being sabotaged?
The counterweight flying off in space with all the crew
Thousands of miles of diamond tough carbon fiber wrapping itself around the world because of gravity
Wherever the cable lands would obliterate the land with the power of at least a few megatons
Worldwide tsunamis
Christ let us think twice about one
Why don't we just use Space-X as an example, privatize the space industry and just send low-cost rockets for transport, it would be a hell of a lot safer and cheaper than a space elevator
I think the last time someone tried to make one of these threads it got autosaged. Same happened to think tank user.
So intellectually, you're a cuckold.
It got BTFO by no fun faggots.
Hey, here's a thought. Imagine we have a functional moon colony. Wouldn't it be far cheaper to build the space elevator with moon resources and then launch it piece by piece towards Earth orbit? I mean, as opposed to launching all the components from Earth.
Why are there so many no fun faggots on Holla Forums these days anyways?
Don't they understand that our fun and memes are half the reason why we're in any way successful?
Are they refugees from some shitty forum?
Yep it was full of cucks complaining about it not being politic.
Space Elevator was also a Brazilian faggot so maybe he got simply enriched by a nigger.
I don't know but I'm getting sick of it.
I don't know who these fucking autistic spergfags are, but I hate them with a hate that cannot be described in words.
Probably the same ones that more than enjoy actual slide threads like "muh fashion" and virtue signaling threads about "how to be better by following what some faggot user said would make you better".
ec4c25's question is an interesting one, though.
Where the fucking shit did they come from?
They don't know dick about actual old school *chan culture.
So who the fuck are they?
Probably from some oh so serious right wing forums and reddit. It's sad to see though.
These are also the same useful retards with a stick up their ass that enable the jewish anime [email protected]/* */ campaign too.
My guess is that they're refugees from Iron March, Stormfront, VNN, ect.. who have decided to export their decades of failure to the only place doing a goddamn thing for white nationalism.
These fucking faggot refugees need to be shamed and fucking purged.
NSA of course.
Don't these hypocritical motherfuckers understand that they're acting exactly like sandniggers moving into a western nation and then demanding that their host change for them rather than the other way around.
I hate them so goddamn much
It shorted the van-alen radiation belts to ground, snapped in half and crashed.
Reddit, cuckchan, freech, many possibilities.
We need to create a truly superior and educated populace before going back to space.
Having a rabble of morons only works when we need slaves to move and build things.
A true white populace of superior beings can rule the stars. Not a mixed bag of mongrels. Once the problem has been resolved we can work towards touching the face of god.
lurk moar newfag
Speaking of space elevators, why do we assume it needs to be attached to the Earth?
Why not have a bunch of magnets that hold seperate pieces like a huge spine?
With DC electricity generated by a negatively charged copper net meeting positively charged air in a wind turbine, shit would be so cash
Plz no hate, I want to hotbox an astronaut suit in space one day
The amount of newfaggotry in this thread holy fuck…
I knew you were a newfag you spamming piece of shit that has been spamming this board for months. Fuck you.
If only we can mine materials from the asteroid belt and process them.
Apparently no one has seen the first 20 minutes of the movie Gravity.
The other reason is niggers.
Kill yourself newfag
He's not talking about a literal Space Elevator.
Fucking fuck. I want summer to be over.
Dude posts his science news threads when he wants to, dude.
Calm down.
The price of namefaggotry.
Did Space Elevator fag migrate back to Halfchan or did he just dissapear? Last I saw him he was making threads on /n/ but that was about a year ago I can dump my small space folder if you want though
God fucking dammit.
Pics not really related, but does anyone here play Space Engine? Its less a game and more a to-scale model of the entire universe and then some. It uses real-world star catalog data to model the universe, planets have 3D terrain, volumetric clouds, and fully rendered oceans as well. It was made by some Ruskie and its free too so it might be worth checking out
huh, I must have copy-pasted that from another thread… odd.
Fuck, can my computer even run that?
Nope, not strong enough. They’d be PERFECT for the Moon and Mars, though. We have 100% of the materials tech we need to do elevators on those bodies.
Because the moderators and Rach are part of the same team. We’ve been co-opted. Hotwheels is dead. The site will never be the same.
Then perhaps it's time for the umman manda to ride down out of the mountains once more.
Its not very taxing on resources, the game itself isn't even that big, most of it is taken care of with procedural generation
Goddamn I fucking love meme magic
Yeah, why wouldn’t it be able to? It’s not SUPER detailed right now, but he’s still working on it.
Sounds like a plan… cool.
Sorry, I'm just used to KSP crashing every 12.4 seconds, I guess.
Also, those screenshots look tasty.
It’s basically just a desktop background generator right now, but he has included some physics and ship design for the eventual game (and game engine to be used by others).
Space Engine should be an essential program for people to have, because it does give you a real sense of scale of just how big the universe is. And I feel like its important to have, because its very humbling
Mine can
brb, rebooting
Sounds interesting, I do love some space simulation programs.
Can you please fix the Muslim spawning bug? they're spawning outside of the designated war zone for fucks sake
Jesus all these newfags don't know who space elevator is. No wonder board quality went down, I'm probably one of the few people who's been here since /new/, everyones all schizophrenic now, especially with that faggot that spams threads with a constant stream of text. Like holy fuck go away please.
Space has become from:
There's a few /new/smen left.
Centrifugal force.
It stretches both ways like a ball tied to a string that you swing around.
We need to speed up the progress of humanity first - i.e. genetically modify ourselves to increase intelligence (this will do for now, the emotion manipulation might be a nono due to it effecting our individual lives too much - may be dangerous)
I also believe we might have to integrate with computer technology.
Eventually we will not need AI if we are integrated.
The space exploration was basically a white man's thing. Kikes want their Israel ruling the world so they can live like an efendi and STUDY THE BOOK, and the world is going to revolve around this thing for a while, hardcore progress will be of second magnitude to population control, etc.
Why don't they "warp" us to space first?
Light can travel as a wave and a particle.
Maybe we can transport ourselves as data or a wave.
I don't believe it will effect us as much as some people suggest. Clearly if you consider our body as a clump of data - that data retains memories and consciousness as part of it.
You would essential just "transport".
Are Space Elevator threads the new newfag test?
anyway, I recall seeing few Space Elevator threads on 8ch compared to the regular Friday 4ch threads.
Genetic modification bro.
Turn niggers into ubermensch.
I'm sure they won't disagree when you tell them "otherwise humanity will cease to exist soon".
Soon people will be in all shapes and forms - purple hair, blue skin, yellow/red eyes, whatever.
After you.
fucking newfags, god damn
I mean it wasn't even THAT long ago that SE was posting
Wew. The consciousness and continuation of consciousness is a discussion on Holla Forums that I simultaneously never want to see and want more than anything in the world.
"Step in to my matter dematerializer, it will transport you to space…. 'Trust Me(TM)'"
People have been having the conciousness/body/mind discussion for thousands of years…. the only headway that has been made, is new types of technologies to use as metaphorical examples in discussions.
What's the point of these threads?
What's the point of these posts?
It's just a bunch of whining, meta discussion and calling people newfags/redditors over and over again.
Annnnnd filtered.
Oh, I know. I'm just morbidly curious about the conclusions we'll reach with Holla Forums's special brand of autism and meme magic.
Kek. I was just about to use an example of sending an email in regards to the other user's "If you consider our body as a clump of data" thing. Then I thought "Well, telegrams sent data without making a copy, which is a different method for doing the same thing, so it's not the best analogy…"
Space elevator posted here once or twice, but it appears shills ranging from Ted shitposter and his million proxies just started saying "not politics, not Holla Forums" all over. There were also shills, I presume from Holla Forums, trying to shill flat Earth, electric universe and CERN is hell gate theories fresh from /fringe/. Same thing happened with some other namefag trying to copy Space Elevator, he called himself Space Escalator. It's a shame, because there are quite a handful of engineers and people with degrees here that could dispel some of the bullshit revolving around "groundbreaking technology", that the MSM or kosher media sites seem to promote. I am talking of course about shit like green technology or the over-thought, over-funded and over-done seismic detector that "detected gravity waves".
Does Holla Forums have a /sci/ board?
It does, but it was pretty dead last I checked.
Look, jackass. I'm actually going to be nice and explain things. OP obviously wanted a thread about science and tech news, but newfags very similar to yourself derailed it before it even got started. Lurk before posting especially if a topic seems confusing.
Now in the spirit of a tech thread, CERN is doing an experiment that will hopefully make particle accelerators smaller and less expensive. This could lay the groundwork for new facilities that exceed their current limitations at less of a cost. Hopefully we can eventually have more large scale experiments going on simultaneously.
I believe consciousness is energy itself manifested in a "circuit" (i.e. the brain)
It's quite literally a "spark".
At this stage, I would be willing to test it. I know fully the potential consequences and frankly that is the same consequence for not testing it - death.
We need it asap. We need to understand consciousness more immediately.
Holy shit even the mods are newfags
Oh and that spark would be sent with the data.
Making sure that you travel with your body.
It's a pattern of data that will re-manifest.
The idea is a fucking pipe dream.
What's the point?
Yup, which is why I mentioned "email vs. Telegraph". Telegraph just sends an electrical signal through a wire. Email makes a copy of the master and sends that. The sent email is identical in every way to the original, to the point where we effectively consider them one and the same. In reality they are two separate things in two separate locations.
You would have to make sure that it's done telegraph style, not email style.
The thread deserves to be autosaged at this point, honestly. If anyone decides to make another thread like this, then provide links and descriptions in the OP.
Flexible, efficient photo-voltaic cell. It's more durable than current cells as well.
Pic related. On a scale of 0 to negative infinity, how surprised are you.
Funny how that requirement isn't there for all the niggers that fill their OP with "7575755757575" but when a Holla Forums tradition shows up it's "gibs me dat 5 paragraphs of links or I'll autosage".
Well, you're sure as fuck not white.
Besides, he's not talking about building a literal space elevator, retard. Way to not read, oh I don't know, anything in this whole fucking thread?
hold me user
Alright so I've been thinking of making a thread about this for a while, but I think here is better since I'm not sure if anyone cares or not.
I think terraforming Mars is useless. It will never be able to hold an atmosphere thick enough for humans to breath unassisted. At best you’ll be able to eliminate pressurized suits and maybe have simple plants growing like grass. The whole planet will be like it’s on the top of the Himalayas. No one would want to live there. Venus on the other hand has potential since it basically has the same gravity (around .9g). To colonize Venus we must first do two things.
First the planet needs to have its rotation sped up since it only rotates about once a year. A good way to do this is to have asteroids about 60 miles in diameter commit close flybys until the rotational speed increases. The force needed to do this isn’t much, maybe have controlled explosions, or the new emdrive thing, to push an asteroid onto that path. It’s within current technical limitations today to do this.
Second, hydrogen needs to be introduced to nullify the harsh atmosphere. This will also provide the planet with water. Venus is rather flat and only needs about 10% of the water Earth has to fill the oceans (pic related is all the water on Earth, so 1/10 of that is needed). This can be harvested from possibly gas giant moons, their rings, or the asteroid belt. This technology is a little farthe out but still feasible.
Once that all happens we can begin terraforming it with plants and stuff.
Then we’ll have a home for whites to escape to
I actually believe this and it's my autistic fantasy
That fucker seriously needs to go. Not only because he's a fucking fag, but he spends so much time being a fag that there's no way he's not being paid to do it. I get that mods of any site tend to be lifeless NEET faggots, but he takes it to another level. There's no way he's not a literal paid shill.
Fission? Chemical reaction with the soil on the surface?
God damnnit that fucking faggot mod is at it again
pic related
Terraformed Mars is awesome, but it's just not practical any time soon unless we come up with some serious technological advances out of left field. Artificial gravity, for example. Humans might not even be able to give birth or grow properly on mars unless we come up with some way to make artificial gravity at the very least in the area of the colonies.
Venus however is way more plausible. We don't even have to immediately terraform the surface. We can inhabit it without that much work (relatively) in floating cloud cities
counterweight would just stay in orbit
cable i'm not so sure about
Not with the soil, with the atmosphere. We don't do it on Earth because it would be infinity easier to just switch from coal to nuclear power plants and the Earth will swallow up the carbon in like 10 years (if all factories and cars switched theoretically).
Yeah, I don't see why Elon Musk wants to build a city on Mars so bad. I think it's just a mcguffin for people to invest in his company.
I don't like it any more than you, but retards have taken hold and we either need to drive them out, educate them, or leave. At least they won't be going on about a literal space elevator or spamming it if we provide information about what we want to discuss in the thread. Anyway, here's some more stuff coming down the pipeline in the short-term.
NASA is testing a new booster for Orion tomorrow. It's supposed to take us to Mars at some point. They're also going to livestream the test.
disregard that, i suck cocks
it'd have enough velocity to escape
Fucking kill yourself
I've always liked the idea of a mostly self-sustainable colony ship mining the asteroid belt and returning precious metals to Earth as a first step. I'm not sure if there are any real drawbacks to artificial gravity using centrifugal force vs normal gravity.
What the absolute fuck is wrong with the mods here.
Why is my thread bumplocked?
nuff said.
What the fuck!?
this on one side
And a hoard of newfags on the other. It really didn't stand a chance against that pincer movement.
Why the absolute fuck do we have to deal with his shit?
That's goddamn it.
We need to find a way to herd newfags into a thread and then chemo the fuckers until they're fucking dead.
Fucking chan war now.
I made a thread on /polmeta/ about it
Welcome user, hopefully we can ward away those fucking anime shitposters with some good ol' gore
Ain't gonna do shit though. Mods don't give a flying fuck about /polmeta/. They'll ban or delete or whatever they want and tell you to take it there, and then just ignore it.
I say "Mods" but really it's only imkampfy. Theres one or two others that are a bit questionable, but not nearly as bad as him.
I guess this is what we should be talking about
I think Iamkampfy is standing by his verdict
What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
And yet there's at least two Rach threads in the catalogue right now, no anchor, nothing. Imkampfy needs to fucking hang.
So what's the final solution to the Imkampfy question exactly.
I really don't get it. BO needs to cleanse the mods
user you know the answer
ethnic cleansing
Welp. Rach is now in the /polmeta/ thread. I legitimately want to know what kind of money these fuckers make.
Who is rach?
Maybe we need a /spaceelevator/ board?
This annoying MSNBC host named Rachel Maddow
*but on this board it's a shitposter who keeps making retarded threads and the mods don't care
Oh I see, I remember him.
If you build it, then I'll go. Probably will be dead like the rest of the lesser boards, but could be pretty comfy if it's kept to one general.
Dude… Come on… This whole thread was already bitching about newfags, don't make it worse.
I know the rachel maddow poster. I usually ignore him. I didn't know people called him rach though but I should have put 2 and 2 together.
Alright I made >>>/se/
Eh, fair enough. It's late and I'm cranky, not to mention already put off by imkamphy, rachposter, and the niggers in the German army in Battlefront 1.
I knew they added niggers, but in the German Army?
Literally every class in the current build except for support is a nigger, for all factions. I'm not kidding.
Normies are pretty pissed about it though, at least.
Is there a >>>/spaceelevator/ ?
rach faggotry
there is now >>>/se/
Moon Mine?
We're getting dangerously close to discussions about Star Trek transporters, and the social, ethical, moral, philosophical problems inherent in using a fax machine for humans.
What about a modified stanford torus?
Like, lots of them?
Then we will have earth gravity for biological systems and various industrial processes, AND easy access to zero G and space.
It would be a good Idea to have one of these in lunar orbit (maybe smaller than pic related)
So workers on the lunar surface can take time off in full earth gravity to recuperate low-g bio losses, without having to boost back off of terra.