
what happened to my greentext?
why does it look different?

Other urls found in this thread:



I thought this already happened and everyone bitched about it until it was reverted back to normal


But why did he change it? When the autoupdater refreshes, it uses the old color.

God damn it Codemonkey.


This new colour is a rather nice shade of olive drab, let's keep it.




Someone's been reading Holla Forums again.

I strongly doubt C!odemonkey will respond to any of your complaints soon since soon it will be fall and Ron goes back to some PH collage to get a codemonkey thing or some shit like that which Joshie-boi explained.

I think this is a good thing btw, the color is #148800 or something like that which is meme magic related.

glad to see the important issues getting taken care of with top priority

The posts displayed after autorefresh have their greentext the correct color but it turns vomit green when you hit F5.



Jesus fucking christ just stop. Stop fucking touching things because everything you touch breaks. Just go sit in a god damn fucking corner you worthless son of a bitch.



Dont worry guys! Ill fix this site! Please stay here and make sure my dad keeps making money!

for fucks sake just go to the options and remove it if you don't like it.

Maybe you could do something with the json, although it won't be as long of a filename.
Here's some really shitty js. It doesn't work with the first post I think.
$.getJSON("650030.json", function(result){ //console.log(result); result["posts"].forEach(function(reply){ let idsel = "reply_" +reply["no"]; let rpl = $("#"+idsel); //console.log(rpl); let q = rpl.find(".fileinfo"); q.each(function(index){ let ln = $(this).find("> a").first(); if(ln){ ln.html(reply["time"]); } //console.log(index); }); });});

also, this doesn't actually do shit. It still downloads using the hash.
Somebody probably knows how to do this though if they're given the time from the json.

That seems to work:

That's fixable if you have basic competence. Oh wait, this is Holla Forums never mind

I have images somewhere on this computer with unix timestamps that stretch back to 111* all the way to the current 147*.

It's a record of memes and macros and imageboard history, purely through filenames. It's also easy to navigate.

Now we get this fucking stupid filename bullshit.

16chan had image dedup as well and nobody complained.

16chan is fucking dead, user.

But nobody complained for the time it was up.

And 16chan is dead. Do you not see, at the very least, a correlation?

Are you retarded? The filenames had nothing to do with it shutting down.

They did. In my mind, they did.

Oh I see how it is, it was real in your mind...
