Emma Watson joined the JUSTice League


Emma Watson has revealed that she moped for an entire day and “struggled to get out of bed” after people critiqued her feminism.

Following her UN campaign #HeForShe, which urged men to back feminism, she was labelled a “First World Feminist” and attacked for her “white privilege”.

Watson said she found it difficult to accept the tide of criticism which is part and parcel of the in-fighting which plagues the social justice movement.

In an interview with the UK edition of Elle magazine, she said: “It’s difficult to hear criticism from people you consider your peers and who you believe are on the same side”.

“There is a level of criticism that comes with being an actress…but once you take a stance on something like feminism, that’s a completely different ball game.”

“There were a couple of days when I just didn’t want to come out from under the duvet.

“At first I wasn’t sure if I should allow myself to be upset by it, but then I realised I needed to give myself 24 hours to sulk, and then move forward.”

Watson also took on other hot social justice topics, including the contentious gender pay gap, claiming that “no one is being paid equally”.

She said: “Whether you are a woman on a tea plantation in Kenya, or a stockbroker on Wall Street, or a Hollywood actress, no one is being paid equally”.

The actress – who gave the interview as part of a press campaign for the upcoming Beauty and the Beast film – said that she wants to study feminism more before commenting further.

“I need to see and do a bit more first. It’s not like I have been reading this material for years and I don’t have an encyclopaedic knowledge,” she said.

You cannot win at feminism. There's always someone who's a "better" feminist or some shit and will have more authority in the retard olympics. Does Watson not understand that's how the entire game is played? Even if all the goals of current year feminism are achieved and all men are subjugated and castrated, it won't be enough and they'll all turn on each other. There's always an eternal revolution to fight for. Always something to complain about. You cannot win.
Watson got played like a fucking chump.

Watson's only a feminist because she's a total submissive sexually and she's fearful of what she'd do in a truly male dominated world. There's a photo of some guy just grabbing her pussy in public and she's just taking it. Like she hates herself for it but she's so turned on she can't stop him.


She's right. Jennifer Lawrence got paid more than the male actor in the movie Passengers even though he had more screen time than her.


And the best part? That made the movie bomb because her paycheck inflated the budget costs.


pretty sure thats a shop
