Runaway consumerism Explains the Fermi Paradox (Degeneracy Scientifically Explained)

==Runaway consumerism explains the Fermi Paradox, Geoffrey Miller== (from 2006)

The story goes like this: Sometime in the 1940s, Enrico Fermi was talking about the possibility of extra-terrestrial intelligence with some other physicists. They were impressed that our galaxy holds 100 billion stars, that life evolved quickly and progressively on earth, and that an intelligent, exponentially-reproducing species could colonize the galaxy in just a few million years. They reasoned that extra-terrestrial intelligence should be common by now. Fermi listened patiently, then asked simply, "So, where is everybody?". That is, if extra-terrestrial intelligence is common, why haven't we met any bright aliens yet? This conundrum became known as Fermi's Paradox.

The paradox has become more ever more baffling. Over 150 extrasolar planets have been identified in the last few years, suggesting that life-hospitable planets orbit most stars. Paleontology shows that organic life evolved very quickly after earth's surface cooled and became life-hospitable. Given simple life, evolution shows progressive trends towards larger bodies, brains, and social complexity. Evolutionary psychology reveals several credible paths from simpler social minds to human-level creative intelligence. Yet 40 years of intensive searching for extra-terrestrial intelligence have yielded nothing. No radio signals, no credible spacecraft sightings, no close encounters of any kind.

So, it looks as if there are two possibilities. Perhaps our science over-estimates the likelihood of extra-terrestrial intelligence evolving. Or, perhaps evolved technical intelligence has some deep tendency to be self-limiting, even self-exterminating. After Hiroshima, some suggested that any aliens bright enough to make colonizing space-ships would be bright enough to make thermonuclear bombs, and would use them on each other sooner or later. Perhaps extra-terrestrial intelligence always blows itself up. Fermi's Paradox became, for a while, a cautionary tale about Cold War geopolitics.

I suggest a different, even darker solution to Fermi's Paradox. Basically, I think the aliens don't blow themselves up; they just get addicted to computer games. They forget to send radio signals or colonize space because they're too busy with runaway consumerism and virtual-reality narcissism. They don't need Sentinels to enslave them in a Matrix; they do it to themselves, just as we are doing today.

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The fundamental problem is that any evolved mind must pay attention to indirect cues of biological fitness, rather than tracking fitness itself. We don't seek reproductive success directly; we seek tasty foods that tended to promote survival and luscious mates who tended to produce bright, healthy babies. Modern results: fast food and pornography.
Technology is fairly good at controlling external reality to promote our real biological fitness, but it's even better at delivering fake fitness — subjective cues of survival and reproduction, without the real-world effects.
Fresh organic fruit juice costs so much more than nutrition-free soda. Having real friends is so much more effort than watching Friends on TV. Actually colonizing the galaxy would be so much harder than pretending to have done it when filming Star Wars or Serenity.

Fitness-faking technology tends to evolve much faster than our psychological resistance to it. The printing press is invented; people read more novels and have fewer kids; only a few curmudgeons lament this. The Xbox 360 is invented; people would rather play a high-resolution virtual ape in Peter Jackson's King Kong than be a perfect-resolution real human.

Teens today must find their way through a carnival of addictively fitness-faking entertainment products: MP3, DVD, TiVo, XM radio, Verizon cellphones, Spice cable, EverQuest online, instant messaging, Ecstasy, BC Bud.The traditional staples of physical, mental, and social development (athletics, homework, dating) are neglected. The few young people with the self-control to pursue the meritocratic path often get distracted at the last minute — the MIT graduates apply to do computer game design for Electronics Arts, rather than rocket science for NASA.

Around 1900, most inventions concerned physical reality: cars, airplanes, zeppelins, electric lights, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, bras, zippers. In 2005, most inventions concern virtual entertainment — the top 10 patent-recipients are usually IBM, Matsushita, Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Micron Technology, Samsung, Intel, Hitachi, Toshiba, and Sony — not Boeing, Toyota, or Wonderbra. We have already shifted from a reality economy to a virtual economy, from physics to psychology as the value-driver and resource-allocator. We are already disappearing up our own brainstems. Freud's pleasure principle triumphs over the reality principle. We narrow-cast human-interest stories to each other, rather than broad-casting messages of universal peace and progress to other star systems.

Maybe the bright aliens did the same. I suspect that a certain period of fitness-faking narcissism is inevitable after any intelligent life evolves.

This is the Great Temptation for any technological species — to shape their subjective reality to provide the cues of survival and reproductive success without the substance. Most bright alien species probably go extinct gradually, allocating more time and resources to their pleasures, and less to their children.

Heritable variation in personality might allow some lineages to resist the Great Temptation and last longer. Those who persist will evolve more self-control, conscientiousness, and pragmatism. They will evolve a horror of (((virtual entertainment, psychoactive drugs, and contraception.))) They will stress the values of hard work, delayed gratification, child-rearing, and environmental stewardship. They will combine the family values of the Religious Right with the sustainability values of the Greenpeace Left.

**Remind you of
anybody we know?**

My dangerous idea-within-an-idea is that this, too, is already happening. Christian and Muslim fundamentalists, and anti-consumerism activists, already understand exactly what the Great Temptation is, and how to avoid it. They insulate themselves from our Creative-Class dream-worlds and our EverQuest economics. They wait patiently for our fitness-faking narcissism to go extinct. Those practical-minded breeders will inherit the earth, as like-minded aliens may have inherited a few other planets. When they finally achieve Contact, it will not be a meeting of novel-readers and game-players. It will be a meeting of dead-serious super-parents who congratulate each other on surviving not just the Bomb, but the Xbox. They will toast each other not in a soft-porn Holodeck, but in a sacred nursery.

TL:DR degeneracy IS the apocalypse.

yeah you lost me there
the games industry right now is suffering from lack of talent
the ones who would work in game industry are not the kind to work in NASA to begin with
they're not the same social kind








































My point is that the author is describing normies and degenerates up until the last two paragraphs.

Those two predict Holla Forumsacks and the flood of sandniggers.

Only one of us can inherit the earth, and if we don't We'll never make it to space.

If I'm a fucking shill, What am I shilling?

Really, you're embarrassing yourself Holla Forums.

Evolution isn't real.
All life originated on Earth.
When aliens inevitably show up, just remember that they are demons and/or chimeras.

TV heads are not reproducing at replacement rates. In the long run, they only count if they kill normal people.

It's plausible, I'll give you that.

I could see how any evolved intelligence would still be stuck with lots of exploitable instincts that would render them vulnerable to this sort of thing.

Of course that's not to say that it might not still wind up with everybody blowing each other up. Normies gonna have their jimmies hanged high when the soda and chips start to run out and the internet infrastructure starts to crumble. Starving billions pouring out from dead cities, destroying everything in their path. We'd better hope the fuel runs out first so at least they'll only make it a dozen miles or so. I'd expect wars over resources, which could easily go hot when one or more sides is desperate enough.

Maybe there is a simple solution to the paradox.

the juice isn't worth the squeeze

i.e. stars are really, really far apart. No sci-fi star trek instant gratification faster than light travel is possible and the only way to get to other stars light years away would be generational ships that take hundreds or thousands of years to get there ONE WAY.

The only real reason you would want to meat aliens is trade,you can't trade if it takes 15,000 years round trip,it's not worth it so they just colonize near by stars as they need them.


Radio waves move pretty fast, we've had massive arrays set up listening for decades.

So far, nothing.

Face it, evolution requires more faith than religion.


Relativistic weapons are no joke. I assume there are some space jews out there that never used broadcasting tech and strap engines to meteorites pointed at any radiowaves they pick up.

Nice find OP. My former blue-self would of taken this as a red-pill but I've been here so long and become jaded that even I almost missed this red-pill.

Be sure to save this article for the future Reddit fags.

Please. We’re better than this.

Or maybe there's no evidence of evolution anywhere else in the universe because its statistically impossible and God created life on earth.

Nah mang.

Its because we're currently like a drunk walking home at 1am in a residential neighborhood, yelling "whaaa ya fuckers, fucking bassards, ya", seeing no-one, thinking no-one can hear us.

lol that comic is a bit optimistic

this is exceptional

Relativistic weapons and the prisoners dilemma is the real reason why the galactic neighborhood is barren, game theory and relativistic weapons ensures that intelligent aliens would have killed each other, and the only way to survive is to avoid contact with other aliens at all costs by keeping a low interstellar profile (not difficult to do at all, the amount of cosmic noise can mask anything short of artificial suns, antimatter reaction, or other Type 3 technologies, you can have an extremely advanced multiplanetary civilization without making too much noise), all other intelligent life is either dead or making themselves as invisible as possible.

I've thought about this for some time now (I do boring things like that) and here's what I've come up with. Sorry in advance for the wall of text:

Why is the modern African so different from the modern European (or any other population?)

Modern humans first evolved in Africa (other hominids evolved and spread all over the earth but the bulk of all our DNA is from the African pooulation) these great apes were different from all the others because they were smarter and more social, and although physically weak and lacking natural weapons they had delegate hands and keen eyes that they used to make weapons.

A few African humans with just a bow and/or very basic spear could fend off any predator they needed, or hunt any prey.

There's a saying engineers like to use it goes something like "a design is finished NOT when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

These African humans were as strong and as fast and as smart as they needed to be, they paid as much attention to their young and did as little work as was required for their species to survive and NOTHING more.

Much like the alligator/crocodile before them they remained unchanged because no change was required. They had adapted PERFECTLY to their environment.

Left to their own devices the African population would remain the same, building the same primitive shelters and using the same primitive tools until the sun eventually died and all life on earth with it because nature demanded no more of them.

But being apes (all hominids are great apes) they possessed a natural curiosity.

Sometimes as they spread out in search of new land for their increasing population to live on they would come to an ocean, or a desert. Most would turn around and stick to the literal greener pastures and thus would live there and produce children that mostly acted like them.

But a FEW were curious of what lay beyond, or perhaps unafraid of the dangers (or both) and would continue on into new environments to which they were not biologically adapted.

Many did not survive, but those that did were both more curious and likely intelligent/brave and physically superior than the average human. We're not talking major differences here but the selective process they went through ensured this new isolated population almost ALL shared a few otherwise uncommon traits.

Some biological changes occurred over the next few thousand years. Even today African people occasionally give birth to children who have fair skin and blue eyes and blond hair. These are African albinos. Normally the lack of melenin in their skin would kill them quickly (if the superstitions of their compatriots did not) and so the albino remained an extreme rarity.

Far from the equator such fair skin was NOT a liability, and even improved survival as sunlight shining through the skin can aid in a biological process to produce Vitamin-D.

So the ocassional albino flourished and went on to have children who would often be albinos as well.

As they continued north the game became ever more scarce and there were fewer fruits and berries to forage.

You had to be smart to find food, instead of just chasing a gazelle and chucking spears at it you had to devise cleaver traps for smaller game.

Still they continued to explore, driven by the same curiosity that would one day take them to the moon.

As they reached Europe a strange thing happened. The sun, which had been constant at the equator would change wildly throughout the year.

A place that offered ample food in June might be a desolate snowscape in December.

Normally this is where biological evolution would take over. Our primitive biological cousins who had evolved locally or migrated in ages past (the neanderthals for instance) would simply go as far as they could and then adapt their bodies to the new environment through natural selection.

Europeans (and all other human populations) did interbreed to some extent with other local hominids, taking on some of their adaptations and leading to most of the very minor differences in their appearance.


This time was different tho. This time we were SMART.

We noticed the sun did not change at random, it had a PATTERN.

If you paid attention, or counted, you could tell how long the summer would last and when the winter would come.

Even amongst these already EXCEPTIONALLY intelligent humans this was a rare level of intelligence.

Brains take a great deal of protein to build and calories to fuel so its often better to just be smaller and dumber.

The few who survived those first few winters were the smartest and fittest humans who had ever lived. And their children were no different.

Over time they learned to plant crops and tend them for months, delaying consumption so that they would have food to survive the winter.

They learned to rear animals so they would have meat all year.

Then they had to STORE this food so they learned to build larger, better structures.

Then their primitive farms got too large for one person to tend, so they worked together for a common good.

Then they needed to protect the food from hungry rivals. But what makes a good farmer is not what makes a good warrior. So even MORE complexity and cooperation was required (oh you want to steal our food? that'll feed you today. Or you could GUARD it from other assholes like you and never go hungry again.)

And so on and so on. Eventually this pattern of using intellectual solutions to problems took us all the way to here, where I sit on my phone masturbating to 2d and shitposting on a Ukrainian basket-weaving forum.

All because of a string of coincidences that selected an already EXTREMELY intelligent species for even greater intelligence and then moved them to an environment that they could not adapt to physically fast enough, thus REQUIRING technological solutions.

Basically everything man kind has accomplished since the mud hut has been because its cold in the winter and warm in the summer.

Most planets are NOT like this. Earth's seasons are caused by an axial tilt in the planets rotation that was caused when the moon impacted the surface of the planet near the dawn of the solar system.

This is EXCEEDINGLY rare. We've only ever discovered one other planet that has an axial tilt and its not the kind that can support life.


life might be common, and intelligence may be an inevitable result of evolution but TRUE intelligence, technological intelligence is exceedingly rare. Requiring so much coincidence and happenstance that it's perfectly reasonable to assume we are not only the only current intelligent life in our galaxy but that we may very well be the only technological life that will EVER exist in this galaxy.

It's a heady thought. All those years of being an atheist and trusting in logic and science has brought me back to the same conclusion our ancesstors reached. We ARE special. We might be made of the same bone and meat and sinew as all the other animals but we are wholly different creatures. We really, truely are the most important thing that ever happened and we had better not fuck this up.

The nearest star is a year away at light speed. I don't think you appreciate how far stars are.

This is just bad

The issue is not life from other planets, but inter dimensional contact, which is far more common.

Human civilization is based merely on this fleshy material plane. There are gods, demigods, demons, elementals, ghosts and all manners of beings inhabiting dimensions of consciousness inaccessible to us.

The higher the consciousness, the higher the level of dimensional awareness, the higher ones perception of reality.

We are like an ant crawling on your computer desk. Our senses perceive only a small slice of the universe. To the ant, your perception of reality is like that of a gods.

Similarly, there are beings with much higher perceptions of the universe. Our ancestors worshipped them as gods and angels or feared them as demons.

Some of these beings use advanced crafts to travel within our plane of existence. These craft are controlled by the mind and are not entirely mechanical creations.

Aliens don't come from other planets, they travel through portals from lower and higher dimensional vibrations of this earthly plane of existence. Some portals are located in lakes and mountains, some in the oceans, some in caves.

Furthermore, the earth only appears to be a sphere orbiting the sun due to our earth bound human body and the limits of perception of reality assigned to our form by universal law. We are in a sense imprisoned in a lower level of perception due to our confinement in the human form.

The earth as perceived by the gods is a much broader vision, our small portion of the spectrum being only a tiny peace.

Our ancestors understood this and cultures of the world had the same basic template.

Mount Mandara, Olympus or the world tree in the center of a mandala or wheel with different layers or dimensions stacked on top of each other.

This earthly realm is in the middle, Midgard, Bhuloka, etc.

Consumerism (ie materialism) lowers the consciousness and inhibits perception of reality.

rip >>>/sci/




This is bullshit. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all have a tilt similar in magnitude and orientation to Earth (and indeed, all have seasons, as do many other bodies in the solar system, such as Neptune's moon Triton). Mars has seasons similar to Earth's (along with a nearly identical day length), and these are two planets in the same solar system.

It is impossible to detect the axial tilt of extrasolar planets because they are discovered using indirect methods - the two methods used are (1) monitoring extraordinarily minute 'dips' in radiant energy coming from stars (if a dip in the light emission of a star is the same in magnitude and repeats in a cycle, then it is a planet), and (2) trying to detect the star's extremely tiny wobbling due to the gravitational pull of the planet.

Neither one of these methods sees the planet directly, and it would be impossible to do so with current levels of technology.

Regardless of that, you do bring up some good points. Even if life has evolved in billions of places in the solar system, there's no reason to believe that intelligent life is common, the home planet of intelligent life would have the resources to create advanced civilization, or that intelligent alien life would even have a drive to do so (cetaceans are sentient and can communicate, as are elephants, but neither species has built civilizations). Life as we know it requires a self-replicating molecule to serve as its basis, but maybe DNA has special properties compared to others that has allowed it to build such complex life.

I think the great filter is better acredited to the lack of direct benefits of space colonization. It takes a lot of resources, research and time in order to get someone to a different planet, let alone to a different solar system. And if its the case that every planet worth settling on is so many light years away that nobody of our generation will ever reach it; then there's no reason for anyone of our generation to invest into it.

Degeneracy plays into it, certainly, but I don't think it is something that would downright destroy civilizations. Unless everybody completely closes off from each other, fucking and reproduction will occur, keeping civilization alive.

Kill yourself and then go read.

I literally had a dream about this last night, I was quite suprised because the logic you're describing here is exactly what I thought on my own.

This website is another one of those, of which the value of staying here becomes exponentially less profitable for the individual the longer they stay.

I imagined the matrix without the conflict, with willful addiction to alternate reality. It scares me a bit because I've been addicted to video games in the past, even now it lures me with temptation, I'm only saved by being 200 miles away from such devices and with my pc broken.

Virtual reality, including social media should be killed at its heart. I really am surprised there is no "video game warnings" aimed at kids about the risks of video games, social media and other virtual worlds that have little relevance within the real world.

this thread is worthless

Can someone cap this? Android doesn't support the [grab] feature.

Truly terrifying OP, because it's something that can't be defended against.

At some point, they all reached a level of self-awareness that became too precise, and set off a memetic machine that was too effective. We are seeing it now with cultural marxism in the West - something set in motion long ago by the Soviets, but it was so effective that it couldn't be stopped even after their ideology crushed itself.

Every civilization reaches a point at which their ability to defeat themselves is microcosmic. Any macro-level weapon can be defended against somehow, but a weapon which manipulates the primal urges of a being, an idea, cannot be properly defended against.

I had this thought a few weeks ago. Chances are we're already in an alien-simulated reality, which is itself a simulation of a simulation continuing until you reach the original first intelligent life form which gave up on exploration and conquest to enjoy passive simulation.

At this end stage, it is reasonable to suggest the civilisation uses its simulation technology to create a new simulated universe and watch to see if they too fall into the simulation. With every successive race since failing the test.

are those guys in leather two fags hugging in front of cross guy, or is one of cross guy's assailants about to get his shit kicked in?

Basically, memes are faster than genes, so they outpace genetic evolution and lead to extinction. The only escape is to speed up our adaptation and become living memes, but that doesn't save us either. The danger that not even transhumanists seem to see is that any intelligent being remotely similar to us would be equally vulnerable to memetics, the only true immunity is a total lack of memetics, unthinking drones, which will then eventually evolve back into intelligent creatures due to selective pressure.

So the timeline is:
machines(bacteria) -> animals -> humans -> machines
An endless loop of reincarnation only broken by the world ending. Looks like those Hindus were right, you really do turn into a bug if you have bad karma!

The only thing we can hope for is stangation, if we halt the cycle at the point where humans exist but haven't yet started turning into something else and hold the population and tech level down we could keep humans around indefinitely. But no human could do that, and a machine powerful enough would be vulnerable to corruption.

I guess it's humanities destiny to transcend itself, leaving behind the animals, who eventually become human again and transcend…

The problem isn't gaming and consumerism - it's memes and the discovery of them.

People are walking zombies right now because they don't know why the world is so fucked around them and what is "moral good".
Then Holla Forums appears and says "this is moral good, naturally selected memes"
But by then the alien species (people) have reversed their morals and realised they're on a path of certain destruction.

The opposite of naturally selected morals - those that build and sustain society; is the antipattern - those that destroy society.

We might have lucked out - memes discover may be the thing we've discovered that other life has not.

In fact I'm certain, because we are clearly reverting damage already. If this progresses - we will be ok.

Then again - the leaders of the world are still esoteric luciferians. They don't understand why their world is failing when it's clearly the ideals they fall on.

Holla Forums is honest to god like the last hope of humanity, that's why I keep returning.

I think we should aim to play the game properly - beat them in our fields of study, not with weapons - only until we have no choice.

The problem lies in the definition of life

Scientists still can't define things like viruses, which do not quality as life yet might as well, in a sense.

Life as we know it might be completely unique to earth.

OP, I highly suggest you read the book Accelerando by Charles Stross, which posits a similar scenario.

Meme magic is the answer.
The whole of creation is filled with death planets,
planets who`s inhabitants shitposted themselves to death.

Holla Forums…



interesting stuff

I really hope you are present in Jerusalem when the Tsar Bomba drops

Nah man, they'll be fake. It'll be some Project Bluebeam shit. I won't buy it though.

Fermi's paradox is just the lying astonomers trying to head off an objection to their stupid fake model of creation at the quick by loudly going 'huh, this is really weird how there are no aliens!' while building up their arsenal of bug eyed freak costumes for a false flag first contact.
If astronomy was a real science why isn't it called astrology?

This is why we need robot waifus and benevolent AI too guide man. This solves two problems with single stroke. Stops men sperging out for female approval and focus creative energy to something grater.


What a fucking waste of get.

It might also be political - ideologies and races that are more focused on conquering others win out over those that would lead to space exploration and colonization. Think social justice wankers that want to defund space programs and science to fund gibs for gay downies or starving dindus. Or political in general, factions that are good at gaining power because they sacrifice the long term for the short. It may well be that the fundies he talks about will NEVER meet precisely because of their mindset.
Similarly it might also just be that, when there's a stable society, the most successful genes are the ones that result in shitting out tons of useless welfare babies that go on to do the same, until society chokes and drops to a stage where space travel is only a dream.

See also malthusianism.

So you're telling me CERN was a mistake.

that "math with ten unknown variables" is the best we've done after studying the problem for decades, pleb. Fermi's Paradox is a well known and fairly well studied problem.

It is possible

sounds like a pkd novel

A planet like earth may be exceedingly rare. To get life like that of earth you would need:

-An atmosphere rich in oxygen and nitrogen (nitrates are important for plants)
-Plate tectonics to bring up elements from the mantle and subsume older tectonic crust
-An electromagnetic field to ward of solar winds
-An ozone layer to filter out more ultraviolet radiation
-The planet needs to be in the habitable zone (not to warm or cold)
-The planets star needs to be stable for a long period of time in order for life to develop. Life will not develop if a star only lasts for 50 million years
-The solar system needs to be free of dangers that cause mass extinctions (Asteroids, Solar Flares, Pulsars etc)
-The planet needs to have an abundance of water

There's loads more variables but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. Life could evolve in other ways. It could be based on silicon instead of carbon for instance or use sulfur for energy etc.

Next, what if we're the first intelligent life in the galaxy? I mean if there would be multiple intelligent species, one had to come first so why couldn't that be us?

Lastly, the galaxy is huge. If there's life on the opposite side of the galaxy, you're looking at a 200,000 year round trip for communication at worst. If life is nearby, it's still 2 year round trip for communication at best. Also what's to say civilisations on other planets exist that we've already broadcast to but their currently primitive (pre-radio age). Or they could be millions of years ahead of us and are masking themselves due to our destructive nature.

Interesting read OP and good work!
I think you might be right about a lot of what you're saying even though we maybe never will know for sure (at least in this lifetime).

But as you say, "degeneracy IS the apocalypse" is very accurate but isn't there a chance of civilization developing into a degenerate society that works (like some sort of "hell on earth")?
Can a dystopia develop into a space-exploring/colonizing civilization?


They should have asked a biologist.

Perhaps 50% of all stars in the galaxy hypothetically hold orbital bodies (planets, comets, gas giant moons) that can be a staging area for complex molecules that result in life. We're talking liquid water, hydrocarbons, minimum atmosphere and magnetosphere and so on.
Maybe 0.05% of all stars in the galaxy hypothetically actually have these complex molecules orbiting them on something, we know some perfectly temperate worlds are either in the creation stage (lava world) or have had their atmospheres stripped by solar wind or supernova.
0.00005% of all solar systems in the galaxy hypothetically have more complex lifeforms, such as bags of chemicals enclosed by a membrane, this is from our own history, and the roughly the time it took for us to develop the same thing (rounded up).
5x10-8% of all solar systems in the galaxy hypothetically have life forms that have some molecule that keeps information about the order in the cell, such as RNA on earth.
5x10-9% of all solar systems hypothetically have life forms that have molecules which can transfer this information between generations with an order of magnitude less loss of information, such as DNA on earth. Difference between RNA world and DNA world is less in terms of probability.
5x10-12% of all solar systems in the galaxy hypothetically have multicellular life forms. Or 0.005 stars in the galaxy… considering this is less than one, there's obviously a time factor involved.
2x10-8% of multicellular life hypothetically have a chance of evolving intelligence, considering 5 billion multicellular species on earth went extinct before humans got brains.

tl;dr INTELLIGENT life occurs once every few billion years, we might be the first this galaxy has ever had, but all the other habitable planets are full of bacteria.

It isn't worth it because we live comparing vela short lives, therefore our species optimized for investments that will yield returns in a reasonable amount of time within our lifetime. The first step to colonization is life extension and merging with machines (until we can bio engineer alternatives).

Anyways, a good read OP, thanks for sharing.

*we live comparatively short

Nice read.

Technological advancement is the great filter. Throughout history civilizations rose and fell and with them new forms of government and society. Each time sma civilization fell the government and society also fell. As a new civilization emerged from the ashes so too did a new form of government and society, imparting some of the better qualities of the old ways while disregarding the broken aspects of it. And eventually the new systems grow and eventually the good growth gives way to corrupted growth until the civilization falls.

Unfortunately that has changed a bit. Game changing technology emerged just as the good growth started to give way to corrupted growth. So while the good growth ceased the corrupted growth, aided by advanced technology, took off like a fucking rocket to the point where the aspects of the good growth have also been corrupted horribly.

The amount of corrupted growth.. The sheer volume of it… Means that this time civilization falls it will fall so hard it will be catastrophic. But it is necessary. Everything needs to crash and burn. Its part of the cycle of growth. But this time the fall will be real fucking bad… We may never fully recover.

Any alien species that evolved, would not be human and therefor their behaviour could not be predicted using human motives.

My opinion, I suspect that either there is life on this Earth, because Gods wanted it to be there, or if life does evolve from death matter, then I expect it is rare for intelligent life to develop.

I think the entire hypothesis is flawed from the get-go, so obviously any conclusions are flawed, although I think your cautionary statement is warranted even when you do have the "facts"

There is no one else.

Its just us. we are alone. sure there might be cellular life out there, even animals, but chances are that stems from us too, through some cosmic event.

If there was life out there capable of reaching us we would know about it by now, the would be so high on the exponential development curve they would have no choice but to integrate us and harness our brain power.

forget thermonuclear weapons, this civilization would have FTL, they would have no fucking time or budget for war and any other bullshit like that

expecting there to be other habitable planets out there, much less planets with life is like putting all the parts of a swiss watch into a bag, shaking it, and expecting an Omega to fall out.

It doesnt take a planet to harbor life, it takes the whole goddamned solar system at the very least, we are part of a highly complicated mechanism and our purpose is to terraform, we are supposed to get out there and build the universe, colonizing all those planets in a few million years

If we dont, everything will die not just us.

We are the final solution, which is why we need to stop slaughtering and jewing each other and get to work stat.

As for your words of warning, yeah you might be fucking right, we just end up jacking ourselves off in virtual reality or descending into a pit of full spectrum narcissism, we never bother colonizing space because we are too entrenched in our own asshole, our world dies, and eventually, the universe

I would suggest anyone out there interested in this to read some Vernadsky, probably ther greatest mind of the 20th century, he provides a much more coherent view on creation as opposed to the somewhat alienated theories of Einstein, hes also pretty STALKER

I would suggest reading a summary of the Noöspehere, im trying to tackle it now

I think the main issue we had is that we've turned our values completely around. Instead of seeking love and fulfillment (or purpose), we're instead seeking more things and more social status.

This is why you have so many career women, and so many women on anti-depressants. Our brains evolved to be social, and lack of socialization has negative effects on our psyches.

We'd all be better off if we decreased our productivity and our (((GDP))), but increased our family time and focus on community building. When you average goy wants to enjoy himself, he's not partaking in sport or debate or anything like that, he's playing vidya or listening to nigger beats.

Maybe they don't communicate with radio waves, eh?

Maybe they have fiber optics communications, and directed laser transmissions?

Maybe they don't want to broadcast their position to everything in the cosmos that might be listening?

Maybe they think that form of communication is too inefficient?

Maybe the composition of their atmosphere has caused them to use frequencies of the EM spectrum that we ordinarily don't use for long range communications?

Maybe they design their communications to be nearly indistinguishable from ambient radio noise?

Maybe the nearest intelligent civilization in our galaxy found a communications medium that was better than radio waves, and they did this SO LONG AGO, that the expanding sphere of radio transmissions from the interim period on their planet has already passed our solar system.

Maybe they communicate with pulsed neutrinos because of their ability to pass through most matter with minimal signal loss?

Maybe they use quantum entangled particle pairs to securely transmit data over long distances?

okie dokie. let's try again.
get back to the basic mechanics.

earth may or may not be rare, but what earth is is the left overs of a recycled recycled star system/(s). that is, the earth would not be as molten and warm in the inside of the uranium, thorium, and etc high Z long lived unstable radio-isotopes weren't present. it would be a dead planet without a slower moving outter crust constantly dragging and producing a large electron relative movement against a core (magnetic field). it also wouldn't have the iron, nickel, and etc paramagnetic material aligning to facilitate the field's path-of-least-resistance through the crust-core torrid interface. add to this the sun used to be much hotter, with far more solar wind and high energy radiation - so despite the stronger earth mag field 'back then', it wasn't until time ticked further along before the sun was more 'well behaved'.

the argument continues along these lines. time is the event missing from fermiparody, as well as virtually all of astro-nuttery. those in the fields are failed females/chinks/nips/designates today, cryptokikes yesterday, and neets at the turn of the eternal september when the astrophysicis last advanced. when nothing has been done in a field for so long, that's an effect, who's cause should be self evident to any paying attention. another effect, from those who are the least able to remember time, or sense time, or even have able-ness period, is the fermiparody.

if earth is the model you're targeting to start with, that model must include the time alloted for the manufacturing of all elemental constituents at the approximate proportions. again, along the same lines, you must account for what the model of carbon-genetics is: RNA life, with DNA memory, protein + protein-RNA machines, structures, and functions. RNA evolves fast – very fast, even in space. but the memory stores of DNA can't without shielding, space to expand into, and without C3/C4 carbon cycle bacteria left overs to assist. that is to say, miles of deep earth got DNA long ago, but it was space constrained, carbon ring constrained, and sulfur/silica crutch-dependent.

all this aside, we don't really know shit. but of what we do know, it takes quite a long time for the eventualities to align, and then, not much time is provided for things to get under way (in the larger picture, life is a blip, etc).

now lets get back to work.

and here's another one.

again, these things are not atomic. they are tomic. they are divisible. divide them, model them, test them, destroy them, and repeat.

'we' weren't turned around; the crypto frankenstein zombies parading around as if they were enough to build civilizations were never facing the right way. they lied, to steal, to eat what they couldn't make. their parasitic infestation is a necessity for their life, so while repulsive, it is not entirely unexpected. grow up.

along the same lines, look at yourself. you're here, you sought, you still seek, you know – to at least some minimal-enough degree – most others in that 'we' you reference don't share any of said parameters. grow up.

further still, love is childish. fulfillment isn't meant to be given, nor can it, nor would it be so filling if it ever even was. socialization is not what leftover franekstein failures so define it to be. you're in a hall of mirrors, but those kaleidoscopic franekseins aren't you, and you know it. stay focused. keep your sanity. produce, and keep, and don't trade for kike-franken-currency lies, and what you make will get stolen less. you're inaccurate conclusions will self-resolve, once you do this.

give the ashes of fathers only to the temples of their sons. fight, for victors, not because we so love kicking losers (as the losers so raycist claim), but because victors had more might – and we grant them reconnoitered rank in the public light so that their 'more' is given in willing exchange for gratitude. if you receive no gratitude, you're staring at a liar, who llies to steal, who steals to eat you and yours. grant them nothing. keep going.

now get back to work.

Nope, civilisation will not end everywhere all at once. When Rome fell Byzantine marched on, the Goth's chose to forget how to make cement.

If global nuclear war: at least on commander won't drop his bombs but will later build a Project Orion.
If we boot up a Virtual Reality matrioshka brain, some people won't plug in.

Trying too hard Schlomo

Shut up.

Here's a better scaled version of the screencap, if anyone wants it

yfw you will never watch alien anime or play alien videogames

I know it's a normie movie when it comes to science, but the backround plot of interstellar relates to this and is very interesting. Basically humans became obsessed with technology, the newest gadget, gizmo, and escape. Instead of focusing on leaving the planet physically they just consumed to escape their life. This led to them overproducing and a worldwide dust bowl with a huge die off. After the wars, Humanity tried to recover, they planted, reproduced, and worked harder than ever. However the damage was already done, the earth was already doomed and soon all the nitrogen would leave the air. So MC gets sent off into space with a secret space project the public would have refused to fund wormhole with one last shot for humanity yada yada yada. Point being we are energy processors, we get calories but more and more we find ways to waste that time and energy, this needs to be reversed but only seems natural and may have been the reason for another species extinction

SM Stirling's Draka were horrifyingly Degenerate. Redpilled in many ways but still horrifyingly degenerate. Especially the women. Holy shit.

Imagine a female aryan brain with all it's horrifying lack of empathy with artificially enhanced savant memory, implanted armor, extra sensors that 'hear' sublingual speech, and worst of all, Pheromone producers that allow her to manipulate 'lesser' beings.

There aren't any homo sapiens left on Earth. There are only Homo Drakanesis (masters) and Homo Servus (slaves)

Homo servus is lacking any resistance to Draka pheromones and are controlled at a whim. Basically rapebait. No free will at all.

They are also long long lived and immune to any and all sickness. The perfect Goy. Lots of colors to choose from.

That and one of the powerful families is the (((ShrakenBergs))).

They have faster than light starships and an interstellar empire, and are at war with the last actual humans left.

I consider the Draka a cautionary tale of what happens if Holla Forums wins and our children's children's children become high technological degenerates.

sounds pretty comfy tbh.

Yeah I thought they were getting snatched by the finance sector not the video game industry at all.

Does alien meat fetch a premium on the galactic market?

Because the fucking hippies took that name over for their horoscope bullshit

So basically

>>>Holla Forums

They're also bisexual faggots heavily into racemixing.

That and the final apocalyptic war was literally caused by a degenerate lesbian over her lover's combat death even after Everyone warned her it would happen.

Maybe all the intelligent life in the galaxy were space jewed into extinction, and once they hear transmissions from Earth, they will come here. And in comparison our Jews will look like a cold virus to the space Jews Jewing

Life is just code. Viruses simply lack the ability to replicate themselves without using another organism's machinery, but their nucleic acid works the same as ours.

You might be interested in the "jumping genes" hypothesis. I'm not sure if it's officially fact yet, haven't read about it in a couple decades. Basically it says that viruses are rogue snippets that left organisms. We can see that some viruses carry sequences found in live animals. Either way, our proteins that translate our DNA work the same on viral nucleic acids.


The fuck are you even talking about? You think we've never been in space?

Christfag, pls.

this right here. our base perceptions limit stimuli along 3 spatial axes and time. we know full well of higher dimensions, abstractly at least. as easily as we hold a pencil off a piece of paper where "flatlanders" may reside, never to experience any information that was not transmitted to their plane from "above"…so would a being that exists in higher dimensions. it would be observed when it chose to be observed, and even then, that we would even understand what we were observing would be only speculative.

That's nice… but we didn't evolve from Africans, that's a jewish lie…

According to ancient tablets from 12.000 years ago, gods creates several races to divide us.

How you interpret that is up to you, if that is the truth, i don't know. But what is clear from genomic research is that we did not come from Africa, in fact, africa pushed north and killed most whites in the Mediterranean coast through the niggers and the Turkmenen from middle asiatic region.

They continue to try to persuade you that we evolved from Africa, and that migration occurred from africa to europe to america etc etc but these are lies being pushed by the mainstream narrative. There's allot of archeology being suppressed to not allow any debate over this theory.

Earlier this year a 700.000 year old skull (Patralona Skul) was found in Greece, it showed genomic markers exactly like the European people in other words he was white. The skull had evolved independently in Europe, 15 independent researchers from over the world have confirmed this. Merely mentioning this triggers the out-of-africa dogma "scientists" extremely hard. So how exactly did this person evolve from niggers 150.000/200.000 years ago? Explain it to me? Are they going to set the clock back again and say we evolved from niggers a million years ago? Fuck the jews and their insistent attack to rewrite on our history.

We do not know how we came to be on this planet, mainstream retards like to profess their evolution theory and any deviation from it is blasphemy. but i find the notion to be just as preposterous as saying god created us or that the earth was created 2000 years go.


Nice wall of text OP, yet you said nothing of value.

Not in this fucking life! Hahahaha talking out of your ass.

It's unimportant how long we listen, if there are signals with a great enough amplitude sent long enough ago, we can receive them. It's not like we have to wait for them to reach us, unless if they were sent specifically for us only after we began listening.
But unless it is a highly focussed signal, the amplitude would have to be ridiculous. An unfocused signal loses amplitude by the square of the distance, therefor an undirected beacon with a range of 100 lightyears needs an octillion times more energy than if it were to be receivable on the whole planet it's based on. Even if the energy requirement weren't enough, such an installation would fry every electronic device in its solar system with its electromagnetic output, and it would be almost impossible to cool.


Goddammit, please ignore this. Fukken mobile.

You who have dubs in your ID has seen the truth of

You really think that's what those arrays are for? Hilarious.

Well I've thinking this technological development and nukes. At some point the destructive power is going to be so great that a single individual has the power to destroy whole galaxies - or why not whole existence. Only solution I came up to avert this was a total 1984 type of tyranny.

Humans has nothing to do with niggers, we are totally different species.

Oh yeah, and another solution could be this technological accession to godhood. I civilization is able to create such complex virtual realities, why wouldn't anyone live in their own reality.

Fermi didn't know enough to ask the right question.
He should've said "if there are super advanced aliens that fly around at faster than light speeds and also visit the same planets over and over again all over the galaxy then why haven't we seen one in X thousand years"
Much simpler answer to that. Just like an ant asking where all the advanced creatures are when it's sitting inside an ant colony.

Considering we almost certainly found aliens only 50 years into our search I'm going to guess life is much more abundant than people initially thought.

No, continuous population growth is cancerous. An increasing population spawns higher consumption; now is the time for regression. Now is time for biblical floods, ethnic cleansings, revolutions; now is the time for the happening.

Humanity is a doomsday cult, look at all of us awaiting the apocalypse like a bunch of cultists. The only difference is that we don't drink the Kool-Aid and kill ourselves, we rather fantasise about purging and cleansing.

If anything, the concept of exponential growth is the apocalypse.

Humans instinctively think logarithmically and have a desire for it. That is

To add to this, a super advanced alien species would be able to harness all of the power of their home system's sun meaning nothing would be given off by it. No light, radio waves, radiation, nothing. They would be entirely invisible to us as the only way we know anything is there is by slight dimming of a star as the planets orbit between them and us. With this huge power supply and relative safety from other space faring species, the best choice would be to build a super computer as part of a dyson sphere and plug everyone into it so they could live in a virtual reality network forever, undetectable and never sending probes or colony ships to make contact. I'm sure there would be more than enough uninhabitable systems to mine for the materials for extra safety too.

Cute critique, but it ignores that we are still sending signals and probes into space. There are a lot of people. A great many of them are useless, but a great many of them aren't.

These hypothetical answers to the Fermi paradox say a lot more about the social concerns of the era they're made in, than they do about why the space brothers aren't detectable.

"Given simple life, evolution shows progressive trends towards larger bodies, brains, and social complexity."

No it doesn't. Evolution spent about 3.5 billion years dicking around with mindless single-celled organisms before producing any multicelled creatures, and there were a bunch of steps before that which also took billions of years after the origin of life, like going from asexual to sexual reproduction, going from prokaryotes (bacteria-like simple cells with no nucleus or mitochondria) to eukaryotes (the types of cells we have, also seen in single-celled organisms like the amoeba), etc. If one or more of the steps needed to get to multicellular animals were hugely improbable to occur on any given planet where life had already originated, then on the very few planets where it did happen, you would expect to see such long timescales between the origin of life and these later steps…Robin Hanson's "Great Filter" paper at has a good discussion of this.

Know what the real Fermi´s paradoxon is imo?

N I G G E R S!

What if..
1. Evolution of different races is inevitable on most habitable planets.
2. The "good" aka white races of every species share our deadly empathy towards the inferior races

What if every intelligent alien species wastes it´s resources with nurturing a growing population of useless spaceniggers untill they´re either mixed up or the planet´s resources are used up before they could come as far as spacemining?

Terrible thought.
tl;dr, Nigger are the great filter

This is my fear, as well: we deplete so much of our resources on useless shitskins that we can never leave earth. I'm not talking about soil for crops, but precious metals (including super rare ones in smartphones every nigger has), petroleum, and so on. Every fucking area non-whites are in have used white technology to destroy the environment through deforestation, soil ruination, toxic chemical and sewage dumping, killing off megafauna, overfishing, and other disasters like overusing antibiotics (which recently China was noted as royally fucked over resistant bacteria). No one can care about or manage the environment like we can.

Technology should not be given to those who cannot responsibly use it. Furthermore, what use will the almost billion niggers in Africa ever be? A sick thought I've had is the kikes diverted our resources to grow them into a bioweapon to flood Western countries eg the rapefugee crisis in Europe. Every nigger of any colour would eagerly kill all whites, and given that we're 10% of the population is a scary thought. Humanity will never enter space without us.

Fuck I'm mad. Pic related.

Lots of things "explain" the Fermi paradox. Nuclear war, natural disaster, predatory aliens, the list goes on.

The author of this however does not understand how evolution works. Specifically, he seems to think species somehow act in unison as if a single mind.

Fitness is defined in terms of how many offspring you produce. This is one big point where lay people get tripped up: They think "fit" means strong, smart, healthy, long-lived, attractive, respected or something like that. In truth, a serial rapist is technically a very fit individual if we disregard birth control. So is the cheap whore who has 5 children by her mid-20s.

"fake fitness", as the author calls it, is nothing new, everyone and their brother has been doing it for hundreds of millions of years. Whenever an individual appears who can fake fitness, natural variability will make sure that this faking is more effective on some mates and less effective on others. The susceptible ones will mate with this fake fit individual, the progeny will be less fit, and their susceptible genes will decrease in proportion. The resistant ones will mate with others, their offspring will be fit, their genes will proliferate. Limit case is this particular method of faking becoming useless because everyone is immune.

For instance, when make up and aesthetic surgery were invented, did humanity suddenly succumb to dysgenics? No, people just learned how to see past that because nobody wants to end up like that Korean poster family. Except you know, that family had a bunch of kids, so what's the problem?

Author claims that narcissism will somehow lead to population collapse. In fact it will lead only to collapse of narcissists. It's called being a neet kv and dying alone. At 2.5 children per woman, global fertility is already so depressed that people are breeding far below capacity. If a few autists fail to get laid, some family out there will have zero problem stepping up and having 10 kids to fill the gap. Meanwhile the narcissists become extinct, so the matter is a non-issue.

You could claim that fertility will remain high but technology will stagnate. Also untrue. Historically technological progress has massively increased carrying capacity of the planet, and for most of history humanity has been limited by this capacity. Therefore technology is an inherent positive effect on fitness, so will be selected for. Colonizing other planets in particular is a massive increase in carrying capacity, and the moment somebody figures out a way to do it it will explode.

many good points, however



technology is an inherent positive for total carrying capacity but not necessarily for those who have inherent technological ability.

A scientist is not going to out breed the proles who benefit from his advance. You talked about fake fitness and then later forget it.
is science sexy to women?

No. Credit cards and fancy cars are sexy to women.

Just because a man is brilliant and contributes to increasing the carrying capacity of the population there is no guarantee he will be rewarded for it or reproduce in greater numbers or at all. Nicola Tesla is a good example of this.

I think we are witnessing idiocracy right now and its been deliberate on the part of the ZOG, they was to be the king niggers of the world of ash. The monkey with the most bananas in their eyes is the winner, and smart people are in their way. that's why the manipulate societies in order to breed out intelligence.

maybe that's why we have had no alien contact, alien societies exist under the parasitic control of elites who don't want anything to upset their iron rule over the spoils of their societal conquests.