Etch a sketch

Tell me what to draw and I will draw it, or post an image of it









I didn't think you'd actually do it. Noice.

Very skilled poster. Please draw a peanut butter and jelly sandwich jammed into a nintendo 64. Next to the nintendo 64 is a bloodied hand with a fork stabbed in it.
I casually work on a collection, you see.

Please draw the Taj Mahal.
I will checck bacck on the morrow.

Try doing Tulsi Gabbard.

OP here. I can do one or two more tonight but I need to sleep soon. If you guys keep the thread bumped until tomorrow then I can resume in the morning

Weapons grade autism.
Never change OP, be the glorious faggot you were meant to be

I'm enjoying your OC user so I cycled your thread.

t. BV

great thread


Sorry this one looks like shit

just the face


try this

you are everything wrong with the world

this is good thread nice to see some originality on Holla Forums for once


cool thread op

hory shrit

that's so good its almost fucced up.

if dubs india becomes a superpower in 2020

nice try,it's population is severely split between higher and low class. The class systems of the past were so engrained into the society that breaking the cycle is difficult. Luccily they have an increasing middle class which may be able to cause an explosion in influence by 2035 with more and more youth acquiring education and the youth being actually driven unlike in America where we don't really do anything good besides some forms of art and warfare.


so that's whan etch a sketch means

a lot of things make way more sense now

etch a shekel

This is a good thread.
You are good OP.

You dont belong here nignog :^)

Draw this kot


wow nice job OP thanks!

The right eye kind of looks like it's open. Sorry

Chen of approval

Good fuccing job m8.

chen = best 2hu tbh fam

Draw CIA.

Draw an etch-a-sketch

draw the mona lisa



Way too much hair. I can't even draw hair like that with a pencil

Damn that's good

Draw this.


They are literally blobs compared to real hair. Come on user don't be a lame ass.


Found your weakness faggot

Fine I'll fuccing do it. Jeez

fug you

3=D - - -

Draw Jim

Go Extreme Or Go Home OP

I told you. I can't do detailed hair

Last one tonight. I thought I'd post something original for once.

It's a dragon knight

I hope this looks enough like him.

It's not the 12th of December you fucking liar fucking faker fuck you

You have a real talent, user. Are you skilled in other mediums or just Etch a Sketch? Kek

I also used to make sculptures. I do sound design/recording and photography sometimes as well.

It's december 12th where I am

Did you whittle those down? Or is there another method?
Also why didn't you etch Tulsi Gabbard?

Nice work, I'm very impressed. I'm actually an artist, myself.

The sculpture reminds me of this De Kooning.

Holy shit

That's not art.

Something tells me you're not an authority on the subject

A relativist always asks for credentials.

An objectivist is always wrong when it comes to subjective matters of perception.


Fucking shit
This is perfect


Relativists don't think objectivity to be anything but subjective when viewed from the acted upon. In other words, the acted can not see the derivative. In more simple terms, art that has no basis can not be made physical. Therefore, making an abstract sculpture with meaning beyond what is viewed is counter-productive.

That's an extremely boring and simple-minded way to look at it, user. I prefer art that doesn't tell me exactly what to think and how to feel.

You're right, which is why I'm telling you the most bare-bone concept of physical art. Physical art is not meant to make you feel emotion. Music and writings can better do that. If a physical art piece does not have a basis then it must either be true abstraction (something humans can not do) or it must have more than one basis. For example, if I want to make a sculpture of a person I must be exceptional at making both a man and a woman and must understand what is the essence of both of these sexes without looking at their genitalia. If I would want to make a sculpture about the folly of man I would have to be inhumanely, GODLY in my every aspect.

I understand what you're saying about abstraction, it's not a lofty concept; however, I don't quite agree with your assessment that all art is essentially abstract, as abstraction in art is more relative than in, say, metaphysics. Regardless of he medium, there are varying degrees of abstraction, and for me, ambiguity is essential – obviously I prefer a heavier dose of it than you.

You don't know what you're talking about. Are you Etch a Sketch?

No, I'm not op. Your view of art is so broad that a man throwing paint on a canvas would be considered art to you.

No, I've just learned not to argue with someone over how they choose to define art, as it's utterly futile. I may quibble over various approaches to art, but as for whether or not it's """art""", I don't even bother with that anymore.

I'll extend an olive branch: Octavio Paz once wrote an essay about Duchamp, and talked about the risk of abstract art becoming a diologue between schizophrenics, and I think he was onto something. It does irritate me when practically every contemporary artist requires reading some kind of verbose artist statement to even know what the fuck they're on about, much less enjoying it; that, along with the palpable pretension is partially why I don't go to galleries.

However, at the end of the day, I'll take abstraction and ambiguity over rote conventions.

Fair enough.

I'm right, you're wrong.

Glad we can agree

that you're a faggot

Sketch goatse


draw moon man

Bless you, user. Bless you.

sauce of pic?

No idea. Still waiting on response >>1182

You still there OP? I collect pictures from drawfags of Nixon with an Alien. If you can please make me a picture it would be much appreciated. Here is some of my collection


1Pondo-092415-159 is the source

I thought I should check in.
I had to work today and I have to go to a Christmas thing tonight, but I have the day off tomorrow. I plan to keep drawing for this thread whenever I have the time, as long as this thread still exists.

If this thread gets deleted and you still want me to keep going then make a new thread for it and I will continue there.

And I do plan on drawing tulsi gabbard a some point.

How long did it take you to do this ?

kek. Why?

I would say an hour, time dif between posts

That's some impressive dedication, user. You should work more with materials; or do you like the ephemeral nature of the Etch a Sketch?

Not OP, i just looked at the timestamps, Holla Forumsro

Ah, gotcha

Please make me a sketch of Nixon with an Ayy Lmao please. It would mean alot

i will

What kind of materials?

I like etch a sketch because it is limited. I can do roughly the same thing as I've been doing, with a pencil and paper, but the problem is that it takes much longer because a pencil grants you unlimited possibilities, and I am a perfectionist. i probably have undiagnosed mild OCD. Etch a sketch creates shitty, limited picture quality. It might sound bad, but for me it's very good because it reigns in my perfectionism and allows me to draw with an actually decent level of productivity and efficiency.

to put it in a better frame, the happy merchant took maybe a half hour on the etch a sketch. if i'd done it with a pencil, it might have taken an hour and a half.

I came here to ask that, but oh well. Do the Supreme Gentleman please

Well, in a way, I actually like your non-materialist approach.

Although, I can tell you from experience that it's a liberating feeling when you learn to embrace the "flaws", and turn them into something interesting. If you stop thinking of things as being correct and incorrect, and more in terms of "interesting or boring", the possibilities blow wide open – I guess this is easier said than done if you literally suffer from OCD kek

do this

aw fuck yea,this is cyclical. OP is gonna create a portfolio out of this shit and get paid by a museum of art one day.

i'm imbresed op 7.9/10

draw these faggots.



fuck its on its side. here's the fixed one

draw this dude

Definitely one of your finest pieces, user. Bravo!

do this one



Merry Christmas my dudes


nice thread :)


pls do one of ron.

Draw a picture of your mom getting raped by a pack of niggers.

I'll do a better one on the big one later, but here's this in the mean time.


Draw this please

good job m8

waiting for this.

OP was a glorious nonfaggot today. good job

OP's been glorious all week long.

Eh, I've got far worse in the good ol' baneposting folder.
Still remarkable for a fucking etch a sketch drawing.

sorry, didn't check the dates

I just judge it by if it looks like shit or not.


I'd be more impressed with this than the Taj Mahal picture.

I hope it was worth the wait

Good, but can you do one that barely touches the edges of the frame?

Yeah but I'm not going to waste my time doing it again. I already drew you a circle.

very nice.

Okay, figured I'd ask anyway.

holy shit. only on Holla Forums… i can't imagine what sort of pathetic fucked up weirdo basementdweller you are, but never change op may your mother bring you tendies and KEK bring you blessings

interesting. do you enjoy or have ever tried pixel art? my critical autism basically paralyses me when their isn't a clearly defined minimum level of detail.

the only exception to this is things like maps where applies for me. you can work mistakes into interesting features pretty easily.

this isn't pathetic, It's beautiful.

etch a sketch a DICK lol

Now this guy, has a sense of humor. Fucking hilarious.

This joke would kill at an elementary school

How dare you ignore my post. I am enraged


I've tried pixel art once, but I'm no good. It takes more creativity than I have, to make I look like something.

Here is an alternate version where I tried to fix the weird looking chin.

Do me when you can, OP. You draw mine, I'll draw a request of yours.

Please draw this OP. I would jerk my dick clean off.

xDDDD haha PENIS xDD rawr :3


if you draw Birdy wearing a baseball cap that says "COCKS", i will be eternally grateful

here's another photo so you can see what the rest of her head looks like. i just want it from the shoulders up with her holding her chin and smiling like in the first image, with the hat also.

nice work op

I'll try but I suck. Just don't be surprised when you see the final product.

OP is gonna get so good at etch-a-sketch that he'll create a new professional sport.

Can you draw this post?

mandelbrot set



Draw your curtains

i don't have curtains


fucking hell i hate Holla Forums right now

bump for op


Here's a big hairy veiny wiener for you

That's really cool

Could you draw this m9?

I dunno man, what do you think?

the answer is yes

draw this

it's in my screenshots folder.

Do it please, she's my favorite girl eva.

Do REi toooo.


one of the most beautiful pics of rei i have ever seen.

she would truly be best girl if she had Yui's personality.

no thanks

deal widdit, fergert.

not my fault your taste is shit

I'm a guy with long hair
I like girls with short or long hair

not my fault even your dubs can't protect me from your autistic superiority complex about things that don't matter.


I thought you guys might be interested to see how I do complex stuff.

If I want to get Accurate proportions, I get the image the size it will be in the real world on my phone and set it down. Then I mark key points on the x and y axes so I know where certain shit is supposed to start and stop.

I still have to eyeball it for the most part so I don't consider this cheating. It just prevents me from making an arm an inch longer than its supposed to be, which fucks everything else up by offsetting the entire thing.

I botched the face

It's comfy. I look good in it.

It's still fucking incredible.
And weapon grade autsim
I approve

I fixed the eyes

You're doing this with magnetic pencils, right? Not the knobs?

how would he get the straight lines on the arms though?

Thats not possible with an etch a sketch. It uses aluminum powder and aluminum isn't magnetic.

please draw this


sally houndings please


I haven't given up on this thread, I've just been busy. I will draw when I have the time to do it