fucc off moshe
It's not like you neetsocs are getting laid anyhow
bump for interest
Who's your favourite jewess, Holla Forums?
Edgy teenager go away
Antisemitism is a crime and you know it.
Stop right now or I'll report you.
Here have a smoking hot jewess.
Jewish girls are fuccing ugly
Again, that is a Christian girl, user.
We've been over this before.
It's a jew. More jewish than Nehanyahooo
Fucc off Holla Forums we know it you who have been making these threads.
That's funny, I didn't know Jews tend to frequent Christian chruches or wear cross necclaces.
Saw this thread from the frontpage.
Found the faggot.
I'd hit that - easily.
you'd need to send the terriers in first, user. flush out the wildlife. but yeah.
Is that Jim?
That Jewess in the middle is kinda qt - I don't mind the nose
Oy Vey!
What about a threesome?
well, yes it is Jimbo the pig Watkins.. this is a kike women thread, isn't it? it would be incomplete without Jim. that would be remiss of us.
Shut up and post more Jewladies. It's a thing now.
looks like Seinfeld with long hair
Nigella aint kike
Lawson's family have lived in West London for generations but because her family are Jewish she knew her roots must lie abroad. She had thought that her family had "exotic" Iberian-Sephardic roots. But archivists said she descended from the lower-class, cattle-dealing Jews from Germany and eastern Europe. "I think it's difficult not to be interested in my past," said Lawson. "I think it's something to do with age. I think probably that I wouldn't have been interested 20 years ago. Maybe when you have children you see somehow there's a structure and you're part of that structure."
Wait a minute, stop the ovens you dummies!
I want her to rub her nose up and down my shaft
Like lmao get a fuccing dna swab you fuccing retard. DNA doesn't lie but people do. What about adultery?
wew lad
Get a dna swab idiot.
Maybe things are different across the pond, in the bigger cities, &c, but in the rural areas of my country, there’d be much harder to hide your adulterous escapades.
I’ve even found one ancestor in the parish register who had lied and given the wrong name of the father for her child. She had to confess to the whole congregation what she had done, and give the name of the real father.
Get fuᴄked knobgoblin
So you don't actually know whether or not people came from other countries or not? Also, did you even watch the video I posted? Because I bet you didn't.
Also, just because you had some anecdotal evidence doesn't prove shit on the grand scale of things.
I was referring to the possibility of people being more adulterous in the Americas & the larger cities (both there and elsewhere). I know very well what countries my ancestors came from.
Good. Keep proving your ignorance dumbass.
No you obviously don't.
Aw, did I hurt your precious feels by not watching your WebM?
Don’t worry, it’ll pass.
I found the scientist in the building!!!
There’s no need to be upset.
And you reached that conclusion based on…?
The fact that you started off saying that you may have a jewish ancestor. And if it's proven true you want to mitigate the damage by being ignorant of where your ancestors are actually from.
I did not. I simply stated some interesting peculiarities I had come across in my genealogical research, and how it connected to Nigella Lawson’s ancestry.
I am certain the ancestors I mentioned were not Jewish – Jews were not allowed into the country, they all have German(ic) given names & were listed in the Christian parish registers.
Also, loving the reaction image from a Chinese cartoon – really first rate stuff.
I wonder how anyone even got to Scandinavia in the first place oh… that's right! They had to travel there. Also, just because at one given time period jews weren't allowed in, doesn't mean jews didn't ever get in. Not to mention the fact you could get into the country (without practicing the religion) but have jewish ancestors instead.
Top kek m8. That's not how things work user.
I find it amusing how you think you did anything other embarrass yourself even further with that reply.
Fucc off i'm loyal to elaine benis
Not an argument.
If you think I was making an argument in the post you replied to, I don't know what to say to you, m8.
If you can't trace bacc your family to at least 200 years, you're a nigger
That's what I said moron.
gonna chime in
so far what you've goys done was the dumbest internet argument i've seen.
Let's see you trace it bacc fully 1000 years. I'd love to see you try.
That's not all that hard actually.
Take the folks in Iceland for example - they can easily trace their ancestry bacc 1000 years.
Fuccing kek. Enjoy your incest.
I'm not saying to trace your family to when neanderthals were still a thing, but if you can't spend a summer in your 4th degree cousin's beach home you're a nigger
You don't think all the branches on your family tree meet at the top?
Fuck you nigger
No idea, i found it randomly when looking for porn on a google search result that led to one of those tumblr pages with a trillion porn gifs
jesus christ why do i want to bury my dick in dirt so bad… its so creepy and disgusting, yet somehow i want to do it… at least in a violent hate-fuck nazi bondage porn way
pretty sure both of these are bad examples bc niggers know theys was slaves n sheeit and they're all related since they're inbred craccheads
Holy shit they're filth