This bitch is apparently legal now and has nudes. Where can I find said nudes?
This bitch is apparently legal now and has nudes. Where can I find said nudes?
Other urls found in this thread:
Once she became legal I've lost all interest, what are you, some kind of a faggot?
It's all downhill from now :3
And while she’s currently dating a guy, the 19-year-old won’t put a label on her orientation. “I’ve never sat up and thought about my sexuality for hours,” she says. “It’s like what Shailene Woodley said: ‘I fall in love with personalities and not people or genders.’ I have no problem with anyone who would want to be labeled, but I also think that it is no one’s business.”
Bump…I need to fap
Looks like shes a coal burner
So she's probably pansexual
You really think she would be willing to get fucced by a dog?
How much to get her and Shailene Woodley fucced by a dog?
Thats not what pansexual means
Shut up, you don't know either.
Couldn't find her actual titties there.
I vaguely remember her being on a list of celebrities that had been on a "trip" to Dubai.
Sounds innocent enough but Google Dubai porta potties and you'll see what kind of sock fuckery goes on out there.
Tl;dr: she probably already has.
Enjoy OP
nice try user but we have more than 1 iq points retard!
these are horrible fakes.
but those third and fourth ones are interesting.
may I have some sauce?
is this real?
breedy buch :-DDD
yes, I took it last night
Where's that 2nd photo from?
someone hacked GRRM's phone recently and found a few shots of Maisie
He could go after any chick on th show and he chooses Quasimodo?
WTF GRRM? Finish the fucking books, you fat fuck.
She hasn't been attractive since season 1.
>Maisie "ayy lmao" Williams
Childhood is kinder on features.
Aye, time is a harsh mistress.
he could, sure, but they're all way out of his league
Who the fuck wants nudes of this goblin
Maise is rather interesting.
As someone pointed out, time is a fickle mistress.
Objectively, she possesses very few traits that are parallel with the Caucasian general standard of beauty. Some might even say that she is downright ugly, myself included and it won't get better with time, most likely.
How will this affect her acting career?
Once Game of Thrones is finished, will she be considered as used goods and not be included in other productions?
Also, shit thread.
I dunno, I think she's kind of cute.
Once GOT is over she'll still get some roles but only because she is very recognizable and can be used as a box office or tune in hook. That will start to dry up once her appeal starts to fade because she and Sophie Turner have no talent. Sophie Turner in the X-men movie was awful and obviously cast because of her GOT popularity.
Happened to cast of Lost. Friends, 70s Show, Scrubs, Married with Children, Everybody loves Raymond, The Nanny, How I Met Your Mother and it will happen to the cast of GOT as well. I guess it already has, a lot of the killed off cast have basically gone nowhere except for a few low end productions.
There are a few actors that have made bankable careers from popular TV shows but they are few and far between. If she or her management are clever they will start banking on the fact her body isn't bad and a lot of people want to see her nude, little like how Miley Cyrus changed from child star to "sexy" deviant in order to stay in pop culture.
First genuine laugh I've had out of this site for quite a while. Many thanks anons.
All fairly good points, but I felt an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt whilst reading that. It was very reddit-tier indeed.
This is a thread requesting shots of her tits and scary, and it should stay that way. None of that debating/discussion crap.
No one knows.
Oh, it's the ugly little boy from GoT.