You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a QT gf.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a QT gf
Because I'm a fuccing loser. Fucc you
High standards.
Oh, but I do :^)
then why did you post in this thread?
are you retarded/ yes
because i never put myself out there enough to meet any QT's ;(
Just to rub it in all your faces.
Cuz I refuse to ask anyone out anymore 'n just wait for them to do it in order to systematically crush the female advantage IRL and not just Online.
straight fuccing banned XDDDD
because I lost her
because i am the worst human being who has ever lived.
I never tried to get one and don't intend to start.
I lost mine too.
Sunny is one of the few shows that always make me bust into laughter.
The only time - without exception - that a Christian should engage in 'dating' activity is during the courting of a potential spouse.
because I want a qt bf to bully me over my tiny spic π½ππΌπ
Also, π₯ππΌπ ye mods, I can say π’πͺ like I'm the π₯ππΌπing cuπΌπ kind.
i don't want a 3DPD gf
π±ππ»π»πΎπ π½πππΎ ππΎππ»ππΊππ½π πΊππΎ πΏππΌππππ ππππππ»π
πΎ ππ»π πΏπΊπ.
cucc succ pucc fucc ducc trucc
Might as well give her your wallet, too
I did, but she was a SJW. Left, waiting for the perfect women given to me by God.
only if you're a cucc. Wives have budgets, well earned by raising my 5 children.
Because I'd rather spend/save the money for myself.
You have to fight for her. Dig her out of the shit, like the beautiful baby turnip she is, user.
Nice way of thinking about it, but there are some women with self respect and morals left in the church.
When man stop giving into the shit tier common whores, they will change their ways. Women only follow the most common path.
waiting for sexbots, going to need money to buy one.
I'm a NEET. I don't have the prerequisites necessary to get a gf.
This, unfortunately.
Don't worry. Even if you have all the prerequisites it's impossible to find one.
not if you aren't a beta, its pretty easy actually.
Only if you don't have taste. I'm not beta and I can get a GF but I can't find one that's worth the trouble.
That's true, you have to find a nice quite woman, look in bookstores and classical music organizations.
Sadly this is not a good place to find good women. Bookstores are filled with 'lol I'm such a nerd cause I read a book' type girls.
I bet that kid gets more pucci than u
How would you guys rate me /10? I'm having trouble finding a gfβ¦
3 (feet tall) out of 10.
Why can't I find any gf, guys?
I just can't shake this apathy Holla Forums. I don't feel much anymore.
Become a nazi, it will give you a reason.
But I'm only half white
Whats the other half?
same boat only worse
Only 5'10" but it could be worse.
True story. Hess was based and wanted peace.
I'm sorry that your parents didn't know what they were doing to you. But you can have a positive effect on society, Hispanics, and Latinos are not terrible, they come from near European areas and have done great things. Just marry Hispanic and have a great family in Spain.
My [s]ex-[/s]girlfriend is a whore and fucced my now [s]ex[/s]friend
tfw you can't spoiler
Are you referring to the increased occurrence of mental illness in interracial offspring or having no sense of racial identity? Either way, I have no intention on being a nuisance to society.
I was referring to the identity part. I respect you greatly for your decision.
This happened to me except I was the ex friend who's friend's girlfriend fucced.
Still feel bad about it.
All of my trauma from life has been overwhelmingly thanks to women. I can hang around my doge without having panic attaccs. Maybe someday, but not today.
this isnt a humble brag I swear, but the reason I dont have a QT gf is because I've ended up plowing most of the girls within my circle and could have had a shot with a few of them, but I was on that "fucc like rabbits in your 20s single life is fuccing lit man" tip while manic, but now I'm known by everyone as a manwhore. Now I'm single and lonely. Feels bad man.
Dolls exist.
Oh shit, I guess that makes a bit of a loser. Whatever really.
Because I am poor.
I am poor because I am lazy.
When I have sufficient capital that I can provide for one, I'll scoop another up.
because it would be considered MONSTROUS by society
Grills never liked me. The only ones who have ever showed any interest in me were certifiably insane (not "woman crazy," but actually crazy.) Since I realized this, I assumed any grill who showed interest was to be avoided. I win!
Anyone either desperate or otherwise willing to date me certainly wont be a qt. And if they were, I wouldn't believe them.
Because I am on a quest to become a wise man, and to become /fit/. Bitches can go fucc themselves, I need to improve myself before I let another person enter my life.
Because whenever a girl asks me out I immediately think they're joking and lose any chance I get.