The New Religion

The New Religion

i. In light of the recent posts on here about a community, I've decided to give this movement some much needed direction.

There exists a need for a new religion among our people. This is certain. The myth of Christianity, apart from being toxic, is dead. Though the churches remain full, the seriousness of faith has been lost among the many, and the various sects have done more to divide and supplant our brothers and sisters than they have to unite us.
This is a think piece attempting to type-form a radical new approach to racial secular morality- one that is racially conscious with a strong sense of honor and duty upheld by law. This is the drafting of a moral constitution of our Volk, the birth of a codified secular morality that will underpin our communities and societies.
The myths of past no longer fit into our understanding of the world. What’s needed now is a codified law of the Volk, which if taken seriously, would work to create a Volkish brotherhood under the protective cloak of a state sanctioned religion. The Volk, borrowing heavily from the concepts of the Amish and other separatists, would form into self-sufficient cohorts on land bases. These cohorts would work for the betterment of the folk, and a hierarchy reflected in Rosenburg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century would allow leadership to manifest to its most effective degree. In this state, the colony would flourish. Most importantly, the colony would flourish regardless of the economic and social chaos surrounding it, guided by the principles of Resiliency, Honor, Law, and Fortitude.
Apart from the rhetoric of blood and soil, the faithful shall share in the racial vision of empire, frontier, and boundless space. This shall manifest as a tithing to a center colony which will be used to research technologies of alternative energy and space travel. Having such an abundance based economic outlook on the colony level - with all tools crafted on site, all food grown, all fuel processed - will carry up the ladder to the leadership and researchers of the home colony. This effectively bypasses the negative effects of usury.
The hard-working scientists, engineers, and craft people; guided not by dogmatic academes clenching onto outdated worldviews to keep their relevance and tenured jobs, will advance science with a Volkish consciousness and the light of science beholden to no interest but that of our people. They will be afforded a modest, yet comfortable lifestyle by the tithing of goods and services from the satellite colonies. In this way, our people will return to the track they were on when the jet engine and nuclear physics were revealed.
There remains much to be fleshed out, including the book of law, or scripture. Also remaining is a clear path toward initiation as a state-tolerated religion in the traditional homelands of our people - which now have adopted a hostile attitude towards our own people. Perhaps this framework should adopt it’s own language. Certainly, it should adhere to a few principles.

The principles laid out below are not mine. They come from Dmitri Orlov’s “13 Commandments for Communities that Abide”, able to be found on his website, and via his book on the subject available there.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't confuse Jesus Christ with (((Jesus)))



what does any of this have to do with religion?


Sage for not knowing anything about what you’re saying.

There is only one God, and his name is Kek.


This man has studied these communities for a long time. He was there for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and has an excellent podcast on it through Guns and Butter on soundcloud. The idea now is to type-form the community based on these commandments. Many are self-evident within a racial component, while some need to be fleshed out. There are some, as is the case with commandment XII, that are questionable as rules among those of high IQ.
Make no mistake, this is an ambitious plan and requires absolute adherence and dedication by a pioneering cohort of highly skilled and educated couples who are willing and able to provide for their own needs in all spheres of life, including defense and especially procreation. Part II is forth coming.



you should probably sage this thread


Are you the same guy who posts a different "new religion" topic every week?

So we can't have a conversation about secular morality because it's bait?

I am not that person. I'm trying to combine our efforts into an engineered focal point to actually gain traction towards a much needed objective.

What part of "Don't confuse Jesus Christ with (((Jesus)))" didn't you understand?

Deity: Our god is Our sacred People and Our habitats and homelands

Our children and grandchildren

Sin: Miscegenation


1. Be White

2. Reproduce yourselves exclusively with other White people and raise your children to do the same, in order to ensure that Our god continues to live.

Underworld: Multikulti

Creation myth: We don’t pretend to know how we got here (other than through our ancestors).We only know we’re here, we’re us and we want to stay that way.

Morphological characteristics of Our god

Our god has not always existed. It was born along with the first ones of us.

Immortality is potential only
If the last of us dies, Our god dies.

Our god is not anthropomorphic, he is rather meta-anthropic. I use he, him, etc. to refer to our god as common gender pronouns. “It” would make him impersonal when he is highly personal to us.

Our god is not omniscient. His knowledge is limited to what white people, collectively, can know. His knowledge waxes and wanes along with ours.

Our god is not omnipotent, and his power waxes and wanes as well. It is at a low ebb right now. What we do (and to an extent what non-members (those who aren’t White or who miscegenate) do) will have an effect on his power

Our god is not all good. Not all bad, either. He is, to put it in Christian terms, God and Satan rolled up into one.

Our god’s name is “Our god”. To distinguish him from “your god”.

Not being anthropomorphic, he has no capacities such as caring, wanting (praise, worship, etc.), jealousy, fits of anger, etc., like his constituents do.

Our god is not omnipresent or pantheistic. He is immanent in us and we in him and part of him is present wherever in the universe any of Us finds himself.

Man you can't add laws and strictures to a religion until well after it is established because it takes all the fun out of the religion. The morals need to be started implicitly in the belief and spread throughout the faithful as "just the right thing to do" before you gather them together to write it all down.

Especially nowadays when the prevailing attitude is that people should be unrestricted in action as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If you want to spread New morals to people you need to convince them that they were the ones who decided to live by them instead of telling then what to do. Telling people what to do starts when you're established and a bunch of retards want to join to seem cool but not actually follow any of the implicit moral code.

Look at the Cult of Kek for example. We all know the rules of worship and somewhat of conduct within that budding religion but if someone wrote them down and started going off on everyone else for doing it wrong at this stage they'd kill the fun.

Well I think a life of ease and fulfillment standing next to the stark reality of wage slavery is enough to convince most people to try it. Without it being to preachy, hence the secular aspect of it, I think a lot of converts would be won.



Everything you've posted ITT is preachy bullshit. How is it secular, exactly?


You must be pretty wealthy. For most of the people here in Burgerland, things are pretty shit, and you end up working an extra job just so you can keep your shitty car insured. There are literally tens of thousands of bodies out there in this situation. These aren't stupid people either, they are just looking for something more fulfilling than AR/AP clerk at a garbage company or caregiving or working at chipotle. The threads here show this, and I think your finger is off the pulse if you can't imagine a real alternative - one that subverts the godforsaken modern paradigm that we can all agree sucks. Add to that the revival of trades, craft, and manufacturing; a cultural morality, and BAM. Bottom-up revolution.


Isnt this exatly positivism?

Given the amount of degeneracy in society today, I would say that, at the very least, most normies really can't.

stopped reading there, fuck off with your gay religion

Sure mate. You enjoy the enrichment your church is sponsoring.

I would support a half-way between Christianity and local paganism, kind of like how the japanese are shinto and buddhist.
Morrigan is the best Tutha Dé

Holy shit, they would get mad about this.

Now some kind of synthesis could be possible. The important idols would be the celestial objects, seasons, and calendar. Knowledge of the great year, etc. These could be synthesized from Paganism. A monotheistic religion [should this end up being a "religion" at all] is a must. If community is to be led by a single person, our values must reflect the legitimacy of such.

To all the Christians: this isn't an attack on your faith. This is something that will agree with the core aspects of it, and surround it in racial code as part of a movement towards a white society.

creating a new religion is the most autistic thing I have ever heard

Fuck off and kill yourself, Holla Forums.

What part of
do you think doesn't apply to you?

Jews made themselves god via proclaiming their tribal deity universal (with nothing than hubris to back it up) and making up a contract in which he chooses them.

I just cut out the middleman by making Us (Our sacred People) Our god.

I'm not even a christfag, but you need to kill yourself as soon as possible.

I should add for those who remain their lives childless, "and those and their descendants living on who are related to and genetically similar to Us.

Are Southern and Eastern Europeans part of this "Volkish brotherhood" or is this another Nordicist thing?

Holy fuck you're autistic.

Still not sure what you're missing, man.

This sounds like Communist propaganda. I'm not pretty wealthy, I just know what the phrase "wage slave" means and the kind of agenda that it's usually used to push. I'm also not sure how a new Euro-centric religion will elevate whites out of poverty.

No, there is a Hell and I have seen it in dreams, trust me, racemixer will end up in Hell.

The rest I more or less agree with, though in my mind it is clear we Whites are the Chosen or Elected, if you will, this comes from the very simple fact that all of modern culture is our product.

Therefor there is no need for a White dependent God, because God is himself White.

Ubermensch morality at its finest. I like this idea. We are our own salvation, literally. No one can fix this for us, we must become the God within.

See Germany 1933 for what a euro-centric state with an economic system based on abundance does. You can accuse me of being a communist all you want, but the facts bear out my argument. I'm done spoonfeeding you. Contribute or gtfo.


God clearly created a violent universe to see his creation become stronger.

I thought this was a thread about religion, not about establishing an ethno-state. These are different things, and you're failing to distinguish between church and state–which is foolish and dangerous.
I don't even know what your argument is supposed to be, I'm not going to GTFO or contribute because I think your autism is leading you to misunderstand a lot about the topics involved.
If you think that the wage system is slavery and should be abolished, then you're a socialist or a Communist. How is this system going to elevate whites out of poverty? You haven't made that clear, and pointing to 'muh Hitler' isn't going to win your argument.

Interesting to note that in Dante's Inferno, there was a level of hell for racemixers.

Heaven and Hell, black and… White.

What I have so far is to incorporate ideas of ancestor worship, concept of racial gnostic god-self, emphasize our creative powers, commandments of community, monastic knowledge of craft and the analog timepiece of the heavens, potential immortality through birthright - and the imperative towards the heavens, cloistered and undistracted life.

Writing this bitch is going to be an undertaking.


One of our Holy Books should be a copy of Chamberlain's The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century together with Rosenberg's The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

Possibly titled Myth and Foundation.

Deity: Our god is Our sacred People and Our habitats and homelands

Our children and grandchildren

Sin: Miscegenation


1. Be White

2. Reproduce yourselves exclusively with other White people and raise your children to do the same, in order to ensure that Our god continues to live.

Underworld: Multikulti

Creation myth: We don’t pretend to know how we got here (other than through our ancestors).We only know we’re here, we’re us and we want to stay that way.

Morphological characteristics of Our god

Our god has not always existed. It was born along with the first ones of us.

Immortality is potential only
If the last of us dies, Our god dies.

Our god is not anthropomorphic, he is rather meta-anthropic. I use he, him, etc. to refer to our god as common gender pronouns. “It” would make him impersonal when he is highly personal to us.

Our god is not omniscient. His knowledge is limited to what white people, collectively, can know. His knowledge waxes and wanes along with ours.

Our god is not omnipotent, and his power waxes and wanes as well. It is at a low ebb right now. What we do (and to an extent what non-members (those who aren’t White or who miscegenate) do) will have an effect on his power

Our god is not all good. Not all bad, either. He is, to put it in Christian terms, God and Satan rolled up into one.

Our god’s name is “Our god”. To distinguish him from “your god”.

Not being anthropomorphic, he has no capacities such as caring, wanting (praise, worship, etc.), jealousy, fits of anger, etc., like his constituents do.

Our god is not omnipresent or pantheistic. He is immanent in us and we in him and part of him is present wherever in the universe any of Us finds himself.>>6499236
We are Our god (and not your god). But we do not worship Ourselves because deity worship, praise, arse-lifting etc. is an artifact of the three major Middle East goat-herder religions. We merely hold Ourselves as the most important beings in the Universe (to Ourselves, of course, knowing that other peoples do the same and should do the same – they'd be mentally deranged not to).

Your not going to end up with anything succesful unless you meditate, pray and fast, I can tell you that.

About Dante, how legimate is it? I doubt great pre-Christians are living in some kind of purgatory.

Why do you doubt that?

Well, that would suggest God judges people based on some other motive then morality, but on the fact that they do, or do not follow some cult.

That is what he judges people on

Thank you.

I like the Chestertonian/Lewisean idea of Christ and the Christic myth as the archetypical myth, of myth-made-flesh, the intersectional point of mundane and magical and key to the ultimate mystery of God. I then extend on this logical basis the idea that, as there is an archetypical myth - like there is a metalanguage - so there are different forms in which it can be expressed. In that way Christ is both universal and local, monotheist and pagan. Christ is then a sort of Atman hewn from Brahman, just as Christianity conceptualises Created and Creator separately (the difference here is academic: just as a coin is both a coin, and a heads side and tails side, so God the All, and God the Creator and His Creation, are one and the same).

A European can share with an African the perennial symbol of Christ, the primordial hero, while also engaging in the regional peculiarities of myth, ie European folk religion. The fact that early Christianity leaves behind essentially fucking nothing regarding the daily expectations and rituals of followers suggests that, if it wasn't simply a Jewish Reformation and actually DID have universalist aspirations, then Christ would've been very - shall we say - Dharmic about native faiths outside of Judaism.

Also it's interesting that Islam's prophet is an entirely mundane/historical figure, even as Christ is admitted as a part-supernatural being. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, except to see Islam as a Christological tradition as one might imagine Christopaganism.

he entire point of the Christian religion, the only one that has the concepts of Heaven and Hell embedded in it analytically, is that belief in Christ and the application of His doctrines to life is the only way to live a moral life. How do you not understand this?
Catholicism teaches that all souls destined for Heaven go through Purgatory, and that all other souls go to Hell. Non-Catholic denominations teach similar things, without the Purgatory element. Following Christ's teachings amounts to living a moral life. You can call it a cult all you want, but that cult has over a billion members on Earth right now.

But the worst insult, from an anthroposophical point of view, is Steiner's dictum that people of color can't develop spiritually on their own; they must either be "educated" by whites or reincarnated in white skin. Europeans, in contrast, are the most highly developed humans. Indeed "Europe has always been the origin of all human development." For Steiner and for anthroposophy, there is no doubt that "whites are the ones who develop humanity in themselves. [ . . . ] The white race is the race of the future, the spiritually creative race."[10]

No, God is not a semite.

Uhm, because I am not a Christian, therefor I see no connection with worshipping a saint and morality.

If you think that somehow proves the validity of your believes, then I have to disappoint you. Only a proletarian belief that wide support amongst the masses, makes something true.

I would go so far as to say that worship praise and the like, that the Middle Eastern arse-lifting religions engage in, is alien to the European soul.

Well, the Christian God is. Are you a Muslim, or a Jew? If you're none of the above, why are you even talking about what you believe about the God of Abraham?
1. Christ is no saint.
2. You aren't a Christian, so you have no right or reason to comment on how you think the Christian God decides who is saved and who isn't.
I don't need to prove anything to you. I'm just pointing out that you're using the word 'cult' in an odd way, especially in a thread where you're showing support for the creation of a new cult.
[citation needed]
Whether you realize it or not you're parroting Marxist talking points about class consciousness, repurposed (not very well) to make your support of a hypothetical cult seem like it makes sense.

pls resbong

This thread gives me an idea of what the basic Holy Books of our faith could be.

Chamberlain: The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century

Gobineau: The Inequality of Human Races and other essays.

Goethe: Faust and other works.

Hitler: My Struggle and speeches.

Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Rosenberg: The Myth of the Twentieth Century

Steiner: Selected works.


Dubs confirm.

Hence the secular aspect, an attempt to avoid squabbles and alienate rational humans.

Don't feed the trolls. Click his username to see how disruptive this guy is. He's been shitting up this thread since it appeared, trying to

Why can't I hold all this materialism

Of course I'm being disruptive, I think this is a stupid and dangerous idea. Sorry Holla Forums isn't your safe space.

I like the idea, and an ideal as such gives people something to strive for. Are you suggesting we keep the New Testament as a part of the curriculum?

I am not, I am talking about the God who gets his name from the Langobard name for Wotan, which was Gotan.

Well, he certainly is not God.

No, not if your (((Christian God))) is one God amongst many, but since Christians are montheists, well that would make any supreme God also my God.

Well, we will use a word that is more neutral, like religion or worldview to describe our faith and we will call yours a cult, that worships a man called Jesus.

Really? So you don't think that is logical, instaid you demand a citation, of what exacly, a holy text?

No, I just called you a proletatian, there is literally nothing else to connect me to Marxism and the word proletarian is not inherently Marxist in any way.

He obviously is, since he isn't suggesting that we abandon Christianity.

I'm so glad you're worried for us.


What Materalism?

I hope your not a Christian, since there are few faiths as materialistic as Christianity.

Except it's not a myth if there is historical evidence. Josephus, Tacitus, etc., which are independent non-Christian sources, confirm Jesus as a historical figure. The angry crowd that got him killed was unable to deny his miracles or resurrection.
Your twist does not have anything to do with the actual Christ.

As long as it were treated as a mythic source and not as gospel, I think it could have a place among the supplemental texts.

I don't think you understand what a myth is, a myth is not something which is non-historical, a myth is any concept that is universally true and will repeat itself again and again in different forms.

I like what I've read from these. They will be included in our self-myth, our Good Book.

I like this.

Why not just call him Wotan or Odin or Gotan, then? This is confusing.
That's, like, your opinion, man.
You can call anything whatever you want, it doesn't make your beliefs valid.
I just want you to show me why I should believe that claim to be true. It seems like you're denying the existence of any reality beyond the consensus of the masses.
How am I supposed to know that? You may be a D&C Holla Forums faggot. This seems likely, tbh.
It's not, but the way you use proletarian consciousness as equivalent to that which generates truth-value reeks of something like Marxism–not National Socialism or Fascism, either, since both of those think that there is a world beyond proletarian consciousness.

Neither of you understands how religious institutions formalize belief systems.

Then contribute your great ideas or get out. You're just being disruptive.

This is workable. Rather than saints have a jungian twelve below 'the one true god'.

The only problem is that Christianity decays. You have to admit that. It does not outlive the generation that restores it before falling back to ruin and splintering. It would need to be orthodox or synthetic, the prior disallows 'pagan' worship, the latter feels disingenuous.

Keep both. Cut the roots, kill the tradition.

It's pretty easy to envision Christ as a Krishna-like being who came to the most materialist and self-absorbed people on Earth (the Jews), half of their blood and half of the divine substance (again mundane/mythological), to show them that their tradition is one path to God and that he represents not the culmination (or that which comes after), but the perennial ideal outside of time, to which all paths lead. The Christian myth is really a Eurafrasian hybrid, and so I'd like it to remain: attempts to Aryanise the Christian orthodoxies is silly.

In not coming [i]after[/i] paganism (which is actual Christian theology: Christ is eternal), Christ can exist in a state at the very least in non-contestation with paganism. There can be a subsidiarity: of course it's ridiculous to expect an ash tree to grow in the cathedral, and it's wrong to do so. Christianity is the "lingua franca" of faith for all humanity. But the folk can also reach Christ through their folk traditions. Though none come to the Father except through Him, there can be many ways to come to Him.

Of course it's a heresy, but is anyone in a position to contest it?

I didn't claim to me. I'm just a Christian, and I know more about my religion than you do because I, unlike you, have studied it a little bit.
Like I said, I think this is a stupid idea. That's my entire contribution to this thread.
Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. You don't need any religion but Christianity.

The saints are hybrid figures of local gods and Christian historical figures. They're essentially the tradition of classical heroes brought into the Christian age. Christ is the hero of heroes for being not part-god, but part-GOD.

Saints and heroes. God and the gods. Angels etc come from Persian tradition and again an be understood as a universalist essence to European traditions of faeries etc

I am, I am using the word God, not YHWH.

no, that's a fact I am afraid and one you have said nothing against.

Your not getting this, if there is only one God, then I have the right to call about him, regardless of cult.

ok, why? Because you say so?

No, not reality, just their opinions.

uhm, I don't know, study the world and learn from it?

I am not promoting National Socialism or Fascism, I am promoting Racialism. So that analyses is accurate.

But you're talking about a pagan deity. It's just unclear.
I'm not going to try to convert you ITT, I'm just going to try to convince you that your idea is bad.
If you deny the divinity of Christ then you have no right to talk about the Christian God as if you know anything about the way He chooses who is saved and who is damned.
Do you think that calling something a name makes that something into the thing you're naming it?
Doing that will tell me whether or not you're a Marxist?
You're promoting a new religious movement.

What sect are you? I was raised a Roman Catholic and could just as easily call you on the carpet about the Bible and the Apocrypha and Psuedopygrypha - which I have studied as well. If your God is the true God, then why remove books from the Bible? Why socially engineer a religion into a servile, slave-morality format as the so-called apostle Paul did? What of the Gnostics?

No, I am talking about the one God.

How, by not using any arguments?

No, if there is ONE God, then he is the God of all people, not specifically a Christian God, or do you think there is a Muslim God as well?

No, but that is not a counter-argument, do you have a reason why I am talking about something which is not real.

I mean, there is a monkey in some jungle somehwere which doesn't have a name yet. doesn't mean the monkey isn't real.

Ok, I see your not very bright. Reality and opinions are not the same things. Their reality is real, their opinions are not real.

Yes, since I obviously am not a Marxist.

No, the White Race is very old.

Roman Catholic.
I'm not a Protestant.
Why should I take seriously the idea that St. Paul wasn't a authority?
What of them? A lot of memers on the Internet like them. I don't see any reason to think that gnosticism isn't just another heresy.

You mean the one divine substance in which the Father, Son, and Spirit are consubstantial? That doesn't seem to be the referent you're referring to.
It's easy to say that someone isn't making arguments, isn't it?
I think the only God is the God of Abraham, and Wotan is not the God of Abraham. I don't know what you mean by 'ONE God' if you aren't talking from a monotheistic perspective, and I don't know what monotheism you're advocating, because it certainly isn't one that I'm familiar with. Are you a pantheist, a panentheist, a Hindu, a Taoist? If so, why are you so insistent on one deity being uniquely divine?
It's a fact. If I call a cup of coffe "gun," it doesn't become a gun. I don't need to make an argument to prove this to you, you can try it yourself.
…so what was your initial point? It seemed like you were implying that truth is created by consensus, i.e. by a collection of concordant opinions.
It's not that obvious, really.
The white race and ideologies advocating white supremacy or white uniqueness are different things. Your inability to distinguish between a thing and discourse around that thing is going to be a serious problem for you someday.

yeah, you would need to blur and abstract the meaning of "gods", "angels", and "saints". plus, it would be up to each ethnic group to adapt their own hereditary gods to the model. I think of a reverse of what happened to europe, with Christian ideas and traditions being apllied to pre-existing gods and concepts. If you want to go full LARP you could even claim that certain saints interacted and collaborated with local spirits and gods.

This entire idea is pure LARP.

Let me just add that monotheism was an innovation that we really needed. In the cities we had people not honouring oaths because they were sworn to different gods. The Indians had the ancient monotheism of Brahman, and maybe we had something similar, too, in the mists of antiquity; but we'd since lost it, and so, lacking the words to express this unity without importing even more foreign theological concepts, I say we stick to God.

There doesn't need to be anything irrational about religion. It's an attitude, a poesy of life. You could say you have a consciousness; alternatively, you could say that you're a meat-machine qualitatively no different to a pile of rocks and that consciousness is just an illusion. Both are true, which is nicer?

If you - a cellular hologram - have a consciousness and personality, then how much of a stretch is it to think that the unindividuated whole of all things does, as well?

No, I am not, that is your idea of what God should be.

Yes, your literally doing just that, saying something which isn't an argument.

Do you lack any kind of self-consciousness?

I see, so your a polytheist, who thinks there are multiple Gods.

Unlike you, I am talking from a monotheistic perspective.

I am a theistic racialist.

What does that have to do with me. Do you, or do you not have an argument, why I am describing things that are not real.

What no, that is your opinion. wtf!


Your the one who says that truth is decided by the will of the people, while I advocate truth can only be understood by a small group of people.

It's clear, your ideas are far more Marxist then mine.

I advocated neither of those things!!!

Yeah wonderful, another line that actually says nothing, because it doesn't actually use concrete examples.

It's pure Platonism.

When you pass through the existential or mystical blender and learn that everything is one and that divisions are arbitrary, you soon realise that you can "slice" reality however you wish. There is a heavenly and a hellish plane of existence. They are impregnated into the mundane. This isn't LARP or fantasy: it's a concrete understanding of reality, that's more constructive, more human, and simply better than yours.

I agree, especially if there is to be a Patriarch of sorts, which is a given. This is why community and religion are so closely intertwined, and why I included them both in my post - one must correspond with the other. Integrate that with the race as god-head, attach some heros to it, etc.

Stop feeding the troll.

That is what God is, though.
I believe in demons, which masquerade as gods to fool fools like you.
How so? I still don't understand what deity you're talking about.
I've never heard this term before.
This is about your liberal use of the word 'cult.'
Where have I said this?
I say that truth exists separately from any individual's understanding of it, not that the masses produce it. I don't know where you're getting this from.
Then what exactly is the racialism you advocate?
Concrete examples of what?

Err, no you don't. You learn that reality is reality, and that reason is the only way to access that reality. What you're describing is sophistry.
This sounds like Christianity, not Platonism.

It's not blurring and abstraction. There is a universal and atemporal Christian mythological essence, and we engage in it through our own reflection of it. You could call it European Christian Hinduism if you wanted to be a massive wanker, but I prefer Christopaganism

Best way to start is meet up n do stuff tbqh. Any word on the German Project?

L2 Wittgenstein you massive pleb, I'm done with you

I would go so far as to say that worship praise and the like, that the Middle Eastern arse-lifting religions engage in, is alien to the European soul.

Any deity or religion we come up with MUST BE PARTICULAR TO US – have nothing to do with any other peoples than our own. So far as Our religion is concerned, other peoples are non-entities.

I'm familiar with the advancements made by Jewish logicians in the 20th century.


Alright, tell me, why isn't one of those demons fooling you?


Are you trolling?

I am sorry, maybe study more.

Really, and what off it?

You literally stated that a religion is true because there is concensus between a billion people!

These your words?

geesh, I dunno, the adherence towards the fundamentals of your race and protecting it against those who would harm it.

Wow, you are really really dumb.

You actually have no idea what you are talking about!

Yeah, religion to use is more the aim towards a good moral life.

I overlooked this gem. I liked Steiner, but his genius is deeper than I knew.

Fucking scams.

So… white Judaism then

We share a reality with other peoples. I'm a racist because I believe in order, justice and healthy competition, not because I think other peoples are cattle that we can grind up and make soylent brown burgers out of.

I don't think the actions of the planets on our Earthly sphere is so far-fetched. The moon has an effect on the tide, for example.

Read the Bible.
Who's to say they're not? I just know that God is God, and I have faith that the God of Abraham alone is worthy of worship.
You're being incredibly vague about what you mean by 'God,' it's not my fault.
You could explain yourself.
I stated that calling Christianity a cult when it has so many members doesn't make much sense. Christianity is true because it is true, not because people believe in it.
They are, but I don't know how you got "Christianity is true because a lot of people believe it" out of them.
Where does the theism come in?
I don't know what kind of concrete example you want. Go out and call a cup of coffee a gun, and see if it starts shooting bullets. That was a concrete example of the fact that calling X Y doesn't make Y X. It's an experiment you can conduct.

Well I hope our religion comes to some consciousness of the animal spirit other than the exploitable resource concept we have today. Everything is to be safeguarded, even the slaves have their place.

You didn't read "so far as Our religion is concerned". No one may say he is a member unless he following the First Imperative, "be White".

Just so we're clear though, being White is not a ticket to ride. One must demonstrate usefulness to the race through skill and enthusiasm for knowledge and wisdom from the elders.

Just like masculinity.
It is far more alive than whatever religion you are planning on pushing.
Secular "values" are the reason we have this mess. Secular "values" liberated the jews of Europe, and made Russian Revolution possible. [It is presumed that either Napoleon or French Revolution were funded by Jewish bankers as well.]
>new religion, not true religion
I like world building as well, but you should do it at >>>/tg/
The only invented religions are morbid horror stories like Scientology and Mormonism. What are you using as base? After all, you are building it around things you already worship, ie. "whiteness", which is
Understandable, but not enough. Rather than fixing what is broken, you discard it and want to buy a new one. This mentality is half the problem.
This cult you will make will be neonazis 2.0; goodest goys and baddest boys.

Why do the goat-herders' tribal gods demand constant praise and oily reverence? It bespeaks something in their psyches, I believe. Something imo that is alien to Us (generally).

You've never read the Orphic Hymns, have you

Boy this is gonna end well.

I have, and?

I see, no reason, just blind faith.

Really, so it's my fault that you don't understand waht God is because you worship some kind of superstition called the trinity?

Yes, pick up books, read about the world.

Oh, alright, then you should have said that from the beginning.

My definition of a cult is more neutral, as in cultus.

Well, you can barely be moral and racial, without God.

Again, you refuse to give any concrete example of why my arguments are wrong and start talking about some abstract hypothesis.

That kind of worship is basically like masturbation, their God is horny and whats to be jerked of with prayers and oils.

It should be in there.
I see no reason in your posts. I don't even see faith in them. I just see LARPing.
It's your fault for using the word 'God' to refer to what you think of as a singular, supreme deity while expecting anyone who doesn't have access to your thoughts to know what you mean. Are you simply referring to the white race? Why did you mention Wotan, then? I just don't know what you mean by "God."
Wew lad, why not just explain which deity you're talking about? No book will do that, since you're making this shit up ITT.
That was my initial point, you retard.
You didn't give that impression earlier, faggot.
So this isn't a religion at all, it's just race-worship? I don't understand what you're talking about at all.
Your arguments aren't even wrong, they're nonsensical. That example was just supposed to point out that you don't understand how language works. Now that you've cleared up what you meant by 'cult' I don't even know what you're trying to say.

Plenty of reverence, sure but no divine demands for it or petulant action when it wasn't forthcoming. Their gods generally were not interested in day to day lives of mortals and only punished mortals who were hopeless disorderly


[citation needed]

Even better

No positive claim.

Reminds me of a specfic group of neckbeard atheists "unbaptizing" themselves.

So what? You expect me to just believe everything you say about dead religions? You did make a positive claim about Greek religion, it involved a lack of action on the part of Greek deities but it was still a positive claim. Do you have a source? That's all I'm looking for, man.


I see, and what do I LARP as, not a Christian or a Pagan, what exactly?

Then you are an atheist.

There is nothing beyond this, the concept of God puzzles you, therefor you are an atheist.


What more do you want?

uhm, my God in singular, he is outside the universe, he called this universe into being.

Weird, how you brought it up after several posts.

Oh, you are starting to insult me, good indication I am winning.

I gave that exact impression.

I never said it was merely a religion, it is of course much broader then a religion.

wow, calling my arguments nonsensical when you are talking about calling coffee a gun and then shooting with it!!!

Yeah, quick fact, it's outside your religious worldview.

Fucking atheist!!

You do not have sanity.

What's your new religion called? You're LARPing as if you're a prophet or something.
No I'm not lol
No, I don't know what deity you're talking about. I believe in God. I just don't know what you worship.
You said you're not a Jew or a Muslim. Now I'm not so sure you were telling the truth.
No, it's not. It's an indication that I'm getting tired of your stupidity.
…You really didn't get the point at all, did you? I'm not going to make it again, you can just reread the chain.

LMAO neck beards wwere the same back then as today. Apparently Julian the apostate tried this by baptizing himself in goat's blood.

What new religion? What the hell are you talking about.

You can't larp a race if your that race and if a religion is new, then you can't larp it, because larping is historical renactment.

You have no idea what God is, I would call that atheistical.

NO, you do not belief in God, you belief in some superstition that you think is God.

I see, believing in God is somehow Jewish or Islamic, gotcha.

He look, another insult, please tell me again that you don't understand waht God is and then when I describe God you can claim that it's somehow Jewish or Islamic!!

What point, you refuse to actually adress any arguments I make.

Unclear, I am not a Catholic, you don't understand, tip, read books!

I had one come into work yesterday. They really have some typical aura or appearance that just screams "m'lady". Generally chubby untermenschen.


No positive claim.>>6500678

How do you cite examples of Greek gods NOT punishing someone for NOT revering them? I can cite either Homer's entire works or… nothing.

Or maybe the conclusion to Jung's Answer to Job where he writes esentially the same thing.

Yeah your right, I am going to wait until he responds and just tell him the truth.

Everybody has an idea, but only a mere glimpse.

An idea, is not a glimpse, their not the same thing.

Never mind, this discussion is done, I am going to bed.

Women have an idea of what a man is, but they can only graze the surface if they want to understand us.

If I say the word "Jesus" does not appear in the US Constitution how am I supposed to prove it? Cutting into a post the entire document? It's ridiculous to even ask so easy it is merely to provide a counterexample.


Do we get free chicken tendies or not?

Religion demands good-boy points.

Homer's works don't show the gods not caring about what humans do. Odysseus is punished because he spurns the gods.

No it's not, it's live-action role playing.
I have no idea what deity you're referring to. Stop calling me an atheist, it's not a good line of attack.
I believe in the Supreme Being, the Divine Substance, the Trinity, i.e. God. I don't know what you believe in.
The idea of a god that is outside of and beyond Creation and responsible for Creation is pretty Abrahamic.
I'm waiting for you to make one. I've been asking you to describe your deity to me, and you just keep calling me an atheist when I've already told you that I'm a Roman Catholic.
Which books should I read? I know you're not a Catholic, I know you're not a Christian, I just don't know what deity you think you're worshiping.

You could go through the US Constitution and look for instances of the word "Jesus."

Twelve paths, one god.
So far we have:
That which is concerned with discipline of self and exclusion of 'harmful' thoughts and subatances from the community. These are the firebrands that put their lives on the line when the time to overturn comes.
That which is concerned with adherence to faith, regardless the faith's current degeneration. These are the embers from which bonfires are born again.
The jesters and the clowns, bards and troubadours. They dance about the flame, throw eggs in faces, and light fires in the hearts of the populace. They may seem a nuisance but they tell the tales, and without the tales we have nothing.
In peace they are trivial. In war they are a furnace. Rule of law or rule of iron rod, these are the enforcers of order, whatever it may be.

Any others?

Is that out of a video game manual?

It's a product of autism.

I know the Amish have rumspringa, but most self-isolating communities like this don't have a concept offree will in terms of community membership. You're either in, or shunned forever.

I'd say this suggests that the latter communities have less defections and are more stable.

Full of spics, whites are smartening up

..and not getting children because of their nihilism/atheism/consumerism?

Why the fuck did this get bumplocked

you bought the meme

One of the mods is a militant Christcuck probably "car smoking shitskin" if I had to guess who